]*?)>!is'; $print['content'] = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $print['content']); $print['logo'] = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $print['logo']); $print['footer_message'] = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $print['footer_message']); // Send to printer option causes problems with PDF $print['sendtoprinter'] = ''; $node = $print['node']; ob_start(); include_once(_print_get_template(PRINT_PDF_FORMAT, $print['type'])); $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $html = drupal_final_markup($html); // Convert the a href elements, to make sure no relative links remain $pattern = '!<(a\s[^>]*?)>!is'; $html = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_print_rewrite_urls', $html); // And make anchor links relative again, to permit in-PDF navigation $html = preg_replace("!${base_url}/". PRINTPDF_PATH ."/.*?%2523!", '#', $html); $pdf_filename = variable_get('print_pdf_filename', PRINT_PDF_FILENAME_DEFAULT); if (function_exists('token_replace') && !empty($pdf_filename)) { $pdf_filename = token_replace($pdf_filename, 'node', $node) .'.pdf'; } else { $pdf_filename = str_replace('/', '_', $path) .'.pdf'; } if (function_exists('transliteration_clean_filename')) { $pdf_filename = transliteration_clean_filename($pdf_filename); } if (basename($print_pdf_pdf_tool) == 'dompdf_config.inc.php') { _print_pdf_dompdf($print, $html, $pdf_filename); } elseif (basename($print_pdf_pdf_tool) == 'tcpdf.php') { _print_pdf_tcpdf($print, $html, $pdf_filename); } elseif (substr(basename($print_pdf_pdf_tool, '.exe'), 0, 11) == 'wkhtmltopdf') { _print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf($print, $html, $pdf_filename); } else { return drupal_not_found(); } $nodepath = (isset($node->path)) ? drupal_get_normal_path($node->path) : 'node/'. $path; db_query("UPDATE {print_pdf_page_counter} SET totalcount = totalcount + 1, timestamp = %d WHERE path = '%s'", time(), $nodepath); // If we affected 0 rows, this is the first time viewing the node. if (!db_affected_rows()) { // We must create a new row to store counters for the new node. db_query("INSERT INTO {print_pdf_page_counter} (path, totalcount, timestamp) VALUES ('%s', 1, %d)", $nodepath, time()); } } /** * Convert image paths to the file:// protocol * * In some Drupal setups, the use of the 'private' filesystem or Apache's * configuration prevent access to the images of the page. This function * tries to circumnvent those problems by accessing files in the local * filesystem. * * @param $html * contents of the post-processed template already with the node data * @see print_pdf_controller() */ function _print_pdf_file_access_images($html) { global $base_url; // And converted from private to public paths $file_downloads = variable_get('file_downloads', FILE_DOWNLOADS_PUBLIC); if ($file_downloads == FILE_DOWNLOADS_PRIVATE) { $pattern = "!(]*?src\s*?=\s*?['\"]?)${base_url}/(?:(?:index.php)?\?q=)?system/files/([^>]*?>)!is"; $replacement = '$1file://'. realpath(file_directory_path()) .'/$2'; $html = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $html); } $pattern = "!(]*?src\s*?=\s*?['\"]?)${base_url}/(?:(?:index.php)?\?q=)?([^>]*?>)!is"; $replacement = '$1file://'. dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) .'/$2'; $html = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $html); return $html; } /** * Generate the PDF file using the dompdf library * * @param $print * array containing the configured data * @param $html * contents of the post-processed template already with the node data * @param $filename * name of the PDF file to be generated * @see print_pdf_controller() */ function _print_pdf_dompdf($print, $html, $filename) { $print_pdf_pdf_tool = variable_get('print_pdf_pdf_tool', PRINT_PDF_PDF_TOOL_DEFAULT); $print_pdf_paper_size = variable_get('print_pdf_paper_size', PRINT_PDF_PAPER_SIZE_DEFAULT); $print_pdf_page_orientation = variable_get('print_pdf_page_orientation', PRINT_PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT); $print_pdf_content_disposition = variable_get('print_pdf_content_disposition', PRINT_PDF_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT); if (variable_get('print_pdf_autoconfig', PRINT_PDF_AUTOCONFIG_DEFAULT)) { define("DOMPDF_ENABLE_PHP", FALSE); define("DOMPDF_ENABLE_REMOTE", TRUE); define("DOMPDF_TEMP_DIR", file_directory_temp()); define("DOMPDF_UNICODE_ENABLED", variable_get('print_pdf_dompdf_unicode', PRINT_PDF_DOMPDF_UNICODE_DEFAULT)); } require_once($print_pdf_pdf_tool); if (function_exists('spl_autoload_register')) { spl_autoload_register('DOMPDF_autoload'); } // Try to use local file access for image files $html = _print_pdf_file_access_images($html); // dompdf seems to have problems with something in system.css so let's not use it $html = preg_replace('!!', '', $html); $url_array = parse_url($print['url']); $protocol = $url_array['scheme'] .'://'; $host = $url_array['host']; $path = dirname($url_array['path']) .'