array( 'arguments' => array('node' => NULL, 'term' => NULL), 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'calais_geo'), 'template' => "calais-geo-marker", ), 'calais_geo_render_map' => array( 'arguments' => array('node' => NULL, 'geo_data' => NULL), ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function calais_geo_menu() { $items['admin/settings/calais/geo'] = array( 'title' => 'Calais Geo Settings', 'description' => 'Configuration for Calais based Geomapping.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('calais_geo_settings_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer calais geo'), 'file' => '', ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_block(). */ function calais_geo_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) { switch ($op) { case 'list': return _calais_geo_block_list(); break; case 'view': return _calais_geo_block_view($delta); break; } } /** * Provide block listing. */ function _calais_geo_block_list(){ $blocks = array(); $blocks[0] = array( 'info' => t('Calais Geo Block'), ); return $blocks; } /** * Display geo block. */ function _calais_geo_block_view($delta){ switch ($delta) { case 0: if(arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) { $block['subject'] = t('Calais Geo Block'); $block['content'] = calais_geo_block_contents($delta, arg(1)); } break; } return $block; } /** * Render the body of the geo block. */ function calais_geo_block_contents($delta, $nid){ $node = node_load($nid); $geo_data = calais_geo_load($node->vid); return theme('calais_geo_render_map', $node, $geo_data); } /** * Fetch the geo data for a node * * @param vid * The Node Revision ID * @return * An object with the geo data to render */ function calais_geo_load($vid) { $geo_data = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT * FROM {calais_geo} WHERE vid = %d', $vid)); if($geo_data) { $geo_data->terms = array(); $result = db_query('SELECT ct.* FROM {calais_geo_term} cgt INNER JOIN {calais_term} ct ON ct.tid = cgt.tid WHERE cgt.vid = %d', $vid); while ($geoterm = db_fetch_object($result)) { calais_load_term_extra($geoterm); $geo_data->terms[] = $geoterm; } } return $geo_data; } /** * Save the geo data for this particular node id. * * @param node * The Node to save * @param $data * The geo data to save. Can be an object or an array. */ function calais_geo_save($node, $data) { $data = (array)$data; $data['nid'] = $node->nid; $data['vid'] = $node->vid; // Process the map center (if needed) $center = $data['term_center']; switch ($center) { case 'latlon': $data['center_tid'] = NULL; break; case 'default': $data['center_latitude'] = NULL; $data['center_longitude'] = NULL; $data['center_tid'] = NULL; break; default: $data['center_latitude'] = NULL; $data['center_longitude'] = NULL; $data['center_tid'] = $center; break; } if(db_result(db_query('SELECT count(*) FROM {calais_geo} WHERE vid = %d', $node->vid)) == 1) { drupal_write_record('calais_geo', $data, 'vid'); } else { drupal_write_record('calais_geo', $data); } _cg_fix_d_w_r_null($node->vid, $data); db_query('DELETE FROM {calais_geo_term} WHERE vid = %d', $node->vid); foreach ($data['terms'] as $term) { $geoterm = array('nid' => $node->nid, 'vid' => $node->vid, 'tid' => $term); drupal_write_record('calais_geo_term', $geoterm); } } // Need to do this b/c of // Fix the fact that NULLs can;t be saved via drupal_write_record function _cg_fix_d_w_r_null($vid, $data) { $nulls = array(); $fields = array('center_latitude', 'center_longitude', 'center_tid'); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (is_null($data[$field])) { $nulls[] = "$field = NULL"; } } if(!empty($nulls)) { db_query("UPDATE {calais_geo} SET " . implode($nulls, ',') . " WHERE vid = $vid"); } } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter(). */ function calais_geo_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { if (_calais_geo_should_modify_form($form, $form_id)) { $node = $form['#node']; // Load Calais Terms here with tid -> name, but only if they have geo coords. $geo_vocabs = variable_get('calais_geo_vocabularies', array()); $vocabs = array_filter(array_values($geo_vocabs)); $options = array(); foreach ($vocabs as $vid) { $vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid); $terms = calais_get_keywords($node->nid, $node->tytpe, $vid); foreach ($terms[$vid] as $term) { if($term->resolved_type == 'geo') { $options[$vocab->name][$term->tid] = $term->name; } } } $form['calais_geo'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Calais Geotagging'), '#tree' => TRUE, '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, ); // No options to maps if(empty($options)) { $form['calais_geo']['message'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Message'), '#value' => t('There are no Calais Terms with geo coordinates available for mapping.'), ); return; } $default_terms = array(); $geo_data = calais_geo_load($node->vid); if ($geo_data) { foreach($geo_data->terms as $term){ $default_terms[] = $term->tid; } } $form['calais_geo']['terms'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Select the terms to map'), '#description' => t('You can select multiple terms by ctrl+click or apple+click.'), '#multiple' => TRUE, '#size' => 5, '#default_value' => $default_terms, '#options' => $options, ); $center = 'default'; if(!empty($geo_data->center_tid)) { $center = $geo_data->center_tid; } else if (!empty($geo_data->center_latitude) || !empty($geo_data->center_longitude)) { $center = 'latlon'; } $form['calais_geo']['term_center'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Center