0 ? substr($file_path, $strip_prefix) : $file_path; _potx_find_version_number($code, $file_name, $version_callback); // The .info files are not PHP code, no need to tokenize. if ($name_parts['extension'] == 'info') { _potx_find_info_file_strings($file_path, $file_name, $save_callback, $api_version); return; } elseif ($name_parts['extension'] == 'js' && $api_version > POTX_API_5) { // @todo: D7 context support. _potx_parse_js_file($code, $file_name, $save_callback); } // Extract raw PHP language tokens. $raw_tokens = token_get_all($code); unset($code); // Remove whitespace and possible HTML (the later in templates for example), // count line numbers so we can include them in the output. $_potx_tokens = array(); $_potx_lookup = array(); $token_number = 0; $line_number = 1; foreach ($raw_tokens as $token) { if ((!is_array($token)) || (($token[0] != T_WHITESPACE) && ($token[0] != T_INLINE_HTML))) { if (is_array($token)) { $token[] = $line_number; // Fill array for finding token offsets quickly. if ($token[0] == T_STRING || ($token[0] == T_VARIABLE && $token[1] == '$t')) { if (!isset($_potx_lookup[$token[1]])) { $_potx_lookup[$token[1]] = array(); } $_potx_lookup[$token[1]][] = $token_number; } } $_potx_tokens[] = $token; $token_number++; } // Collect line numbers. if (is_array($token)) { $line_number += count(split("\n", $token[1])) - 1; } else { $line_number += count(split("\n", $token)) - 1; } } unset($raw_tokens); // Regular t() calls with different usages. if ($api_version > POTX_API_6) { // Drupal 7 onwards supports context on t(). _potx_find_t_calls_with_context($file_name, $save_callback); } else { _potx_find_t_calls($file_name, $save_callback); } // These do not support context even in Drupal 7. _potx_find_t_calls($file_name, $save_callback, '_locale_import_message', POTX_STRING_BOTH); _potx_find_t_calls($file_name, $save_callback, '$t', POTX_STRING_BOTH); _potx_find_t_calls($file_name, $save_callback, 'st', POTX_STRING_INSTALLER); if ($api_version > POTX_API_5) { // Watchdog calls have both of their arguments translated from Drupal 6.x. _potx_find_watchdog_calls($file_name, $save_callback); } else { // Watchdog calls only have their first argument translated in Drupal 5.x // and before. _potx_find_t_calls($file_name, $save_callback, 'watchdog'); } // Plurals need unique parsing. _potx_find_format_plural_calls($file_name, $save_callback, $api_version); if ($name_parts['extension'] == 'module') { if ($api_version < POTX_API_7) { _potx_find_perm_hook($file_name, $name_parts['filename'], $save_callback); } if ($api_version > POTX_API_5) { _potx_find_menu_hook($file_name, $name_parts['filename'], $save_callback); } } // Special handling of some Drupal core files. if (($basename == 'locale.inc' && $api_version < POTX_API_7) || $basename == 'iso.inc') { _potx_find_language_names($file_name, $save_callback, $api_version); } elseif ($basename == 'locale.module') { _potx_add_date_strings($file_name, $save_callback, $api_version); } elseif ($basename == 'common.inc') { _potx_add_format_interval_strings($file_name, $save_callback, $api_version); } elseif ($basename == 'system.module') { _potx_add_default_region_names($file_name, $save_callback, $api_version); } elseif ($basename == 'user.module') { // Save default user role names. $save_callback('anonymous user', POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file_name); $save_callback('authenticated user', POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file_name); if ($api_version > POTX_API_6) { // Administator role is included by default from Drupal 7. $save_callback('administrator', POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file_name); } } } /** * Creates complete file strings with _potx_store() * * @param $string_mode * Strings to generate files for: POTX_STRING_RUNTIME or POTX_STRING_INSTALLER. * @param $build_mode * Storage mode used: single, multiple or core * @param $force_name * Forces a given file name to get used, if single mode is on, without extension * @param $save_callback * Callback used to save strings previously. * @param $version_callback * Callback used to save versions previously. * @param $header_callback * Callback to invoke to get the POT header. * @param $template_export_langcode * Language code if the template should have language dependent content * (like plural formulas and language name) included. * @param $translation_export_langcode * Language code if translations should also be exported. * @param $api_version * Drupal API version to work with. */ function _potx_build_files($string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME, $build_mode = POTX_BUILD_SINGLE, $force_name = 'general', $save_callback = '_potx_save_string', $version_callback = '_potx_save_version', $header_callback = '_potx_get_header', $template_export_langcode = NULL, $translation_export_langcode = NULL, $api_version = POTX_API_6) { global $_potx_store; // Get strings and versions by reference. $strings = $save_callback(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, $string_mode); $versions = $version_callback(); // We might not have any string recorded in this string mode. if (!is_array($strings)) { return; } foreach ($strings as $string => $string_info) { foreach ($string_info as $context => $file_info) { // Build a compact list of files this string occured in. $occured = $file_list = array(); // Look for strings appearing in multiple directories (ie. // different subprojects). So we can include them in general.pot. $last_location = dirname(array_shift(array_keys($file_info))); $multiple_locations = FALSE; foreach ($file_info as $file => $lines) { $occured[] = "$file:". join(';', $lines); if (isset($versions[$file])) { $file_list[] = $versions[$file]; } if (dirname($file) != $last_location) { $multiple_locations = TRUE; } $last_location = dirname($file); } // Mark duplicate strings (both translated in the app and in the installer). $comment = join(" ", $occured); if (strpos($comment, '(dup)') !