/'; $dompdf = new DOMPDF(); $dompdf->set_base_path($path); $dompdf->set_host($host); $dompdf->set_paper(drupal_strtolower($print_pdf_paper_size), $print_pdf_page_orientation); $dompdf->set_protocol($protocol); // dompdf can't handle footers cleanly, so disable the following // $html = theme('print_pdf_dompdf_footer', $html); // If dompdf Unicode support is disabled, try to convert to ISO-8859-1 and then to HTML entities if (!variable_get('print_pdf_dompdf_unicode', PRINT_PDF_DOMPDF_UNICODE_DEFAULT)) { // Convert the euro sign to an HTML entity $html = str_replace('€', '€', $html); // Convert from UTF-8 to ISO 8859-1 and then to HTML entities if (function_exists('utf8_decode')) { $html = utf8_decode($html); } // iconv fails silently when it encounters something that it doesn't know, so don't use it // else if (function_exists('iconv')) { // $html = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', $html); // } elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8'); } elseif (function_exists('recode_string')) { $html = recode_string('UTF-8..ISO_8859-1', $html); } $html = htmlspecialchars_decode(htmlentities($html, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1'), ENT_NOQUOTES); } //must get rid of tbody (dompdf goes into recursion) $html = preg_replace('!]*?>|!i', '', $html); $dompdf->load_html($html); $dompdf->render(); $dompdf->stream($filename, array('Attachment' => ($print_pdf_content_disposition == 2))); } /** * Generate the PDF file using the TCPDF library * * @param $print * array containing the configured data * @param $html * contents of the post-processed template already with the node data * @param $filename * name of the PDF file to be generated * @see print_pdf_controller() */ function _print_pdf_tcpdf($print, $html, $filename) { global $base_url; $print_pdf_pdf_tool = variable_get('print_pdf_pdf_tool', PRINT_PDF_PDF_TOOL_DEFAULT); $print_pdf_paper_size = variable_get('print_pdf_paper_size', PRINT_PDF_PAPER_SIZE_DEFAULT); $print_pdf_page_orientation = variable_get('print_pdf_page_orientation', PRINT_PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT); $print_pdf_content_disposition = variable_get('print_pdf_content_disposition', PRINT_PDF_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT); $pdf_tool_path = realpath(dirname($print_pdf_pdf_tool)); if (variable_get('print_pdf_autoconfig', PRINT_PDF_AUTOCONFIG_DEFAULT)) { define('K_TCPDF_EXTERNAL_CONFIG', TRUE); define('K_PATH_MAIN', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); define('K_PATH_URL', $base_url); define('K_PATH_FONTS', $pdf_tool_path .'/fonts/'); define('K_PATH_CACHE', $pdf_tool_path .'/cache/'); define('K_PATH_IMAGES', ''); define('K_BLANK_IMAGE', $pdf_tool_path .'/images/_blank.png'); define('K_CELL_HEIGHT_RATIO', 1.25); define('K_SMALL_RATIO', 2/3); } // Try to use local file access for image files $html = _print_pdf_file_access_images($html); // Decode HTML entities in image filenames $pattern = "!]*?src\s*?=\s*?['\"]?{$base_url}[^>]*?>!is"; $html = preg_replace_callback($pattern, create_function('$matches', 'return html_entity_decode($matches[0], ENT_QUOTES);'), $html); // Remove queries from the image URL $pattern = "!(]*?src\s*?=\s*?['\"]?{$base_url}[^>]*?)(?:%3F|\?)[\w=&]+([^>]*?>)!is"; $html = preg_replace($pattern, '$1$2', $html); require_once($print_pdf_pdf_tool); if (strpos(PDF_PRODUCER, 'PHP4') === FALSE) { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'print_pdf') .'/print_pdf.class.inc'); } else { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'print_pdf') .'