did; if (!$did) { $display->did = $did = 'new'; } // Load the display being edited from cache, if possible. if (!empty($_POST) && is_object($cache = panels_cache_get($did))) { $display = $cache->display; } else { panels_cache_clear($did); $cache = new stdClass(); $cache->display = $display; $cache->content_types = $content_types; panels_cache_set($did, $cache); } // Break out the form pieces so we can return the new $display upon // successful submit. $form_id = 'panels_edit_display'; $form = drupal_retrieve_form($form_id, $display, $destination); if ($result = drupal_process_form($form_id, $form)) { // successful submit return $result; } $output = drupal_render_form($form_id, $form); $output .= theme('panels_hidden'); return $output; } /** * Form definition for the panels display editor * * No validation function is necessary, as all 'validation' is handled * either in the lead-up to form rendering (through the selection of * specified content types) or by the validation functions specific to * the ajax modals & content types. * * @ingroup forms * @see panels_edit_display_submit() */ function panels_edit_display($display, $destination) { $form['did'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $display->did, '#id' => 'panel-did', ); $form['op'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#id' => 'panel-op', ); $form['panels_display'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $display, ); if (!empty($destination)) { $form['destination'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $destination, ); } else { $form['#redirect'] = FALSE; } $explanation_text = '

'; $explanation_text .= t('Grab the title bar of any pane to drag-and-drop it into another panel. Click the add pane button (!addicon) in any panel to add more content. Click the configure (!configicon) button on any pane to re-configure that pane. Click the cache (!cacheicon) button to configure caching for that pane specifically. Click the show/hide (!showicon/!hideicon) toggle button to show or hide that pane. Panes hidden in this way will be hidden from everyone until the hidden status is toggled off.', array( '!addicon' => '' . theme('image', panels_get_path('images/icon-addcontent.png'), t('Add content to this panel'), t('Add content to this panel')) . '', '!configicon' => '' . theme('image', panels_get_path('images/icon-configure.png'), t('Configure this pane'), t('Configure this pane')) . '', '!cacheicon' => '' . theme('image', panels_get_path('images/icon-cache.png'), t('Control caching'), t('Control caching')) . '', '!showicon' => '' . theme('image', panels_get_path('images/icon-showpane.png'), t('Show this pane'), t('Show this pane')) . '', '!hideicon' => '' . theme('image', panels_get_path('images/icon-hidepane.png'), t('Hide this pane'), t('Hide this pane')) . '', ) ); $explanation_text .= '

'; $form['explanation'] = array( '#value' => $explanation_text, ); $layout = panels_get_layout($display->layout); $layout_panels = panels_get_panels($layout, $display); $form['button']['#tree'] = TRUE; $caches = panels_get_caches(); foreach ($display->content as $pid => $pane) { // This test ensures we don't put anything for panes that are in panels // that don't exist -- as can happen when flexible changes. if ($layout_panels[$pane->panel]) { $form['button'][$pid]['#tree'] = TRUE; if ($caches && user_access('use panels caching features')) { $form['button'][$pid]['cache'] = panels_add_button('icon-cache.png', t('Caching'), t('Control caching'), 'pane-cache'); } $form['button'][$pid]['show_hide'] = panels_add_button($pane->shown ? 'icon-hidepane.png' : 'icon-showpane.png', t('Show/Hide Toggle'), $pane->shown ? t('Hide this pane') : t('Show this pane'), 'pane-toggle-shown'); $form['button'][$pid]['configure'] = panels_add_button('icon-configure.png', t('Configure'), t('Configure this pane'), 'pane-configure'); $form['button'][$pid]['delete'] = panels_add_button('icon-delete.png', t('Delete'), t('Remove this pane'), 'pane-delete'); } } foreach ($layout_panels as $id => $name) { $form['panels'][$id]['add'] = panels_add_button('icon-addcontent.png', t('Add content'), t('Add content to this panel'), 'pane-add', "pane-add-$id"); } $form['panel'] = array('#tree' => TRUE); $form['panel']['pane'] = array('#tree' => TRUE); foreach ($layout_panels as $panel_id => $title) { $form['panel']['pane'][$panel_id] = array( // Use 'hidden' instead of 'value' so the js can access it. '#type' => 'hidden', '#default_value' => implode(',', (array) $display->panels[$panel_id]), ); } $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), '#id' => 'panels-dnd-save', ); $form['cancel'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Cancel'), ); $form['hide'] = array( '#prefix' => '', '#suffix' => '', ); $form['hide']['hide-all'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Hide all'), '#id' => 'panels-hide-all', ); $form['hide']['show-all'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Show all'), '#id' => 'panels-show-all', ); $form['hide']['cache-settings'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Cache settings'), '#id' => 'panels-cache-settings', ); return $form; } /** * Theme the form for editing display content. * * @ingroup themeable * * @param array $form * A structured FAPI $form array. * * @return string $output * HTML ready to be rendered. Note that the html produced here should be printed, * not returned, as it bypasses block rendering. Block rendering must be bypassed * because sidebars created using negative margins break ajax drag-and-drop. */ function theme_panels_edit_display($form) { _panels_js_files(); $display = $form['panels_display']['#value']; $layout = panels_get_layout($display->layout); $layout_panels = panels_get_panels($layout, $display); $save_buttons = drupal_render($form['submit']) . drupal_render($form['cancel']); foreach ($layout_panels as $panel_id => $title) { foreach ((array) $display->panels[$panel_id] as $pid) { $pane = $display->content[$pid]; $left_buttons = NULL; $buttons = drupal_render($form['button'][$pid]['configure']); if (!empty($form['button'][$pid]['cache'])) { $buttons .= drupal_render($form['button'][$pid]['cache']); } $buttons .= drupal_render($form['button'][$pid]['show_hide']); $buttons .= drupal_render($form['button'][$pid]['delete']); $content[$pane->panel] .= panels_show_pane($display, $pane, $left_buttons, $buttons); } $content[$panel_id] = theme('panels_panel_dnd', $content[$panel_id], $panel_id, $title, drupal_render($form['panels'][$panel_id]['add'])); } $output .= drupal_render($form); $output .= theme('panels_dnd', panels_render_layout($layout, $content, '', $display->layout_settings)); $output .