#!/usr/bin/php DRUPAL_ROOT, 'SITE_NAME' => SITE_NAME, ); $fatal_err = FALSE; foreach ($vars as $name => $val) { if (empty($val)) { print "ERROR: \"$name\" constant not defined, aborting\n"; $fatal_err = TRUE; } } if ($fatal_err) { exit(1); } $script_name = $argv[0]; // Setup variables for Drupal bootstrap $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = SITE_NAME; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/' . $script_name; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/' . $script_name; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/' . $script_name; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = $_SERVER['PWD'] .'/'. $script_name; $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; if (!chdir(DRUPAL_ROOT)) { print "ERROR: Can't chdir(DRUPAL_ROOT), aborting.\n"; exit(1); } // Make sure our umask is sane for generating directories and files. umask(022); require_once 'includes/bootstrap.inc'; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); define('BASE_DIRECTORY', DRUPAL_ROOT .'/'. file_create_path(variable_get('project_release_history_directory', 'release-history'))); if (!is_dir(BASE_DIRECTORY)) { wd_err(t("ERROR: History directory (%directory) does not exist, aborting.\n", array('%directory' => BASE_DIRECTORY))); exit(1); } /// @todo Add command-line args to only generate a given project/version. project_release_history_generate_all(); project_list_generate(); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Functions: main work // ------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Figure out what project and API terms to generate the history for. */ function project_release_history_generate_all() { $api_terms = project_release_compatibility_list(); wd_msg(t('Generating XML release history files for all projects.')); // Generate all.xml files for projects with releases. $query = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT(pid) FROM {project_release_nodes}"); $i = 0; while ($project = db_fetch_object($query)) { project_release_history_generate_project_xml($project->pid); $i++; } wd_msg(format_plural($i, 'Generated an XML release history summary for a project.', 'Generated XML release history summaries for @count projects.')); // Generate XML files based on API compatibility. $tids = array_keys($api_terms); $placeholders = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($tids), '%d')); $query = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT(prn.pid), tn.tid FROM {project_release_nodes} prn INNER JOIN {term_node} tn ON prn.nid = tn.nid WHERE tn.tid IN ($placeholders)", $tids); $i = 0; while ($project = db_fetch_object($query)) { project_release_history_generate_project_xml($project->pid, $project->tid); $i++; } wd_msg(t('Completed XML release history files for @num_projects.', array('@num_projects' => format_plural($i, '1 project/version pair', '@count project/version pairs')))); } /** * Generate the XML history file for a given project name and API * compatibility term. * * @todo If a history file already exists for this combination, this * function will generate a new history and atomically replace the old * one (currently, just logs to watchdog for debugging). * * @todo If there's no subdirectory in the directory tree for this * project yet, this function creates one. * * @param $project_nid * Project ID (node id of the project node) to generate history for. * @param $api_tid * Taxonomy id (tid) of the API compatibility term to use, or NULL if * all terms are considered. */ function project_release_history_generate_project_xml($project_nid, $api_tid = NULL) { $api_vid = _project_release_get_api_vid(); if (isset($api_tid)) { // Restrict output to a specific API compatibility term. $api_terms = project_release_compatibility_list(); if (!isset($api_terms[$api_tid])) { wd_err(t('API compatibility term %tid not found.', array('%tid' => $api_tid))); return FALSE; } $api_version = $api_terms[$api_tid]; // Get project-wide data: $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT n.title, n.nid, n.status, p.uri, u.name AS username FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {project_projects} p ON n.nid = p.nid INNER JOIN {project_release_supported_versions} prsv ON prsv.nid = n.