'Calais Node Settings', 'description' => 'Configurations for Calais Integration with content nodes', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('calais_admin_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer calais'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK ); $items['admin/settings/calais/queue'] = array( 'title' => 'Calais Bulk Processing', 'description' => 'Submits all Nodes of a specific type to Calais for processing', 'page callback' => 'calais_bulk_process', 'access arguments' => array('administer calais'), 'weight' => 10, 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK ); $items['admin/settings/calais/queue/clear/%'] = array( 'title' => 'Clear Calais Bulk Queue', 'description' => 'Clears the bulk queue for a particular content type', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('calais_queue_clear_confirm', 5), 'access arguments' => array('administer calais'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK ); $items['admin/settings/calais/queue/enqueue/%'] = array( 'title' => 'Calais Queue Processing', 'description' => 'Submits all Content of the specified type to Calais for processing', 'page callback' => 'calais_enqueue', 'page arguments' => array(5), 'access arguments' => array('administer calais'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK ); $items['node/%node/calais'] = array( 'title' => 'Calais', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('calais_keywords_form', 1), 'access callback' => 'calais_access', 'access arguments' => array(1), 'weight' => 2, 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK ); $items['node/%/calais/rdf'] = array( 'title' => 'Calais', 'page callback' => 'calais_get_rdf', 'page arguments' => array(1), 'access callback' => 'user_access', 'access arguments' => array('access calais rdf'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_preprocess_node(). * * If RDF exists for a node, provide an autodiscovery link. */ function calais_preprocess_node(&$variables) { $node = $variables['node']; $count = rdf_count(NULL, NULL, NULL, calais_rdf_options($node->nid)); // Add an RDF autodiscovery link when the node is displayed by itself as a page: if (user_access('access calais rdf') && $count) { rdf_add_autodiscovery_link(t('Calais RDF'), url("node/$node->nid/calais/rdf"), 'rdf+xml'); } } /** * Provide the Calais RDF describing a node. * * @param $nid * The node id */ function calais_get_rdf($nid) { $format = 'rdf+xml'; $rdf_triples = rdf_query(NULL, NULL, NULL, calais_rdf_options($nid)); $rdf = rdf_serialize($rdf_triples, array('format' => $format)); $formats = rdf_get_formats(); $output_format = $formats[$format]; drupal_set_header('Content-Type: '. $output_format->mime_type .'; charset='. $output_format->encoding); drupal_set_header('Content-Length: '. strlen($rdf)); print $rdf; } /** * Implementation of hook_access(). */ function calais_access($node) { return user_access('access calais') && calais_get_request_type($node) != CALAIS_REQUEST_NO; } /** * Implementation of hook_theme(); */ function calais_theme() { return array( 'calais_suggestions' => array( 'arguments' => array('vid', 'terms'), 'file' => 'calais.ui.inc', ), 'calais_nodetype_settings' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => array()), 'file' => 'calais.admin.inc', ), 'calais_enqueue_form' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => array()), 'file' => 'calais.admin.inc', ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_scheduler_api(). * * Update the Calais terms if scheduler is ran to publish a node. */ function calais_scheduler_api(&$node, $action){ if($action == 'published'){ node_invoke_nodeapi($node, 'update'); } } /** * Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). * * Process node updates and if applicable, update the Calais terms. */ function calais_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) { switch ($op) { case "delete": calais_delete_node($node); break; case "insert": case "update": if (calais_get_request_type($node) == CALAIS_REQUEST_AUTO || (calais_get_request_type($node) == CALAIS_REQUEST_AUTO_PUBLISHED && $node->status == 1)) { $process_type = calais_get_processing_type($node); $threshold = calais_get_node_threshold($node->type); calais_process_node($node, $process_type, $threshold, $op); } break; } } /** * A node is getting removed so do some cleanup. * * @param $node The node for deletion */ function calais_delete_node($node) { calais_remove_rdf($node); db_query("DELETE FROM {calais_term_node} WHERE nid=%d", $node->nid); } /** * Process