= $save_buttons; return $output; } /** * Handle form submission of the display content editor. * * The behavior of this function is fairly complex and irregular compared to * most FAPI submit handlers. See the documentation on panels_edit() for a * detailed discussion of this behavior. */ function panels_edit_display_submit($form_id, $form_values) { $display = $form_values['panels_display']; if ($form_values['op'] == t('Save')) { $old_content = $display->content; $display->content = array(); foreach ($form_values['panel']['pane'] as $panel_id => $panes) { $display->panels[$panel_id] = array(); if ($panes) { $pids = explode(',', $panes); // need to filter the array, b/c passing it in a hidden field can generate trash foreach (array_filter($pids) as $pid) { if ($old_content[$pid]) { $display->panels[$panel_id][] = $pid; $old_content[$pid]->panel = $panel_id; $display->content[$pid] = $old_content[$pid]; } } } } drupal_set_message(t('Panel content has been updated.')); panels_save_display($display); } panels_cache_clear($display->did); if (empty($form_values['destination'])) { return $display; } } /** * Handle calling and processing of the form for editing display layouts. * * Helper function for panels_edit_layout(). * * @see panels_edit_layout() for details on the various behaviors of this function. */ function _panels_edit_layout($display, $finish, $destination, $allowed_layouts) { panels_load_include('common'); // module_name has been provided; the data was saved by the api_save() method. if (is_string($allowed_layouts)) { $allowed_layouts = unserialize(variable_get($allowed_layouts . "_allowed_layouts", serialize(''))); } // if no parameter was provided, or the variable_get failed if (!$allowed_layouts) { // tries to load the common panels allowed layouts $allowed_layouts = unserialize(variable_get('panels_common_allowed_layouts', serialize(''))); if (!$allowed_layouts) { // still no dice. simply creates a dummy version where all layouts are allowed. $allowed_layouts = new panels_allowed_layouts(); $allowed_layouts->allow_new = TRUE; } } // sanitize allowed layout listing; this is redundant if the $allowed_layouts param was null, but the data is cached anyway $allowed_layouts->sync_with_available(); // Break out the form pieces so we can return the new $display upon // successful submit. $form_id = 'panels_choose_layout'; $form = drupal_retrieve_form($form_id, $display, $finish, $destination, array_filter($allowed_layouts->allowed_layout_settings)); if ($result = drupal_process_form($form_id, $form)) { // successful submit return $result; } $output = drupal_render_form($form_id, $form); return $output; } /** * Form definition for the display layout editor. * * @ingroup forms */ function panels_choose_layout($display, $finish, $destination, $allowed_layouts) { $layouts = array(); $available_layouts = panels_get_layouts(); foreach ($available_layouts as $layout_key => $layout_settings) { if (!empty($allowed_layouts[$layout_key])) { $layouts[$layout_key] = $layout_settings; } } foreach ($layouts as $id => $layout) { $options[$id] = panels_print_layout_icon($id, $layout, check_plain($layout['title'])); } drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/layout.js')); $form['layout'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Choose layout'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => in_array($display->layout, array_keys($layouts)) ? $display->layout : NULL, '#attributes' => array('class' => 'clear-block'), ); $form['variables'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => array($display, $finish, $destination), ); if (empty($destination)) { $form['#redirect'] = FALSE; } if ($_POST['op'] && $_POST['op'] != t('Back') && $display->content) { $form['#post'] = $_POST; $form = form_builder('panels_choose_layout', $form); unset($form['#post']); $form['layout']['#type'] = 'hidden'; panels_change_layout($form, $display, $form['layout']['#value']); } if (($_POST['op'] && $_POST['op'] != t('Back')) || !$display->content) { $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $finish, ); } else { $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Next'), ); } // no token please $form['#token'] = FALSE; return $form; } /** * Handle form submission of the display layout editor. * * The behavior of this function is fairly complex and irregular compared to * most FAPI submit handlers. See the documentation on panels_edit_layout() for * detailed discussion of this behavior. */ function panels_choose_layout_submit($form_id, $form_values) { list($display, $finish, $destination) = $form_values['variables']; $new_layout_id = $form_values['layout']; if ($form_values['op'] == $finish) { if (!empty($form_values['old'])) { foreach ($form_values['old'] as $id => $new_id) { $content[$new_id] = array_merge((array) $content[$new_id], $display->panels[$id]); foreach ($content[$new_id] as $pid) { $display->content[$pid]->panel = $new_id; } } $display->panels = $content; } $display->layout = $new_layout_id; // save it back to our session. panels_save_display($display); if (empty($destination)) { return $display; } return $destination; } return FALSE; } /** * Form definition for the display layout converter. * * This form is only triggered if the user attempts to change the layout * for a display that has already had content assigned to it. It allows * the user to select where the panes located in to-be-deleted panels should * be relocated to. * * @ingroup forms * * @param array $form * A structured FAPI $form array. * @param object $display instanceof panels_display \n * The panels_display object that was modified on the preceding display layout * editing form. * @param string $new_layout_id * A string containing the name of the layout the display is to be converted to. * These strings correspond exactly to the filenames of the *.inc files in panels/layouts. * So, if the new layout that's been selected is the 'Two Column bricks' layout, then * $new_layout_id will be 'twocol_bricks', corresponding to panels/layouts/twocol_bricks.inc. */ function panels_change_layout(&$form, $display, $new_layout_id) { $new_layout = panels_get_layout($new_layout_id); $new_layout_panels = panels_get_panels($new_layout, $display); $options = $new_layout_panels; $keys = array_keys($options); $default = $options[0]; $old_layout = panels_get_layout($display->layout); $form['container'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); $form['container']['old_layout'] = array( '#value' => panels_print_layout_icon($display->layout, $old_layout, check_plain($old_layout['title'])), ); $form['container']['right_arrow'] = array( '#value' => theme('image', drupal_get_path('module', 'panels') . '/images/go-right.png'), ); $form['container']['new_layout'] = array( '#value' => panels_print_layout_icon($new_layout_id, $new_layout, check_plain($new_layout['title'])), ); $form['container-clearer'] = array( // TODO: FIx this ot use clear-block instead '#value' => '