== FALSE) { $comment = '(duplicate) '. str_replace('(dup)', '', $comment); } $output = "#: $comment\n"; if ($build_mode == POTX_BUILD_SINGLE) { // File name forcing in single mode. $file_name = $force_name; } elseif (strpos($comment, '.info')) { // Store .info file strings either in general.pot or the module pot file, // depending on the mode used. $file_name = ($build_mode == POTX_BUILD_CORE ? 'general' : str_replace('.info', '.module', $file_name)); } elseif ($multiple_locations) { // Else if occured more than once, store in general.pot. $file_name = 'general'; } else { // Fold multiple files in the same folder into one. if (empty($last_location) || $last_location == '.') { $file_name = 'root'; } else { $file_name = str_replace('/', '-', $last_location); } } if (strpos($string, "\0") !== FALSE) { // Plural strings have a null byte delimited format. list($singular, $plural) = explode("\0", $string); $output .= "msgid \"$singular\"\n"; $output .= "msgid_plural \"$plural\"\n"; if (!empty($context)) { $output .= "msgctxt \"$context\"\n"; } if (isset($translation_export_langcode)) { $output .= _potx_translation_export($translation_export_langcode, $singular, $plural, $api_version); } else { $output .= "msgstr[0] \"\"\n"; $output .= "msgstr[1] \"\"\n"; } } else { // Simple strings. $output .= "msgid \"$string\"\n"; if (!empty($context)) { $output .= "msgctxt \"$context\"\n"; } if (isset($translation_export_langcode)) { $output .= _potx_translation_export($translation_export_langcode, $string, NULL, $api_version); } else { $output .= "msgstr \"\"\n"; } } $output .= "\n"; // Store the generated output in the given file storage. if (!isset($_potx_store[$file_name])) { $_potx_store[$file_name] = array( 'header' => $header_callback($file_name, $template_export_langcode, $api_version), 'sources' => $file_list, 'strings' => $output, 'count' => 1, ); } else { // Maintain a list of unique file names. $_potx_store[$file_name]['sources'] = array_unique(array_merge($_potx_store[$file_name]['sources'], $file_list)); $_potx_store[$file_name]['strings'] .= $output; $_potx_store[$file_name]['count'] += 1; } } } } /** * Export translations with a specific language. * * @param $translation_export_langcode * Language code if translations should also be exported. * @param $string * String or singular version if $plural was provided. * @param $plural * Plural version of singular string. * @param $api_version * Drupal API version to work with. */ function _potx_translation_export($translation_export_langcode, $string, $plural = NULL, $api_version = POTX_API_6) { include_once 'includes/locale.inc'; // Stip out slash escapes. $string = stripcslashes($string); // Column and table name changed between versions. $language_column = $api_version > POTX_API_5 ? 'language' : 'locale'; $language_table = $api_version > POTX_API_5 ? 'languages' : 'locales_meta'; if (!isset($plural)) { // Single string to look translation up for. if ($translation = db_result(db_query("SELECT t.translation FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON t.lid = s.lid WHERE s.source = '%s' AND t.{$language_column} = '%s'", $string, $translation_export_langcode))) { return 'msgstr '. _locale_export_string($translation); } return "msgstr \"\"\n"; } else { // String with plural variants. Fill up source string array first. $plural = stripcslashes($plural); $strings = array(); $number_of_plurals = db_result(db_query('SELECT plurals FROM {'. $language_table ."} WHERE {$language_column} = '%s'", $translation_export_langcode)); $plural_index = 0; while ($plural_index < $number_of_plurals) { if ($plural_index == 0) { // Add the singular version. $strings[] = $string; } elseif ($plural_index == 1) { // Only add plural version if required. $strings[] = $plural; } else { // More plural versions only if required, with the lookup source // string modified as imported into the database. $strings[] = str_replace('@count', '@count['. $plural_index .']', $plural); } $plural_index++; } $output = ''; if (count($strings)) { // Source string array was done, so export translations. foreach ($strings as $index => $string) { if ($translation = db_result(db_query("SELECT t.translation FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON t.lid = s.lid WHERE s.source = '%s' AND t.{$language_column} = '%s'", $string, $translation_export_langcode))) { $output .= 'msgstr['. $index .'] '. _locale_export_string(_locale_export_remove_plural($translation)); } else { $output .= "msgstr[". $index ."] \"\"\n"; } } } else { // No plural information was recorded, so export empty placeholders. $output .= "msgstr[0] \"\"\n"; $output .= "msgstr[1] \"\"\n"; } return $output; } } /** * Returns a header generated for a given file * * @param $file * Name of POT file to generate header for * @param $template_export_langcode * Language code if the template should have language dependent content * (like plural formulas and language name) included. * @param $api_version * Drupal API version to work with. */ function _potx_get_header($file, $template_export_langcode = NULL, $api_version = POTX_API_6) { // We only have language to use if we should export with that langcode. $language = NULL; if (isset($template_export_langcode)) { $language = db_fetch_object(db_query($api_version > POTX_API_5 ? "SELECT language, name, plurals, formula FROM {languages} WHERE language = '%s'" : "SELECT locale, name, plurals, formula FROM {locales_meta} WHERE locale = '%s'", $template_export_langcode)); } $output = '# $'.'Id'.'$'."\n"; $output .= "#\n"; $output .= '# '. (isset($language) ? $language->name : 'LANGUAGE') .' translation of Drupal ('. $file .")\n"; $output .= "# Copyright YEAR NAME \n"; $output .= "# --VERSIONS--\n"; $output .= "#\n"; $output .= "#, fuzzy\n"; $output .= "msgid \"\"\n"; $output .= "msgstr \"\"\n"; $output .= "\"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\\n\"\n"; $output .= '"POT-Creation-Date: '. date("Y-m-d H:iO") ."\\n\"\n"; $output .= '"PO-Revision-Date: '. (isset($language) ? date("Y-m-d H:iO") : 'YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM+ZZZZ') ."