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE prsv.tid = %d AND p.nid = %d"; $query = db_query($sql, $api_tid, $project_nid); } else { // Consider all API compatibility terms. $api_version = 'all'; $sql = "SELECT n.title, n.nid, n.status, p.uri, u.name AS username FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {project_projects} p ON n.nid = p.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE p.nid = %d"; $query = db_query($sql, $project_nid); } if (!db_num_rows($query)) { wd_err(t('Project ID %pid not found', array('%pid' => $project_nid))); return FALSE; } $project = db_fetch_object($query); $xml = ''. check_plain($project->title) ."\n"; $xml .= ''. check_plain($project->uri) ."\n"; $xml .= ''. check_plain($project->username) ."\n"; $xml .= ''. check_plain($api_version) ."\n"; if (!$project->status) { // If it's not published, we can skip the rest of this and bail. $xml .= "unpublished\n"; project_release_history_write_xml($xml, $project, $api_version); return; } $project_status = 'published'; if (isset($api_tid)) { // Include the info about supported and recommended major versions. $query = db_query("SELECT major, supported, recommended FROM {project_release_supported_versions} WHERE nid = %d AND tid = %d", $project_nid, $api_tid); $supported_majors = array(); while ($version_info = db_fetch_object($query)) { if ($version_info->supported) { $supported_majors[] = $version_info->major; } if ($version_info->recommended) { $recommended_major = $version_info->major; } } if (isset($recommended_major)) { $xml .= ''. $recommended_major ."\n"; } if (empty($supported_majors)) { $project_status = 'unsupported'; } else { $xml .= ''. implode(',', $supported_majors) ."\n"; // To avoid confusing existing clients, include , too. $xml .= ''. min($supported_majors) ."\n"; } } $xml .= ''. $project_status ."\n"; $xml .= ''. url("node/$project->nid", NULL, NULL, TRUE) ."\n"; // To prevent the update(_status) module from having problems parsing the XML, // the terms need to be at the end of the information for the project. $term_query = db_query("SELECT v.name AS vocab_name, v.vid, td.name AS term_name, td.tid FROM {term_node} tn INNER JOIN {term_data} td ON tn.tid = td.tid INNER JOIN {vocabulary} v ON td.vid = v.vid WHERE tn.nid = %d", $project->nid); $xml_terms = ''; while ($term = db_fetch_object($term_query)) { $xml_terms .= ' '. check_plain($term->vocab_name) .''; $xml_terms .= ''. check_plain($term->term_name) ."\n"; } if (!empty($xml_terms)) { $xml .= " \n". $xml_terms ." \n"; } // Now, build the query for all the releases for this project and term. $joins = array(); $where = array(); $parameters = array(); $fields = array( 'prn.nid', 'prn.file_path', 'prn.file_date', 'prn.file_hash', 'prn.rebuild', 'prn.version', 'prn.version_major', 'prn.version_minor', 'prn.version_patch', 'prn.version_extra', 'prn.tag', 'n.title', 'n.status', ); $joins[] = "INNER JOIN {project_release_nodes} prn ON n.nid = prn.nid"; $where[] = "prn.pid = '%d'"; $parameters[] = $project->nid; $joins[] = "INNER JOIN {term_node} tn ON tn.nid = prn.nid"; // Restrict releases to the specified API version. if (isset($api_tid)) { $where[] = 'tn.tid = %d'; $parameters[] = $api_tid; } else { // If we're building a list for all versions, then we also need to sort // our releases based on the API term's weight. Also, to prevent // duplicate release nodes and ensure we're just looking at the API term, // we need to add a WHERE clause for the API vocabulary id. $joins[] = "INNER JOIN {term_data} td ON tn.tid = td.tid"; $where[] = 'td.vid = '. _project_release_get_api_vid(); $fields[] = 'td.weight'; } $query = "SELECT ". implode(', ', $fields) ." FROM {node} n "; $query .= implode(' ', $joins); $query .= " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where); $result = db_query($query, $parameters); $releases = array(); while ($release = db_fetch_object($result)) { $releases[] = $release; } if (empty($releases)) { // Nothing more to include for this project, wrap up and return. project_release_history_write_xml($xml, $project, $api_version); return; } // Sort the releases based on our custom sorting function. usort($releases, "_release_sort"); $xml .= "\n"; foreach ($releases as $release) { $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= ' '. check_plain($release->title) ."\n"; $xml .= ' '. check_plain($release->version) ."\n"; if (!empty($release->tag) && $tag = check_plain($release->tag)) { $xml .= ' '. $tag ."\n"; } foreach (array('major', 'minor', 'patch', 'extra') as $type) { $vers_type = "version_$type"; if (isset($release->$vers_type)) { $xml .