', ); $form['old'] = array( '#tree' => true, '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); $old_layout_panels = panels_get_panels($old_layout, $display); foreach ($display->panels as $id => $content) { $form['old'][$id] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Move content in @layout to', array('@layout' => $old_layout_panels[$id])), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => array_key_exists($id, $options) ? $id : $default, ); } $form['back'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Back'), ); return $form; } /** * Handle calling and processing of the form for editing display layout settings. * * Helper function for panels_edit_layout_settings(). * * @see panels_edit_layout_settings() for details on the various behaviors of this function. */ function _panels_edit_layout_settings($display, $finish, $destination, $title) { // Break out the form pieces so we can return the new $display upon // successful submit. $form_id = 'panels_edit_layout_settings_form'; $form = drupal_retrieve_form($form_id, $display, $finish, $destination, $title); if ($result = drupal_process_form($form_id, $form)) { // successful submit return $result; } $output = drupal_render_form($form_id, $form); return $output; } /** * Form definition for the display layout settings editor. * * @ingroup forms * @see panels_edit_layout_settings_form_validate() * @see panels_edit_layout_settings_form_submit() */ function panels_edit_layout_settings_form($display, $finish, $destination, $title) { $layout = panels_get_layout($display->layout); $form = array(); if (!empty($layout['settings form']) && function_exists($layout['settings form'])) { // TODO doc the ability to do this as part of the API $form['layout_settings'] = $layout['settings form']($display, $layout, $display->layout_settings); $form['layout_settings']['#tree'] = TRUE; } if ($title) { $form['display_title'] = array ( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Panel Title'), '#tree' => TRUE, ); $form['display_title']['title'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#size' => 35, '#default_value' => $display->title, '#title' => t('Title'), '#description' => t('The title of this panel. Your theme will render this text as the main page title when a user views this panel. Note that there are some circumstances in which this title can be overridden elsewhere.'), ); $form['display_title']['hide_title'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Hide Title?'), '#default_value' => $display->hide_title, '#description' => t('Check this box to hide the main page title for this panel.'), ); if (is_string($title)) { $form['display_title']['title']['#description'] .= t(" If you leave this field blank, then the default title, '@title', will be used instead.", array('@title' => $title)); } } $form += panels_panel_settings($display); $form['variables'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => array($display, $finish, $destination, $title), ); if (empty($destination)) { $form['#redirect'] = FALSE; } $form['layout'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $layout, ); // Always show a Save button even if they sent in a Next or something similar // button. if ($finish !== t('Save')) { $form['save'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), ); } $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $finish, ); return $form; } function panels_edit_layout_settings_form_validate($form_id, $form_values, $form) { list($display, $finish, $destination) = $form_values['variables']; panels_panel_settings_validate($form_id, $form_values, $form); $layout = $form_values['layout']; if (!empty($layout['settings validate']) && function_exists($layout['settings validate'])) { $layout['settings validate']($form_values['layout_settings'], $form['layout_settings'], $display, $layout, $display->layout_settings); } } function panels_edit_layout_settings_form_submit($form_id, $form_values) { list($display, $finish, $destination, $title) = $form_values['variables']; panels_panel_settings_submit($form_id, $form_values); $layout = $form_values['layout']; if (!empty($layout['settings submit']) && function_exists($layout['settings submit'])) { $layout['settings submit']($form_values['layout_settings'], $display, $layout, $display->layout_settings); } if (isset($form_values['display_title']['title'])) { $display->title = $form_values['display_title']['title']; $display->hide_title = $form_values['display_title']['hide_title']; } if ($form_values['op'] == $finish || $form_values['op'] == t('Save')) { $display->layout_settings = $form_values['layout_settings']; $display->panel_settings = $form_values['panel_settings']; panels_save_display($display); drupal_set_message("Your layout settings have been saved."); if ($form_values['op'] != $finish) { // This forces us to come back here if they hit Save. $_REQUEST['destination'] = $_GET['q']; } if (empty($destination)) { return $display; } return $destination; } } /** * Display the edit form for a pane. * * @param $pane * The pane to edit. * @param $parents * The form api #parents array that this subform will live in. */ function panels_get_pane_edit_form($pane, $contexts, $parents) { return panels_ct_get_edit_form($pane->type, $pane->subtype, $contexts, $pane->configuration, $parents); } /** * Render a single pane in the edit environment. * * @param $pane * The pane to render. * @param $left_buttons * Buttons that go on the left side of the pane. * @param $buttons * Buttons that go on the right side of the pane. * @param $skin * If true, provide the outside div. Used to provide an easy way to get * just the innards for ajax replacement */ // TODO check and see if $skin is ever FALSE; pane show/hide setting is dependent on it being TRUE. can't imagine it could be... function panels_show_pane($display, $pane, $left_buttons, $buttons, $skin = TRUE) { $content_type = panels_get_content_type($pane->type); $block = new stdClass(); if (empty($content_type)) { $block->title = '' . t('Missing content type') . ''; $block->content = t('This pane\'s content type is either missing or has been deleted. This pane will not render.'); } elseif (function_exists($content_type['editor render callback'])) { $block = $content_type['editor render callback']($display, $pane); } else { $block = _panels_render_preview_pane_disabled($pane, $display->context); } // This is just used for the title bar of the pane, not the content itself. // If we know the content type, use the appropriate title for that type, // otherwise, set the title using the content itself. $title = !empty($content_type) ? panels_get_pane_title($pane, $display->context) : $block->title; $output = theme('panels_pane_dnd', $block, $pane->pid, $title, $left_buttons, $buttons); if ($skin) { $class = 'panel-pane' . ($pane->shown ? '' : ' hidden-pane'); $output = '
