package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.SimpleButton; import flash.geom.ColorTransform; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Point; import; import; import flash.external.ExternalInterface; import; import; import; import flash.utils.Timer; import; import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize; public class Peel extends MovieClip { // BEGIN PEEL PARAMETERS // sizes private var flagWidth:uint; private var flagHeight:uint; private var peelWidth:uint; private var peelHeight:uint; // peel position on page. Values: topleft || topright || bottomleft || bottomright private var peelPosition:String; // mirror the image on peel. Values: true || false private var mirror:Boolean; // color of peel. Values: golden || silver || custom private var peelColor:String; // color of peel style. Values: flat || gradient private var peelColorStyle:String; // red value of custom color. Values 0-255 private var redValue:uint; // green value of custom color. Values 0-255 private var greenValue:uint; // blue value of custom color. Values 0-255 private var blueValue:uint; // link enabled. Values: true || false private var linkEnabled:Boolean; // where to open ad link, same or new window. Values: _self || _blank private var linkTarget:String; // ad link private var link:String; // speed of peel movement. Values: 1-9 private var peelSpeed:uint; // milliseconds to automatic open the peel. private var automaticOpen:uint; // milliseconds to automatic close the peel. private var automaticClose:uint; // enable a close button on opened peel. Values: true || false private var close_button_enable:Boolean; // text on close button private var text_on_close_button:String; // red value of close button color private var close_redValue:uint; // green value of close button color private var close_greenValue:uint; // blue value of close button color private var close_blueValue:uint; // END PEEL PARAMETERS private var imageLoader:Loader; private var toScaleX:Number; private var toScaleY:Number; private var openSound:Sound; private var closeSound:Sound; private var openSoundEnabled:Boolean = false; private var closeSoundEnabled:Boolean = false; // automatic open timer var automaticOpenTimer:Timer; // automatic close timer var automaticCloseTimer:Timer; private const childNames = new Array("image", "inner_shadow", "peel", "top_shadow", "mirror_image", "button", "close_button_container"); // this flag controls the movement direction. False -> forward. True -> backward private var moveBackwards:Boolean = false; // this flag controls if peel had been opened to prevent automatic open to trigger private var automaticOpenAbort:Boolean = false; // this flag controls if peel had been closed to prevent automatic close to trigger private var firstCloseTime:Boolean = true; // complementary color to use on close mouse over private var closeMouseOverRedValue, closeMouseOverGreenValue, closeMouseOverBlueValue:uint; // to track the currentFrame of childs to be shown private var peelCurrentFrame:uint; // mirror image bitmap and timer to update it private var mirrorImageBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(); private var updateMirrorImageTimer:Timer; /* * Constructor */ public function Peel(peelPosition:String, mirror:Boolean, peelColor:String, peelColorStyle:String, redValue:uint, greenValue:uint, blueValue:uint, linkEnabled:Boolean, linkTarget:String, link:String, peelSpeed:uint, automaticOpen:uint, automaticClose:uint, close_button_enable:Boolean, text_on_close_button:String, close_redValue:uint, close_greenValue:uint, close_blueValue:uint, imageLoader:Loader, openSound:Sound, closeSound:Sound, toScaleX:Number, toScaleY:Number, flagWidth:uint, flagHeight:uint, peelWidth:uint, peelHeight:uint) { this.peelPosition = peelPosition; this.mirror = mirror; this.peelColor = peelColor; this.peelColorStyle = peelColorStyle; this.redValue = redValue; this.greenValue = greenValue; this.blueValue = blueValue; this.linkEnabled = linkEnabled; this.linkTarget = linkTarget; = link; this.peelSpeed = peelSpeed; this.automaticOpen = automaticOpen; this.automaticClose = automaticClose; this.close_button_enable = close_button_enable; this.text_on_close_button = text_on_close_button; this.close_redValue = close_redValue; this.close_greenValue = close_greenValue; this.close_blueValue = close_blueValue; this.imageLoader = imageLoader; this.openSound = openSound; this.closeSound = closeSound; this.toScaleX = toScaleX; this.toScaleY = toScaleY; this.flagWidth = flagWidth; this.flagHeight = flagHeight; this.peelWidth = peelWidth; this.peelHeight = peelHeight; if (openSound == null) { openSoundEnabled = false; } else { openSoundEnabled = true; } if (closeSound == null) { closeSoundEnabled = false; } else { closeSoundEnabled = true; } //set peel color if (peelColor == "golden") { this.redValue = 50; this.greenValue = 100; this.blueValue = 10; } else if (peelColor == "silver") { if (peelColorStyle == "flat") { this.redValue = 192; this.greenValue = 192; this.blueValue = 192; } else { this.redValue = 0; this.greenValue = 0; this.blueValue = 0; } } setPeelColor(this.redValue, this.greenValue, this.blueValue); if (automaticOpen > 0) { // automatic open timer automaticOpenTimer = new Timer(automaticOpen, 1); // event to control automatic open timer completion automaticOpenTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, openTimerCompleted); if (automaticClose > 0) { // automatic close timer automaticCloseTimer = new Timer(automaticClose, 1); // event to control automatic close timer completion automaticCloseTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, closeTimerCompleted); } } // add big image to its container setImage(); // add mirror image to peel if configured to do so if (mirror) { setMirrorImage(); } // add mouse over event to peel ExternalInterface.addCallback("doPeel", doPeel); if (linkEnabled) { // add mouuse up event to control when user press button MovieClip(getChildByName("button")).peelBigButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, doLink); } // start the automatic open timer if (automaticOpen > 0) { automaticOpenTimer.start(); } // calculate complementary color for close button mouse over closeMouseOverRedValue = ((255-this.redValue)*3+(255-this.close_redValue))/4; closeMouseOverGreenValue = ((255-this.greenValue)*3+(255-this.close_greenValue))/4; closeMouseOverBlueValue = ((255-this.blueValue)*3+(255-this.close_blueValue))/4;"showFlag", this.peelPosition, this.flagWidth, this.flagHeight, this.peelWidth, this.peelHeight); stopAll(); this.peelCurrentFrame = 1; } /* * automatic open timer completion event handler */ private function openTimerCompleted (e:TimerEvent) : void { if (!automaticOpenAbort) {"doPeel", this.peelPosition); doPeel(); } } /* * automatic close timer completion event handler */ private function closeTimerCompleted (e:TimerEvent) : void { if (firstCloseTime) { doUnpeel(); } } /* * Sets color of peel. */ private function setPeelColor (redValue, greenValue, blueValue: uint) : void { var peelTransform:ColorTransform; if (this.peelColorStyle == "flat") { peelTransform = new ColorTransform(0,0,0,1,redValue,greenValue,blueValue,0); } else { peelTransform = new ColorTransform(1,1,1,1,redValue,greenValue,blueValue,0); } MovieClip(getChildByName("peel")).transform.colorTransform = peelTransform; } /* * Flip horizontal */ private function flipHorizontal(dsp:DisplayObject):void { var matrix:Matrix = dsp.transform.matrix; matrix.transformPoint(new Point(dsp.width/2, dsp.height/2)); if(matrix.a > 0){ matrix.a = -1 * matrix.a; matrix.tx = dsp.width + dsp.x; } else { matrix.a = -1 * matrix.a; matrix.tx = dsp.x - dsp.width; } dsp.transform.matrix = matrix; } /* * Flip vertical */ private function flipVertical(dsp:DisplayObject):void { var matrix:Matrix = dsp.transform.matrix; matrix.transformPoint(new Point(dsp.width/2, dsp.height/2)); if(matrix.d > 0){ matrix.d = -1 * matrix.d; matrix.ty = dsp.height + dsp.y; } else { matrix.d = -1 * matrix.d; matrix.ty = dsp.y - dsp.height; } dsp.transform.matrix = matrix; } /* * Move clips to specific frame */ private function gotoFrame (frame:uint) { for each (var childname:String in childNames) { MovieClip(getChildByName(childname)).gotoAndStop(frame); } this.peelCurrentFrame = frame; } /* * Move clips forward */ private function goNext (speed:uint = 1) : void { var frameToGo:uint; frameToGo = this.peelCurrentFrame + speed; if (frameToGo > 50) { frameToGo = 50; } gotoFrame(frameToGo); } /* * Move