the provided node according to the processing type. * * @param $node * The node to process * @param $process_type * The processing type override for this node. * @param $threshold * The threshold override for this node. * @param $op * Is this an 'insert' (first time) or and 'update' */ function calais_process_node(&$node, $process_type = NULL, $threshold = NULL, $op = 'insert') { $request_type = calais_get_request_type($node); if ($request_type == CALAIS_REQUEST_NO || $node->calais_processed == TRUE){ return; } // On feedapi runs, updates are missing vid so get it. if(!isset($node->vid)) { $node->vid = db_result(db_query("SELECT vid FROM {node} WHERE nid=%d", $node->nid)); } $keywords = _calais_use_semanticproxy($node) ? calais_process_with_semanticproxy($node) : calais_process_with_calais($node); if(empty($keywords)) return; if (!isset($process_type)) { $process_type = calais_get_processing_type($node); } if (!isset($threshold)) { $threshold = calais_get_node_threshold($node->type); } db_query("DELETE FROM {calais_term_node} WHERE nid=%d", $node->nid); module_invoke_all('calais_preprocess', $node, $keywords); $vocabularies = calais_get_entity_vocabularies($node->type); foreach ($keywords as $cat => $metadata) { $vid = $vocabularies[$cat]; if ($vid) { // Only process terms for vocabularies that we care about foreach ($metadata->terms as $term) { calais_associate_term($vid, $term, $node); if ( ($process_type == CALAIS_PROCESS_AUTO || ($process_type == CALAIS_PROCESS_AUTO_ONCE && $op == "insert")) && round($term->relevance * 1000) >= round($threshold * 1000)) { calais_apply_to_node($vid, $term, $node); } } } } calais_store_rdf($node, $node->calais->service->flatTriples); module_invoke_all('calais_postprocess', $node, $keywords); $node->calais_processed = TRUE; } /** * Use the actual Calais Web Service to process this Node's content. * * @param $node The node to process * @return The Calais keywords for this node. */ function calais_process_with_calais(&$node) { // #412796: This was changing $node->body w/o the clone $loaded_node = node_build_content(drupal_clone($node)); $body = strip_tags(drupal_render($loaded_node->content)); $date = format_date($node->created, 'custom', 'r'); // Allow modification of the content sent to Calais drupal_alter("calais_body", $body, $loaded_node); if (!is_calais_api_key_set()) { $node->calais->service = NULL; return array(); } $calais = new Calais(); $keywords = $calais->analyzeXML($node->title, $body, $date); $node->calais->service = $calais; return $keywords; } /** * Use SemanticProxy to process this Node. * * @param $node The node to process * @return The Calais keywords for this node. */ function calais_process_with_semanticproxy(&$node) { $key = drupal_strtolower($node->type); $spfield = variable_get("calais_semanticproxy_field_{$key}", ''); if(!empty($spfield)) { if($spfield == 'calais_feedapi_node') { // On insert, $node->feedapi_node is available if(isset($node->feedapi_node)) { $url = $node->feedapi_node->feed_item->options->original_url; } else { // On update, we need to pull the URL from the DB. Should always be the same. #feedapifail $url = db_result(db_query('SELECT fi.url FROM {feedapi_node_item} fi WHERE fi.nid = %d', $node->nid)); } } else { // Grab URL from link or textfield $field = $node->{$spfield}; if(isset($field)) { $url = isset($field[0]['url']) ? $field[0]['url'] : $field[0]['value']; } } drupal_alter('semanticproxy_url', $url); $sp = new SemanticProxy(); $keywords = $sp->analyze($url); $node->calais->service = $sp; if($keywords) { // Store the document text if configured $docfield = variable_get("calais_semanticproxy_document_{$key}", ''); if(!empty($docfield) && module_exists('content')) { $original_text = $sp->processor->document; $node->{$docfield}[0]['value'] = trim($original_text); if($node->is_new) { content_insert($node); } else { content_update($node); } } return $keywords; } } return array(); } /** * Implementation of hook_calais_preprocess(). * * Make sure that a vocabulary exists for all entities returned, if not, create it. */ function calais_calais_preprocess(&$node, &$keywords) { $vocabularies = calais_get_entity_vocabularies(); foreach ($keywords as $cat => $metadata) { $vid = $vocabularies[$cat]; // Create a vocabulary if we come across an entity that we dont know of. if (!