' . $output . '
'; } return $output; } /** * Provide filler content for dynamic pane previews in the editor, as they're just a * bad idea to have anyway, and can also cause infinite recursion loops that render the * editor inaccessible in some cases. * */ function _panels_render_preview_pane_disabled($pane, $context) { $block = new stdClass(); $block->title = panels_get_pane_title($pane, $context); $block->content = '' . t("Dynamic content previews have been disabled to improve performance and stability for this editing screen.") . ''; return $block; } /** * Entry point into all ajax operations. * * @param string $op * The name of the edit operation being performed. * @param integer $did * The id of the $display object being edited (if any). * @param integer $pid * The id of the pane object being edited (if any). */ // TODO deprecated. should be able to remove it. function panels_ajax($op = NULL, $did = NULL, $pid = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'submit-form': if ((is_numeric($did) || $did == 'new') && $cache = panels_cache_get($did)) { $output = panels_edit_submit_subform($cache->display); } break; default: } panels_ajax_render($output); } /** * Entry point for AJAX: 'Add Content' modal form, from which the user selects the * type of pane to add. * * @ingroup PanelsAjax * * @param int $did * The display id of the $display object currently being edited. * @param string $panel_id * A string with the name of the panel region to which the selected * pane type will be added. */ function panels_ajax_add_content($did = NULL, $panel_id = NULL) { $output = new stdClass(); if ((is_numeric($did) || $did == 'new') && $cache = panels_cache_get($did)) { $display = $cache->display; $layout = panels_get_layout($display->layout); $layout_panels = panels_get_panels($layout, $display); if ($layout && array_key_exists($panel_id, $layout_panels)) { $output->output = panels_add_content($cache, $panel_id); $output->type = 'display'; $output->title = t('Add content to !s', array('!s' => $layout_panels[$panel_id])); } } panels_ajax_render($output); } /** * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_add_content($cache, $panel_id) { $return = new stdClass(); $return->type = 'display'; $return->title = t('Choose type'); // TODO get rid of this deprecated method panels_set('return', $return); if (!isset($cache->content_types)) { $cache->content_types = panels_get_available_content_types(); } $weights = array(t('Contributed modules') => 0); $categories = array(); $titles = array(); foreach ($cache->content_types as $type_name => $subtypes) { if (is_array($subtypes)) { foreach ($subtypes as $subtype_name => $subtype_info) { $title = filter_xss_admin($subtype_info['title']); $description = isset($subtype_info['description']) ? $subtype_info['description'] : $title; if (isset($subtype_info['icon'])) { $icon = $subtype_info['icon']; $path = isset($subtype_info['path']) ? $subtype_info['path'] : panels_get_path("content_types/$type_name"); } else { $icon = 'no-icon.png'; $path = panels_get_path('images'); } if (isset($subtype_info['category'])) { if (is_array($subtype_info['category'])) { list($category, $weight) = $subtype_info['category']; $weights[$category] = $weight; } else { $category = $subtype_info['category']; if (!isset($weights['category'])) { $weights[$category] = 0; } } } else { $category = t('Contrib modules'); } $output = '
'; $link_text = theme('image', $path . '/' . $icon, $description, $description); $output .= l($link_text, 'javascript: void()', array('class' => 'panels-modal-add-config', 'id' => $type_name . '-' . $panel_id . '-' . $subtype_name), NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE); $output .= "
" . l($title, 'javascript: void()', array('class' => 'panels-modal-add-config', 'id' => $type_name . '-' . $panel_id . '-' . $subtype_name), NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE) . "
"; $output .= '
'; if (!isset($categories[$category])) { $categories[$category] = array(); $titles[$category] = array(); } $categories[$category][] = $output; $titles[$category][] = $title; } } } if (!$categories) { $output = t('There are no content types you may add to this display.'); } else { asort($weights); $output = ''; $columns = 3; foreach (range(1, $columns) as $column) { $col[$column] = ''; $size[$column] = 0; } foreach ($weights as $category => $weight) { $which = 1; // default; $count = count($titles[$category]) + 3; // Determine which column to use by seeing which column has the most // free space. This algorithm favors left. foreach (range($columns, 2) as $column) { if ($size[$column - 1] - $size[$column] > $count / 2) { $which = $column; break; } } $col[$which] .= '
'; $col[$which] .= '

' . $category . '

'; $col[$which] .= '
'; $col[$which] .= '
'; if (is_array($titles[$category])) { natcasesort($titles[$category]); foreach ($titles[$category] as $id => $title) { $col[$which] .= $categories[$category][$id]; } } $col[$which] .= '
'; $col[$which] .= '
'; $size[$which] += $count; // add 3 to account for title. } foreach ($col as $column) { $output .= '
' . $column . '
'; } } return $output; } /** * Entry point for AJAX: toggle pane show/hide status. * * @ingroup PanelsAjax * * @param int $did * The display id for the display object currently being edited. Errors out silently if absent. * @param int $pid * The pane id for the pane object whose show/hide state we're toggling. * @param string $op * The operation - showing or hiding - that this should perform. This could be calculated from * cached values, but given that this is a toggle button and people may click it too fast, * it's better to leave the decision on which $op to use up to the js than to calculate it here. */ function panels_ajax_toggle_shown($did = NULL, $pid = NULL, $op = NULL) { if ((is_numeric($did) || $did == 'new') && $cache = panels_cache_get($did)) { $ajax_vars = new stdClass(); list($ajax_vars->type, $ajax_vars->id, $ajax_vars->old_op) = array('toggle-shown', $pid, drupal_strtolower($op)); if ($op == 'Show') { list($cache->display->content[$pid]->shown, $ajax_vars->output, $ajax_vars->new_op) = array(1, 'Hide', 'hide'); } elseif ($op == 'Hide') { list($cache->display->content[$pid]->shown, $ajax_vars->output, $ajax_vars->new_op) = array(0, 'Show', 'show'); } else { // bad args, error out. panels_ajax_render(); } panels_cache_set($cache->display->did, $cache); panels_ajax_render($ajax_vars); } panels_ajax_render(); } /** * Entry point for AJAX: Add pane configuration. * * After updating the $cache data and equipping a new $pane object with basic values, * the general-purpose ajax form handler, panels_ajax_form(), is called and pushes the * configuration form to the screen. * * Once form submission is completed, data is pushed back into js by panels_ajax_render(). * * @ingroup PanelsAjax * * @param int $did * The display id for the display object currently being edited. Errors out silently if absent. * @param string $pane_info * A string generated by the following code in panels_add_content(): \n * @code * $output .