// Container for just the actions, used for AHAH.
$form['block_actions'] = array(
'#tree' => TRUE,
'#prefix' => '
'#suffix' => '
'#theme' => 'pm_block_user_actions',
// Should we populate the form with data from $form_state or the database?
if (!isset($form_state['pm_block_user']['block_actions'])) {
$block_actions = variable_get('pm_block_user_actions', array());
else {
$block_actions = $form_state['pm_block_user']['block_actions'];
// Work through each rule, adding it as a new element in
// $form['block_actions'] ready to be themed later.
foreach ($block_actions as $delta => $details) {
$details['delta'] = $delta;
$form['block_actions'][$delta] = _pm_block_user_actions_form($details);
// The magic AHAH callback button that adds more rows.
$form['pm_block_actions_more'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('More'),
'#weight' => 1,
'#prefix' => '
'#suffix' => '
'#submit' => array('pm_block_user_more_submit'),
'#ahah' => array(
'path' => 'messages/block/js',
'wrapper' => 'block-actions',
'method' => 'replace',
'effect' => 'fade',
$form['submit_form'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#weight' => 10,
'#value' => t('Save configuration'),
return $form;
* Builds row of sending, receiving roles and actions that go with them.
* @param $details
* Details of the row: default values and the unique row number (delta).
* @param $blacklist
* When the functionality has been added, this will allow building actions
* based on a whitelist or blacklist. The current code only covers the use
* case of a blacklist, where blocking everyone is allowed by default and
* rules are exceptions to that. Conversely, a whitelist will disallow
* blocking by default and rules will configure roles that are allowed to
* block.
* @return
* Part of a form with controls for sending, receiving and actions.
function _pm_block_user_actions_form($details, $blacklist = TRUE) {
$form = array(
'#tree' => TRUE,
$delta = $details['delta'];
// FALSE by default, or if the user has checked the 'Enabled' check box for
// this row.
$row_disabled = (isset($details['enabled']) ? !$details['enabled'] : FALSE);
$form['author'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => user_roles(TRUE),
'#default_value' => (isset($details['author']) ? $details['author'] : DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID),
'#disabled' => $row_disabled,
$form['recipient'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => user_roles(TRUE),
'#default_value' => (isset($details['recipient']) ? $details['recipient'] : DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID),
'#disabled' => $row_disabled,
// Provide different action radios if we're using a whitelist or a blacklist.
if ($blacklist) {
$options = array(
PM_BLOCK_USER_DISALLOW_BLOCKING => t('Disallow blocking author'),
PM_BLOCK_USER_DISALLOW_SENDING => t('Disallow sending message'),
$default_value = (isset($details['action']) ? $details['action'] : PM_BLOCK_USER_DISALLOW_BLOCKING);
else {
// @todo: add whitelist options/default_value here.
$form['action'] = array(
'#type' => 'radios',
'#options' => $options,
'#disabled' => $row_disabled,
'#default_value' => $default_value,
$form['enabled'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#default_value' => (isset($details['enabled']) ? $details['enabled'] : TRUE),
$form['remove'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#submit' => array('pm_block_user_remove_submit'),
'#value' => t('Remove'),
'#attributes' => array('class' => 'remove-action'),
'#prefix' => '
'#suffix' => '
'#ahah' => array(
'path' => 'messages/block/js',
'wrapper' => 'block-actions',
'method' => 'replace',
'effect' => 'fade',
return $form;
* Submit handler for 'More' button, adds a new action.
* @see pm_block_user_remove_submit()
function pm_block_user_more_submit($form, &$form_state) {
form_execute_handlers('submit', $form, $form_state);
// Get the submitted actions, then put them into a special area of
// the $form_state.
$submitted_values = $form_state['values'];
// Add an empty action.
$submitted_values['block_actions'][] = array();
$form_state['pm_block_user'] = $submitted_values;
// Rebuild the form by passing our $form_state through the
// pm_block_user_settings() builder function.