\\n\"\n"; $output .= "\"Last-Translator: NAME \\n\"\n"; $output .= "\"Language-Team: ". (isset($language) ? $language->name : 'LANGUAGE') ." \\n\"\n"; $output .= "\"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\"\n"; $output .= "\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\\n\"\n"; $output .= "\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\"\n"; if (isset($language->formula) && isset($language->plurals)) { $output .= "\"Plural-Forms: nplurals=". $language->plurals ."; plural=". strtr($language->formula, array('$' => '')) .";\\n\"\n\n"; } else { $output .= "\"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\\n\"\n\n"; } return $output; } /** * Write out generated files to the current folder. * * @param $http_filename * File name for content-disposition header in case of usage * over HTTP. If not given, files are written to the local filesystem. * @param $content_disposition * See RFC2183. 'inline' or 'attachment', with a default of * 'inline'. Only used if $http_filename is set. * @todo * Look into whether multiple files can be output via HTTP. */ function _potx_write_files($http_filename = NULL, $content_disposition = 'inline') { global $_potx_store; // Generate file lists and output files. if (is_array($_potx_store)) { foreach ($_potx_store as $file => $contents) { // Build replacement for file listing. if (count($contents['sources']) > 1) { $filelist = "Generated from files:\n# " . join("\n# ", $contents['sources']); } elseif (count($contents['sources']) == 1) { $filelist = "Generated from file: " . join('', $contents['sources']); } else { $filelist = 'No version information was available in the source files.'; } $output = str_replace('--VERSIONS--', $filelist, $contents['header'] . $contents['strings']); if ($http_filename) { // HTTP output. header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'); header("Content-Disposition: $content_disposition; filename=$http_filename"); print $output; return; } else { // Local file output, flatten directory structure. $file = str_replace('.', '-', preg_replace('![/]?([a-zA-Z_0-9]*/)*!', '', $file)) .'.pot'; $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $output); fclose($fp); } } } } /** * Escape quotes in a strings depending on the surrounding * quote type used. * * @param $str * The strings to escape */ function _potx_format_quoted_string($str) { $quo = substr($str, 0, 1); $str = substr($str, 1, -1); if ($quo == '"') { $str = stripcslashes($str); } else { $str = strtr($str, array("\\'" => "'", "\\\\" => "\\")); } return addcslashes($str, "\0..\37\\\""); } /** * Output a marker error with an extract of where the error was found. * * @param $file * Name of file * @param $line * Line number of error * @param $marker * Function name with which the error was identified * @param $ti * Index on the token array * @param $error * Helpful error message for users. * @param $docs_url * Documentation reference. */ function _potx_marker_error($file, $line, $marker, $ti, $error, $docs_url = NULL) { global $_potx_tokens; $tokens = ''; $ti += 2; $tc = count($_potx_tokens); $par = 1; while ((($tc - $ti) > 0) && $par) { if (is_array($_potx_tokens[$ti])) { $tokens .= $_potx_tokens[$ti][1]; } else { $tokens .= $_potx_tokens[$ti]; if ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == "(") { $par++; } else if ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == ")") { $par--; } } $ti++; } potx_status('error', $error, $file, $line, $marker .'('. $tokens, $docs_url); } /** * Status notification function. * * @param $op * Operation to perform or type of message text. * - set: sets the reporting mode to $value * use one of the POTX_STATUS_* constants as $value * - get: returns the list of error messages recorded * if $value is true, it also clears the internal message cache * - error: sends an error message in $value with optional $file and $line * - status: sends a status message in $value * @param $value * Value depending on $op. * @param $file * Name of file the error message is related to. * @param $line * Number of line the error message is related to. * @param $excerpt * Excerpt of the code in question, if available. * @param $docs_url * URL to the guidelines to follow to fix the problem. */ function potx_status($op, $value = NULL, $file = NULL, $line = NULL, $excerpt = NULL, $docs_url = NULL) { static $mode = POTX_STATUS_CLI; static $messages = array(); switch ($op) { case 'set': // Setting the reporting mode. $mode = $value; return; case 'get': // Getting the errors. Optionally deleting the messages. $errors = $messages; if (!empty($value)) { $messages = array(); } return $errors; case 'error': case 'status': // Location information is required in 3 of the four possible reporting // modes as part of the error message. The structured mode needs the // file, line and excerpt info separately, not in the text. $location_info = ''; if (($mode != POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED) && isset($file)) { if (isset($line)) { if (isset($excerpt)) { $location_info = t('At %excerpt in %file on line %line.', array('%excerpt' => $excerpt, '%file' => $file, '%line' => $line)); } else { $location_info = t('In %file on line %line.', array('%file' => $file, '%line' => $line)); } } else { if (isset($excerpt)) { $location_info = t('At %excerpt in %file.', array('%excerpt' => $excerpt, '%file' => $file)); } else { $location_info = t('In %file.', array('%file' => $file)); } } } // Documentation helpers are provided as readable text in most modes. $read_more = ''; if (($mode != POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED) && isset($docs_url)) { $read_more = ($mode == POTX_STATUS_CLI) ? t('Read more at @url', array('@url' => $docs_url)) : t('Read more at @url', array('@url' => $docs_url)); } // Error message or progress text to display. switch ($mode) { case POTX_STATUS_MESSAGE: drupal_set_message(join(' ', array($value, $location_info, $read_more)), $op); break; case POTX_STATUS_CLI: fwrite($op == 'error' ? STDERR : STDOUT, join("\n", array($value, $location_info, $read_more)) ."