= l($link_text, 'javascript: void()', array('class' => 'panels-modal-add-config', 'id' => $type_name . '-' . $panel_id . '-' . $subtype_name), NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE); * @endcode \n * $type_name contains the name of the content type, $panel_id the name of the panel region * to which the pane will be added, and $subtype_name is the name of the content subtype. * * @see panels_content_config_form() */ function panels_ajax_add_config($did = NULL, $pane_info = NULL) { if ((is_numeric($did) || $did == 'new') && $cache = panels_cache_get($did)) { if (!isset($_POST['form_id'])) { $pid = $cache->display->next_new_pid(); $pane = new stdClass(); $pane->pid = "new-$pid"; // Ensure there's no data relics. unset($cache->content_config[$pane->pid], $cache->pane); $cc = &$cache->content_config[$pane->pid]; list($cc['content_type'], $cc['panel_id'], $cc['content_subtype']) = explode('-', $pane_info, 3); list($pane->type, $pane->subtype, $pane->configuration, $pane->access) = array($cc['content_type'], $cc['content_subtype'], array(), array()); _panels_ajax_ct_preconfigure($cache, $pane); $cache->pane = drupal_clone($pane); panels_cache_set($did, $cache); } else { // Not the render passthrough, so the above data has been cached; we retrieve $pane from $cache. $pane = $cache->pane; unset($cache->pane); } $ajax_vars = panels_ajax_form('panels_content_config_form', t('Configure !subtype_title', array('!subtype_title' => $cache->content_config[$pane->pid]['ct_data']['subtype']['title'])), url($_GET['q'], NULL, NULL, TRUE), $cache, $pane, TRUE ); panels_ajax_render($ajax_vars); } panels_ajax_render(); } /** * Entry point for AJAX: Edit pane configuration. * * @ingroup PanelsAjax * * Prepares the display $cache and a pre-existing $pane so that the pane configuration * form for the $pane can be rendered. * * Once form submission is completed, data is pushed back into js by panels_ajax_render(). * * @param int $did * The display id of the display object currently being edited. Errors out silently if absent. * @param * The pane id of the pane object whose configuration form we're calling up to edit. * * @see panels_content_config_form() */ function panels_ajax_configure($did = NULL, $pid = NULL) { if ((is_numeric($did) || $did == 'new') && $cache = panels_cache_get($did)) { if (isset($cache->display->content[$pid]) && $pane = $cache->display->content[$pid]) { // Only perform on a form rendering passthrough and if the data hasn't already been built. if (!isset($_POST['form_id']) && empty($cc['built'])) { $cc = &$cache->content_config[$pane->pid]; if (!isset($cc)) { list($cc['content_type'], $cc['content_subtype']) = array($pane->type, $pane->subtype); _panels_ajax_ct_preconfigure($cache, $pane); panels_cache_set($did, $cache); } } $ajax_vars = panels_ajax_form('panels_content_config_form', t('Configure !subtype_title', array('!subtype_title' => $cache->content_config[$pane->pid]['ct_data']['subtype']['title'])), url($_GET['q'], NULL, NULL, TRUE), $cache, $pane ); panels_ajax_render($ajax_vars); } } panels_ajax_render(); } /** * Helper function for ajax pane type editing callbacks. When needed, preps * the cached $display object with relevant data from the content type. * * @ingroup PanelsAjax * * @param array $cache * The loaded $cache object containing all the current $display editing data. * @param object $pane * The $pane object this ajax callback intends to operate on. * * @see panels_ajax_configure() * @see panels_ajax_add_config() */ function _panels_ajax_ct_preconfigure(&$cache, &$pane) { $cc = &$cache->content_config[$pane->pid]; // indicates that the data for this pane has been built for this round of edits and need not be rebuilt $cc['built'] = TRUE; $subtype = $cc['ct_data']['subtype'] = $cache->content_types[$pane->type][$pane->subtype]; $type = $cc['ct_data']['type'] = panels_get_content_type($pane->type); $cc['ignore_roles'] = !$type['role-based access']; if (panels_plugin_get_function('content_types', $type, 'visibility control')) { $cc['visibility_controller'] = $type['visibility control']; // defaults to NOT using the built-in pane access system if the ct defines a visibility callback $cc['ignore_roles'] = TRUE; if (isset($type['roles and visibility']) && $type['roles and visibility'] === TRUE) { $cc['ignore_roles'] = FALSE; } } if (panels_plugin_get_function('content_types', $type, 'form control')) { $cc['form_controller'] = $type['form control']; } } /** * Master FAPI definition for all pane add/edit configuration forms. * * @ingroup PanelsAjax * * @param object $cache * The $cache object for the panels $display currently being edited. * @param object $pane * The $pane object currently being added/edited. * @param bool $add * A boolean indicating whether we are adding a new pane ($add === TRUE) * operation in this operation, or editing an existing pane ($add === FALSE). * * @return array $form * A structured FAPI form definition, having been passed through all the appropriate * content-type specific callbacks. */ function panels_content_config_form($cache, $pane, $add = FALSE) { $op = $add ? 