array('file' => 'includes/'), 'Notifications_Subscription' => array('file' => 'includes/'), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function notifications_menu() { // Administration. This one will override messaging menu item $items['admin/messaging'] = array( 'title' => 'Messaging & Notifications', 'access arguments' => array('administer notifications'), 'description' => 'Administer and configure messaging and notifications', 'page callback' => 'system_admin_menu_block_page', 'file' => '', 'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'system'), ); // Site settings $items['admin/messaging/notifications'] = array( 'title' => 'Notifications Settings', 'description' => 'Site settings for user notifications.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('notifications_settings_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'file' => '', ); $items['admin/messaging/notifications/settings'] = array( 'title' => 'General', 'weight' => -10, 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, 'file' => '', ); $items['admin/messaging/notifications/intervals'] = array( 'title' => 'Intervals', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('notifications_send_intervals_form'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'file' => '', ); $items['admin/messaging/notifications/events'] = array( 'title' => 'Events', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('notifications_admin_events_form'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'file' => '', ); // Subscribe links. For this items access will be checked later in the page $items['notifications/subscribe/%user'] = array( 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'page callback' => 'notifications_page_subscribe', 'page arguments' => array(2), 'access callback' => 'notifications_access_subscribe', 'access arguments' => array(2), 'file' => '', ); // Unsubscribe links This page will need to work with anonymous users $items['notifications/unsubscribe'] = array( 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'page callback' => 'notifications_page_unsubscribe', 'page arguments' => array(2, 3), 'access callback' => TRUE, 'file' => '', ); // Edit subscription, stand alone page $items['notifications/subscription/%notifications_subscription'] = array( 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'title' => 'Edit subscription', 'page callback' => 'notifications_subscription_edit_page', 'page arguments' => array(2), 'access callback' => 'notifications_subscription_access', 'access arguments' => array('edit', 2), 'file' => '', ); // Manage destinations $items['notifications/destination/%messaging_destination/edit'] = array( 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'title' => 'Edit destination', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('notifications_edit_destination_form', 2), 'access callback' => 'notifications_destination_access', 'access arguments' => array('edit', 2), 'file' => '', ); $items['notifications/destination/%messaging_destination/manage'] = array( 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'title' => 'Manage destination', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('notifications_manage_destination_form', 2), 'access callback' => 'notifications_destination_access', 'access arguments' => array('manage', 2), 'file' => '', ); // User account tabs $items['user/%user/notifications'] = array( 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'title' => 'Notifications', //'page callback' => 'notifications_page_user_overview', //'page arguments' => array(1), 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('notifications_user_overview', 1), 'access callback' => 'notifications_access_user', 'access arguments' => array(1), 'file' => '', ); $items['user/%user/notifications/overview'] = array( 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, 'title' => 'Overview', 'weight' => -10, ); $items['user/%user/notifications/subscriptions'] = array( 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'title' => 'Subscriptions', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('notifications_manage_user_subscriptions', 1), 'access callback' => 'notifications_access_user', 'access arguments' => array(1, 'manage'), 'file' => '', ); // Edit subscription under subscriptions tab $items['user/%user/notifications/subscriptions/edit/%notifications_subscription'] = array( 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'title' => 'Edit subscription', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('notifications_subscription_form', 5), 'access callback' => 'notifications_subscription_access', 'access arguments' => array('edit', 5), 'file' => '', ); // Delete subscription under subscriptions tab $items['user/%user/notifications/subscriptions/delete/%notifications_subscription'] = array( 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'title' => 'Delete subscription', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('notifications_form_unsubscribe_confirm', 5), 'access callback' => 'notifications_subscription_access', 'access arguments' => array('unsubscribe', 5), 'file' => '', ); $items['user/%user/notifications/update/%'] = array( 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'title' => 'Update subscriptions', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('notifications_update_user_subscriptions', 1, 4), 'access callback' => 'notifications_access_user', 'access arguments' => array(1, 'maintain'), 'file' => '', ); // Some autocomplete callbacks $items['notifications/autocomplete/node/title'] = array( 'title' => 'Node title autocomplete', 'page callback' => 'notifications_node_autocomplete_title', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'includes/', ); // Some autocomplete callbacks $items['notifications/autocomplete/node/type'] = array( 'title' => 'Node title autocomplete', 'page callback' => 'notifications_node_autocomplete_type', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'includes/', ); return $items; } /** * Menu access callback for user subscriptions * * @param $account * User account to which these subscriptions below * @param $op * - maintain = create / delete * - manage = use the per account administration page */ function notifications_access_user($account, $op = 'maintain') { global $user; if (user_access('administer notifications') || user_access('manage all subscriptions')) { return TRUE; } else { return $account->uid && $user->uid == $account->uid && (($op == 'maintain' && user_access('maintain own subscriptions')) || ($op == 'manage' && user_access('manage own subscriptions'))); } } /** * Menu access callback, add a given subscription type */ function notifications_access_user_add($account = NULL, $type = NULL) { global $user; $account = $account ? $account : $user; if (notifications_access_user($account)) { if ($type && ($access = notifications_subscription_types($type, 'access'))) { return user_access($access, $account); } else { return TRUE; } } } /** * Check signature * * @param $params * Optional array of path elements. If not specified the current URL will be used * @param $prefix * When using the path this must match the first part of it, which is not used in the signature */ function notifications_check_signature($params = NULL, $prefix = 'notifications') { // If not parameters passed, get them from path, discard the first one that must match $prefix if (!