$vid) { $vocabularies[$cat] = calais_create_entity_vocabulary($metadata->readable_type());; variable_set('calais_vocabulary_names', $vocabularies); drupal_set_message(t('Added a Vocabulary for the new Calais Entity %entity. You may need to update your Calais Node Settings to take advantage of this new entity.', array('%entity' => $cat))); } } } /** * Associates a retrieved Calais term with a node. * * @param $vid The vocabulary id of the term * @param $term The CalaisTerm object * @param $node The node for association */ function calais_associate_term($vid, &$term, $node) { $local_term = calais_get_term($vid, $term); $calais_term = $local_term ? $local_term : new CalaisTerm($term->guid, $term->name, $term->relevance); // We could array_merge, but defined properties with no value will // overwrite the locals (tid, tdid, etc.), so just be explicit for now. $calais_term->vid = $vid; $calais_term->relevance = $term->relevance; $calais_term->resolved_guid = $term->resolved_guid; $calais_term->resolved_name = $term->resolved_name; $calais_term->resolved_type = $term->resolved_type; $calais_term->extra = array_merge($calais_term->extra, $term->extra); $calais_term->uris = $term->uris; calais_save_term($calais_term); calais_assign_term_to_node($node->nid, $calais_term); $term = $calais_term; } /** * Find the local Calais Term. First look it up by GUID, if not found, use Vocabulary ID and Name. * * @param $vid * The Vocabulary ID of the calais term * @param $term * The CalaisTerm object to lookup, or a term id * @return * The Calais Term object, false is the term is not found. */ function calais_get_term($vid, $term) { if(is_numeric($term)) { $local_term = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {calais_term} WHERE tid = %d", $term)); } else { $local_term = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {calais_term} WHERE vid = %d AND guid = '%s'", $vid, $term->guid)); if (!$local_term) { // Fall back for older terms with no GUID $local_term = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {calais_term} WHERE vid = %d AND name = '%s'", $vid, $term->name)); } } if ($local_term) { calais_load_term_extra($local_term); calais_load_term_uris($local_term); return $local_term; } return FALSE; } /** * Find the Calais Term by Taxonomy Term Data * * @param $term_id * The Term Data ID * @return * The Calais Term object, false is the term is not found. */ function calais_get_term_by_taxonomy($term_id) { $term = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {calais_term} WHERE tdid = %d", $term_id)); if ($term) { calais_load_term_extra($term); calais_load_term_uris($term); return $term; } return FALSE; } /** * Get the CalaisTerm for the term name and node id. * NOTE: Columns were renamed here so that this object has the same attributes as CalaisTerm for consistency * * @param $nid The node id to limit the calais term look up * @param $term_name The term name to look up * @return The Calais Term, or FALSE is it is not found. */ function calais_get_node_term_by_name($nid, $term_name) { return db_fetch_object( db_query("SELECT t.*, tn.relevance FROM {calais_term} t JOIN {calais_term_node} tn ON tn.tid = t.tid WHERE tn.nid = %d and t.name = '%s'", $nid, $term_name)); } /** * Save an existing Calais term * * @param $term * The CalaisTerm to lookup extra data */ function calais_save_term(&$term) { if(empty($term->tid)) { drupal_write_record('calais_term', $term); } else { drupal_write_record('calais_term', $term, 'tid'); } calais_save_term_extra($term); calais_save_term_uris($term); } /** * Loads the resolved data associated with the supplied Calais Term * * @param $term * The CalaisTerm to lookup extra data */ function calais_load_term_extra(&$term) { if(isset($term->resolved_type)) { $table = 'calais_term_data_' . $term->resolved_type; $data = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {" . $table . "} WHERE tid = %d", $term->tid)); $term->extra = $data ? $data : array(); } else { $term->extra = array(); } } /** * Load all Linked Data URIs for a given CalaisTerm * * @param $term * The CalaisTerm to lookup extra data */ function calais_load_term_uris(&$term) { $uris = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT service, uri FROM {calais_term_uri} WHERE tid = %d", $term->tid); while ($uri = db_fetch_array($result)) { $uris[$uri['service']] = $uri['uri']; } $term->uris = $uris; } /** * Load a Linked Data URIs for a given CalaisTerm for a particular service * * @param $tid * The CalaisTerm ID to lookup * @param $service * The service name to lookup */ function calais_get_term_uri_by_service($tid, $service) { return db_result(db_query("SELECT uri FROM {calais_term_uri} WHERE tid = %d AND service = '%s'", $tid, $service)); } /** * Saves the resolved data associated with the supplied