content mapper. * * @todo: Add test method iCal * @todo: Add common feeds tests to mapping test * Apple (School.ics), Google, Upcoming, include one with only feed timezone, not per item * @todo: Repeating rules */ class ParserIcalFeedsTestCase extends FeedsMapperTestCase { public function absolutePath() { return $this->absolute() . '/'. drupal_get_path('module', 'parser_ical'); } /** * Set up the test. */ public function setUp() { $modules = array_merge(array('feeds', 'feeds_ui', 'ctools', 'content', 'date_api', 'date', 'parser_ical'), func_get_args()); // Call parent setup with the required modules if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) { call_user_func_array('parent::setUp', $modules); } else { call_user_func_array(array('parent', 'setUp'), $modules); } // date module : consistent site timezone to against variable_set('date_default_timezone_name', 'Pacific/Apia'); // and just because I'll make mistakes working with tests with the US date format variable_set('date_format_short', 'Y-m-d H:i'); // Create user and login. $this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser( array( 'administer content types', 'administer feeds', 'administer nodes', 'administer site configuration', ) )); } /** * Basic test configured feed item, to import feed into. */ public function createConfiguredFeed($fields = array()) { // Create content type. $fields = array_merge($fields, array( 'datefield' => array('type' => 'date', 'settings' => array('todate' => 'optional', 'tz_handling' => 'date'), ), 'datesite' => array('type' => 'date', 'settings' => array('todate' => 'optional', 'tz_handling' => 'site'), ), )); $typename = $this->createContentType(NULL, $fields); // Create and configure importer. $this->createFeedConfiguration('iCal Feed', 'ical'); $this->setSettings('ical', NULL, array('content_type' => '', 'import_period' => FEEDS_SCHEDULE_NEVER, )); $this->setPlugin('ical', 'FeedsFileFetcher'); $this->setPlugin('ical', 'ParserIcalFeedsParser'); $this->setSettings('ical', 'FeedsNodeProcessor', array('content_type' => $typename, 'update_existing' => 1)); $this->addMappings('ical', array( array( 'source' => 'title', 'target' => 'title', ), array( 'source' => 'description', 'target' => 'body', ), array( 'source' => 'ical_date', 'target' => 'field_datefield:start', ), array( 'source' => 'ical_date', 'target' => 'field_datesite:start', ), array( 'source' => 'guid', 'target' => 'guid', 'unique' => '1', ), )); return $typename; } /** * assertCCKFieldValue uses an XPath on the CCK fields on the form, * the method looks in 'value' and for plain text the end date is a 'value2' * * Can't quickly see a nice extend on it so this _yet_ but sure it's there * so this is a simple version of the function making assumtions that we * know of the date field. * * @todo this properly. */ protected function assertCCKFieldValue2($field_name, $value) { $xpath = '//input[@name="field_' . $field_name . '[0][value2][date]"]'; $message = t('Found form %field_name with the expected value.', array('%field_name' => $field_name)); $this->assertFieldByXPath($xpath, $value, $message); } protected function assertCCKFieldTimezone($field_name, $value) { $xpath = '//select[@name="field_' . $field_name . '[0][timezone][timezone]"]'; $message = t('Found form %field_name timezone with the expected value.', array('%field_name' => $field_name)); $this->assertFieldByXPath($xpath, $value, $message); } /** * Return the form field name for a given CCK field. Special handling for date * fields. */ protected function getFormFieldsNames($field_name, $index) { if (in_array($field_name, array('date', 'datetime', 'datestamp', 'datefield', 'datesite'))) { return array("field_{$field_name}[{$index}][value][date]"); } else { return parent::getFormFieldsNames($field_name, $index); } } } class ParserIcalFeedsDateTestCase extends ParserIcalFeedsTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('Basic feeds integration'), 'description' => t('Test Feeds iCal parser support and date mapping. Requires Feeds and Date module.'), 'group' => t('iCal Parser'), ); } /** * Basic test using Basic.ics */ public function testBasicFeed() { $typename = $this->createConfiguredFeed(); // Import iCal file. $this->importFile('ical', $this->absolutePath() .'