\n\n"); break; case POTX_STATUS_SILENT: if ($op == 'error') { $messages[] = join(' ', array($value, $location_info, $read_more)); } break; case POTX_STATUS_STRUCTURED: if ($op == 'error') { $messages[] = array($value, $file, $line, $excerpt, $docs_url); } break; } return; } } /** * Detect all occurances of t()-like calls. * * These sequences are searched for: * T_STRING("$function_name") + "(" + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + ")" * T_STRING("$function_name") + "(" + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + "," * * @param $file * Name of file parsed. * @param $save_callback * Callback function used to save strings. * @param function_name * The name of the function to look for (could be 't', '$t', 'st' * or any other t-like function). * @param $string_mode * String mode to use: POTX_STRING_INSTALLER, POTX_STRING_RUNTIME or * POTX_STRING_BOTH. */ function _potx_find_t_calls($file, $save_callback, $function_name = 't', $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME) { global $_potx_tokens, $_potx_lookup; // Lookup tokens by function name. if (isset($_potx_lookup[$function_name])) { foreach ($_potx_lookup[$function_name] as $ti) { list($ctok, $par, $mid, $rig) = array($_potx_tokens[$ti], $_potx_tokens[$ti+1], $_potx_tokens[$ti+2], $_potx_tokens[$ti+3]); list($type, $string, $line) = $ctok; if ($par == "(") { if (in_array($rig, array(")", ",")) && (is_array($mid) && ($mid[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING))) { // This function is only used for context-less call types. $save_callback(_potx_format_quoted_string($mid[1]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, $line, $string_mode); } else { // $function_name() found, but inside is something which is not a string literal. _potx_marker_error($file, $line, $function_name, $ti, t('The first parameter to @function() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.', array('@function' => $function_name)), 'http://drupal.org/node/322732'); } } } } } /** * Detect all occurances of t()-like calls from Drupal 7 (with context). * * These sequences are searched for: * T_STRING("$function_name") + "(" + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + ")" * T_STRING("$function_name") + "(" + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + "," * and then an optional value for the replacements and an optional array * for the options with an optional context key. * * @param $file * Name of file parsed. * @param $save_callback * Callback function used to save strings. * @param function_name * The name of the function to look for (could be 't', '$t', 'st' * or any other t-like function). Drupal 7 only supports context on t(). * @param $string_mode * String mode to use: POTX_STRING_INSTALLER, POTX_STRING_RUNTIME or * POTX_STRING_BOTH. */ function _potx_find_t_calls_with_context($file, $save_callback, $function_name = 't', $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME) { global $_potx_tokens, $_potx_lookup; // Lookup tokens by function name. if (isset($_potx_lookup[$function_name])) { foreach ($_potx_lookup[$function_name] as $ti) { list($ctok, $par, $mid, $rig) = array($_potx_tokens[$ti], $_potx_tokens[$ti+1], $_potx_tokens[$ti+2], $_potx_tokens[$ti+3]); list($type, $string, $line) = $ctok; if ($par == "(") { if (in_array($rig, array(")", ",")) && (is_array($mid) && ($mid[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING))) { // By default, there is no context. $context = POTX_CONTEXT_NONE; if ($rig == ',') { // If there was a comma after the string, we need to look forward // to try and find the context. $context = _potx_find_context($ti, $ti + 4, $file, $function_name); } if ($context !== POTX_CONTEXT_ERROR) { // Only save if there was no error in context parsing. $save_callback(_potx_format_quoted_string($mid[1]), $context, $file, $line, $string_mode); } } else { // $function_name() found, but inside is something which is not a string literal. _potx_marker_error($file, $line, $function_name, $ti, t('The first parameter to @function() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.', array('@function' => $function_name)), 'http://drupal.org/node/322732'); } } } } } /** * Detect all occurances of watchdog() calls. Only from Drupal 6. * * These sequences are searched for: * watchdog + "(" + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + "," + * T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + something * * @param $file * Name of file parsed. * @param $save_callback * Callback function used to save strings. */ function _potx_find_watchdog_calls($file, $save_callback) { global $_potx_tokens, $_potx_lookup; // Lookup tokens by function name. if (isset($_potx_lookup['watchdog'])) { foreach ($_potx_lookup['watchdog'] as $ti) { list($ctok, $par, $mtype, $comma, $message, $rig) = array($_potx_tokens[$ti], $_potx_tokens[$ti+1], $_potx_tokens[$ti+2], $_potx_tokens[$ti+3], $_potx_tokens[$ti+4], $_potx_tokens[$ti+5]); list($type, $string, $line) = $ctok; if ($par == '(') { // Both type and message should be a string literal. if (in_array($rig, array(')', ',')) && $comma == ',' && (is_array($mtype) && ($mtype[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) && (is_array($message) && ($message[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING))) { // Context is not supported on watchdog(). $save_callback(_potx_format_quoted_string($mtype[1]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, $line); $save_callback(_potx_format_quoted_string($message[1]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, $line); } else { // watchdog() found, but inside is something which is not a string literal. _potx_marker_error($file, $line, 'watchdog', $ti, t('The first two watchdog() parameters should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.'), 'http://drupal.org/node/323101'); } } } } } /** * Detect all occurances of format_plural calls. * * These sequences are searched for: * T_STRING("format_plural") + "(" + ..anything (might be more tokens).. + * "," + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + * "," + T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING + parenthesis (or comma allowed from * Drupal 6) * * @param $file * Name of file parsed. * @param $save_callback * Callback function used to save strings. * @param $api_version * Drupal API version to work with. */ function _potx_find_format_plural_calls($file, $save_callback, $api_version = POTX_API_6) { global $_potx_tokens, $_potx_lookup; if (isset($_potx_lookup['format_plural'])) { foreach ($_potx_lookup['format_plural'] as $ti) { list($ctok, $par1) = array($_potx_tokens[$ti], $_potx_tokens[$ti+1]); list($type, $string, $line) = $ctok; if ($par1 == "(") { // Eat up everything that is used as the first parameter $tn = $ti + 2; $depth = 0; while (!