/print_pdf.class_php4.inc'); } $font = Array( check_plain(variable_get('print_pdf_font_family', PRINT_PDF_FONT_FAMILY_DEFAULT)), '', check_plain(variable_get('print_pdf_font_size', PRINT_PDF_FONT_SIZE_DEFAULT)), ); $orientation = drupal_strtoupper($print_pdf_page_orientation[0]); // create new PDF document $pdf = new PrintTCPDF($orientation , 'mm', $print_pdf_paper_size, TRUE); // set document information $pdf->SetAuthor(strip_tags($print['submitted'])); $pdf->SetCreator(variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal')); $pdf->SetTitle(html_entity_decode($print['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $keys = implode(' ', explode("\n", trim(strip_tags($print['taxonomy'])))); $pdf->SetKeywords($keys); $pdf->setPDFVersion('1.6'); $pdf = theme('print_pdf_tcpdf_header', $pdf, $html, $font); $pdf = theme('print_pdf_tcpdf_footer', $pdf, $html, $font); $pdf = theme('print_pdf_tcpdf_page', $pdf); //initialize document $pdf->AliasNbPages(); // add a page $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf = theme('print_pdf_tcpdf_content', $pdf, $html, $font); // reset pointer to the last page $pdf->lastPage(); // try to recover from any warning/error ob_clean(); //Close and output PDF document $output_dest = ($print_pdf_content_disposition == 2) ? 'D' : 'I'; $pdf->Output($filename, $output_dest); } /** * Generate the PDF file using wkhtmltopdf * * @param $print * array containing the configured data * @param $html * contents of the post-processed template already with the node data * @param $filename * name of the PDF file to be generated * @see print_pdf_controller() */ function _print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf($print, $html, $filename) { $print_pdf_pdf_tool = variable_get('print_pdf_pdf_tool', PRINT_PDF_PDF_TOOL_DEFAULT); $print_pdf_paper_size = variable_get('print_pdf_paper_size', PRINT_PDF_PAPER_SIZE_DEFAULT); $print_pdf_page_orientation = variable_get('print_pdf_page_orientation', PRINT_PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT); $print_pdf_content_disposition = variable_get('print_pdf_content_disposition', PRINT_PDF_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT); $print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_options = variable_get('print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_options', PRINT_PDF_WKHTMLTOPDF_OPTIONS); $dpi = 96; if (function_exists('token_replace') && !empty($print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_options)) { $print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_options = token_replace($print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_options, 'node', $print['node']); } $version = _print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_version(); // 0.10.0 beta2 identifies itself as 0.9.9 if (version_compare($version, '0.9.9', '>=')) { $print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_options = '--disable-local-file-access '. $print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_options; } elseif (version_compare($version, '0.9.6', '>=')) { $print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_options = '--disallow-local-file-access '. $print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_options; } else { drupal_goto($print['url']); exit; } $descriptor = array(0 => array('pipe', 'r'), 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')); $cmd = realpath($print_pdf_pdf_tool) ." --page-size $print_pdf_paper_size --orientation $print_pdf_page_orientation --dpi $dpi $print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf_options - -"; $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptor, $pipes, NULL, NULL); if (is_resource($process)) { fwrite($pipes[0], $html); fclose($pipes[0]); $pdf = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[1]); stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0); $error = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); if (!empty($error)) { watchdog('print_pdf', 'wkhtmltopdf: '. $error); } fclose($pipes[2]); $retval = proc_terminate($process); } if (!empty($pdf)) { if (headers_sent()) { die("Unable to stream pdf: headers already sent"); } header("Cache-Control: private"); header("Content-Type: application/pdf"); $attachment = ($print_pdf_content_disposition == 2) ? "attachment" : "inline"; header("Content-Disposition: $attachment; filename=\"$filename\""); echo $pdf; flush(); } else { drupal_goto($print['url']); exit; } } /** * Format the dompdf footer contents * * @param $html * contents of the body of the HTML from the original node * @see theme_print_pdf_tcpdf_footer() */ function theme_print_pdf_dompdf_footer($html) { preg_match('!!si', $html, $tpl_footer); $html = str_replace($tpl_footer[0], '', $html); $text = ''; return str_replace("", "" . $text, $html); } /** * Format the TCPDF header * * @param $pdf * current TCPDF object * @param $html * contents of the body of the HTML from the original node * @param $font * array with the font definition (font name, styles and size) * @see theme_print_pdf_tcpdf_header() */ function theme_print_pdf_tcpdf_header($pdf, $html, $font) { preg_match('!!si', $html, $tpl_logo); preg_match('!


