**Installation: Note that pathauto is an extension to the path module, which must be enabled. 1. Unpack the pathauto folder and contents in the modules directory of your Drupal installation. 2. Enable the pathauto module in the administration tools. 3. If you're not using Drupal's default administrative account, make sure "administer pathauto" is enabled through access control administration. 4. Visit the pathauto settings page: When first installing pathauto, to define the desired alias patterns. **Transliteration support: If you desire transliteration support in the creation of URLs (e.g. the replacement of À with A) then you will need to rename the file i18n-ascii.example.txt to i18n-ascii.txt You can then freely edit the i18n-ascii.txt without worrying that your changes will be over-written by upgrades of Pathauto. For details on how to transliterate any UTF8 character, please see the full i18n-ascii-fill.txt file information at http://drupal.org/node/185664 **Upgrading from previous versions: If you are upgrading from Pathauto 5.x-1.x to 5.x-2.x (or 6.x-2.x) then you will probably need to change your patterns. For content patterns: [user] is now [author-name] [cat] is now [term] There may be other changes as well. Please review the pattern examples on Administration > Site Configuration > Pathauto NOTE: You must also have the token module installed. If you upgraded from Pathauto 5.x-1.x directly without enabling token first then you will need to 1) download/install the token module 2) disable the Pathauto module 3) re-enable the Pathauto module 4) confirm the dependency on the token module. $Id: INSTALL.txt,v 1.2 2007-10-28 22:46:58 greggles Exp $