$args && arg(0) == $prefix) { $params = arg(); array_shift($params); } return $params && !empty($_GET['signature']) && $_GET['signature'] == _notifications_signature($params, !empty($_GET['confirm'])); } /** * Menu access callback for subscribe links * * More access checking depending on subscription type will be done at the destination page */ function notifications_access_subscribe($account) { global $user; if (user_access('administer notifications') || user_access('manage all subscriptions')) return TRUE; return $account && $account->uid && ($user->uid == $account->uid) && user_access('maintain own subscriptions'); } /** * Menu loading, subscription */ function notifications_subscription_load($sid) { return notifications_load_subscription($sid); } /** * Menu access callback */ function notifications_subscription_access($op, $subscription, $account = NULL) { global $user; $account = $account ? $account : $user; if (user_access('administer notifications') || user_access('manage all subscriptions')) { return TRUE; } switch ($op) { case 'edit': case 'unsubscribe': return $subscription->uid && ($subscription->uid == $account->uid) && user_access('maintain own subscriptions'); } return FALSE; } /** * Menu access callback for destinations */ function notifications_destination_access($op, $destination) { // Access will be granted only to administrator for now return user_access('administer notifications'); } /** * Implementation of hook_perms() * * This module defines the following permissions * - administer notifications = Full access to all administration for the module * - maintain own subscriptions = Create / delete own subscriptions * - manage own subscriptions = Access the subscriptions management tab * - manage all subscriptions = Administer other users subscriptions */ function notifications_perm() { return array('administer notifications', 'maintain own subscriptions', 'manage own subscriptions', 'manage all subscriptions'); } /** * Implementation of hook_user(). */ function notifications_user($type, $edit, &$user, $category = NULL) { switch ($type) { case 'delete'; // Delete related data on tables notifications_delete_subscriptions(array('uid' => $user->uid)); break; case 'update': if (isset($edit['status'])) { if ($edit['status'] == 0) { // user is being blocked now // Delete pending notifications and block existing active subscriptions db_query('UPDATE {notifications} SET status = %d WHERE status = %d AND uid = %d', NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_BLOCKED, NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVE, $user->uid); notitications_include(''); notifications_queue_clean(array('uid' => $user->uid)); } else { // User may be being unblocked, unblock subscriptions if any db_query('UPDATE {notifications} SET status = %d WHERE status = %d AND uid = %d', NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVE, NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_BLOCKED, $user->uid); } } break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter() */ function notifications_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { switch ($form_id) { // Default send interval for user form case 'user_profile_form': if ($form['_category']['#value'] == 'account' && (user_access('maintain own subscriptions') || user_access('administer notifications'))) { $form['messaging']['#title'] = t('Messaging and Notifications settings'); $send_intervals = notifications_send_intervals(); $form['messaging']['notifications_send_interval'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Default send interval'), '#options' => $send_intervals, '#default_value' => notifications_user_setting('send_interval', $form['_account']['#value']), '#disabled' => count($send_intervals) == 1, '#description' => t('Default send interval for subscriptions.'), ); } } } /** * Gets a user setting, defaults to default system setting for each * * @param $name * Setting name * @param $account * Optional user account, will default to current user * @param $default * Optional default to return if this is not set */ function notifications_user_setting($name, $account = NULL, $default = NULL) { global $user; $account = $account ? $account : $user; // Default send method is taken from messaging module if ($name == 'send_method') { return messaging_method_default($account); } $field = 'notifications_'. $name; if (isset($account->$field)) { return $account->$field; } else { return variable_get('notifications_default_'. $name, $default); } } /** * Process subscriptions events * * @param $event * Array with event parameters */ function notifications_event($event) { if (is_array($event)) { $event = notifications_event_build($event); } if ($event) { notifications_event_trigger($event); return $event; } } /** * Build event object */ function notifications_event_build($params) { global $user, $language; // Fill in event with default values $params += array( 'uid' => $user->uid, 'language' => $language->language, 'type' => '', // Object/event type 'action' => '', // Action that happened to the object 'save' => TRUE, 'queue' => TRUE, ); $params += array('typekey' => $params['type'] . '-' . $params['action']); // Check whether we have to save and queue this event, defaults to yes if not set // If not enabled, do not store nor queue this event, can be changed by plug-in modules if (notifications_event_enabled($params['typekey'])) { return new Notifications_Event($params); } else { // Event type not enabled, return nothing return NULL; } } /** * Trigger event. Save, run queue query, etc... */ function notifications_event_trigger($event) { // Notify other modules we are about to trigger some subscriptions event // Modules can do cleanup operations or modify event properties module_invoke_all('notifications_event', 'trigger', $event); // Store event, unles marked not to be saved if ($event->save) { $event->save(); } // Send event to queue for subscriptions, unless marked not to if ($event->queue) { notifications_include(''); $count = notifications_query_queue_event($event); // Now update event counter with rows in notifications_queue or delete if no rows if ($count) { $event->update_counter($count); // If immediate sending enabled, store eid for sending on page exit. notifications_send_immediate($event->eid); } else { $event->delete(); } } } /** * Check whether we have enabled events of this type */ function notifications_event_enabled($key, $default = TRUE) { $info = variable_get('notifications_event_enabled', array()); $status = isset($info[$key]) ? $info[$key] : $default; // If this has a parent type, will be enabled just if parent is if ($status && ($parent = notifications_event_types($key, 'parent'))) { return notifications_event_enabled($parent, FALSE); } else { return $status; } } /** * Get template for event * * @param $event * It may be event object or event type key */ function notifications_event_get_template($event) { $info = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($info)) { $info = variable_get('notifications_event_template', array()); } if (is_object($event)) { // An event object will know about its template itself return $event->get_template(); } else { // $event is just the type key if (!isset($info[$event])) { if ($template = notifications_event_types($event, 'template')) { // Use default value from event definition $info[$event] = $template; } else { $info[$event] = FALSE; } } return $info[$event]; } } /** * Process URL arguments and return an array of field/value pairs * * @param $fields * Field names separated by commas. * @param $values * Values separated by commas */ function notifications_field_args($fields, $values) { $names = explode(',', $fields); $params = explode(',', $values); return array_combine($names, $params); } /** * Store / return events for immediate sending */ function notifications_send_immediate($eid = 0) { $events = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); ; if (!$eid) { return $events; } elseif (variable_get('notifications_send_immediate', 0)) { $events[] = $eid; } } /** * Implementation of hook_exit() * * This is where the immediate sending is done if enabled, so we are sure all other modules * have finished node processing when node update. */ function notifications_exit() { if ($events = notifications_send_immediate()) { notifications_include(''); foreach ($events as $eid) { notifications_process_rows(array('cron' => 1, 'eid' => $eid, 'send_interval' => 0)); } } } /** * Load multiple subscriptions that match some condition */ /** * Build subscription object properly */ function notifications_build_subscription($subscription) { // Build object if not built previously if (!is_object($subscription)) { $subscription = (object)$subscription; } if (is_a($subscription, 'Notifications_Subscription')) { return $subscription; } else { return Notifications_Subscription::build($subscription); } } /** * Update or create subscription * * This function checks for duplicated subscriptions before saving. * If a similar subscription is found it will be updated. * If no subscription is found and it is new, the sid will be added into the object. * * @param $subscription * Subscription object or array * @return integer * Failure to write a record