'add' : 'edit'; // for brevity and readability. $cc = $cache->content_config[$pane->pid]; $form['start_form'] = array('#value' => ''); $form['next'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => $add ? t('Add pane') : t('Save'), ); $form['vars'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => array($cache, $pane, $add, $op)); // Allows content types that define this callback to have full control over the pane config form. if (isset($cc['form_controller'])) { call_user_func_array($cc['form_controller'], array(&$form, &$cache->content_config[$pane->pid], &$cache->display, $add)); // Only set the cache with any new vars on the render passthrough; setting // it again could, depending on the changes in the plugin function, cause // serious data consistency problems. if (!isset($_POST['form_id'])) { panels_cache_set($cache->display->did, $cache); } } return $form; } /** * FAPI validator for panels_content_config_form(). * * Call any validation functions defined by the content type. * */ function panels_content_config_form_validate($form_id, $form_values, $form) { list($cache, $pane, $add, $op) = $form_values['vars']; panels_ct_pane_validate_form($pane->type, $form['configuration'], $form_values['configuration'], $op); } /** * FAPI submit handler for panels_content_config_form(). * * @ingroup PanelsAjax * * Call any submit handlers defined by the content type, update * the $cache object with the relevant data, save $cache to the * object_cache table, and return data for ajax updates. * * @return object $ajax_vars * Variables to be passed to the ajax handler so that the overall edit form can * be updated as needed. */ function panels_content_config_form_submit($form_id, $form_values) { list($cache, $pane, $add, $op) = $form_values['vars']; // Start by saving all initial $pane values into the array of pane data in $display->content. $cache->display->content[$pane->pid] = $pane; // Call the submit handler provided by the pane type, if any. panels_ct_pane_submit_form($pane->type, $form_values['configuration'], $op); if (isset($form_values['visibility'])) { if ($visibility_submit = panels_plugin_get_function('content_types', $cache->content_config[$pane->pid]['ct_data']['type'], 'visibility submit')) { // Use call_user_func_array() in order to ensure that all these values can only be passed by value. $cache->display->content[$pane->pid]->visibility = call_user_func_array($visibility_submit, array($form_values['visibility'], $add, $cache->display->content[$pane->pid], $cache->display)); } else { // If no visibility submit callback is defined, fall back to the default storage behavior. Should be // adequate for the vast majority of use cases, so most client modules won't need to define callbacks. $cache->display->content[$pane->pid]->visibility = is_array($form_values['visibility']) ? array_keys(array_filter($form_values['visibility'])) : $form_values['visibility']; } } else { $cache->display->content[$pane->pid]->visibility = ''; } if (isset($form_values['access'])) { $cache->display->content[$pane->pid]->access = array_keys(array_filter($form_values['access'])); } else { $cache->display->content[$pane->pid]->access = array(); } $cache->display->content[$pane->pid]->configuration = $form_values['configuration']; // Call submit handlers specific to the $op ('add' or 'edit'). $ajax_vars = call_user_func_array("panels_content_config_" . $op . "_form_submit", array($form_values, &$cache, $pane)); $ajax_vars->id = $pane->pid; panels_cache_set($cache->display->did, $cache); return $ajax_vars; } function panels_content_config_add_form_submit($form_values, $cache, $pane) { $ajax_vars = new stdClass(); $ajax_vars->type = 'add'; $ajax_vars->region = $cache->content_config[$pane->pid]['panel_id']; $cache->display->panels[$cache->content_config[$pane->pid]['panel_id']][] = $pane->pid; $cache->display->content[$pane->pid]->shown = TRUE; // we need to fake the buttons a little. // new panes are shown by default $buttons['configure'] = panels_add_button('icon-configure.png', t('Configure'), t('Configure this pane'), 'pane-configure'); $buttons['configure']['#parents'] = array('button', $pane->pid, 'configure'); if (panels_get_caches() && user_access('use panels caching features')) { $buttons['cache'] = panels_add_button('icon-cache.png', t('Caching'), t('Control caching'), 'pane-cache'); $buttons['cache']['#parents'] = array('button', $pane->pid, 'cache'); } $buttons['show_hide'] = panels_add_button('icon-hidepane.png', t('Show/Hide Toggle'), t('Hide this pane'), 'pane-toggle-shown'); $buttons['show_hide']['#parents'] = array('button', $pane->pid, 'show_hide'); $buttons['delete'] = panels_add_button('icon-delete.png', t('Delete'), t('Remove this pane'), 'pane-delete'); $buttons['delete']['#parents'] = array('button', $pane->pid, 'delete'); $buttons = form_builder('dummy', $buttons); // Render the new pane for the javascript. $ajax_vars->output = panels_show_pane($cache->display, $cache->display->content[$pane->pid], NULL, drupal_render($buttons)); return $ajax_vars; } /** * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_content_config_edit_form_submit($form_values, $cache, $pane) { // If this content type defines its own 'editor render callback', we need to // invoke that again, since we're not doing a full panels_show_pane(). $content_type = $cache->content_config[$pane->pid]['ct_data']['type']; if (function_exists($content_type['editor render callback'])) { $block = $content_type['editor render callback']($cache->display, $pane); } else { $block = _panels_render_preview_pane_disabled($pane, $cache->display->context); } $ajax_vars = new stdClass(); $ajax_vars->type = 'replace'; $ajax_vars->output = theme('panels_pane_collapsible', $block, $cache->display); return $ajax_vars; } /** * Entry point for AJAX modal: configure pane * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_ajax_cache($did = NULL, $pid = NULL) { if (!((is_numeric($did) || $did == 'new') && $cache = panels_cache_get($did))) { panels_ajax_render(); } // First, check to see if this is a form being submitted and, if it is, which // one, because we can have two forms here. if (!empty($_POST) && !empty($_POST['form_id']) && $_POST['form_id'] == 'panels_edit_cache_settings_form') { return panels_ajax_cache_settings($cache, $pid); } $method = panels_ajax_form('panels_edit_cache_method_form', t('Select cache method'), url($_GET['q'], NULL, NULL, TRUE), $cache->display, $pid ); return panels_ajax_cache_settings($cache, $pid, $method); } /** * Choose cache method form * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_edit_cache_method_form($display, $pid) { $conf = $pid ? $display->content[$pid]->cache : $display->cache; // Set to 0 to ensure we get a selected radio. if (!isset($conf['method'])) { $conf['method'] = 0; } $caches = panels_get_caches(); if (empty($caches)) { $form['markup'] = array('#value' => t('No caching options are available at this time. Please enable a panels caching module in order to use caching options.')); return $form; } $options[0] = t('No caching'); foreach ($caches as $cache => $info) { $options[$cache] = check_plain($info['title']); } $form['method'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Method'), '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $conf['method'], ); $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Next'), ); return $form; } /** * Submit callback for panels_edit_cache_method_form. * * All this needs to do is return the method. * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_edit_cache_method_form_submit($form_id, $form_values) { return $form_values['method']; } /** * Handle the cache settings form * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_ajax_cache_settings($cache, $pid, $method = NULL) { if (empty($method) && isset($_POST['method'])) { // Retrieve the method from the form. $method = $_POST['method']; } if (empty($method) || !