getImpact() .'
'; $message .= 'All tags: '. join(", ", $report->getTags()) .'
'; // iterate through the result an get every event (IDS_Event) foreach ($report as $event) { $message .= '
Variable: '. $event->getName() .' | Value: '. htmlspecialchars($event->getValue()) .'
'; $message .= 'Impact: '. $event->getImpact() .' | Tags: '. join(", ", $event->getTags()) .'
'; // iterator throught every filter $message .= ''; } return $message; } /** * Logs given $msg to watchdog. * * @param $msg * Report message as a string. * @params $prio * Watchdog priority. * * @see phpids_createReport() * @see watchdog() * * todo: Change to hook_watchdog if D5 isn't supported any more. */ function phpids_doLogging($msg, $prio = WATCHDOG_NOTICE) { if (phpids_getDrupalMajorVersion() > 5) { $vars=array(); watchdog('phpids', wordwrap($msg, '100', ' ', TRUE), $vars, $prio); } else watchdog('phpids', wordwrap($msg, '100', ' ', TRUE), $prio); } /** * Sent an infomail about attack detected by PHPIDS to configured mail address. * * @param $action * Action which is taken after checked by PHPIDS (warning, blocking, unknown) * * @see phpids_mail() * @see drupal_mail() */ function phpids_doWarning($action) { global $language; $to = variable_get('phpids_mail', ''); if (!$to == '' && (!variable_get('phpids_testonly_activated', FALSE) || (variable_get('phpids_testonly_activated', FALSE) && variable_get('phpids_testonly_withmail', FALSE)))) { switch ($action) { case 'warning': $params['subject'] = 'PHPIDS detect a warning on '. variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'); break; case 'blocking': $params['subject'] = 'PHPIDS detect a blocking on '. variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'); break; default: $params['subject'] = 'PHPIDS detect an unknown attack type on '. variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'); } $params['body'] = 'Please check your logging on your website to get detailed informations.'."\r\n\r\n".'Attacker: '. $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ."\r\n".'Attack-Time: '. date('c'); if (phpids_getDrupalMajorVersion() == '5' ) drupal_mail($action, $to, $params['subject'], $params['body']); else drupal_mail('phpids', $action, $to, $language, $params, variable_get('site_mail', NULL)); phpids_doLogging('Send warning mail to '. $to); } } /** * Returns action after checking impact level against current * phpids settings. * * @param $impact * Impact level given from PHPIDS. * @param $handling * Handling level for current user. * * @return * Returns action level checked against impact level. * 0: do nothing * 1: do logging (default) * 2: log and sent warning * 3: block request * * @see phpids_getHandling() */ function phpids_getAction($impact, $handling) { $action = 1; $log_level = variable_get('phpids_loglevel', 1); $warn_level = variable_get('phpids_warnlevel', 9); $block_level = variable_get('phpids_blocklevel', 27); if ($impact >= $block_level && $handling == 2) return 3; elseif ($impact >= $warn_level && $handling == 2) return 2; elseif ($impact < $log_level) return 0; return $action; } /** * Returns major number of used drupal version * * @return * Returns major version of current used drupal version. */ function phpids_getDrupalMajorVersion() { return substr(VERSION, 0, 1); } /** * Returns PHPIDS handling status by current user. * * @return * Returns value how to handle current user. * 0: handle for user #1 * 1: handle user with logging without action * 2: handle user with logging with action */ function phpids_getHandling() { global $user; $handling = 1; switch ($user->uid) { case 0: if (variable_get('phpids_anonymous', 2) == 2) $handling = 2; break; case 1: $handling = 0; break; default: $auth = variable_get('phpids_authenticated', 2); switch ($auth) { case 1: $handling = 0; break; case 3: $handling = 2; break; } } return $handling; } /** * Implements hook_init(). */ function phpids_init() { if (file_exists(variable_get('phpids_path', realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) .'/IDS/Config/Config.ini') || file_exists(variable_get('phpids_path', realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) .'/IDS/Config/Config.ini.php')) { $phpids_handling = phpids_getHandling(); if ($phpids_handling > 0) { $phpids_report = phpids_runPHPIDS(); if (!$phpids_report->isEmpty()) { switch (phpids_getAction($phpids_report->getImpact(), $phpids_handling)) { case 3: if (!function_exists('drupal_goto')) { require_once './includes/'; require_once './includes/'; } $message = phpids_createReport($phpids_report); phpids_doLogging($message, (phpids_getDrupalMajorVersion() > 5) ? WATCHDOG_ALERT : WATCHDOG_ERROR); phpids_doWarning('blocking'); if (!variable_get('phpids_testonly_activated', FALSE)) drupal_goto('warning.html'); break; case 2: $message = phpids_createReport($phpids_report); phpids_doLogging($message, WATCHDOG_WARNING); phpids_doWarning('warning'); break; case 1: $message = phpids_createReport($phpids_report); phpids_doLogging($message); break; case 0: break; default: $message = phpids_createReport($phpids_report); phpids_doLogging($message, (phpids_getDrupalMajorVersion() > 5) ? WATCHDOG_CRITICAL : WATCHDOG_ERROR); phpids_doWarning('unknown'); if (!variable_get('phpids_testonly_activated', FALSE)) drupal_goto('warning.html'); } } } } else { switch (phpids_getDrupalMajorVersion()) { case 7: phpids_doLogging('PHPIDS problem detected. Please check your status report for more informations.', WATCHDOG_EMERGENCY); break; case 6: phpids_doLogging('PHPIDS problem detected. Please check your status report for more informations.', WATCHDOG_EMERG); break; case 5: phpids_doLogging('PHPIDS problem detected. Please check your status report for more informations.', WATCHDOG_ERROR); break; default: phpids_doLogging('PHPIDS problem detected. Please check your status report for more informations.', WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } } /** * Implements hook_mail(). */ function phpids_mail($key, &$message, $params) { $message['subject'] .= $params['subject']; $message['body'][] .= $params['body']; } /** * Impementation of hook_menu(). * * Select drupal base version to fill $items with correct menu entrys. * * @return * Returns menu items by current used drupal version. * * @see phpids_getDrupalMajorVersion() */ function phpids_menu() { $items = array(); switch (phpids_getDrupalMajorVersion()) { case '7': $items['admin/config/system/phpids'] = array( 'title' => 'PHPIDS settings', 'description' => t('Configure PHPIDS settings'), 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('phpids_admin_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer phpids'), 'file' => '' ); $items['warning.html'] = array( 'title' => variable_get('phpids_warn_title', 'Security warning'), 'page callback' => 'phpids_warning', 'access callback' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK ); break; case '6': $items['admin/settings/phpids'] = array( 'title' => 'PHPIDS settings', 'description' => t('Configure PHPIDS settings'), 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('phpids_admin_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer phpids'), 'file' => '' ); $items['warning.html'] = array( 'title' => variable_get('phpids_warn_title', 'Security warning'), 'page callback' => 'phpids_warning', 'access callback' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK ); break; case '5': require_once(''); $items[] = array( 'path' => 'admin/settings/phpids', 'title' => t('PHPIDS settings'), 'description' => t('Configure PHPIDS settings'), 'callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'callback arguments' => array('phpids_admin_settings'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'access' => user_access('administer phpids') ); $items[] = array( 'path' => 'warning.html', 'title' => variable_get('phpids_warn_title', 'Security warning'), 'callback' => 'phpids_warning', 'access' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK ); break; } return $items; } /** * Implements hook_perm(). * * @return * Returns array for possible permission settings. */ function phpids_perm() { return array('administer phpids'); } /** * Runs PHPIDS and returns report. * * @return * Returns PHPIDS report object after running PHPIDS. */ function phpids_runPHPIDS() { // set include path and required the needed files $phpids_path = variable_get('phpids_path', realpath(dirname(__FILE__))); $phpids_tmppath = variable_get('phpids_tmppath', ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') .'phpids'); set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $phpids_path); require_once 'IDS/Init.php'; // instanciate the needed stuff $http_request = array_merge_recursive($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE); if (file_exists($phpids_path .'/IDS/Config/Config.ini.php')) $init = IDS_Init::init($phpids_path .'/IDS/Config/Config.ini.php'); else $init = IDS_Init::init($phpids_path .'/IDS/Config/Config.ini'); $init->config['General']['tmp_path'] = $phpids_tmppath; $init->config['General']['filter_path'] = $phpids_path .'/IDS/default_filter.xml'; $init->config['General']['HTML_Purifier_Cache'] = $phpids_tmppath; $init->config['General']['html'] = array(); $init->config['General']['json'] = array(); $init->config['General']['exceptions'] = array(); if (variable_get('phpids_html_fields', '') != '') $init->config['General']['html'] = explode(',', (variable_get('phpids_html_fields', ''))); if (variable_get('phpids_json_fields', '') != '') $init->config['General']['json'] = explode(',', (variable_get('phpids_json_fields', ''))); if (variable_get('phpids_excl_fields', '') != '') $init->config['General']['exceptions'] = explode(',', (variable_get('phpids_excl_fields', ''))); $init->config['Caching']['caching'] = 'file'; $init->config['Caching']['path'] = $phpids_tmppath .'/default_filter.cache'; $request = new IDS_Monitor($http_request, $init); return $request->run(); } /** * Generates page as direct output, if configured block level is reached. * * @return * Returns warning text if blocking level is reached. */ function phpids_warning() { return variable_get('phpids_warn_text', 'We have detected malicious input and blocked your attempt.
If you keep experiencing problems but feel like you are doing nothing wrong, please contact the site administrator.'); }