will return FALSE. Otherwise SAVED_NEW or SAVED_UPDATED is returned depending on the operation performed. */ function notifications_save_subscription(&$subscription) { global $user; // Build object if not built previously $subscription = notifications_build_subscription($subscription); $subscription->conditions = count($subscription->get_fields()); // Set account that will fill in account parameters $account = $subscription->uid ? messaging_load_user($subscription->uid) : $user; $subscription->set_account($account); // Update existing one or save new checking for duplicates $result = FALSE; if (!empty($subscription->sid)) { $op = 'update'; $result = $subscription->save(); } elseif ($subscription->check_destination()) { if ($duplicate = notifications_get_subscriptions(array('mdid' => $subscription->mdid, 'type' => $subscription->type, 'event_type' => $subscription->event_type, 'module' => $subscription->module, 'send_interval' => $subscription->send_interval), $subscription->get_conditions(), TRUE)) { // We've found duplicates, resolve conflict updating first, deleting the rest // It is possible that we had a disabled one, this updating will fix it $update = array_shift($duplicate); unset($subscription->sid); // It may be 0 foreach ($subscription as $key => $value) { if (isset($value)) { $update->$key = $value; } } $subscription->sid = $update->sid; // If there are more, delete, keep the table clean while ($dupe = array_shift($duplicate)) { notifications_delete_subscription($dupe->sid); } return notifications_save_subscription($subscription); } else { $op = 'insert'; $result = $subscription->save(); } } // If the operation has worked so far, update fields and inform other modules if ($result !== FALSE) { module_invoke_all('notifications_subscription', $op, $subscription); } return $result; } /** * Get an individual subscription. * * @param $subs * Either a subscription object or a subscription id (sid). * @param $refresh * Force cache refresh * @return * Subscriptions object. */ function notifications_load_subscription($subs, $refresh = FALSE) { $subscriptions = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); if (is_object($subs)) { if(is_a($subs, 'Notifications_Subscription')) { $subscriptions[$subs->sid] = $subs; } else { $subscriptions[$subs->sid] = Notifications_Subscription::build($subs); } return $subscriptions[$subs->sid]; } else { if ($refresh || !$subscriptions || !array_key_exists($subs, $subscriptions)) { $subscriptions[$subs] = Notifications_Subscription::load($subs); } return $subscriptions[$subs]; } } /** * Get users with static caching for existing users * * If not uid passed it will return an anonymous fake user (with destination, send_method) * We need to pass the send method to produce the right tokens later * * This provides some API support for user-less subscriptions, i.e. when we've got just * an email address but no user associated. The idea is that these fake users will be properly * handled by messaging module * * @todo Possibly all this should be handled by messaging layer * * @param $uid * Uid of the user account to load, none to use anonymous user * @param $destination * Messaging destination (mail, sms number, etc..), just for anonymous users * @param $send_method * Messaging send method key (mail, sms, xmpp, etc..), just for anonymous users */ function notifications_load_user($uid, $destination = NULL, $send_method = NULL) { if ($uid) { return messaging_load_user($uid); } else { $account = drupal_anonymous_user(); $account->destination = $destination; $account->send_method = $send_method; return $account; } } /** * Delete subscription and clean up related data. * * It also removes pending notifications related to that subscription * * @param $sid * Subscription object or id of subscriptin to delete */ function notifications_delete_subscription($sid) { $sid = is_object($sid) ? $sid->sid : $sid; $subscriptions = &messaging_static('notifications_load_subscription'); $subscriptions[$sid] = NULL; foreach (array('notifications', 'notifications_fields', 'notifications_queue') as $table) { db_query("DELETE FROM {". $table ."} WHERE sid = %d", $sid); } } /** * Delete multiple subscriptions and clean up related data (pending notifications, fields). * * Warning: If !$limit, it will delete also subscriptions with more conditions than the fields passed. * * @param array $params * Array of multiple conditions in the notifications table to delete subscriptions * @param array $field_conditions * Array of multiple conditions in the notifications_fields table to delete subscriptions * @param $limit * Whether to limit the result to subscriptions with exactly that condition fields */ function notifications_delete_subscriptions($params, $field_conditions = array(), $limit = FALSE) { notifications_include(''); // For exact condition fields we add one more main condition. if ($limit) { $params += array('conditions' => count($field_conditions)); } // This will get partially loaded objects, only with sid field $query['select'][] = 's.sid'; $subscriptions = notifications_query_subscriptions($params, $field_conditions, $query, FALSE); // This is the actual deletion. We've fetched the values from the db so this needs no escaping. if ($subscriptions) { $delete = array_keys($subscriptions); $placeholders = db_placeholders($delete); foreach (array('notifications_fields', 'notifications_queue', 'notifications') as $table) { db_query('DELETE FROM {' . $table . '} WHERE sid IN (' . $placeholders . ')', $delete); } // Now remove them from the cache too if ($cache = &messaging_static('notifications_load_subscription')) { $cache = array_diff_key($cache, $subscriptions); } } } /** * Shorthand function for deleting everything related to a destination */ function notifications_delete_destination($mdid) { notifications_delete_subscriptions(array('mdid' => $mdid)); Messaging_Destination::delete_multiple(array('mdid' => $mdid)); } /** * Get subscriptions that match a set of conditions. * * @param $main_conditions * Conditions for the main notifications table * @param $field_conditions * Optional array of condition fields. The elements may be * - single field => value pairs * - or numeric key => array('type' => field, 'value' => value) * @param $exact_fields * Whether to limit the result to subscriptions with exactly that condition fields. Otherwise we * look for subscriptions that have and match that fields but may have more than that. * @param $key * Optional key field to use as the array index. Will default to sid * For notifications with one field, it may be 'value' or 'intval' * @param $pager * Whether to throw a pager query * @return * Array of subscriptions indexed by uid, module, field, value, author * * @todo Check field types for building the query */ function notifications_get_subscriptions($main_conditions, $field_conditions = NULL, $exact_fields = TRUE, $key = 'sid', $pager = NULL) { notifications_include(''); // Build query conditions using the query builder. $query['select'][] = 's.*'; // If we have the exact fields, make sure we match only the rows with this number of conditions if ($exact_fields && isset($field_conditions)) { $main_conditions += array('conditions' => count($field_conditions)); } // Query for the notifications table $result = notifications_query_subscriptions($main_conditions, $field_conditions, $query); // Build list with results, we may need to index by a different field if ($key == 'sid') { $subscriptions = $result; } else { $subscriptions = array(); foreach ($result as $subs) { if ($key == 'value' || $key == 'intval') { $field = array_shift($subs->get_fields()); $subscriptions[$field->value] = $subs; } else { $subscriptions[$subs->$key] = $subs; } } } return $subscriptions; } /** * Get subscription for a given user to some object * * This is a shorthand function to quickly check some types of subscriptions. * * @param $account * User id or user account object to check subscriptions for * @param $type * Object type * @param $field * Field type for the subscription. I.e. for a node it will be nid * @param $value * Field value to check subscriptions to. I.e. $node * * @return * Array of subscriptions for this user and object indexed by sid */ function notifications_user_get_subscriptions($account, $type, $object, $refresh = FALSE) { $subscriptions = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); $account = is_numeric($account) ? messaging_load_user($account) : $account; // No subscriptions for anonymous users if (!