($_potx_tokens[$tn] == "," && $depth == 0)) { if ($_potx_tokens[$tn] == "(") { $depth++; } elseif ($_potx_tokens[$tn] == ")") { $depth--; } $tn++; } // Get further parameters list($comma1, $singular, $comma2, $plural, $par2) = array($_potx_tokens[$tn], $_potx_tokens[$tn+1], $_potx_tokens[$tn+2], $_potx_tokens[$tn+3], $_potx_tokens[$tn+4]); if (($comma2 == ',') && ($par2 == ')' || ($par2 == ',' && $api_version > POTX_API_5)) && (is_array($singular) && ($singular[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) && (is_array($plural) && ($plural[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING))) { // By default, there is no context. $context = POTX_CONTEXT_NONE; if ($par2 == ',' && $api_version > POTX_API_6) { // If there was a comma after the plural, we need to look forward // to try and find the context. $context = _potx_find_context($ti, $tn + 5, $file, 'format_plural'); } if ($context !== POTX_CONTEXT_ERROR) { // Only save if there was no error in context parsing. $save_callback( _potx_format_quoted_string($singular[1]) ."\0". _potx_format_quoted_string($plural[1]), $context, $file, $line ); } } else { // format_plural() found, but the parameters are not correct. _potx_marker_error($file, $line, "format_plural", $ti, t('In format_plural(), the singular and plural strings should be literal strings. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or even a t() call there.'), 'http://drupal.org/node/323072'); } } } } } /** * Detect permission names from the hook_perm() implementations. * Note that this will get confused with a similar pattern in a comment, * and with dynamic permissions, which need to be accounted for. * * @param $file * Full path name of file parsed. * @param $filebase * Filenaname of file parsed. * @param $save_callback * Callback function used to save strings. */ function _potx_find_perm_hook($file, $filebase, $save_callback) { global $_potx_tokens, $_potx_lookup; if (isset($_potx_lookup[$filebase .'_perm'])) { // Special case for node module, because it uses dynamic permissions. // Include the static permissions by hand. That's about all we can do here. if ($filebase == 'node') { $line = $_potx_tokens[$_potx_lookup['node_perm'][0]][2]; // List from node.module 1.763 (checked in on 2006/12/29 at 21:25:36 by drumm) $nodeperms = array('administer content types', 'administer nodes', 'access content', 'view revisions', 'revert revisions'); foreach ($nodeperms as $item) { // hook_perm() is only ever found on a Drupal system which does not // support context. $save_callback($item, POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, $line); } } else { $count = 0; foreach ($_potx_lookup[$filebase .'_perm'] as $ti) { $tn = $ti; while (is_array($_potx_tokens[$tn]) || $_potx_tokens[$tn] != '}') { if (is_array($_potx_tokens[$tn]) && $_potx_tokens[$tn][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { // hook_perm() is only ever found on a Drupal system which does not // support context. $save_callback(_potx_format_quoted_string($_potx_tokens[$tn][1]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, $_potx_tokens[$tn][2]); $count++; } $tn++; } } if (!$count) { potx_status('error', t('%hook should have an array of literal string permission names.', array('%hook' => $filebase .'_perm()')), $file, NULL, NULL, 'http://drupal.org/node/323101'); } } } } /** * Helper function to look up the token closing the current function. * * @param $here * The token at the function name */ function _potx_find_end_of_function($here) { global $_potx_tokens; // Seek to open brace. while (is_array($_potx_tokens[$here]) || $_potx_tokens[$here] != '{') { $here++; } $nesting = 1; while ($nesting > 0) { $here++; if (!is_array($_potx_tokens[$here])) { if ($_potx_tokens[$here] == '}') { $nesting--; } if ($_potx_tokens[$here] == '{') { $nesting++; } } } return $here; } /** * Helper to move past t() and format_plural() arguments in search of context. * * @param $here * The token before the start of the arguments */ function _potx_skip_args($here) { global $_potx_tokens; $nesting = 0; // Go through to either the end of the function call or to a comma // after the current position on the same nesting level. while (!(($_potx_tokens[$here] == ',' && $nesting == 0) || ($_potx_tokens[$here] == ')' && $nesting == -1))) { $here++; if (!is_array($_potx_tokens[$here])) { if ($_potx_tokens[$here] == ')') { $nesting--; } if ($_potx_tokens[$here] == '(') { $nesting++; } } } // If we run out of nesting, it means we reached the end of the function call, // so we skipped the arguments but did not find meat for looking at the // specified context. return ($nesting == 0 ? $here : FALSE); } /** * Helper to find the value for 'context' on t() and format_plural(). * * @param $tf * Start position of the original function. * @param $ti * Start position where we should search from. * @param $file * Full path name of file parsed. * @param function_name * The name of the function to look for. Either 'format_plural' or 't' * given that Drupal 7 only supports context on these. */ function _potx_find_context($tf, $ti, $file, $function_name) { global $_potx_tokens; // Start from after the comma and skip the possible arguments for the function // so we can look for the context. if (($ti = _potx_skip_args($ti)) && ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == ',')) { // Now we actually might have some definition for a context. The $options // argument is coming up, which might have a key for context. list($com, $arr, $par) = array($_potx_tokens[$ti], $_potx_tokens[$ti+1], $_potx_tokens[$ti+2]); if ($com == ',' && $arr[1] == 'array' && $par == '(') { $nesting = 0; $ti += 3; // Go through to either the end of the array or to the key definition of // context on the same nesting level. while (!