' . t('Panel page') . '
' . t('You must activate the page manager module for this functionality.') . ''; $vars['new_panel_override'] = '' . t('You must activate the page manager module for this functionality.') . ''; } $vars['panel_node_description'] = t('Panel nodes are node content and appear in your searches, but are more limited than panel pages.'); if (module_exists('panels_node')) { $vars['new_panel_node'] = l(t('Panel node'), 'node/add/panel'); } else { $vars['new_panel_node'] = '' . t('Panel node') . '
' . t('You must activate the panel node module for this functionality.') . ''; } $vars['panel_mini_description'] = t('Mini panels are small content areas exposed as blocks, for when you need to have complex block layouts or layouts within layouts.'); if (module_exists('panels_mini')) { $vars['new_panel_mini'] = l(t('Mini panel'), 'admin/build/panel-mini/add'); } else { $vars['new_panel_mini'] = '' . t('Mini panel') . '
' . t('You must activate the Mini panels module for this functionality.') . ''; } if (module_exists('page_manager')) { module_load_include('inc', 'page_manager', 'page_manager.admin'); $tasks = page_manager_get_tasks_by_type('page'); $pages = array('operations' => array()); page_manager_get_pages($tasks, $pages); $count = 0; $rows = array(); foreach ($pages['rows'] as $id => $info) { $rows[] = array( 'data' => array( $info['data']['title'], $info['data']['operations'], ), 'class' => $info['class'], ); // Only show 10. if (++$count >= 10) { break; } } $vars['pages'] = theme('table', array(), $rows, array('class' => 'panels-manage')); $vars['pagelink'] = l(t('Go to list'), 'admin/build/pages'); } else { $vars['pages'] = '

' . t('You must install and activate the Page Manager module to manage pages. This module is located within the Chaos Tools Suite.') . '

'; } if (module_exists('panels_mini')) { // Load all mini panels and their displays. $panel_minis = panels_mini_load_all(); $count = 0; $rows = array(); foreach ($panel_minis as $panel_mini) { $rows[] = array( check_plain($panel_mini->title), array( 'data' => l(t('Edit'), "admin/build/panel-mini/$panel_mini->name/edit-general"), 'class' => 'page-manager-page-operations', ), ); // Only show 10. if (++$count >= 10) { break; } } if ($rows) { $vars['minis'] = theme('table', array(), $rows, array('class' => 'panels-manage')); } else { $vars['minis'] = '

' . t('There are no mini panels.') . '

'; } $vars['minilink'] = l(t('Go to list'), 'admin/build/panel-mini'); } else { $vars['minis'] = '

' . t('You must install and activate the Mini Panels module to manage them.') . '

'; $vars['minilink'] = ''; } } function panels_admin_settings_page() { $form = array(); if (module_exists('page_manager')) { foreach (page_manager_get_tasks() as $task) { if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($task, 'admin settings')) { $function($form); } } } ctools_include('content'); foreach (ctools_get_content_types() as $content) { if ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($content, 'admin settings')) { $function($form); } } if (empty($form)) { return array('#value' => t('There are currently no settings to change, but additional plugins or modules may provide them in the future.')); } return system_settings_form($form); } /** * Settings for panel contexts created by the page manager. */ function panels_admin_panel_context_page() { panels_load_include('common'); return drupal_get_form('panels_common_settings', 'panels_page'); }