$account || !$account->uid) return array(); // Check the object exists, is loaded and we've got a key field $object = notifications_object_load($type, $object); $key = notifications_object_type($type, 'key_field'); if (!$object || !$key || empty($object->$key)) return array(); // Now we've got the key fields for caching, try the cache or find subscriptions if ($refresh || !isset($subscriptions[$account->uid][$type][$object->$key])) { // Collect subscription types for this object and this account // Get allowed subscription options for this account to this object $user_subscriptions = array(); $subscribe_options = notifications_object_subscribe_options($type, $object, $account); foreach ($subscribe_options as $template) { $type_subscriptions = notifications_get_subscriptions( array('uid' => $account->uid, 'type' => $template['type']), // Main conditions $template['fields'], // Field conditions TRUE // Match exactly these condition fields, no less, no more ); if ($type_subscriptions) { $user_subscriptions += $type_subscriptions; //array_merge($user_subscriptions, $type_subscriptions); } } $subscriptions[$account->uid][$type][$object->$key] = $user_subscriptions; } return $subscriptions[$account->uid][$type][$object->$key]; } /** * Get info about subscription types * * @param $type * String, the subscriptions type OPTIONAL * @param $field * String, a specific field to retrieve info from OPTIONAL * * Information for a given field and type * or information for a given field for all types */ function notifications_object_type($type = NULL, $field = NULL) { $types = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($types)) { $types = notifications_module_information('object types'); drupal_alter('notifications_object_types', $types); } return notifications_array_info($types, $type, $field); } /** * Load an object of type defined by notifications 'object types' * * @param $type * Object type * @param $value * Object key value, or the object itself */ function notifications_object_load($type, $value) { if (is_object($value)) { return $value; } else { return _notifications_object_callback($type, 'load callback', $value); } } /** * Check access to an object for user account * * @param $type * Object type * @param $object * Object or object id * @param $account * User account to check access to the object */ function notifications_object_access($type, $object, $account) { $object = notifications_object_load($type, $object); // If object not properly loaded, always false if (!$object) { return FALSE; } elseif (($info = notifications_object_type($type)) && ($key = $info['key_field']) && isset($object->$key)) { $access = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($access[$type][$account->uid][$object->$key])) { if (isset($info['access callback'])) { $access[$type][$account->uid][$object->$key] = _notifications_object_callback($type, 'access callback', $object, $account); } elseif (isset($info['access'])) { $access[$type][$account->uid][$object->$key] = user_access($info['access'], $account); } else { // Not defined, so we allow user access $access[$type][$account->uid][$object->$key] = TRUE; } } return $access[$type][$account->uid][$object->$key]; } // If not object information we cannot determine anything } /** * Get subscription options for object, account */ function notifications_object_subscribe_options($type, $object, $account = NULL) { $account = $account ? $account : $GLOBALS['user']; $object = notifications_object_load($type, $object); return module_invoke_all('notifications_object_' . $type, 'subscriptions', $object, $account); } /** * Get field conditions for this specific object */ function notifications_object_condition_fields($type, $object) { if ($object = notifications_object_load($type, $object)) { // As this does an array_merge_recursive() we get grouped field => array(value1, value2..) $fields = module_invoke_all('notifications_object_' .$type, 'conditions', $object); // Now we just need to filter out duplicate values foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $fields[$key] = array_unique($value); } } return $fields; } } /** * Get list of possible and existing subscriptions for user/object * * @param $type * Subscription type to get options: 'user', 'node' * @param $object * The object to subscribe. It may be $node or $user * @param $account * User account to get options/subscriptions for * * @return * Array of subscription options * The enabled ones will have a 'subscriptions' element loaded */ function notifications_object_user_subscriptions($type, $object, $account = NULL) { $cache = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); $account = $account ? $account : $GLOBALS['user']; $object = notifications_object_load($type, $object); // Get allowed subscription options for this account to this object $subscribe_options = notifications_object_subscribe_options($type, $object, $account); $allowed_options = array(); foreach ($subscribe_options as $option) { // So far this is not a subscription but a subscription template $subscription = notifications_build_subscription($option); $type_key = $subscription->serialize_type(); // If we have this type cached we don't search more if (!isset($cache[$account->uid][$type_key])) { if (notifications_user_allowed('subscription', $account, $subscription)) { $find = notifications_get_subscriptions( array('uid' => $account->uid, 'type' => $subscription->type), $subscription->get_conditions() ); // Allowed subscription type, we store the subscription or the template if ($find) { $cache[$account->uid][$type_key] = array_shift($find); $cache[$account->uid][$type_key]->name = $subscription->name; } else { $cache[$account->uid][$type_key] = $subscription; } } else { // Not allowed subscription type for this user $cache[$account->uid][$type_key] = FALSE; } } if ($cache[$account->uid][$type_key]) { $allowed_options[] = $cache[$account->uid][$type_key]; } } return $allowed_options; } /** * Invoke a callback for an object type * * @param $type * Object type * @param $name * Callback name * @param $arg1, $arg2... * Variable arguments */ function _notifications_object_callback() { $args = func_get_args(); $type = array_shift($args); $name = array_shift($args); return _notifications_info_callback(notifications_object_type($type), $name, $args); } /** * Invoke a callback for a subscription type * * @param $type * Subscription type * @param $name * Callback name * @param $arg1, $arg2... * Variable arguments */ function _notifications_subscription_callback() { $args = func_get_args(); $type = array_shift($args); $name = array_shift($args); return _notifications_info_callback(notifications_subscription_types($type), $name, $args); } /** * Invoke a callback for a field type * * @param $type * Subscription type * @param $name * Callback name * @param $arg1, $arg2... * Variable arguments */ function _notifications_field_callback() { $args = func_get_args(); $type = array_shift($args); $name = array_shift($args); // We try first the field callback, then the field object type callback $info = notifications_subscription_fields($type); if (isset($info[$name])) { return _notifications_info_callback($info, $name, $args); } elseif (!empty($info['object_type']) && ($object_info = notifications_object_type($info['object_type'])) && isset($object_info[$name])) { return _notifications_info_callback($object_info, $name, $args); } else { return NULL; } } /** * Get a callback for an objec type */ function _notifications_info_callback($info, $name, $args) { // We may need to include the file before if (isset($info['file'])) { notifications_include($info['file'], $info['module']); } if (isset($info[$name]) && function_exists($info[$name])) { // The callback may have arguments, a property like 'format callback args' if (isset($info[$name . ' args'])) { $args[] = $info[$name . ' args']; } return call_user_func_array($info[$name], $args); } } /** * Get info about subscription types * * @param $type * String, the subscriptions type OPTIONAL * @param $field * String, a specific field to retrieve info from OPTIONAL * @param $check_access * Whether to check user access and filter