Calais Term * * @param $term * The CalaisTerm to lookup extra data */ function calais_save_term_extra(&$term) { if(isset($term->resolved_type) && !empty($term->extra)) { $table = 'calais_term_data_' . $term->resolved_type; $data = &$term->extra; $data['tid'] = $term->tid; if(isset($data['did'])) { drupal_write_record($table, $data, 'did'); } else { drupal_write_record($table, $data); } } } /** * Save a collection of Linked Data URIs in the form array('servicename' => URI) * * @param $term * The CalaisTerm to save */ function calais_save_term_uris($term) { if(!empty($term->uris)) { db_query("DELETE FROM {calais_term_uri} WHERE tid = %d", $term->tid); foreach ($term->uris as $service => $uri) { db_query("INSERT INTO {calais_term_uri} (tid, service, uri) VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s')", $term->tid, $service, $uri); } } } /** * Assign a taxonomy term to the node based on the Calais Term. If no relationship * exists with the CalaisTerm and the target taxonomy term add it. * * @param $vid The vocabulary id of the term * @param $term The CalaisTerm object * @param $node The node for association */ function calais_apply_to_node($vid, &$term, $node) { if(empty($term->tdid)) { $term->tdid = calais_find_taxonomy_term($vid, $term->name); if (!$term->tdid) { // An existing term was not found, create it $tax_term = array('vid' => $vid, 'name' => $term->name); taxonomy_save_term($tax_term); $term->tdid = $tax_term['tid']; } calais_save_term($term); } calais_assign_taxonomyterm_to_node($node->nid, $node->vid, $term->tdid); } /** * Find a taxonomy term in the provided vocabulary by name. * * @param $vid * The vocabulary id for the term to find. * @param $term_name * The Term Name to find a matching taxonomy term * @return $tid * Term id from the {term_data} table, or FALSE is one is not found. */ function calais_find_taxonomy_term($vid, $term_name) { return db_result(db_query("SELECT tid FROM {term_data} WHERE vid = %d AND name = '%s' ORDER BY tid ASC", $vid, $term_name)); } /** * Create the relationship between a Node and Calais term. * * @param $nid * The node id * @param $term * The CalaisTerm */ function calais_assign_term_to_node($nid, $term) { db_query("DELETE FROM {calais_term_node} where nid = %d and tid = %d", $nid, $term->tid); db_query("INSERT INTO {calais_term_node} (nid, tid, relevance) VALUES(%d, %d, %f)", $nid, $term->tid, $term->relevance); } /** * Create the relationship between a Node and a Taxonomy Term. * * @param $nid * The Node ID * @param $vid * The Node Revision ID * @param $tid * The Taxonomy Term ID */ function calais_assign_taxonomyterm_to_node($nid, $vid, $tid) { db_query("DELETE FROM {term_node} where nid = %d and vid = %d and tid = %d", $nid, $vid, $tid); db_query("INSERT INTO {term_node} (nid, vid, tid) VALUES(%d, %d, %d)", $nid, $vid, $tid); } /** * Implementation of hook_taxonomy(); * * Process the delete of taxonomy terms to make sure the proper cleanup * happens to Calais Terms that reference them. */ function calais_taxonomy($op, $type, $data) { if ($type == 'term' && $op == 'delete') { db_query("UPDATE {calais_term} SET tdid = NULL WHERE tdid = %d", $data['tid']); } } /** * Determines which retrieval type (none, manual, auto) is * applicable to a node specific node instance passed as an argument. * * @param mixed $var either a Node object or a valid node_type String */ function calais_get_request_type($var) { $nodetype = is_object($var) ? $var->type : $var; $key = drupal_strtolower($nodetype); return variable_get("calais_node_{$key}_request", CALAIS_REQUEST_NO); } /** * Determines which processing type (none, manual, auto) is * applicable to a node specific node instance passed as an argument. * * @param mixed $var either a Node object or a valid node_type String */ function calais_get_processing_type($var) { $nodetype = is_object($var) ? $var->type : $var; $key = drupal_strtolower($nodetype); return variable_get("calais_node_{$key}_process", CALAIS_PROCESS_MANUAL); } /** * Return the relevancy threshold settings for the specific node type. * * @param $node_type Node type. */ function calais_get_node_threshold($node_type) { $type = drupal_strtolower($node_type); return variable_get("calais_threshold_{$type}", 0.0); } /** * Get a list of the entities that Calais API defines: * http://opencalais.com/APIresponses * * If $type is not specified it will return all known Calais Entities. * however if $type is specified it will return only those Entities that the * specific node type is interested in, or the global list if no