// $Id: potx-cli.php,v 2009-11-17 12:25:18 goba Exp $

 * @file
 *   Translation template generator for Drupal (command line version).
 *   Extracts translatable strings from t(), t(,array()), format_plural()
 *   and other function calls, plus adds some file specific strings. Only
 *   literal strings with no embedded variables can be extracted. Generates
 *   POT files, errors are printed on STDERR.

if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) {
  // Try to prevent running this script from the web. It is not designed so.
  print 'The potx-cli.php script is designed to be used from the command line. Please use the Drupal module web interface to extract strings through the web, instead of this script, if you prefer a web interface.';

// Functions shared with web based interface
include dirname(__FILE__) .'/potx.inc';

// We need a lot of resources probably, so try to set memory
// limit higher and set unlimited time for our work.
$memory_limit = @ini_get('memory_limit');
if ($memory_limit != '' && (int)$memory_limit < 16) {
  // ini_get returns the original set value, such as "32M",
  // so we check for the int version. Before PHP 5.2, this
  // limit was less then 16M.
  @ini_set('memory_limit', 16777216);

if (!defined("STDERR")) {
  define('STDERR', fopen('php://stderr', 'w'));

$files = array();
$build_mode = POTX_BUILD_SINGLE;
$argv = $GLOBALS['argv'];
array_shift ($argv);
if (count($argv)) {
  switch ($argv[0]) {
    case '--help' :
      print <<<END
Drupal command line translation template generator
Usage: potx-cli.php [OPTION]

Possible options:
     Autodiscovers files in current folder (default).
     Specify a list of files to generate templates for.
     Core extraction mode, .info files folded into general.pot.
     Multiple file output mode, .info files folded into module pot files.
     Single file output mode, every file folded into the single outpout file (default).
     Only perform a 'self test'.
     Display this message.

      return 1;
    case '--files' :
      $files = $argv;
    case '--mode=core' :
      $build_mode = POTX_BUILD_CORE;
    case '--mode=multiple' :
      $build_mode = POTX_BUILD_MULTIPLE;
    case '--mode=single' :
      $build_mode = POTX_BUILD_SINGLE;
    case '--debug' :
      $files = array(__FILE__);
    case '--auto' :
      $files = _potx_explore_dir('', '*', POTX_API_CURRENT, TRUE);

// Fall back to --auto, if --files are not specified
if (empty($files)) {
  $files = _potx_explore_dir('', '*', POTX_API_CURRENT, TRUE);

foreach ($files as $file) {
  potx_status('status', "Processing $file...\n");

_potx_build_files(POTX_STRING_RUNTIME, $build_mode);
_potx_build_files(POTX_STRING_INSTALLER, POTX_BUILD_SINGLE, 'installer');
potx_status('status', "\nDone.\n");


// These are never executed, you can run potx-cli.php on itself to test it
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

$a = t("Double quoted test string" );
$b = t("Test string with %variable", array('%variable' => t('variable replacement')));
$c = t('Single qouted test string');
$d = t("Special\ncharacters");
$e = t('Special\ncharacters');
$f = t("Embedded $variable");
$g = t('Embedded $variable');
$h = t("more \$special characters");
$i = t('even more \$special characters');
$j = t("Mixed 'quote' \"marks\"");
$k = t('Mixed "quote" \'marks\'');
$l = t('Some repeating text');
$m = t("Some repeating text");
$n = t(embedded_function_call(3));
$o = format_plural($days, 'one day', '@count days');
$p = format_plural(embedded_function_call($count), 'one day', '@count days');
$q = t('Concatenated' . 'string.' . 'You should never do this.');
$r = t("Test string with @complex %variables !smile", array('@complex' => time(), '%variable' => t('variables'), '!smile' => ':)'));

function embedded_function_call($dummy) { return 12; }

function potxcli_perm() {
  return array("access potx data", 'administer potx data');

function potxcli_help($section = 'default') {
  watchdog('help', t('Help called'));
  return t('This is some help');