out disabled types * * Information for a given field and type * or information for a given field for all types */ function notifications_subscription_types($type = NULL, $field = NULL, $check_access = FALSE) { $types = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($types)) { $types = notifications_module_information('subscription types'); drupal_alter('notifications_subscription_types', $types); } $result = $types; if ($check_access) { foreach ($types as $key => $info) { if (!empty($info['disabled']) || (!empty($info['access']) && !user_access($info['access']))) { unset($result[$key]); } } } return notifications_array_info($result, $type, $field); } /** * Get information about subscriptions fields */ function notifications_subscription_fields($type = NULL, $property = NULL) { $fields = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); ; if (!isset($fields)) { $fields = notifications_module_information('subscription fields'); drupal_alter('notifications_subscription_fields', $fields); } return notifications_array_info($fields, $type, $property); } /** * Subscription information field for several forms */ function notifications_subscription_info_field($subscription) { return Notifications_Subscription::form_info($subscription); } /** * Get information from an array of data * * @param $data * Array of data indexed by type * @param $type * Type to return out of the array, none to return all types * @param $property * Property to return, none to return all properties */ function notifications_array_info($data, $type = NULL, $field = NULL) { if ($field && $type) { return isset($data[$type][$field]) ? $data[$type][$field] : NULL; } elseif ($field) { $return = array(); foreach ($data as $id => $info) { $return[$id] = isset($info[$field]) ? $info[$field] : NULL; } return $return; } elseif ($type) { return isset($data[$type]) ? $data[$type] : array(); } else { return $data; } } /** * Serialize an array ordering the keys before. This is useful for cache indexes */ function notifications_array_serialize($array) { if (!$array) { return ''; } // First we sort and serialize multiple conditions foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { sort($value); $array[$key] = implode(':', $value); } } // Now we sort the whole condtions array maintaining index association asort($array); return implode(',', array_keys($array)) . '/' . implode(',', $array); } /** * Invokes hook_notifications() with a single parameter or more but not needing * an object to be passed as reference. */ function notifications_module_information($op, $arg0 = NULL, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL) { $result = array(); foreach (module_implements('notifications') as $module) { $function = $module .'_notifications'; if ($return = $function($op, $arg0, $arg1, $arg2)) { // Add module name to each result if it is an info array foreach ($return as $key => &$value) { if (is_array($value)) { $value += array('module' => $module); } } // Note we use array_merge instead of array_merge_recursive() $result = array_merge($result, $return); } } return $result; } /** * Invokes hook_notifications() in every module. * * We cannot use module_invoke() for this, because the arguments need to * be passed by reference. */ function notifications_module_invoke($op, &$arg0, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL) { $result = array(); foreach (module_implements('notifications') as $module) { $function = $module .'_notifications'; if ($return = $function($op, $arg0, $arg1, $arg2)) { $result = array_merge($result, $return); } } return $result; } /** * Implementation of hook_messaging() * * This hook provides information about the mensaje templates this module uses and related tokens. * * Depending on $op, this hook takes different parameters and returns different pieces of information: * * - 'message groups' * Get array of message groups, each of which will have one or more keys for different templates * Each group should have a unique key, so it should start with the module name * - 'message keys' * Get message template parts for a given group ($arg1) * Return array of key => name for each part * - 'messages' * Get default message templates for a given group ($arg1). * It should return default texts, indexed by message key that will be the default templates * These templates may be edited on the 'Messaging templates' page * - 'tokens' * Get available tokens for a given message group and key ($arg1). * Return array of token keys that will be available for this message templates * The tokens themselves may be default tokens (provided by token module) or we can add new * tokens implementing hook_token_list() and hook_token_value() * * @param $op * Operation, type of information to retrieve * @param $arg1, $arg2... * Different parameters depending on $op */ function notifications_messaging($op, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL, $arg3 = NULL, $arg4 = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'message types': $info['notifications'] = array( 'name' => t('Notifications'), 'description' => t('Messages coming from user subscriptions and system events') ); return $info; case 'message groups': return notifications_get_templates('info', 'enabled'); case 'message keys': return notifications_get_templates('parts', $arg1); case 'messages': return notifications_get_templates('defaults', $arg1); case 'tokens': return notifications_get_templates('tokens', $arg1); case 'method update': // A messaging method has been disabled ($arg1) and replaced by the new one ($arg2) // Update subscriptions db_query("UPDATE {notifications} SET send_method = '%s' WHERE send_method = '%s'", $arg2, $arg1); // Purge notifications queue, we may lost some notifications but it's the safest option. db_query("DELETE FROM {notifications_queue} WHERE send_method = '%s'", $arg1); break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_notifications_templates() */ function notifications_notifications_templates($op, $type = NULL, $language = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'info': $info = array(); // Generic notifications event if ($type == 'all' || $type == 'notifications-event') { $info['notifications-event'] = array( 'module' => 'notifications', 'name' => t('Notifications event'), 'description' => t('Common parts for all Notifications messages for a single event. This is useful for defining a common header and/or footer for all these messages.'), 'fallback' => FALSE, // This template has no fallback ); } if ($type == 'digest' || $type == 'notifications-digest') { $info['notifications-digest'] = array( 'module' => 'notifications', 'name' => t('Notifications digest'), 'description' => t('Depending on your settings for each Send interval, Notifications may be digested, this is grouped and summarized in a single message. These are the common parts for Notifications digests.'), 'fallback' => FALSE, // This template has no fallback ); } return $info; case 'parts': switch ($type) { case 'notifications-event': // Event notifications return array( 'subject' => t('Subject'), 'header' => t('Header'), 'main' => t('Content'), 'footer' => t('Footer'), ); case 'notifications-digest': return array( 'subject' => t('Subject'), 'header' => t('Header'), 'main' => t('Line for digested events'), 'closing' => t('Group closing'), 'footer' => t('Footer'), ); } break; case 'defaults': // Event notifications if ($type == 'notifications-event') { return array( 'subject' => t('Event notification for [user] from [site-name]'), 'header' => t("Greetings [user],"), 'main' => t("A item to which you are subscribed has been updated"), 'footer' => array( t('This is an automatic message from [site-name]'), t('To manage your subscriptions, browse to [subscriptions-manage]'), t('You can unsubscribe at [unsubscribe-url]'), ), ); } // Digested messages if ($type == 'notifications-digest') { return array( 'subject' => t('[site-name] subscription update for [user]'), 'header' => t("Greetings, [user].