'admin/settings/print/email', 'title' => t('e-mail'), 'callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'callback arguments' => array('print_mail_settings'), 'access' => user_access('administer print'), 'weight' => 2, 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); $items[] = array( 'path' => 'admin/settings/print/email/options', 'title' => t('Options'), 'weight' => 1, 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, ); $items[] = array( 'path' => 'admin/settings/print/email/strings', 'title' => t('Text strings'), 'callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'callback arguments' => array('print_mail_strings_settings'), 'access' => user_access('administer print'), 'weight' => 2, 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); } else { $items[] = array( 'path' => PRINTMAIL_PATH, 'title' => t('Send page by e-mail'), 'callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'callback arguments' => array('print_mail_form'), 'access' => _print_mail_access('access send to friend'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); } return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_requirements(). */ function print_mail_requirements($phase) { $requirements = array(); $t = get_t(); switch ($phase) { case 'runtime': // If the input format used by mimemail includes the HTML filter or the line break converter filter, then warn the administrator of the incompatibility // in case that module's Use mime mail for all messages is set and the used input format would modify the sent e-mail if (module_exists('mimemail') && variable_get('mimemail_alter', 0)) { $format = variable_get('mimemail_format', FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULT); $format = filter_resolve_format($format); $filters = filter_list_format($format); if (array_key_exists('filter/0', $filters) || array_key_exists('filter/2', $filters)) { $requirements['print_mail_mimemail'] = array( 'title' => $t('Send by e-mail'), 'value' => l($t('Mime Mail configuration'), 'admin/settings/mimemail'), 'description' => $t("The current configuration of the Mime Mail module creates problems with the 'Send to Friend' function. Either disable Mime Mail's Use mime mail for all messages or disable the HTML filter and Line break converter filters in the input format used by that module (when the format is not selectable in that module's settings form, the default format is used)."), 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_WARNING, ); } } break; } return $requirements; } /** * Implementation of hook_block(). */ function print_mail_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) { switch ($op) { case 'list': $block[0]['info'] = t('Most emailed'); return $block; break; case 'configure': return ''; case 'save': return; case 'view': switch ($delta) { case 0: $block['subject'] = t('Most emailed'); $result = db_query_range("SELECT path FROM {print_mail_page_counter} ORDER BY sentcount DESC", 0, 3); if (db_affected_rows()) { $block['content'] = '
'. t('Send by e-mail') .'
', ); $form['print']['print_mail_display'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show link'), ); $form['print']['print_mail_display_comment'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show link in individual comments'), ); $form['print']['print_mail_display_urllist'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show Printer-friendly URLs list'), ); if ($form_id == 'node_type_form') { $form['print']['print_mail_display']['#default_value'] = variable_get('print_mail_display_'. $form['#node_type']->type, PRINT_TYPE_SHOW_LINK_DEFAULT); $form['print']['print_mail_display_comment']['#default_value'] = variable_get('print_mail_display_comment_'. $form['#node_type']->type, PRINT_TYPE_COMMENT_LINK_DEFAULT); $form['print']['print_mail_display_urllist']['#default_value'] = variable_get('print_mail_display_urllist_'. $form['#node_type']->type, PRINT_TYPE_URLLIST_DEFAULT); } else { $node = $form['#node']; $form['print']['print_mail_display']['#default_value'] = isset($node->print_mail_display) ? $node->print_mail_display : variable_get('print_mail_display_'. $node->type, PRINT_TYPE_SHOW_LINK_DEFAULT); $form['print']['print_mail_display_comment']['#default_value'] = isset($node->print_mail_display_comment) ? $node->print_mail_display_comment : variable_get('print_mail_display_comment_'. $node->type, PRINT_TYPE_COMMENT_LINK_DEFAULT); $form['print']['print_mail_display_urllist']['#default_value'] = isset($node->print_mail_display_urllist) ? $node->print_mail_display_urllist : variable_get('print_mail_display_urllist_'. $node->type, PRINT_TYPE_URLLIST_DEFAULT); } } } /** * Implementation of hook_job_queue_functions(). */ function print_mail_job_queue_functions() { $functions['print_mail'] = array( 'title' => t('Send to friend'), ); return $functions; } /** * Access callback to check a combination of user_acess() and page access * * @param $permission * permission required to view the page * @return * TRUE if the user has permission to view the page, FALSE otherwise */ function _print_mail_access($permission) { $page_access = TRUE; $parts = explode('/', $_GET['q']); if (($parts[0] == PRINTMAIL_PATH) && (count($parts) > 1)) { unset($parts[0]); $path = implode('/', $parts); if (is_numeric($parts[1])) { $path = 'node/'. $path; } else { $path = drupal_get_normal_path($path); } if (preg_match('!^node/(\d+)$!', $path, $matches) == 1) { $page_access = node_access('view', node_load($matches[1])); } elseif (preg_match('!^book/export/html/(\d+)$!', $path, $matches) == 1) { $page_access = user_access('see printer-friendly version') && node_access('view', node_load($matches[1])); } else { if (!($router_item = menu_get_item(NULL, $path)) || (!$router_item['access'])) { $page_access = FALSE; } } } return (user_access($permission) && $page_access); } /** * Auxiliary function to assign the per-node settings to the node object fields * * @param $node * node to be modified */ function _print_mail_set_node_fields(&$node) { if (isset($node->nid)) { $res = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT link, comments, url_list FROM {print_mail_node_conf} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid)); } else { $res = FALSE; } $node->print_mail_display = $res ? intval($res->link) : variable_get('print_mail_display_'. $node->type, PRINT_TYPE_SHOW_LINK_DEFAULT); $node->print_mail_display_comment = $res ? intval($res->comments) : variable_get('print_mail_display_comment_'. $node->type, PRINT_TYPE_COMMENT_LINK_DEFAULT); $node->print_mail_display_urllist = $res ? intval($res->url_list) : variable_get('print_mail_display_urllist_'. $node->type, PRINT_TYPE_URLLIST_DEFAULT); } /** * Update the print_mail_node_conf table to reflect the given attributes * If updating to the default values, delete the record. * * @param $nid * value of the nid field (primary key) * @param $link * value of the link field (0 or 1) * @param $comments * value of the comments field (0 or 1) * @param $url_list * value of the url_list field (0 or 1) */ function _print_mail_node_conf_modify($nid, $link, $comments, $url_list) { db_query("UPDATE {print_mail_node_conf} SET link = %d, comments = %d, url_list = %d WHERE nid = %d", $link, $comments, $url_list, $nid); if (!db_affected_rows()) { @db_query("INSERT INTO {print_mail_node_conf} (nid, link, comments, url_list) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d)", $nid, $link, $comments, $url_list); } } /** * Format the send by e-mail link * * @return * array of formatted attributes * @ingroup themeable */ function theme_print_mail_format_link() { $print_mail_link_class = variable_get('print_mail_link_class', PRINT_MAIL_LINK_CLASS_DEFAULT); $print_mail_show_link = variable_get('print_mail_show_link', PRINT_MAIL_SHOW_LINK_DEFAULT); $print_mail_link_text = filter_xss(variable_get('print_mail_link_text', t('Send to friend'))); $img = drupal_get_path('module', 'print') .'/icons/mail_icon.gif'; $title = t('Send this page by e-mail.'); $class = strip_tags($print_mail_link_class); $new_window = FALSE; $format = _print_format_link_aux($print_mail_show_link, $print_mail_link_text, $img); return array('text' => $format['text'], 'html' => $format['html'], 'attributes' => print_fill_attributes($title, $class, $new_window), ); } /** * Auxiliary function to display a formatted send by e-mail link * * Function made available so that developers may call this function from * their defined pages/blocks. * * @param $path * path of the original page (optional). If not specified, the current URL * is used * @param $node * an optional node object, to be used in defining the path, if used, the * path argument is irrelevant * @return * string with the HTML link to the printer-friendly page */ function print_mail_insert_link($path = NULL, $node = NULL) { if ($node !