clips backward */ function goPrev (speed:uint = 1) : void { var frameToGo:int; frameToGo = this.peelCurrentFrame - speed; if (frameToGo < 2) { frameToGo = 2; } gotoFrame(frameToGo); } /* * Stop all clips */ private function stopAll() : void { for each (var childname:String in childNames) { MovieClip(getChildByName(childname)).stop(); } } /* * Move clips */ private function do_move (e:Event) { if (moveBackwards) { if (this.peelCurrentFrame == 2) { stopAll(); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, do_move); if (close_button_enable && !linkEnabled) { // restore the peel button to its z position under close button setChildIndex(getChildByName("button"), numChildren - 2); } MovieClip(getChildByName("button")).peelBigButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverPeel); MovieClip(getChildByName("button")).peelBigButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutPeel);"doFlag", this.peelPosition); } else { goPrev(peelSpeed); } } else { if (this.peelCurrentFrame == 50) { if (close_button_enable) { // add and configure close button if it is enabled setCloseButton(); } removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, do_move); if (!close_button_enable) { if (automaticClose > 0) { if (firstCloseTime) { automaticCloseTimer.start(); } } } return; } goNext(peelSpeed); } } /* * Sets the image */ private function setImage () : void { MovieClip(getChildByName("image")).big_image.addChild(imageLoader); MovieClip(getChildByName("image")).big_image.scaleX = 1/toScaleX; MovieClip(getChildByName("image")).big_image.scaleY = 1/toScaleY; // mirror peel image if configured on top left corner if (peelPosition == "topleft" || peelPosition == "bottomleft") { flipHorizontal(MovieClip(getChildByName("image")).big_image); } if (peelPosition == "bottomleft" || peelPosition == "bottomright") { flipVertical(MovieClip(getChildByName("image")).big_image); } } /* * Updates the mirror image on peel when it is a clip */ private function updateMirrorImage(e:TimerEvent):void { //updates the reflection to visually match the movie clip var mirrorBitmapData:BitmapData; mirrorBitmapData = new BitmapData(imageLoader.width, imageLoader.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); mirrorBitmapData.draw(imageLoader); mirrorImageBitmap.bitmapData = mirrorBitmapData; } /* * Sets the mirror image on peel */ private function setMirrorImage () : void { mirrorImageBitmap.bitmapData = new BitmapData(imageLoader.width, imageLoader.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); mirrorImageBitmap.bitmapData.draw(imageLoader); MovieClip(getChildByName("mirror_image")).mirror_big_image_container.mirror_big_image.addChild(mirrorImageBitmap); if (imageLoader.getChildAt(0) is MovieClip) { // if the image on peel is a movieclip it has to be updated every 100ms to // properly display the current frame of the loading flash movie updateMirrorImageTimer = new Timer(100, 0); updateMirrorImageTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, updateMirrorImage); updateMirrorImageTimer.start(); } MovieClip(getChildByName("mirror_image")).mirror_big_image_container.mirror_big_image.scaleX = 1/toScaleX; MovieClip(getChildByName("mirror_image")).mirror_big_image_container.mirror_big_image.scaleY = 1/toScaleY; // mirror the image on peel if it is configured on top right corner if (peelPosition == "topright" || peelPosition == "bottomright") { flipHorizontal(MovieClip(getChildByName("mirror_image")).mirror_big_image_container.mirror_big_image); } if (peelPosition == "bottomleft" || peelPosition == "bottomright") { flipVertical(MovieClip(getChildByName("mirror_image")).mirror_big_image_container.mirror_big_image); } } /* * Sets the close button properties */ private function setCloseButton () : void { MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.close_label.text = text_on_close_button; MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.close_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.buttonMode = true; MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.useHandCursor = true; setCloseColor(close_redValue, close_greenValue, close_blueValue); if (peelPosition == "topleft" || peelPosition == "bottomleft") { flipHorizontal(MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.close_label); MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.close_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT; } if (peelPosition == "bottomleft" || peelPosition == "bottomright") { flipVertical(MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.close_label); MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.close_label.y -= 4; } MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, closeButtonClicked); MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, closeButtonClicked); MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, setCloseOverColor); MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, setCloseOverColor); MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_button.alpha = 1; MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.alpha = 1; MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_button.scaleX = 1/toScaleX; MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_button.scaleY = 1/toScaleY; MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.scaleX = 1/toScaleX; MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.scaleY = 1/toScaleY; } /* * Sets a color on mouse button on mouse over */ private function setCloseOverColor (e:Event) : void {, setCloseOverColor);, setCloseOutColor); setCloseColor(closeMouseOverRedValue, closeMouseOverGreenValue, closeMouseOverBlueValue); } /* * Restores close button color on mouse out */ private function setCloseOutColor (e:Event) : void {, setCloseOutColor);, setCloseOverColor); setCloseColor(close_redValue, close_greenValue, close_blueValue); } /* * sets the color of close button */ private function setCloseColor (close_redValue, close_greenValue, close_blueValue) : void { var closeTransform:ColorTransform; closeTransform = new ColorTransform(0,0,0,1,close_redValue,close_greenValue,close_blueValue,0); MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_button.transform.colorTransform = closeTransform; MovieClip(getChildByName("close_button_container")).close_label_clip.close_label.textColor = RGBToHex(close_redValue, close_greenValue, close_blueValue); } /* * close button click handler */ private function closeButtonClicked (e:MouseEvent) : void {, setCloseOutColor); doUnpeel(); } /* * open the peel */ private function doPeel () : void { automaticOpenAbort = true; moveBackwards = false; if (this.peelCurrentFrame != 50) { if (openSoundEnabled) {; } } if (close_button_enable && !linkEnabled) { // move the peel button to bottom // if an interactive flash is loaded on peel it can receive mouse events setChildIndex(getChildByName("button"), 0); } MovieClip(getChildByName("button")).peelBigButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverPeel); if (!close_button_enable) { MovieClip(getChildByName("button")).peelBigButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutPeel); } // event to control movement on enter frames addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, do_move); } /* * close the peel */ private function doUnpeel() : void { firstCloseTime = false; moveBackwards = true; MovieClip(getChildByName("button")).peelBigButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutPeel); if (!close_button_enable) { MovieClip(getChildByName("button")).peelBigButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverPeel); } // event to control movement on enter frames addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, do_move); if (closeSoundEnabled) {; } } /* * mouse over event handler */ private function mouseOverPeel (e:MouseEvent) : void { doPeel(); } /* * mouse out event handler */ private function mouseOutPeel (e:MouseEvent) : void { doUnpeel(); } /* * mouse up event handler */ private function doLink (e:MouseEvent) : void { navigateToURL (new URLRequest(link), linkTarget); } /* * Convert RGB color to Hexadecimal */ private function RGBToHex (r:uint, g:uint, b:uint) : uint { var red:String; var green:String; var blue:String; if (r < 15) { red = "0" + r.toString(16); } else { red = r.toString(16); } if (g < 15) { green = "0" + g.toString(16); } else { green = g.toString(16); } if (b < 15) { blue = "0" + b.toString(16); } else { blue = b.toString(16); } var hex:String = "0x" + red + green + blue; return uint(hex); } } }