\n\nThese are your messages"), 'main' => t("A [type] has been updated: [title]\n\n[event_list]"), 'closing' => '...', 'footer' => array( t('This is an automatic message from [site-name]'), t('To manage your subscriptions, browse to [subscriptions-manage]'), ), ); } break; case 'tokens': $args = explode('-', $type); $tokens = array(); // These are the token groups that will be used for this module's messages if ($args[0] == 'notifications') { $tokens = array('subscription', 'user'); if ($args[1] == 'event') { // If the template is for a single event, it can use event tokens $tokens[] = 'event'; } elseif ($args[1] == 'digest') { // Template for multiple events, can use events (note the plural) tokens $tokens[] = 'events'; } } return $tokens; } } /** * Get notifications templates * * This will filter out templates for disabled events * * $op = 'info', 'parts', 'tokens', 'defaults' */ function notifications_get_templates($op = 'info', $type = 'all', $language = NULL) { static $all_templates; switch ($op) { case 'info': if ($type == 'all' || $type == 'enabled') { if (!isset($all_templates)) { $all_templates = module_invoke_all('notifications_templates', 'info', 'all'); } if ($type == 'all') { return $all_templates; } elseif ($type == 'enabled') { // Get a list of templates for enabled event types $enabled = array_filter(notifications_event_types(NULL, 'template', FALSE)); return messaging_template_extract_group($enabled, $all_templates); } } else { return module_invoke_all('notifications_templates', 'info', $type, $language); } break; default: return module_invoke_all('notifications_templates', $op, $type, $language); } } /** * Implementation of hook_token_values() * * @ TODO: Work out event tokens */ function notifications_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) { switch ($type) { case 'subscription': $values = array(); // Tokens only for registered users if (($subscription = $object)) { $link = notifications_get_link('unsubscribe', array('sid' => $subscription->sid, 'signed' => TRUE, 'absolute' => TRUE)); $values['unsubscribe-url'] = url($link['href'], $link['options']); $values['subscription-type'] = $subscription->get_type('name'); $values['subscription-name'] = $subscription->format_name(FALSE); $values['subscription-description-short'] = $subscription->format_short(FALSE); $values['subscription-description-long'] = $subscription->format_long(FALSE); } return $values; case 'user': $values = array(); if (($account = $object) && !empty($object->uid)) { // We have a real user, so we produce full links $values['subscriptions-manage'] = url("user/$account->uid/notifications", array('absolute' => TRUE)); $link = notifications_get_link('unsubscribe', array('uid' => $account->uid, 'signed' => TRUE, 'absolute' => TRUE)); $values['unsubscribe-url-global'] = url($link['href'], $link['options']); } return $values; case 'destination': // @todo Destination tokens for registered users break; case 'event': if ($event = $object) { $values['event-type-description'] = $event->get_type('description'); $values['event-date-small'] = format_date($event->created, 'small'); $values['event-date-medium'] = format_date($event->created, 'medium'); $values['event-date-large'] = format_date($event->created, 'large'); return $values; } break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_token_list(). Documents the individual * tokens handled by the module. */ function notifications_token_list($type = 'all') { $tokens = array(); if ($type == 'user' || $type == 'all') { $tokens['user']['subscriptions-manage'] = t('The url for the current user to manage subscriptions.'); $tokens['user']['unsubscribe-url-global'] = t('The url to allow a user to delete all their subscriptions.'); } if ($type == 'subscription' || $type == 'all') { $tokens['subscription']['unsubscribe-url'] = t('The url for disabling a specific subscription.'); $tokens['subscription']['subscription-type'] = t('The subscription type.'); $tokens['subscription']['subscription-name'] = t('The subscription name.'); $tokens['subscription']['subscription-description-short'] = t('The subscription short description.'); $tokens['subscription']['subscription-description-long'] = t('The subscription long description.'); } if ($type == 'event' || $type == 'all') { $tokens['event']['event-type-description'] = t('Description of event type.'); $tokens['event']['event-date-small'] = t('Date of the event, short format.'); $tokens['event']['event-date-medium'] = t('Date of the event, medium format.'); $tokens['event']['event-date-large'] = t('Date of the event, large format.'); } return $tokens; } /** * Get event types * * @param $typekey * Event type key * @param $property * Property to return * @param $enabled * Whether to return also disabled events */ function notifications_event_types($typekey = NULL, $property = NULL, $disabled = TRUE) { $info = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); $enabled = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__ . '_enabled'); if (!isset($info)) { $info = notifications_module_information('event types'); drupal_alter('notifications_event_types', $info); $enabled = array(); foreach ($info as $key => &$event) { if (empty($event['disabled']) && notifications_event_enabled($key)) { $enabled[$key] = &$event; } } } return $disabled ? notifications_array_info($info, $typekey, $property) : notifications_array_info($enabled, $typekey, $property); } /** * Implementation of hook_cron() */ function notifications_cron() { if (variable_get('notifications_process_on_cron', TRUE)) { notifications_include(''); notifications_process_run(); } } /** * Return link array for subscriptions * * @param $type * Link type: 'subscribe' | 'unsubscribe' * @param $params * Aditional parameters for the subscription, may be * - uid, the user for which the link is generated * - confirm, whether to show confirmation page or not * - destination, form destination or TRUE to use current path * - signed, to produce a signed link that can be used by anonymous users (Example: unsubscribe link in emails) * - Other subscription parameters: type, fields... * @param $format * Whether to return a formatted link instead of a raw one (array) */ function notifications_get_link($type, $params, $format = FALSE) { // Add some default values $params += array('uid' => 0); $elements = array(); switch ($type) { case 'subscribe': $elements = array( 'subscribe', $params['uid'], $params['type'], implode(',', array_keys($params['fields'])), implode(',', $params['fields']) ); $title = t('subscribe'); break; case 'unsubscribe': $elements[] = 'unsubscribe'; // The unsubscribe link can be for a single subscription or all subscriptions for a user if (!empty($params['sid'])) { $elements[] = 'sid'; $elements[] = $params['sid']; } elseif (!empty($params['uid'])) { $elements[] = 'uid'; $elements[] = $params['uid']; } $title = t('unsubscribe'); break; case 'edit': // Edit subscription $elements[] = 'subscription'; $elements[] = $params['sid']; $elements[] = 'edit'; $title = t('edit'); break; } $params += array('title' => $title); $link = _notifications_get_link($elements, $params); return $format ? l($params['title'], $link['href'], $link['options']) : $link; } /** * Get notifications link from elements and params */ function _notifications_get_link($elements, $params = array()) { // Add some default values $params += array( 'confirm' => TRUE, 'signed' => FALSE, 'destination' => FALSE, 'query' => array(), ); if ($params['destination'] === TRUE) { $params['destination'] = $_GET['q']; } // Build query string using named parameters $query = $params['query']; if ($params['destination']) { $query['destination'] = $params['destination']; } // To skip the confirmation form, the link must be signed // Note tat the query string will be 'confirm=1' to skip confirmation form if (!$params['confirm']) { $query['confirm'] = 1; $params['signed'] = 1; } if ($params['signed']) { $query['signature'] = _notifications_signature($elements, !$params['confirm']); } // Build final link parameters $options['query'] = $query; foreach (array('absolute', 'html') as $name) { if (isset($params[$name])) { $options[$name] = $params[$name]; } } return array( 'href' => 'notifications/'. implode('/', $elements), 'options' => $options, ); } /** * Check access to objects * * This will check permissions for subscriptions and events before subscribing * and before getting updates. * * @param $type * Type of object to check for access. Possible values: * - 'event', will check access to event objects * - 'subscription', will check access to subscribed objects */ function notifications_user_allowed($type, $account, $object = NULL) { // First invoke the hook for 'event' or 'subscription'. If we get any false return value, that's it $hook = 'notifications_' . $type; foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) { $permission = module_invoke($module, $hook, 'access', $object, $account); if (isset($permission) && ($permission === FALSE || is_array($permission) && in_array(FALSE, $permission, TRUE))) { return FALSE; } } if (is_object($object)) { // For events and subscriptions check first all objects are loaded if (!