map on this specific term'), '#description' => t('Optionally, the map could be centered on the most relevant mapped term. Select to use the map default which centers the map amongst your term markers, or to specify a latitude and longitude using the Manual center field below.'), '#default_value' => $center, '#options' => array_merge(array('default' => '', 'latlon' => ''), $options), ); $form['calais_geo']['center_latitude'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Manual center latitude'), '#default_value' => $geo_data->center_latitude, '#size' => 25, '#maxlength' => 25, '#description' => t('The default center latitude coordinates of the map. This will be used if values are entered and the Term Center is set to . Leave blank to allow the map to auto center itself amongst your term markers.'), ); $form['calais_geo']['center_longitude'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Manual center longitude'), '#default_value' => $geo_data->center_longitude, '#size' => 25, '#maxlength' => 25, '#description' => t('The default center latitude coordinates of the map. This will be used if values are entered and the Term Center is set to . Leave blank to allow the map to auto center itself amongst your term markers.'), ); $form['calais_geo']['width'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Map width'), '#default_value' => $geo_data->width, '#size' => 10, '#maxlength' => 25, '#description' => t('The default width of a Google map, as a CSS length or percentage. Examples: 50px, 5em, 2.5in, 95%. Leave blank to use the defaults.'), ); $form['calais_geo']['height'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Map height'), '#default_value' => $geo_data->height, '#size' => 10, '#maxlength' => 25, '#description' => t('The default height of the map, expressed as a CSS length or percentage. Examples: 50px, 5em, 2.5in, 95%. Leave blank to use the defaults.'), ); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'calais_geo') . '/calais_geo.js', 'module'); } } /** * Should we provide mapping configuration for this node type */ function _calais_geo_should_modify_form($form, $form_id) { $enabled = variable_get('calais_geo_nodes_enabled', array()); return isset($form['type']) && isset($form['#node']) && $form['type']['#value'] .'_node_form' == $form_id && $enabled[$form['type']['#value']]; } /** * Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). */ function calais_geo_nodeapi(&$node, $op) { switch ($op) { case 'insert': case 'update': if(property_exists($node, 'calais_geo') && !empty($node->calais_geo)) { calais_geo_save($node, $node->calais_geo); } break; case 'delete': db_query('DELETE FROM {calais_geo} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid); db_query('DELETE FROM {calais_geo_term} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid); break; case 'view': $geo = calais_geo_load($node->vid); if($geo) { $node->calais_geo_map = theme('calais_geo_render_map', $node, $geo); } break; } } /** * Build the map. */ function theme_calais_geo_render_map($node, $geo_data) { $geo_data = (array)$geo_data; if(empty($geo_data['terms'])) return; // Nothing to map foreach($geo_data['terms'] as $term) { $marker = array( 'text' => theme('calais_geo_marker', $node, $term), 'latitude' => floatval($term->extra['latitude']), 'longitude' => floatval($term->extra['longitude']), ); $markers[] = $marker; } $settings = array( 'markers' => $markers ); if(!empty($geo_data['width'])) { $settings['width'] = $geo_data['width']; } if(!empty($geo_data['height'])) { $settings['height'] = $geo_data['height']; } // Setup the if(!empty($geo_data['zoom'])) { $settings['zoom'] = $geo_data['zoom']; } // Setup default center if configured if(!empty($geo_data['center_tid'])) { $center = calais_get_term(NULL, $geo_data['center_tid']); $settings['latitude'] = $center->extra['latitidue']; $settings['longitude'] = $center->extra['longitude']; } else if(!empty($geo_data['center_latitude']) || !empty($geo_data['center_longitude'])){ if(!empty($geo_data['center_latitude'])) { $settings['latitude'] = $geo_data['center_latitude']; } if(!empty($geo_data['center_longitude'])) { $settings['longitude'] = $geo_data['center_longitude']; } } else { list($lat, $lon) = calais_geo_calc_map_center($markers); $settings['latitude'] = $lat; $settings['longitude'] = $lon; } $map_data = array( '#settings' => $settings, ); // Hook to allow other modules/themes to make modifications before rendering foreach (module_implements('calais_geo_map') as $module) { $function = $module .'_calais_geo_map'; call_user_func_array($function, array(&$map_data)); } $output = theme('gmap', $map_data); return $output; } /* Example of implementing this hook function calais_geo_calais_geo_map(&$map_data) { foreach ($map_data['#settings']['markers'] as $key => &$marker) { $marker['markername'] = "orange"; } } */ /** * Find a center point between all markers. Pretty basic approach, * take the max & min of lat/lon and average it. */ function calais_geo_calc_map_center($markers) { if(empty($markers)) return array(0, 0); $latitude = array(); $longitude = array(); foreach ($markers as $marker) { $latitude[] = $marker['latitude']; $longitude[] = $marker['longitude']; } $lat = (min($latitude) + max($latitude)) / 2; $lon = (min($longitude) + max($longitude)) / 2; return array($lat, $lon); } /** * Default theme function to rendering the text that goes in the Google Map marker bubble. */ function template_preprocess_calais_geo_marker(&$vars) { $node = $vars['node']; $term = $vars['term']; $vars['title'] = check_plain($term->name); }