($function = panels_plugin_get_function('cache', $method, 'settings form'))) { panels_ajax_set_cache_data($cache->display, $pid, 0); } else { $cache->display = panels_ajax_form('panels_edit_cache_settings_form', t('Configure cache settings'), url($_GET['q'], NULL, NULL, TRUE), $cache->display, $pid, $method, $function ); } panels_cache_set($cache->display->did, $cache); if ($pid) { $ajax_vars = new stdClass(); list($ajax_vars->id, $ajax_vars->output, $ajax_vars->type) = array($pid, 'Changed', 'dismiss-changed'); panels_ajax_render($ajax_vars); } else { panels_ajax_render('dismiss'); } } /** * Set the cache method and associated settings on the display. * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_ajax_set_cache_data(&$display, $pid, $method, $settings = array()) { if ($pid) { $conf = &$display->content[$pid]->cache; } else { $conf = &$display->cache; } $conf['method'] = $method; $conf['settings'] = $settings; } /** * Cache settings form * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_edit_cache_settings_form($display, $pid, $method, $settings_function) { $conf = $pid ? $display->content[$pid]->cache : $display->cache; $info = panels_get_cache($method); $form['description'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#value' => check_plain($info['description']), ); $form['settings'] = $settings_function($conf['settings'], $display, $pid); $form['settings']['#tree'] = TRUE; $form['method'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $method, ); $form['display'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $display, ); $form['pid'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $pid, ); $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), ); return $form; } /** * Validate cache settings. */ function panels_edit_cache_settings_form_validate($form_id, $form_values, $form) { if ($function = panels_plugin_get_function('cache', $form_values['method'], 'settings form validate')) { $function($form, $form_values['settings']); } } /** * Allows panel styles to validate their style settings. * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_edit_cache_settings_form_submit($form_id, $form_values) { if ($function = panels_plugin_get_function('cache', $form_values['method'], 'settings form submit')) { $function($form_values['settings']); } // Identify which configuration we're setting $pid = $form_values['pid']; $display = $form_values['display']; panels_ajax_set_cache_data($display, $pid, $form_values['method'], $form_values['settings']); return $display; } /** * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_edit_submit_subform($display) { // Check forms to make sure only valid forms can be rendered this way. $valid_forms = array('panels_add_content_config_form', 'panels_edit_pane_config_form'); $form_id = $_POST['form_id']; if (!in_array($form_id, $valid_forms)) { return panels_ajax_render(); } $output = drupal_get_form($form_id, $display); $next = panels_get('next'); if ($next) { $output = drupal_get_form($next['form'], $display, $next['data']); $return = panels_get('return'); if (!$return->output) { $return->output = $output; } } else { if (!($return = panels_get('return'))) { $return->type = 'display'; $return->output = $output; } else if ($return->type == 'display' && !$return->output) { $return->output = $output; } } if ($return->type == 'display') { $return->output = theme('status_messages') . $return->output; } return $return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Panels settings + ajax for modal popup /** * Form to edit panel style settings. * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_panel_settings($display) { $panel_settings = $display->panel_settings; $style = panels_get_style((!empty($panel_settings['style'])) ? $panel_settings['style'] : 'default'); // Let the user choose between panel styles that are available for any // panels implementation or specifically to this one. $options = array(); foreach (panels_get_styles() as $name => $properties) { if (empty($properties['hidden']) && (!empty($properties['render panel']))) { $options[$name] = $properties['title']; } } $form = array(); $form['display'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $display); $form['panel_settings'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Panel settings'), '#tree' => TRUE, ); $form['panel_settings']['start_box'] = array( '#value' => '
', ); $modals = array(); $form['panel_settings']['style'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options, '#id' => 'panel-settings-style', '#default_value' => $style['name'], ); // Is this form being posted? If so, check cache. if (!empty($_POST)) { $style_settings = panels_common_cache_get('style_settings', $display->did); } if (!isset($style_settings)) { $style_settings = !empty($panel_settings['style_settings']) ? $panel_settings['style_settings'] : array(); panels_common_cache_set('style_settings', $display->did, $style_settings); } $form['panel_settings']['style_settings'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $style_settings, ); $form['panel_settings']['edit_style'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#id' => 'panels-style-settings', '#value' => t('Edit style settings'), ); // Set up the AJAX settings for the modal. $modals['#panels-style-settings'] = array(url('panels/ajax/panel_settings/' . $display->did . '/default', NULL, NULL, TRUE), '#panel-settings-style'); $form['panel_settings']['end_box'] = array( '#value' => '
', ); $form['panel_settings']['individual'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Per panel settings'), '#id' => 'panel-settings-individual', '#description' => t('If this is checked, each region in the display can have its own style.'), '#default_value' => $panel_settings['individual'], ); $layout_options = array_merge(array('-1' => t('Use the default panel style')), $options); $layout = panels_get_layout($display->layout); $layout_panels = panels_get_panels($layout, $display); $checkboxes = array(); foreach ($layout_panels as $id => $name) { $form['panel_settings']['panel'][$id]['start_box'] = array( '#value' => '