= " <$vers_type>". check_plain($release->$vers_type) ."\n"; } } if ($release->status) { // Published, so we should include the links. $xml .= " published\n"; $xml .= ' '. url("node/$release->nid", NULL, NULL, TRUE) ."\n"; if (!empty($release->file_path)) { $download_link = theme('project_release_download_link', $release->file_path, NULL, TRUE); $xml .= ' '. $download_link['href'] ."\n"; } } else { $xml .= " unpublished\n"; } // We want to include the rest of these regardless of the status. if (!empty($release->file_date)) { $xml .= ' '. check_plain($release->file_date) ."\n"; } if (!empty($release->file_hash)) { $xml .= ' '. check_plain($release->file_hash) ."\n"; } $term_query = db_query("SELECT v.name AS vocab_name, v.vid, td.name AS term_name, td.tid FROM {term_node} tn INNER JOIN {term_data} td ON tn.tid = td.tid INNER JOIN {vocabulary} v ON td.vid = v.vid WHERE tn.nid = %d AND v.vid != %d", $release->nid, $api_vid); $xml_terms = ''; while ($term = db_fetch_object($term_query)) { $xml_terms .= ' '. check_plain($term->vocab_name) .''; $xml_terms .= ''. check_plain($term->term_name) ."\n"; } if (!empty($xml_terms)) { $xml .= " \n". $xml_terms ." \n"; } $xml .= " \n"; } $xml .= "\n"; project_release_history_write_xml($xml, $project, $api_version); } /** * Write out the XML history for a given project and version to a file. * * @param $xml * String containing the XML representation of the history. * @param $project * An object containing (at least) the title and uri of project. * @param $api_version * The API compatibility version the history is for. */ function project_release_history_write_xml($xml, $project = NULL, $api_version = NULL) { // Dublin core namespace according to http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-namespace/ $dc_namespace = 'xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"'; if (!isset($project)) { // We are outputting a global project list. $project_dir = BASE_DIRECTORY .'/project-list'; $filename = $project_dir .'/project-list-all.xml'; $tmp_filename = $filename .'.new'; $errors = array( 'mkdir' => t("ERROR: mkdir(@dir) failed, can't write project list.", array('@dir' => $project_dir)), 'unlink' => t("ERROR: unlink(@file) failed, can't write project list.", array('@file' => $tmp_filename)), 'rename' => t("ERROR: rename(@old, @new) failed, can't write project list.", array('@old' => $tmp_filename, '@new' => $filename)) ); $full_xml = '\n". $xml ."\n"; } else { // Setup the filenames we'll be using. Normally, we'd have to be // extra careful with $project->uri to avoid malice here, however, // that's validated on the project edit form to prevent any funny // characters, so that much is safe. The rest of these paths are // just from the global variables at the top of this script, so we // can trust those. The only one we should be careful of is the // taxonomy term for the API compatibility. $safe_api_vers = strtr($api_version, '/', '_'); $project_dir = BASE_DIRECTORY .'/'. $project->uri; $project_id = $project->uri .'-'. $safe_api_vers .'.xml'; $filename = $project_dir .'/'. $project_id; $tmp_filename = $filename .'.new'; $errors = array( 'mkdir' => t("ERROR: mkdir(@dir) failed, can't write history for %project.", array('@dir' => $project_dir, '%project' => $project->title)), 'unlink' => t("ERROR: unlink(@file) failed, can't write history for %project.", array('@file' => $tmp_filename, '%project' => $project->title)), 'rename' => t("ERROR: rename(@old, @new) failed, can't write history for %project.", array('@old' => $tmp_filename, '@new' => $filename, '%project' => $project->title)) ); $full_xml = '\n". $xml ."\n"; } // Make sure we've got the right project-specific subdirectory. if (!is_dir($project_dir) && !mkdir($project_dir)) { wd_err($errors['mkdir']); return FALSE; } // Make sure the "[project]-[version].xml.new" file doesn't exist. if (is_file($tmp_filename) && !unlink($tmp_filename)) { wd_err($errors['unlink']); return FALSE; } // Write the XML history to "[project]-[version].xml.new". if (!$hist_fd = fopen($tmp_filename, 'xb')) { wd_err(t("ERROR: fopen(@file, 'xb') failed", array('@file' => $tmp_filename))); return FALSE; } if (!fwrite($hist_fd, $full_xml)) { wd_err(t("ERROR: fwrite(@file) failed", array('@file' => $tmp_filename)) . '
' . check_plain($full_xml));
    return FALSE;
  // We have to close this handle before we can rename().