((is_array($_potx_tokens[$ti]) && (in_array($_potx_tokens[$ti][1], array('"context"', "'context'"))) && ($_potx_tokens[$ti][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) && ($nesting == 0)) || ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == ')' && $nesting == -1))) { $ti++; if (!is_array($_potx_tokens[$ti])) { if ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == ')') { $nesting--; } if ($_potx_tokens[$ti] == '(') { $nesting++; } } } if ($nesting == 0) { // Found the 'context' key on the top level of the $options array. list($arw, $str) = array($_potx_tokens[$ti+1], $_potx_tokens[$ti+2]); if (is_array($arw) && $arw[1] == '=>' && is_array($str) && $str[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { return _potx_format_quoted_string($str[1]); } else { list($type, $string, $line) = $_potx_tokens[$ti]; // @todo: fix error reference. _potx_marker_error($file, $line, $function_name, $tf, t('The context element in the options array argument to @function() should be a literal string. There should be no variables, concatenation, constants or other non-literal strings there.', array('@function' => $function_name)), 'http://drupal.org/node/322732'); // Return with error. return POTX_CONTEXT_ERROR; } } else { // Did not found 'context' key in $options array. return POTX_CONTEXT_NONE; } } } // After skipping args, we did not find a comma to look for $options. return POTX_CONTEXT_NONE; } /** * List of menu item titles. Only from Drupal 6. * * @param $file * Full path name of file parsed. * @param $filebase * Filenaname of file parsed. * @param $save_callback * Callback function used to save strings. */ function _potx_find_menu_hook($file, $filebase, $save_callback) { global $_potx_tokens, $_potx_lookup; if (isset($_potx_lookup[$filebase .'_menu']) && is_array($_potx_lookup[$filebase .'_menu'])) { // We have a menu hook in this file. foreach ($_potx_lookup[$filebase .'_menu'] as $ti) { $end = _potx_find_end_of_function($ti); $tn = $ti; while ($tn < $end) { // Look through the code until the end of the function. if ($_potx_tokens[$tn][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING && in_array($_potx_tokens[$tn][1], array("'title'", '"title"', "'description'", '"description"')) && $_potx_tokens[$tn+1][0] == T_DOUBLE_ARROW) { if ($_potx_tokens[$tn+2][0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { // Menu items support no context. $save_callback( _potx_format_quoted_string($_potx_tokens[$tn+2][1]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, $_potx_tokens[$tn+2][2] ); $tn+=2; // Jump forward by 2. } else { potx_status('error', t('Invalid menu %element definition found in %hook. Title and description keys of the menu array should be literal strings.', array('%element' => $_potx_tokens[$tn][1], '%hook' => $filebase .'_menu()')), $file, $_potx_tokens[$tn][2], NULL, 'http://drupal.org/node/323101'); } } $tn++; } } } } /** * Get languages names from Drupal's locale.inc. * * @param $file * Full path name of file parsed * @param $save_callback * Callback function used to save strings. * @param $api_version * Drupal API version to work with. */ function _potx_find_language_names($file, $save_callback, $api_version = POTX_API_6) { global $_potx_tokens, $_potx_lookup; foreach ($_potx_lookup[$api_version > POTX_API_5 ? '_locale_get_predefined_list' : '_locale_get_iso639_list'] as $ti) { // Search for the definition of _locale_get_predefined_list(), not where it is called. if ($_potx_tokens[$ti-1][0] == T_FUNCTION) { break; } } $end = _potx_find_end_of_function($ti); $ti += 7; // function name, (, ), {, return, array, ( while ($ti < $end) { while ($_potx_tokens[$ti][0] != T_ARRAY) { if (!is_array($_potx_tokens[$ti]) && $_potx_tokens[$ti] == ';') { // We passed the end of the list, break out to function level // to prevent an infinite loop. break 2; } $ti++; } $ti += 2; // array, ( // Language names are context-less. $save_callback(_potx_format_quoted_string($_potx_tokens[$ti][1]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, $_potx_tokens[$ti][2]); } } /** * Get the exact CVS version number from the file, so we can * push that into the generated output. * * @param $code * Complete source code of the file parsed. * @param $file * Name of the file parsed. * @param $version_callback * Callback used to save the version information. */ function _potx_find_version_number($code, $file, $version_callback) { // Prevent CVS from replacing this pattern with actual info. if (preg_match('!\\$I'.'d: ([^\\$]+) Exp \\$!', $code, $version_info)) { $version_callback($version_info[1], $file); } else { // Unknown version information. $version_callback($file .': n/a', $file); } } /** * Add date strings, which cannot be extracted otherwise. * This is called for locale.module. * * @param $file * Name of the file parsed. * @param $save_callback * Callback function used to save strings. * @param $api_version * Drupal API version to work with. */ function _potx_add_date_strings($file, $save_callback, $api_version = POTX_API_6) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $stamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 1971); if ($api_version > POTX_API_6) { // From Drupal 7, long month names are saved with this context. $save_callback(date("F", $stamp), 'Long month name', $file); } elseif ($api_version > POTX_API_5) { // Drupal 6 uses a little hack. No context. $save_callback('!long-month-name '. date("F", $stamp), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); } else { // Older versions just accept the confusion, no context. $save_callback(date("F", $stamp), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); } // Short month names lack a context anyway. $save_callback(date("M", $stamp), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); } for ($i = 0; $i <= 7; $i++) { $stamp = $i * 86400; $save_callback(date("D", $stamp), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); $save_callback(date("l", $stamp), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); } $save_callback('am', POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); $save_callback('pm', POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); $save_callback('AM', POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); $save_callback('PM', POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); } /** * Add format_interval special strings, which cannot be * extracted otherwise. This is called for common.inc * * @param $file * Name of the file parsed. * @param $save_callback * Callback function used to save strings. * @param $api_version * Drupal API version to work with. */ function _potx_add_format_interval_strings($file, $save_callback, $api_version = POTX_API_6) { $components = array( '1 year' => '@count years', '1 week' => '@count weeks', '1 day' => '@count days', '1 hour' => '@count hours', '1 min' => '@count min', '1 sec' => '@count sec' ); if ($api_version > POTX_API_6) { // Month support added in Drupal 7. $components['1 month'] = '@count months'; } foreach ($components as $singular => $plural) { // Intervals support no context. $save_callback($singular ."\0". $plural, POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); } } /** * Add default theme region names, which cannot be extracted otherwise. * These default names are defined in system.module * * @param $file * Name of the file parsed. * @param $save_callback * Callback function used to save strings. * @param $api_version * Drupal API version to work with. */ function _potx_add_default_region_names($file, $save_callback, $api_version = POTX_API_6) { $regions = array( 'left' => 'Left sidebar', 'right' => 'Right sidebar', 'content' => 'Content', 'header' => 'Header', 'footer' => 'Footer', ); if ($api_version > POTX_API_6) { // @todo: Update with final region list when D7 stabilizes. $regions['highlight'] = 'Highlighted content'; $regions['help'] = 'Help'; $regions['page_top'] = 'Page top'; } foreach ($regions as $region) { // Regions come with the default context. $save_callback($region, POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file); } } /** * Parse an .info file and add relevant strings to the list. * * @param $file_path * Complete file path to load contents with. * @param $file_name * Stripped file name to use in outpout. * @param $strings * Current strings array * @param $api_version * Drupal API version to work with. */ function _potx_find_info_file_strings($file_path, $file_name, $save_callback, $api_version = POTX_API_6) { $info = array(); if (file_exists($file_path)) { $info = $api_version > POTX_API_5 ? drupal_parse_info_file($file_path) : parse_ini_file($file_path); } // We need the name, description and package values. Others, // like core and PHP compatibility, timestamps or versions // are not to be translated. foreach (array('name', 'description', 'package') as $key) { if (isset($info[$key])) { // No context support for .info file strings. $save_callback($info[$key], POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file_name); } } // Add regions names from themes. if (isset($info['regions']) && is_array($info['regions'])) { foreach ($info['regions'] as $region => $region_name) { // No context support for .info file strings. $save_callback($region_name, POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file_name); } } } /** * Parse a JavaScript file for translatables. Only from Drupal 6. * * Extracts strings wrapped in Drupal.t() and Drupal.formatPlural() * calls and inserts them into potx storage. * * Regex code lifted from _locale_parse_js_file(). */ function _potx_parse_js_file($code, $file, $save_callback) { $js_string_regex = '(?:(?:\'(?:\\\\\'|[^\'])*\'|"(?:\\\\"|[^"])*")(?:\s*\+\s*)?)+'; // Match all calls to Drupal.t() in an array. // Note: \s also matches newlines with the 's' modifier. preg_match_all('~[^\w]Drupal\s*\.\s*t\s*\(\s*('. $js_string_regex .')\s*[,\)]~s', $code, $t_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (isset($t_matches) && count($t_matches)) { foreach ($t_matches as $match) { // Remove match from code to help us identify faulty Drupal.t() calls. $code = str_replace($match[0], '', $code); // @todo: figure out how to parse out context, once Drupal supports it. $save_callback(_potx_parse_js_string($match[1]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, 0); } } // Match all Drupal.formatPlural() calls in another array. preg_match_all('~[^\w]Drupal\s*\.\s*formatPlural\s*\(\s*.+?\s*,\s*('. $js_string_regex .')\s*,\s*((?:(?:\'(?:\\\\\'|[^\'])*@count(?:\\\\\'|[^\'])*\'|"(?:\\\\"|[^"])*@count(?:\\\\"|[^"])*")(?:\s*\+\s*)?)+)\s*[,\)]~s', $code, $plural_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (isset($plural_matches) && count($plural_matches)) { foreach ($plural_matches as $index => $match) { // Remove match from code to help us identify faulty // Drupal.formatPlural() calls later. $code = str_replace($match[0], '', $code); // @todo: figure out how to parse out context, once Drupal supports it. $save_callback( _potx_parse_js_string($match[1]) ."\0". _potx_parse_js_string($match[2]), POTX_CONTEXT_NONE, $file, 0 ); } } // Any remaining Drupal.t() or Drupal.formatPlural() calls are evil. This // regex is not terribly accurate (ie. code wrapped inside will confuse // the match), but we only need some unique part to identify the faulty calls. preg_match_all('~[^\w]Drupal\s*\.