/tests/feeds/Basic.ics'); $this->assertText('Created 7 '. $typename .' nodes.'); // Check the imported nodes. // Timezones $data = array( array('title' => 'Simple start and end', 'field' => '2009-01-31 19:30', 'site' => '2009-01-31 19:30', 'field2' => '2009-01-31 20:30', 'site2' => '2009-01-31 20:30', 'timezone' => 'Pacific/Apia'), array('title' => 'Different start and end', 'field' => '2009-01-01 19:00', 'site' => '2009-01-01 07:00', 'field2' => '2009-01-01 20:00', 'site2' => '2009-01-01 08:00', 'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris'), array('title' => 'No timezone this time', 'field' => '2009-09-01 19:00', 'site' => '2009-09-01 19:00', 'field2' => '2009-09-01 20:00', 'site2' => '2009-09-01 20:00', 'timezone' => 'Pacific/Apia'), array('title' => 'UTC demarked with Z, over midnight.', 'field' => '2009-09-30 19:00', 'site' => '2009-09-30 08:00', 'field2' => '2009-10-01 20:00', 'site2' => '2009-10-01 09:00', 'timezone' => 'UTC'), /** * Failing Tests:- * // FAILING :: next is taking the time and then moving the zone so it doesn't end up all day array('title' => 'No timezone whole day', 'field' => '2009-10-02 00:00', 'site' => '2009-10-02 00:00', 'field2' => '2009-10-02 00:00', 'site2' => '2009-10-02 00:00', 'timezone' => 'Pacific/Apia'), // FAILING :: working out the all day but then moving the timezone as above array('title' => 'Single day as created by ms and google.', 'field' => '2009-01-05 00:00', 'site' => '2009-01-05 00:00', 'field2' => '2009-01-05 00:00', 'site2' => '2009-01-05 00:00', 'timezone' => 'Pacific/Apia'), // FAILING :: as above plus it's putting in the wrong end date using whole single day rule rather than multiple day array('title' => 'Multiple whole days', 'field' => '2009-10-05 00:00', 'site' => '2009-10-05 00:00', 'field2' => '2009-10-08 00:00', 'site2' => '2009-10-08 00:00', 'timezone' => 'Pacific/Apia'), //*/ ); for ($i = 1; $i <= count($data); $i++) { $this->drupalGet("node/$i/edit"); $this->pass('Checking : '. $d['title']); $this->assertNodeFieldValue('datefield', $d['field']); # ok how does this work then $this->assertCCKFieldValue('datesite', $d['site']); $this->assertCCKFieldValue2('datefield', $d['field2']); $this->assertCCKFieldValue2('datesite', $d['site2']); $this->assertCCKFieldTimezone('datefield', $d['timezone']); } // test if it refreshes items correctly $this->importFile('ical', $this->absolutePath() .'/tests/feeds/Basic1.ics'); $this->assertText('Updated 1 '. $typename .' node.'); } } class ParserIcalFeedsLocationTestCase extends ParserIcalFeedsTestCase { /** * Set up the test. */ public function setUp() { parent::setup('text'); } // Call parent setup with the required module. public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => t('Location'), 'description' => t('Location parsing and mapping. Requires Feeds, Date, CCK Text (and in the future geo) module.'), 'group' => t('iCal Parser'), ); } public function createConfiguredFeed() { $typename = parent::createConfiguredFeed(array('location' => array('type' => 'text'))); $this->addMappings('ical', array( array( 'source' => 'ical_location', 'target' => 'field_location', ), )); return $typename; } /** * Basic test using Location.ics */ public function testLocationFeed() { $typename = $this->createConfiguredFeed(); // Import iCal file. $this->importFile('ical', $this->absolutePath() .'/tests/feeds/Location.ics'); $this->assertText('Created 3 '. $typename .' nodes.'); // Check the imported nodes. // Timezones $data = array( array('title' => 'Basic location', 'location' => 'Text location'), /** * Failing Tests * * // this will break at the moment as the escaped in quotes colon triggers // the string array('title' => 'RFC example with altrep', 'location' => 'Conference Room - F123, Bldg. 002'), // it was on multiple lines the line break is a space // this is C&P from the field - and it doesn't compare :/ array('title' => 'Zvent location', 'location' => "Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel 79 Washington St. Providence RI United States"), //*/ ); for ($i = 1; $i <= count($data); $i++) { $this->drupalGet("node/$i/edit"); $this->assertNodeFieldValue('location', $d['location']); } } }