Changelog for Panels Everywhere Panels Everywhere -dev o Take advantage of changes in CTools to allow Panels Everywhere to get more context. o #885848: Better communication with the theme when a site template is in use. See README.txt. o #872260 by NigelCunningham: Allow Panels Everywhere page template takeover on a per theme basis. Panels Everywhere 1.1 (2010-Jul-26) o Don't use so many tokens when rendering page elements. o #784812: Don't override module page preprocesses so harshly. o #805180: Allow pages to select their template directly rather than going through variant rules. Works only with CTools 1.5. o Make sure the "Edit panel" tab says "Edit site template" for the site template. Works only with CTools 1.7. Panels Everywhere 1.0 (2010-Feb-01) o #680834: include gets lost in theme registry due to Drupal bug. Include automatically to compensate. o Add a checkbox to allow the admin theme to get Panels Everywhere applied separately. Panels Everywhere 1.0-beta1 o Initial commit to CVS o #674222: README.txt missed "engine = phptemplate" line for the -- this is needed so the blank theme can have templates. o Make sure that page manager edit screens are NOT run through layouts in case of catastrophic configuration of the site_template. o #679206: Using the setting to hide Drupal blocks/regions would cause theme('page') to loop infinitely resulting in either bad HTML or whitescreens. o Add some descriptive info text to the content types we offer to help introduce people to what will be IN the content and how they can theme them. o Update the README to include instructions on setting the page title to set from the page content pane. o Breadcrumb did not display properly in pane navigation due to error in o #679252: Create a sample variant and include it with Panels Everywhere, with an easy setting to make it go away after it is no longer needed.