\s*(t|formatPlural)\s*\([^)]+\)~s', $code, $faulty_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (isset($faulty_matches) && count($faulty_matches)) { foreach ($faulty_matches as $index => $match) { $message = ($match[1] == 't') ? t('Drupal.t() calls should have a single literal string as their first parameter.') : t('The singular and plural string parameters on Drupal.formatPlural() calls should be literal strings, plural containing a @count placeholder.'); potx_status('error', $message, $file, NULL, $match[0], 'http://drupal.org/node/323109'); } } } /** * Clean up string found in JavaScript source code. Only from Drupal 6. */ function _potx_parse_js_string($string) { return _potx_format_quoted_string(implode('', preg_split('~(? POTX_API_5) { $extensions[] = 'js'; } $files = array(); foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $files_here = glob($path . $basename .'.'. $extension); if (is_array($files_here)) { $files = array_merge($files, $files_here); } if ($basename != '*') { // Basename was specific, so look for things like basename.admin.inc as well. // If the basnename was *, the above glob() already covered this case. $files_here = glob($path . $basename .'.*.'. $extension); if (is_array($files_here)) { $files = array_merge($files, $files_here); } } } // Grab subdirectories. $dirs = glob($path .'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if (is_array($dirs)) { foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (!preg_match("!(^|.+/)(CVS|.svn|.git)$!", $dir)) { $files = array_merge($files, _potx_explore_dir("$dir/", $basename)); } } } // Skip our own files, because we don't want to get strings from them // to appear in the output, especially with the command line interface. // TODO: fix this to be able to autogenerate templates for potx itself. foreach ($files as $id => $file_name) { if (preg_match('!(potx-cli.php|potx.inc)$!', $file_name)) { unset($files[$id]); } } return $files; } /** * Default $version_callback used by the potx system. Saves values * to a global array to reduce memory consumption problems when * passing around big chunks of values. * * @param $value * The ersion number value of $file. If NULL, the collected * values are returned. * @param $file * Name of file where the version information was found. */ function _potx_save_version($value = NULL, $file = NULL) { global $_potx_versions; if (isset($value)) { $_potx_versions[$file] = $value; } else { return $_potx_versions; } } /** * Default $save_callback used by the potx system. Saves values * to global arrays to reduce memory consumption problems when * passing around big chunks of values. * * @param $value * The string value. If NULL, the array of collected values * are returned for the given $string_mode. * @param $context * From Drupal 7, separate contexts are supported. POTX_CONTEXT_NONE is * the default, if the code does not specify a context otherwise. * @param $file * Name of file where the string was found. * @param $line * Line number where the string was found. * @param $string_mode * String mode: POTX_STRING_INSTALLER, POTX_STRING_RUNTIME * or POTX_STRING_BOTH. */ function _potx_save_string($value = NULL, $context = NULL, $file = NULL, $line = 0, $string_mode = POTX_STRING_RUNTIME) { global $_potx_strings, $_potx_install; if (isset($value)) { switch ($string_mode) { case POTX_STRING_BOTH: // Mark installer strings as duplicates of runtime strings if // the string was both recorded in the runtime and in the installer. $_potx_install[$value][$context][$file][] = $line .' (dup)'; // Break intentionally missing. case POTX_STRING_RUNTIME: // Mark runtime strings as duplicates of installer strings if // the string was both recorded in the runtime and in the installer. $_potx_strings[$value][$context][$file][] = $line . ($string_mode == POTX_STRING_BOTH ? ' (dup)' : ''); break; case POTX_STRING_INSTALLER: $_potx_install[$value][$context][$file][] = $line; break; } } else { return ($string_mode == POTX_STRING_RUNTIME ? $_potx_strings : $_potx_install); } } if (!function_exists('t')) { // If invoked outside of Drupal, t() will not exist, but // used to format the error message, so we provide a replacement. function t($string, $args = array()) { return strtr($string, $args); } } if (!function_exists('drupal_parse_info_file')) { // If invoked outside of Drupal, drupal_parse_info_file() will not be available, // but we need this function to properly parse Drupal 6/7 .info files. // Directly copied from common.inc,v 1.704 2007/10/19 10:30:54 goba Exp. function drupal_parse_info_file($filename) { $info = array(); if (!file_exists($filename)) { return $info; } $data = file_get_contents($filename); if (preg_match_all(' @^\s* # Start at the beginning of a line, ignoring leading whitespace ((?: [^=;\[\]]| # Key names cannot contain equal signs, semi-colons or square brackets, \[[^\[\]]*\] # unless they are balanced and not nested )+?) \s*=\s* # Key/value pairs are separated by equal signs (ignoring white-space) (?: ("(?:[^"]|(?<=\\\\)")*")| # Double-quoted string, which may contain slash-escaped quotes/slashes (\'(?:[^\']|(?<=\\\\)\')*\')| # Single-quoted string, which may contain slash-escaped quotes/slashes ([^\r\n]*?) # Non-quoted string )\s*$ # Stop at the next end of a line, ignoring trailing whitespace @msx', $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { // Fetch the key and value string $i = 0; foreach (array('key', 'value1', 'value2', 'value3') as $var) { $$var = isset($match[++$i]) ? $match[$i] : ''; } $value = stripslashes(substr($value1, 1, -1)) . stripslashes(substr($value2, 1, -1)) . $value3; // Parse array syntax $keys = preg_split('/\]?\[/', rtrim($key, ']')); $last = array_pop($keys); $parent = &$info; // Create nested arrays foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($key == '') { $key = count($parent); } if (!isset($parent[$key]) || !is_array($parent[$key])) { $parent[$key] = array(); } $parent = &$parent[$key]; } // Handle PHP constants if (defined($value)) { $value = constant($value); } // Insert actual value if ($last == '') { $last = count($parent); } $parent[$last] = $value; } } return $info; } }