  // Now we can atomically rename the .new into place in the "live" spot.
  if (!_rename($tmp_filename, $filename)) {
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Generate a list of all projects available on this server.
function project_list_generate() {
  $api_vid = _project_release_get_api_vid();
  $query = db_query("SELECT n.title, n.nid, n.status, p.uri, u.name AS username FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {project_projects} p ON n.nid = p.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid");
  if (!db_num_rows($query)) {
    wd_err(t('No projects found on this server.'));
    return FALSE;
  $xml = '';
  while ($project = db_fetch_object($query)) {
    $xml .= " \n";
    $xml .= '  '. check_plain($project->title) ."\n";
    $xml .= '  '. check_plain($project->uri) ."\n";
    $xml .= '  '. url("node/$project->nid", NULL, NULL, TRUE) ."\n";
    $xml .= '  '. check_plain($project->username). "\n";
    $term_query = db_query("SELECT v.name AS vocab_name, v.vid, td.name AS term_name, td.tid FROM {term_node} tn INNER JOIN {term_data} td ON tn.tid = td.tid INNER JOIN {vocabulary} v ON td.vid = v.vid WHERE tn.nid = %d", $project->nid);
    $xml_terms = '';
    while ($term = db_fetch_object($term_query)) {
      $xml_terms .= '   '. check_plain($term->vocab_name) .'';
      $xml_terms .= ''. check_plain($term->term_name) ."\n";
    if (!empty($xml_terms)) {
      $xml .= "  \n". $xml_terms ."  \n";
    if (!$project->status) {
      // If it's not published, we can skip the rest for this project.
      $xml .= "  unpublished\n";
    else {
      $xml .= "  published\n";
      // Include a list of API terms if available.
      $term_query = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT(td.tid), td.name AS term_name FROM {project_release_nodes} prn INNER JOIN {term_node} tn ON prn.nid = tn.nid INNER JOIN {term_data} td ON tn.tid = td.tid WHERE prn.pid = %d AND td.vid = %d ORDER BY td.weight ASC", $project->nid, $api_vid);
      $xml_api_terms = '';
      while ($api_term = db_fetch_object($term_query)) {
        $xml_api_terms .= '   '. check_plain($api_term->term_name) ."\n";
      if (!empty($xml_api_terms)) {
        $xml .= "  \n". $xml_api_terms ."  \n";
    $xml .= " \n";

// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions: utility methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------

 * Wrapper function for watchdog() to log notice messages.
function wd_msg($msg, $link = NULL) {
  watchdog('release_history', $msg, WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link);

 * Wrapper function for watchdog() to log error messages.
function wd_err($msg, $link = NULL) {
  watchdog('release_hist_err', $msg, WATCHDOG_ERROR, $link);

 * Rename on Windows isn't atomic like it is on *nix systems.
 * See http://www.php.net/rename about this bug.
function _rename($oldfile, $newfile) {
  if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
    if (copy($oldfile, $newfile)) {
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
  else {
    return rename($oldfile, $newfile);

 * Sorting function to ensure releases are in the right order in the XML file.
 * Loop over the fields in the release node we care about, and the first field
 * that differs between the two releases determines the order.
 * We first check the 'weight' (of the API version term) for when we're
 * building a single list of all versions, not a per-API version listing. In
 * this case, lower numbers should float to the top.
 * We also need to special-case the 'rebuild' field, which is how we know if
 * it's a dev snapshot or official release. Rebuild == 1 should always come
 * last within a given major version, since that's how update_status expects
 * the ordering to ensure that we never recommend a -dev release if there's an
 * official release available. So, like weight, the lower number for 'rebuild'
 * should float to the top.
 * For every other field, we want the bigger numbers come first.
 * @see project_release_history_generate_project_xml()
 * @see usort()
function _release_sort($a, $b) {
  // This array maps fields in the release node to the sort order, where -1
  // means to sort like Drupal weights, and +1 means the bigger numbers are
  // higher in the listing.
  $fields = array(
    'weight' => -1,
    'version_major' => 1,
    'rebuild' => -1,
    'version_minor' => 1,
    'version_patch' => 1,
    'file_date' => 1,
  foreach ($fields as $field => $sign) {
    if (!isset($a->$field) && !isset($b->$field)) {
    if ($a->$field == $b->$field) {
    return ($a->$field < $b->$field) ? $sign : (-1 * $sign);