As well as attaching popup behavior to links, Popups API provides javascript function for creating in-window popup messages. TODO: Add more togglable options like non-modal & auto-close. Drupal.popups.message(title, message) Produces a simple modal box with the title, message and "OK", "Cancel" buttons., body, buttons, width) More powerful, allows you to specify what the buttons are and what they do. buttons is a hash of hash, with button title and function. * Example: Drupal.t('Warning: Please Confirm'), Drupal.t("There are unsaved changes on this page, which you will lose if you continue."), { 'popup_save': { title: Drupal.t('Save Changes'), func: function(){Drupal.popups.savePage(element, options);} }, 'popup_submit': { title: Drupal.t('Continue'), func: function(){Drupal.popups.removePopup(); Drupal.popups.openPath(element, options);} }, 'popup_cancel': { title: Drupal.t('Cancel'), func: Drupal.popups.close; } } );