specific node type * settings have been configures. * * @param $type * A node type, if Entities need to be filtered. * @return * Associative array of [entity_name => vid]'s */ function calais_get_entity_vocabularies($type = NULL) { $all_vocabs = variable_get('calais_vocabulary_names', array()); if ($type) { $applied_entities = variable_get('calais_applied_entities_global', array()); if (!variable_get("calais_use_global_{$type}", TRUE)) { $applied_entities = variable_get("calais_applied_entities_{$type}", array()); } foreach ($applied_entities as $entity => $apply_entity) { if ($apply_entity) { $applied_vocabs[$entity] = $all_vocabs[$entity]; } } } else { $applied_vocabs = $all_vocabs; } return $applied_vocabs; } /** * Returns the Calais vocabularies that are enabled for this node type. *
Compare to: calais_api_get_all_entities() which gives entityname/vid pairs. * Vocabulary names can be updated by users. Entity names stay as defined * by Calais. * * @param $node_type The node type * * @return Array of vocabularies keyed on vid; */ function calais_get_vocabularies($type = NULL) { $vocs = calais_get_entity_vocabularies($type); if(empty($vocs)) return array(); $pattern = implode(",", $vocs); if ($type) { $result = db_query("SELECT v.vid, v.*, n.type FROM {vocabulary} v LEFT JOIN {vocabulary_node_types} n ON v.vid = n.vid WHERE n.type = '%s' and v.vid in (%s) ORDER BY v.weight, v.name", $type, $pattern); } else { $result = db_query('SELECT v.* FROM {vocabulary} v WHERE v.vid in (%s) ORDER BY v.weight, v.name', $pattern); } $vocabularies = array(); $node_types = array(); while ($voc = db_fetch_object($result)) { // If no node types are associated with a vocabulary, the LEFT JOIN will // return a NULL value for type. if (isset($voc->type)) { $node_types[$voc->vid][$voc->type] = $voc->type; unset($voc->type); $voc->nodes = $node_types[$voc->vid]; } elseif (!isset($voc->nodes)) { $voc->nodes = array(); } $vocabularies[$voc->vid] = $voc; } return $vocabularies; } /** * Returns a map of suggested terms for a given vocabulary id. This will return * suggested terms for all vocabularies if no vid is specified. * * @param $nid The node id to get the calais keywords * @param $type The node type * @param $vid Optional, a specific vocabulary id to return terms * @param $threshold * Optional, A relevance threshold for suggestions. If not specified the default for the node type will be used. * * @return Array { $vid => array(termObj1, termObj2, termObj3) } */ function calais_get_keywords($nid, $type, $vid = NULL, $threshold = NULL) { $terms = array(); if(!isset($threshold)) { $threshold = calais_get_node_threshold(drupal_strtolower($type)); } if ($vid) { $res = db_query("SELECT t.*, tn.relevance FROM {calais_term} t JOIN {calais_term_node} tn ON tn.tid = t.tid WHERE tn.nid = %d and t.vid = %d and tn.relevance >= %f ORDER BY relevance DESC ", $nid, $vid, $threshold); $terms[$vid] = array(); while ($obj = db_fetch_object($res)) { $terms[$vid][] = $obj; } } else { $vocabularies = calais_get_entity_vocabularies(); foreach ($vocabularies as $vid) { $keys = calais_get_keywords($nid, $type, $vid, $threshold); $terms[$vid] = $keys[$vid]; } } return $terms; } /** * Creates a new vocabulary for the supplied Calais entity name. */ function calais_create_entity_vocabulary($entity) { $description = t("Calais Entity Vocabulary: @name", array('@name' => $entity)); db_query("INSERT INTO {vocabulary} (name,description,module,tags) VALUES('%s','%s','calais',1)", $entity, $description); return db_last_insert_id('vocabulary', 'vid'); } /** * Get the standard RDF options array. * * @param $nid The node id */ function calais_rdf_options($nid) { return array( 'graph' => "node/$nid/calais/rdf", 'repository' => CALAIS_RDF_REPOSITORY, ); } /** * Store the triples for this node in the local RDF store. Storing these allows for more * Semantic Web functionality to be developed later by not losing all of the rich metadata * returned by Calais. This could be used to batch process data that was missed originally * or by querying it later for use in RDFa rendering, etc. * * @param $node The node for association * @param $triples The flat set of triples */ function calais_store_rdf($node, $triples) { if(variable_get('calais_store_rdf', TRUE) && !empty($triples)) { calais_remove_rdf($node); rdf_insert_all($triples, calais_rdf_options($node->nid)); } } /** * Store the triples for this node in the local RDF store. Storing these allows for more * Semantic Web functionality to be developed later by not losing all of the rich metadata * returned by Calais. This could be used to batch process data that was missed originally * or by querying it later for use in RDFa rendering, etc. * * @param $node The node for association * @param $triples The flat set of triples */ function calais_remove_rdf($node) { if(variable_get('calais_store_rdf', TRUE)) { rdf_delete(NULL, NULL, NULL, calais_rdf_options($node->nid)); } } /** * Is this node configured to use SemanticProxy? * * @param $node * The node to examine * @return * TRUE if this node is configured to use SemanticProxy, FALSE otherwise. */ function _calais_use_semanticproxy($node) { $key = drupal_strtolower($node->type); $spfield = variable_get("calais_semanticproxy_field_{$key}", ''); return !empty($spfield); } /** * Implementation of hook_semanticproxy_url_alter(). * * SemanticProxy obeys robots.txt and as such will not follow redirects, etc. For example, * RSS feeds for Google News Search will send you through Google News to redirect to the real source. * SemanticProxy will give a Content Permissions Validator Exception and not follow the * link b/c Google's robots.txt disallows following /news. We try to strip those out. * * TODO: Make this URL extraction configurable via admin ui, if possible * * @param $url * The URL to alter. */ function calais_semanticproxy_url_alter(&$url) { $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); // Google's robot.txt disallows the follow by bots, so lets extract the real source if ($host == 'news.google.com') { $querystring = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); // Split on &, but not if the & is in an html entity. This is a better impl of parse_str(). $args = preg_split('|&(?!.[a-z0-9]{1,6}+;)|ims', $querystring); if(!is_array($args)) { return; } // Process query string args, find the 'url' arg and return the value if it's a valid URL foreach($args as $arg) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $arg, 2); if ($key == 'url') { $val = urldecode($val); if(valid_url($val, TRUE)) { $url = $val; return; } } } } } /** * Implementation of hook_cron(); */ function calais_cron() { $count = variable_get('calais_cron_limit', 0); if ($count > 0) { calais_process_queue($count); } } /** * Truncate and rebuild the calais queue table. * This is how to force processing of legacy content or reprocess existing content. * * @param $type * A single content type to be processed, leaving the others unaltered. */ function calais_build_queue($type = NULL, $process_type = NULL, $threshold = NULL) { if (isset($type)) { $request_type = calais_get_request_type($type); if ($request_type == CALAIS_REQUEST_NO) { watchdog(CALAIS_WATCHDOG, 'Node type @type is not configured to process with OpenCalais. Skipped adding to queue for bulk processing.', array('@type' => $type)); return; } if (!isset($process_type)) { $process_type = calais_get_processing_type($type); } if (!isset($threshold)) { $threshold = calais_get_node_threshold($type); } db_query("DELETE FROM {calais_node_queue} WHERE type = '%s'", $type); db_query("INSERT INTO {calais_node_queue} (nid, type, changed, process_type, threshold) SELECT n.nid, n.type, n.changed, '%s', %f FROM {node} n WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type = '%s'", array($process_type, $threshold, $type)); return db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {calais_node_queue} WHERE type = '%s'", $type)); } return 0; } /** * Process the queue sending Nodes to Calais for tagging. * * @param $count * The number of items to process from the queue * @param $type * Optional. The node type from the queue to process. Used to limit the type of nodes that get sent. */ function calais_process_queue($count, $type = NULL) { if (isset($type)) { $result = db_query_range("SELECT * FROM {calais_node_queue} WHERE type = '%s' ORDER BY changed DESC, nid DESC", $type, 0, $count); } else { $result = db_query_range("SELECT * FROM {calais_node_queue} ORDER BY changed DESC, nid DESC", 0, $count); } while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $node = node_load($data->nid, NULL, TRUE); calais_process_node($node, $data->process_type, $data->threshold); db_query("DELETE FROM {calais_node_queue} WHERE nid = %d", $data->nid); // Sleep for .1 seconds to avoid throttling by OpenCalais usleep(100000); } watchdog(CALAIS_WATCHDOG, "Processed @count nodes with Calais", array('@count' => $count)); } /** * Implementation of hook_views_api(). */ function calais_views_api() { return array( 'api' => 2.0, 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'calais') .'/views', ); }