!si', $html, $tpl_title); preg_match('!!si', $html, $tpl_site_name); $ratio = 0; $logo = ''; $logo_ret = preg_match('!src\s*=\s*(\'.*?\'|".*?"|[^\s]*)!i', $tpl_logo[1], $matches); if ($logo_ret) { $logo = trim($matches[1], '\'"'); $size = getimagesize($logo); $ratio = $size ? ($size[0] / $size[1]) : 0; } // set header font $pdf->setHeaderFont($font); // set header margin $pdf->SetHeaderMargin(5); // set header data $pdf->SetHeaderData($logo, 10 * $ratio, html_entity_decode($tpl_title[1], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), strip_tags($tpl_site_name[1])); return $pdf; } /** * Format the TCPDF page settings (margins, etc) * * @param $pdf * current TCPDF object * @see theme_print_pdf_tcpdf_page() */ function theme_print_pdf_tcpdf_page($pdf) { // set margins $pdf->SetMargins(15, 20, 15); // set auto page breaks $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, 15); // set image scale factor sscanf(PDF_PRODUCER, "TCPDF %d.%d.%d", $major, $minor, $build); $imagescale = (($major >= 4) && ($minor >= 6) && ($build >= 2)) ? 1 : 4; $pdf->setImageScale($imagescale); // set image compression quality $pdf->setJPEGQuality(100); return $pdf; } /** * Format the TCPDF page content * * @param $pdf * current TCPDF object * @param $html * contents of the body of the HTML from the original node * @param $font * array with the font definition (font name, styles and size) * @see theme_print_pdf_tcpdf_content() */ function theme_print_pdf_tcpdf_content($pdf, $html, $font) { // set content font $pdf->setFont($font[0], $font[1], $font[2]); preg_match('!(.*)!sim', $html, $matches); $pattern = '!(?:|)!si'; $matches[1] = preg_replace($pattern, '', $matches[1]); // Make CCK fields look better $matches[1] = preg_replace('!(
)\s*!sm', '$1', $matches[1]); $matches[1] = preg_replace('!(.*?)!si', $html, $tpl_footer); $footer = trim(preg_replace('!]*?>!i', '', $tpl_footer[1])); // set footer font $font[2] *= 0.8; $pdf->setFooterFont($font); // set footer margin $pdf->SetFooterMargin(10); // set footer data $pdf->SetFooterData($footer); return $pdf; } /** * Format the TCPDF footer layout * * @param $pdf * current TCPDF object * @see theme_print_pdf_tcpdf_footer2() */ function theme_print_pdf_tcpdf_footer2($pdf) { //Position at 1.5 cm from bottom $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 15, 15, -10, $pdf->footer, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, ''); $ormargins = $pdf->getOriginalMargins(); $pagenumtxt = t('Page !n of !total', array('!n' => $pdf->PageNo(), '!total' => $pdf->getAliasNbPages())); //Print page number if ($pdf->getRTL()) { $pdf->SetX($ormargins['right']); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, $pagenumtxt, 'T', 0, 'L'); } else { $pdf->SetX($ormargins['left']); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, $pagenumtxt, 'T', 0, 'R'); } return $pdf; }