#!/usr/bin/php $drupal_root, 'site_name' => $site_name, 'tmp_root' => $tmp_root, ); foreach ($vars as $name => $val) { if (empty($val)) { print "ERROR: \"\$$name\" variable not set, aborting\n"; $fatal_err = true; } } if (!empty($fatal_err)) { exit(1); } $script_name = $argv[0]; // Find what kind of packaging we need to do if (!empty($argv[1])) { $task = $argv[1]; } else { $task = 'tag'; } switch($task) { case 'tag': case 'branch': break; default: print "ERROR: $argv[0] invoked with invalid argument: \"$task\"\n"; exit (1); } $project_id = 0; if (!empty($argv[2])) { $project_id = $argv[2]; } // Setup variables for Drupal bootstrap $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $site_name; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/' . $script_name; $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'PHP CLI'; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = ''; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/' . $script_name; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/' . $script_name; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = $_SERVER['PWD'] . '/' . $script_name; $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; if (!chdir($drupal_root)) { print "ERROR: Can't chdir($drupal_root): aborting.\n"; exit(1); } // Force the right umask while this script runs, so that everything is created // with sane file permissions. umask(0022); require_once 'includes/bootstrap.inc'; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); // We have to initialize the theme() system before we leave $drupal_root $hack = theme('placeholder', 'hack'); // Load the include file for packager-related helper functions. module_load_include('inc', 'project_release', 'includes/packager'); initialize_tmp_dir($task); package_releases($task, $project_id); // Now that we're done, clean out the tmp/task dir we created chdir($tmp_root); drupal_exec("$rm -rf $tmp_dir"); if ($task == 'branch') { // Clear any cached data set to expire. cache_clear_all(NULL, 'cache_project_release'); } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Functions: main work // ------------------------------------------------------------ function package_releases($type, $project_id = 0) { global $drupal_root, $dest_root, $dest_rel, $tmp_dir, $wd_err_msg; global $php, $project_release_create_history; if (!empty($project_id)) { if (is_numeric($project_id)) { $project_nid = $project_id; } else { $project_nid = db_result(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {project_projects} WHERE uri = '%s'", $project_id)); } // We repeatedly clear the node_load() cache, but we have our own cache // for loading the project nodes since those tend to repeat and we need to // load less of them. $project_node = project_release_packager_node_load($project_nid); if (empty($project_node)) { wd_err('ERROR: Project ID %id not found', array('%id' => $project_id)); return FALSE; } } $rel_node_join = ''; $where_args = array(); if ($type == 'tag') { $where = " AND (prn.rebuild = %d) AND (f.filepath IS NULL OR f.filepath = '')"; $where_args[] = 0; // prn.rebuild $plural = t('tags'); } elseif ($type == 'branch') { $rel_node_join = " INNER JOIN {node} nr ON prn.nid = nr.nid"; $where = " AND (prn.rebuild = %d) AND ((f.filepath IS NULL) OR (f.filepath = '') OR (nr.status = %d))"; $where_args[] = 1; // prn.rebuild $where_args[] = 1; // nr.status $plural = t('branches'); if (empty($project_node)) { wd_msg("Starting to package all snapshot releases."); } else { wd_msg("Starting to package snapshot releases for project id: %project_short_name.", array('%project_short_name' => $project_node->project['uri']), l(t('view'), 'node/' . $project_node->nid)); } } else { wd_err("ERROR: package_releases() called with unknown type: %type", array('%type' => $type)); return FALSE; } $args = array(); $args[] = 1; // Account for np.status = 1. $args[] = 1; // Account for prp.releases = 1. if (!empty($project_node)) { $where .= ' AND prn.pid = %d'; $where_args[] = $project_node->nid; } $args = array_merge($args, $where_args); $query = db_query("SELECT prn.nid FROM {project_release_nodes} prn $rel_node_join LEFT JOIN {project_release_file} prf ON prn.nid = prf.nid LEFT JOIN {files} f ON prf.fid = f.fid INNER JOIN {project_projects} pp ON prn.pid = pp.nid INNER JOIN {node} np ON prn.pid = np.nid INNER JOIN {project_release_projects} prp ON prp.nid = prn.pid WHERE np.status = %d AND prp.releases = %d " . $where . ' ORDER BY pp.uri', $args); $num_built = 0; $num_considered = 0; $project_nids = array(); // Read everything out of the query immediately so that we don't leave the // query object/connection open while doing other queries. $releases = array(); while ($release = db_fetch_object($query)) { // This query could pull multiple rows of the same release since multiple // files per release node are allowed. Account for this by keying on // release nid. $releases[$release->nid] = $release->nid; } foreach ($releases as $release_nid) { $wd_err_msg = array(); // We don't want to waste too much RAM by leaving all these loaded nodes // in RAM, so we reset the node_load() cache each time we call it. $release_node = node_load($release_nid, NULL, TRUE); if (empty($release_node)) { wd_err("ERROR: Can't load release node for release ID %nid", array('%nid' => $release_nid)); continue; } $packager = project_release_get_packager_plugin($release_node, $dest_root, $dest_rel, $tmp_dir); if (empty($packager)) { wd_err("ERROR: Can't find packager plugin to use for %release", array('%release' => $release_node->title)); continue; } db_query("DELETE FROM {project_release_package_errors} WHERE nid = %d", $release_node->nid); chdir($drupal_root); $files = array(); $contents = array(); $rval = $packager->createPackage($files, $contents); $num_considered++; chdir($drupal_root); switch ($rval) { case 'success': case 'rebuild': project_release_packager_update_node($release_node, $dest_root, $files, $contents); $num_built++; $packager->cleanupSuccessfulBuild(); $release_pid = $release_node->project_release['pid']; $project_nids[$release_pid] = TRUE; $release_node_view_link = l(t('View'), 'node/' . $release_node->nid); if ($rval == 'rebuild') { $msg = '%release_title has changed, re-packaged.'; } else { $msg = 'Packaged %release_title.'; } wd_msg($msg, array('%release_title' => $release_node->title), $release_node_view_link); break; case 'error': $packager->cleanupFailedBuild(); break; } if (count($wd_err_msg)) { db_query("INSERT INTO {project_release_package_errors} (nid, messages) values (%d, '%s')", $release_node->nid, serialize($wd_err_msg)); } } if ($num_built || $type == 'branch') { if (!empty($project_node)) { wd_msg("Done packaging releases for @project_short_name from !plural: !num_built built, !num_considered considered.", array('@project_short_name' => $project_node->project['uri'], '!plural' => $plural, '!num_built' => $num_built, '!num_considered' => $num_considered)); } else { wd_msg("Done packaging releases from !plural: !num_built built, !num_considered considered.", array('!plural' => $plural, '!num_built' => $num_built, '!num_considered' => $num_considered)); } } // Finally, regenerate release history XML files for all projects we touched. if (!empty($project_nids) && !empty($project_release_create_history)) { wd_msg('Re-generating release history XML files'); $i = $fails = 0; foreach ($project_nids as $project_nid => $value) { if (drupal_exec("$php $project_release_create_history $project_nid")) { $i++; } else { $fails++; } } if (!empty($fails)) { wd_msg('ERROR: Failed to re-generate release history XML files for !num project(s)', array('!num' => $fails)); } wd_msg('Done re-generating release history XML files for !num project(s)', array('!num' => $i)); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Functions: utility methods // ------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Wrapper for exec() that logs errors to the watchdog. * @param $cmd * String of the command to execute (assumed to be safe, the caller is * responsible for calling escapeshellcmd() if necessary). * @return true if the command was successful (0 exit status), else false. */ function drupal_exec($cmd) { // Made sure we grab stderr, too... exec("$cmd 2>&1", $output, $rval); if ($rval) { wd_err("ERROR: %cmd failed with status !rval" . '
' . implode("\n", array_map('htmlspecialchars', $output)), array('%cmd' => $cmd, '!rval' => $rval));
    return false;
  return true;