$object->load_objects()) { return FALSE; } // Now check all the loaded objects foreach ($object->get_objects() as $check_type => $values) { // Subscriptions can have several objects of one type $type_list = is_array($values) ? $values : array($values); foreach ($type_list as $check_object) { if (notifications_object_access($check_type, $check_object, $account) === FALSE) { return FALSE; } } } } // This means we've done all the checking and found nothing, so we allow access return TRUE; } /** * Implementation of hook_notifications() * * Check access permissions to subscriptions and take care of some backwards compatibility */ function notifications_notifications($op, &$arg0, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'build methods': // Return array of building engines $info['simple'] = array( 'type' => 'simple', 'name' => t('Simple'), 'description' => t('Produces one message per event, without digesting.'), 'build callback' => 'notifications_process_build_simple', 'digest' => FALSE, ); return $info; case 'object types': $types['node'] = array( 'name' => t('Node'), 'key_field' => 'nid', 'load callback' => 'node_load', 'autocomplete path' => 'notifications/autocomplete/node/title', 'autocomplete callback' => 'notifications_node_nid2autocomplete', 'format callback' => 'notifications_node_nid2title', 'value callback' => 'notifications_node_title2nid', 'access callback' => 'notifications_node_user_access', 'file' => '', ); $types['user'] = array( 'name' => t('User'), 'key_field' => 'uid', 'load callback' => 'notifications_load_user', 'autocomplete path' => 'user/autocomplete', 'autocomplete callback' => 'notifications_user_name_callback', 'format callback' => 'notifications_user_uid2name', 'value callback' => 'notifications_user_name2uid', 'access callback' => 'notifications_user_user_access', 'file' => '', ); return $types; } } /** * Implementation of hook notifications_subscription() */ function notifications_notifications_subscription($op, $subscription = NULL, $account = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'access': // First we check valid subscription type $access = FALSE; if ($subscription->type && ($info = notifications_subscription_types($subscription->type))) { // To allow mixed subscription types to work we dont have a fixed field list // Then check specific access to this type. Each type must have a permission if (!empty($info['access callback'])) { $access = call_user_func($info['access callback'], $account, $subscription); } elseif (!empty($info['access']) && (user_access($info['access'], $account) || user_access('administer notifications', $account))) { // Check matching fields if (!empty($info['variable_fields']) || !array_diff($info['fields'], array_keys($subscription->get_conditions()))) { $access = TRUE; } } } if ($access) { // If permissions are ok, we invoke the old callback, which returns an array $old_access = notifications_module_information('access', 'subscription', $subscription, $account); return !$old_access || !in_array(FALSE, $old_access, TRUE); } else { // If this is access denied, no need for further checking return FALSE; } } } /** * Implementation of hook notifications_event() * * Invoke hook notifications with old parameters */ function notifications_notifications_event($op, $event, $account = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'query': $query = array(); // First get all the condition fields for the event object type // I.e. for a node event, we get all condition fields for the event's node if ($object = $event->get_object($event->type)) { if ($fields = notifications_object_condition_fields($event->type, $object)) { // We get a merged array with field => array(value1, value2...); $query[]['fields'] = $fields; } } // Add in other conditions invoking the old hook if ($more = notifications_module_information('query', 'event', $event->type, $event)) { $query = array_merge($query, $more); } return $query; case 'access': return notifications_module_information('access', 'event', $event, $account); } } /** * List of send intervals. These may be overriden in a variable. */ function _notifications_send_intervals() { return variable_get('notifications_send_intervals', array( // -1 => t('Never'), 0 => t('Immediately'), 3600 => t('Every hour'), 43200 => t('Twice a day'), 86400 => t('Daily'), 604800 => t('Weekly'), ) ); } /** * List of send intervals, translated. */ function notifications_send_intervals($account = NULL) { $list = &messaging_static(__FUNCTION__); if ($account && !$account->uid && function_exists('notifications_anonymous_send_intervals')) { return notifications_anonymous_send_intervals(); } if (!isset($intervals)) { if ($intervals = variable_get('notifications_send_intervals', FALSE)) { foreach ($intervals as $key => $name) { $list[$key] = notifications_translate("send_interval:$key:name", $name); } } else { $list = _notifications_send_intervals(); } } return $list; } /** * List of send methods * * @param $account * Optional user account, for checking permissions against this account */ function _notifications_send_methods($account = NULL) { return variable_get('notifications_send_methods', messaging_method_list($account)); } /** * Get list of send methods for user or anonymous account */ function notifications_send_methods($account) { // We restrict send methods for anonymous accounts when edited by regular users if (empty($account->uid) && !user_access('administer notifications') && function_exists('notifications_anonymous_send_methods')) { return notifications_anonymous_send_methods(); } else { return _notifications_send_methods($account); } } /** * Signature for url parameters * * @param $params * Subscription parameters * @param $skip_confirm * TRUE to skip confirmation form */ function _notifications_signature($params, $skip_confirm = FALSE) { return md5('notifications:'. drupal_get_private_key() .':'. ($skip_confirm ? 1 : 0) .':'. implode(':', $params)); } /** * Default values for subscription */ function _notifications_subscription_defaults($account = NULL) { return array( 'send_interval' => notifications_user_setting('send_interval', $account, 0), 'send_method' => notifications_user_setting('send_method', $account, ''), 'module' => 'notifications', 'status' => NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVE, 'destination' => '', 'cron' => 1, ); } /** * Status list */ function _notifications_subscription_status() { return array( NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVE => t('active'), NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_BLOCKED => t('blocked'), NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_INACTIVE => t('inactive'), ); } /** * Build list of subscription types * * Note: some custom types may have user defined strings, that's why the check_plain() everywhere */ function _notifications_subscription_types($format = 'short', $filter = NULL) { $options = array(); foreach (notifications_subscription_types() as $type => $info) { if (!$filter || count(array_intersect_assoc($filter, $info)) == count($filter)) { switch ($format) { case 'short': $options[$type] = check_plain($info['title']); break; case 'long': $options[$type] = ''. check_plain($info['title']) .'.'; if (!empty($info['description'])) { $options[$type] .= ' '. check_plain($info['description']); } break; } } } return $options; } /** * Callback for module dependent data * * Some data stored in the notifications system is meant to be processed by other modules and * this is indicated by a module column in the data. * * This function calls the module function if available, defaulting to the notifications provided * function when not. The arguments are passed as is * * @param $module * Module name * @param $function * Function name in module */ function notifications_callback() { $args = func_get_args(); $module = array_shift($args); $function = array_shift($args); if ($module && function_exists($module .'