', ); $form['panel_settings']['panel'][$id]['style'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $layout_options, '#id' => 'panel-settings-style-' . $id, '#default_value' => $display->panel_settings['panel'][$id]['style'], ); $checkboxes[] = '#panel-settings-style-' . $id; $form['panel_settings']['panel'][$id]['edit_style'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#id' => 'panels-style-settings-' . $id, '#attributes' => array('class' => 'panels-style-settings'), '#value' => t('Edit style settings'), ); $checkboxes[] = '#panels-style-settings-' . $id; // Set up the AJAX settings for the modal. $modals['#panels-style-settings-' . $id ] = array(url('panels/ajax/panel_settings/' . $display->did . '/' . $id, NULL, NULL, TRUE), '#panel-settings-style-' . $id); $form['panel_settings']['panel'][$id]['end_box'] = array( '#value' => '
', ); } // while we don't use this directly some of our forms do. drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js'); drupal_add_js('misc/autocomplete.js'); $ajax = array('panels' => array( 'closeText' => t('Close Window'), 'closeImage' => theme('image', panels_get_path('images/icon-delete.png'), t('Close window'), t('Close window')), 'throbber' => theme('image', panels_get_path('images/throbber.gif'), t('Loading...'), t('Loading')), 'checkboxes' => array('#panel-settings-individual' => $checkboxes), 'modals' => $modals, )); $form['panel_settings']['did'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $display->did, ); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/lib/dimensions.js')); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/lib/mc.js')); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/lib/form.js')); drupal_add_js($ajax, 'setting'); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/checkboxes.js')); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/modal_forms.js')); drupal_add_css(panels_get_path('css/panels_dnd.css')); return $form; } /** * @} ends PanelsAjax group */ function panels_panel_settings_validate($form_id, $form_values, $form) { $settings = panels_common_cache_get('style_settings', $form_values['panel_settings']['did']); form_set_value($form['panel_settings']['style_settings'], $settings); } function panels_panel_settings_submit($form_id, $form_values) { panels_common_cache_clear('style_settings', $form_values['panel_settings']['did']); } /** * AJAX incoming to deal with the style settings modal * * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_panel_settings_ajax($did, $panel, $name) { if ($name == '0') { panels_ajax_render(t('There are no style settings to edit.'), t('Edit default style settings')); } $style = panels_get_style($name); $style_settings = panels_common_cache_get('style_settings', $did); if (!isset($style_settings)) { panels_ajax_render(); } // Render the panels ajax form. This only returns to us on successful // submit; otherwise the form is rendered for us and nothing else happens. $style_settings[$panel] = panels_ajax_form('panels_common_style_settings_form', t('Edit style settings for @style', array('@style' => $style['title'])), url($_GET['q'], NULL, NULL, TRUE), $did, $style, $style_settings[$panel] ); panels_common_cache_set('style_settings', $did, $style_settings); panels_ajax_render('dismiss'); } /** * Form for the style settings modal. * * @ingroup PanelsAjax */ function panels_common_style_settings_form($did, $style, $style_settings) { $form['start_form'] = array('#value' => ''); if (!isset($form['markup'])) { $form['style'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $style, ); $form['did'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $did, ); $form['next'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), ); } return $form; } /** * Allows panel styles to validate their style settings. */ function panels_common_style_settings_form_validate($form_id, $form_values, $form) { $style = $form_values['style']; if (isset($style['settings form validate']) && function_exists($style['settings form validate'])) { $style['settings form validate']($form, $form_values['style_settings']); } } /** * Allows panel styles to validate their style settings. */ function panels_common_style_settings_form_submit($form_id, $form_values) { $style = $form_values['style']; if (isset($style['settings form submit']) && function_exists($style['settings form submit'])) { $style['settings form submit']($form_values['style_settings']); } return $form_values['style_settings']; } /** * Includes required JavaScript libraries. */ function _panels_js_files() { // while we don't use this directly some of our forms do. drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js'); drupal_add_js('misc/autocomplete.js'); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/lib/dimensions.js')); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/lib/mc.js')); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/lib/form.js')); drupal_add_js(array('panelsAjaxURL' => url('panels/ajax', NULL, NULL, TRUE)), 'setting'); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/display_editor.js')); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/checkboxes.js')); drupal_add_js(panels_get_path('js/modal_forms.js')); drupal_add_css(panels_get_path('css/panels_dnd.css')); drupal_add_css(panels_get_path('css/panels_admin.css')); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Panels theming functions // @DND function theme_panels_dnd($content) { $output = "
"; return $output; } // @DND function theme_panels_panel_dnd($content, $region, $label, $footer) { return "


"; } // @DND function theme_panels_pane_dnd($block, $id, $label, $left_buttons = NULL, $buttons = NULL) { if (!$block->title) { $block->title = t('No title'); } static $count = 0; $output .= "
"; if ($buttons) { $output .= "$buttons"; } if ($left_buttons) { $output .= "$left_buttons"; } $output .= "$label
"; $output .= '
'; $output .= theme('panels_pane_collapsible', $block); $output .= '
'; return $output; } // @DND function theme_panels_pane_collapsible($block) { $output .= '

' . $block->title . '

'; $output .= '
' . filter_xss_admin($block->content) . '
'; return $output; } /** * This is separate because it must be outside the
to work, and * everything in the form theme is inside the form. */ // @DND function theme_panels_hidden() { $close_text = t('Close Window'); $close_image = theme('image', panels_get_path('images/icon-delete.png'), t('Close window'), t('Close window')); $throbber_image = theme('image', panels_get_path('images/throbber.gif'), t('Loading...'), t('Loading')); $output = <<\n
\n \n \n
\n \n EOF; return $output; }