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
* Submit handler for 'Remove' button, removes an action.
* @see pm_block_user_more_submit()
function pm_block_user_remove_submit($form, &$form_state) {
form_execute_handlers('submit', $form, $form_state);
$submitted_values = $form_state['values'];
// Remove the requested action.
$delta = $form_state['clicked_button']['#parents'][1];
$form_state['pm_block_user'] = $submitted_values;
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
* Submit handler for admin form.
function pm_block_user_settings_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// We don't want it to submit when we're adding/removing actions.
if ($form_state['clicked_button']['#id'] == 'edit-submit-form') {
// If the form's 'block_actions' aren't set, the user has deleted all the
// rows in the table, so we save an empty array to stop errors in the form
// builder.
if (isset($form_state['values']['block_actions'])) {
variable_set('pm_block_user_actions', _pm_block_user_settings_filter($form_state['values']['block_actions']));
else {
variable_set('pm_block_user_actions', array());
drupal_set_message(t('The configuration options have been saved.'));
* Takes an array of settings and filters out anything that's un-needed.
* Leaving only settings to be saved.
* @param $settings
* The array of settings to filter.
* @return
* Array of settings, ready to be stored in the database.
* @see pm_block_user_settings_submit()
function _pm_block_user_settings_filter($settings) {
// Add-in the names of any settings to be saved into the array below.
$save_keys = array('author', 'recipient', 'action', 'enabled');
$matching = array();
// Run through each of the keys we want to save, creating a new array.
// It's not possible to simply check for unwanted values and unset() them as
// the array is multi-dimensional.
foreach ($save_keys as $save_key) {
if (isset($settings[$save_key])) {
$matching[$save_key] = $settings[$save_key];
if (count($matching) > 0) {
return $matching;
else {
return array_map('_pm_block_user_settings_filter', $settings);
* Menu callback for AHAH handling.
function pm_block_user_js() {
// See: for the philosophy of Drupal AHAH.
$form_state = array('storage' => NULL, 'submitted' => FALSE);
$form_build_id = $_POST['form_build_id'];
$form = form_get_cache($form_build_id, $form_state);
$args = $form['#parameters'];
$form_id = array_shift($args);
$form['#post'] = $_POST;
$form['#redirect'] = FALSE;
$form['#programmed'] = FALSE;
$form_state['post'] = $_POST;
drupal_process_form($form_id, $form, $form_state);
$form = drupal_rebuild_form($form_id, $form_state, $args, $form_build_id);
$output_form = $form['block_actions'];
unset($output_form['#prefix'], $output_form['#suffix']); // Prevent duplicate wrappers.
$output = theme('status_messages') . drupal_render($output_form);
// Hack to make behaviours attach to new HTML controls (delete buttons in
// this case).
$javascript = drupal_add_js(NULL, NULL, 'header');
drupal_json(array('status' => TRUE, 'data' => $output));
* Theme the user actions form.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_pm_block_user_actions($form) {
$rows = array();
$headers = array(
t('If the author has the role'),
t('And the recipient has the role'),
$form_data = element_children($form);
foreach ($form_data as $key) {
// Build the table row.
$row = array(
'data' => array(
array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['author'])),
array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['recipient'])),
array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['action'])),
array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['enabled'])),
array('data' => drupal_render($form[$key]['remove'])),
// Add additional attributes to the row, such as a class for this row.
if (isset($form[$key]['#attributes'])) {
$row = array_merge($row, $form[$key]['#attributes']);
$rows[] = $row;
// If there are no rows, output some instructions for the user.
if (empty($form_data)) {
$rows[] = array(
'data' => t("No rules have been added. All users may block private messages from each other. To limit which users may be blocked, click 'Add new rule'."),
'colspan' => '5',
$output = theme('table', $headers, $rows);
$output .= drupal_render($form);
return $output;