_notifications_'. $function)) { $callback = $module .'_notifications_'. $function; } else { $callback = 'notifications_'. $function; } return call_user_func_array($callback, $args); } /** * Generic subscriptions content form * * Builds a form for a user to manage its own subscriptions with * some generic parameters * * Currently it only manages simple condition fields * @param $account * User account * @param $type * Subscription type * @param $subscriptions * Current subscriptions of this type. If null they'll be loaded * @param $list * Array with available subscriptions indexed by field value * @param $defaults * Default value for subscriptions * @param $options * Optional, array of aditional options for the form */ function notifications_user_form($form_state, $account, $type, $subscriptions, $list, $defaults, $options = array()) { // Complete defaults $info = notifications_subscription_types($type); $field = $info['fields'][0]; $field_title = !empty($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : ''; if (is_null($subscriptions)) { // Fetch subscriptions with given parameters $subscriptions = notifications_get_subscriptions(array('type' => $type, 'event_type' => $info['event_type'], 'uid' => $account->uid), array(), FALSE, 'value'); } $defaults += array( 'sid' => 0, 'type' => $type, 'event_type' => $info['event_type'], ); $defaults += _notifications_subscription_defaults($account); // Hide Send method column if only one $send_methods = _notifications_send_methods(); $header = array(theme('table_select_header_cell'), $field_title, t('Send interval')); if (count($send_methods) > 1) { $header[] = t('Send method'); } $form['defaults'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $defaults); $form['account'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $account); $form['current'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $subscriptions); $form['subscription_fields'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => array()); $form['subscriptions'] = array( '#tree' => TRUE, '#theme' => 'notifications_form_table', '#header' => $header, ); $send_intervals = notifications_send_intervals(); foreach ($list as $key => $title) { $rowdefaults = isset($subscriptions[$key]) ? (array)($subscriptions[$key]) : $defaults; $rowdefaults += $rowdefaults; $form['subscriptions']['checkbox'][$key] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $rowdefaults['sid'], ); $form['subscriptions']['title'][$key] = array( '#value' => $title, ); $form['subscriptions']['send_interval'][$key] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $send_intervals, '#default_value' => $rowdefaults['send_interval'], ); // Hide send methods if only one available if (count($send_methods) > 1) { $form['subscriptions']['send_method'][$key] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => _notifications_send_methods(), '#default_value' => $rowdefaults['send_method'], ); } else { $form['subscriptions']['send_method'][$key] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $rowdefaults['send_method']); } // Pass on the fields for processing $form['subscription_fields']['#value'][$key] = array($field => $key); } $form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save')); return $form; } /** * Process generic form submission */ function notifications_user_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $form_values = $form_state['values']; $account = $form_values['account']; $current = $form_values['current']; $defaults = $form_values['defaults']; $defaults += array('uid' => $account->uid); $fields = $form_values['subscription_fields']; $values = $form_values['subscriptions']; $check = 'checkbox'; foreach ($values[$check] as $index => $value) { $subscription = NULL; if ($value) { // Checked, save only if new or changed if (!isset($current[$index])) { $subscription = $defaults; } elseif ($current[$index]->send_interval != $values['send_interval'][$index] || $current[$index]->send_method != $values['send_method'][$index]) { $subscription = (array)($current[$index]); } // Complete and save if ($subscription) { $subscription['send_interval'] = $values['send_interval'][$index]; $subscription['send_method'] = $values['send_method'][$index]; $subscription['fields'] = $fields[$index]; notifications_save_subscription($subscription); } } elseif (isset($current[$index])) { notifications_delete_subscription($current[$index]->sid); } } } /** * Display a form field for a notifications_field */ function notifications_subscription_form_field($type, $value = NULL, $subscription_type = NULL) { return Notifications_Subscription::form_field($type, $value, $subscription_type); } /** * Format subscription for display * * Just for backwards compatiblity, we use Notifications_Subscription formatting functions now */ function notifications_format_subscription($subscription, $format = 'short', $html = TRUE) { // Build object if not built previously $subscription = notifications_build_subscription($subscription); $method = 'format_' . $format; return $subscription->$method($html); } /** * Format subscriptions field for display and get some more information * * @return array() * Array with 'name' and 'value' elements */ function notifications_format_subscription_field($type, $value, $html = TRUE, $subscription_type = NULL) { return Notifications_Subscription::format_field($type, $value, $html, $subscription_type); } /** * Implementation of hook_theme() */ function notifications_theme() { return array( 'notifications_form_table' => array( 'arguments' => array('element' => NULL), 'file' => '', ), 'notifications_send_intervals_form' => array( 'arguments' => array('element' => NULL), 'file' => '', ), 'notifications_manage_subscriptions' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => NULL), 'file' => '', ), 'notifications_subscriptions_filter_form' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => NULL), 'file' => '', ), 'notifications_table_form' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => NULL), 'file' => '', ), 'notifications_subscription_fields' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => NULL), 'file' => '', ), ); } /** * Short hand for info logs */ function notifications_log($message = NULL, $variables = NULL) { return messaging_log($message, $variables); } /** * Short hand for debug logs */ function notifications_debug($message = NULL, $variables = NULL) { return messaging_debug($message, $variables); } /** * Wrapper function for 1i8nstrings() if i18nstrings enabled. */ function notifications_translate($name, $string, $langcode = NULL, $textgroup = 'notifications') { return function_exists('i18nstrings') ? i18nstrings($textgroup . ':' . $name, $string, $langcode) : $string; } /** * Implementation of hook_locale(). */ function notifications_locale($op = 'groups') { switch ($op) { case 'groups': return array('notifications' => t('Notifications')); case 'info': $info['notifications']['refresh callback'] = 'notifications_locale_refresh'; $info['notifications']['format'] = FALSE; // Strings have no format return $info; } } /** * Refresh notifications strings */ function notifications_locale_refresh() { if ($intervals = variable_get('notifications_send_intervals', FALSE)) { foreach ($intervals as $key => $name) { i18nstrings_update("notifications:send_interval:$key:name", $name); } } return TRUE; } /** * Include module files as necessary. * * The files must be in an 'includes' subfolder inside the module folder. */ function notifications_include($file, $module = 'notifications') { return messaging_include($file, $module); } /** * Invoke a notifications_* hook on all modules * * This is like module_invoke all with two differences: * - We can save the 'notifications_' prefix for hooks * - The results are just merged (not recursively) */ function notifications_invoke_all() { $args = func_get_args(); $hook = 'notifications_' . $args[0]; unset($args[0]); $return = array(); foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) { $function = $module .'_'. $hook; $result = call_user_func_array($function, $args); if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) { $return = array_merge($return, $result); } else if (isset($result)) { $return[] = $result; } } return $return; }