== NULL) { $nid = $node->nid; $path = 'node/'. $nid; $allowed_type = print_mail_link_allowed(array('node' => $node)); } else { if ($path === NULL) { $nid = preg_replace('!^node/!', '', $_GET['q']); $path = $_GET['q']; } else { $nid = NULL; } $allowed_type = print_mail_link_allowed(array('path' => $path)); } if ($allowed_type) { if ($nid !== NULL) { if ($allowed_type === PRINT_ALLOW_BOOK_LINK) { $path = 'book/export/html/'. $nid; } else { if (variable_get('print_mail_link_use_alias', PRINT_MAIL_LINK_USE_ALIAS_DEFAULT)) { $path = drupal_get_path_alias($path); } else { $path = $nid; } } $path = PRINTMAIL_PATH .'/'. $path; $query = print_query_string_encode($_GET, array('q')); if (empty($query)) { $query = NULL; } } else { $query = NULL; } drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'print') .'/css/printlinks.css'); $format = theme('print_mail_format_link'); return ''. l($format['text'], $path, $format['attributes'], $query, NULL, TRUE, $format['html']) .''; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Determine a the link to send by e-mail is allowed depending on all possible settings * * @param $args * array containing the possible parameters: * teaser, node, type, path * @return * FALSE if not allowed * PRINT_ALLOW_NORMAL_LINK if a normal link is allowed * PRINT_ALLOW_BOOK_LINK if a link is allowed in a book node */ function print_mail_link_allowed($args) { if ((!empty($args['teaser']) && !variable_get('print_mail_link_teaser', PRINT_MAIL_LINK_TEASER_DEFAULT)) || !user_access('access send to friend')) { // If the teaser link is disabled or the user is not allowed return FALSE; } if (!empty($args['path'])) { $nid = preg_replace('!^node/!', '', drupal_get_normal_path($args['path'])); if (is_numeric($nid)) { $args['node'] = node_load($nid); } } if (!empty($args['node'])) { static $node_type = FALSE; $node = $args['node']; if (isset($node->type)) { $node_type = $node->type; } // Node $print_mail_node_link_visibility = variable_get('print_mail_node_link_visibility', PRINT_MAIL_NODE_LINK_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT); $print_mail_node_link_pages = variable_get('print_mail_node_link_pages', PRINT_MAIL_NODE_LINK_PAGES_DEFAULT); if (!_print_page_match($print_mail_node_link_visibility, "node/". $node->nid, $print_mail_node_link_pages)) { // Page not in visibility list return FALSE; } elseif (isset($args['type']) && ($args['type'] == 'comment') && isset($node_type)) { // Link is for a comment, return the configured setting $res = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT comments FROM {print_mail_node_conf} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid)); $print_display_comment = $res ? intval($res->comments) : variable_get('print_mail_display_comment_'. $node_type, PRINT_TYPE_COMMENT_LINK_DEFAULT); if ($print_display_comment) { return PRINT_ALLOW_NORMAL_LINK; } } else { // Node link if (!$node->print_mail_display) { // Link for this node is disabled return FALSE; } elseif (isset($node->parent)) { // Node is a book; $print_mail_book_link = variable_get('print_mail_book_link', PRINT_MAIL_BOOK_LINK_DEFAULT); switch ($print_mail_book_link) { case 1: if (user_access('see printer-friendly version')) { return PRINT_ALLOW_BOOK_LINK; } break; case 2: return PRINT_ALLOW_NORMAL_LINK; } } else { return PRINT_ALLOW_NORMAL_LINK; } } } else { // 'System' page $print_mail_sys_link_visibility = variable_get('print_mail_sys_link_visibility', PRINT_MAIL_SYS_LINK_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT); $print_mail_sys_link_pages = variable_get('print_mail_sys_link_pages', PRINT_MAIL_SYS_LINK_PAGES_DEFAULT); return _print_page_match($print_mail_sys_link_visibility, $_GET['q'], $print_mail_sys_link_pages); } return FALSE; }