 * Wrapper for chdir() that logs errors to the watchdog.
 * @param $dir Directory to change into.
 * @return true if the command was successful (0 exit status), else false.
function drupal_chdir($dir) {
  if (!chdir($dir)) {
    wd_err("ERROR: Can't chdir(@dir)", array('@dir' => $dir));
    return false;
  return true;

/// TODO: remove this before the final script goes live -- debugging only.
function wprint($var) {
  watchdog('package_debug', '
' . var_export($var, TRUE));

 * Wrapper function for watchdog() to log notice messages. Uses a
 * different watchdog message type depending on the task (branch vs. tag).
function wd_msg($msg, $variables = array(), $link = NULL) {
  global $task;
  watchdog('package_' . $task, $msg, $variables, WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link);
  echo t($msg, $variables) . "\n";

 * Wrapper function for watchdog() to log error messages.
function wd_err($msg, $variables = array(), $link = NULL) {
  global $wd_err_msg;
  if (!isset($wd_err_msg)) {
    $wd_err_msg = array();
  watchdog('package_error', $msg, $variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR, $link);
  echo t($msg, $variables) . "\n";
  $wd_err_msg[] = t($msg, $variables);

 * Initialize the tmp directory. Use different subdirs for building
 * snapshots than official tags, so there's no potential directory
 * collisions and race conditions if both are running at the same time
 * (due to how long it takes to complete a branch snapshot run, and
 * how often we run this for tag-based releases).
function initialize_tmp_dir($task) {
  global $tmp_dir, $tmp_root, $rm;

  if (!is_dir($tmp_root) && !@mkdir($tmp_root, 0777, TRUE)) {
    wd_err("ERROR: mkdir(@dir) (tmp_root) failed", array('@dir' => $tmp_root));

  // Use a tmp directory *specific* to this invocation, so that we don't
  // clobber other runs if the script is invoked twice (e.g. via cron and
  // manually, etc).
  $tmp_dir = $tmp_root . '/' . $task . '.' . getmypid();
  if (is_dir($tmp_dir)) {
    // Make sure we start with a clean slate
    drupal_exec("$rm -rf $tmp_dir/*");
  else if (!@mkdir($tmp_dir, 0777, TRUE)) {
    wd_err("ERROR: mkdir(@dir) failed", array('@dir' => $tmp_dir));