TRUE, '#collapsed' => empty($_SESSION['subscriptions_overview_filter'])); $form['#theme'] = 'notifications_subscriptions_filter_form'; $form['admin'] = notifications_manage_subscriptions_form($account); return $form; } /** * Check access for current user to manage subscriptions * * @param $sids * Array of subscription ids */ function notifications_manage_subscriptions_access($sids) { global $user; if (user_access('administer notifications') || user_access('manage all subscriptions')) { return TRUE; } else { $params = array_merge(array($user->uid), array_values($sids)); $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {notifications} WHERE uid = %d AND sid IN (" . db_placeholders($sids) . ')', $params)); return $count == count($sids); } } /** * Administer user subscriptions * * @param $account * User account or destination */ function notifications_manage_subscriptions_form($account = NULL, $full = TRUE) { $filter = notifications_subscriptions_build_filter_query($account); if ($account) { $result = pager_query('SELECT n.*, d.method, d.address FROM {notifications} n INNER JOIN {messaging_destination} d ON n.mdid = d.mdid '. $filter['join'] . $filter['where'] .' ORDER BY n.sid DESC', 50, 0, NULL, $filter['args']); } else { $result = pager_query('SELECT n.*, d.method, d.address, FROM {notifications} n INNER JOIN {messaging_destination} d ON n.mdid = d.mdid '. $filter['join'] .' INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid '. $filter['where'] .' ORDER BY n.sid DESC', 50, 0, NULL, $filter['args']); } $form = notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_options($account); $form_destination = drupal_get_destination(); $subscriptions = array(); $status = _notifications_subscription_status(); $send_methods = messaging_method_info(NULL, 'name'); $send_intervals = notifications_send_intervals(); while ($object = db_fetch_object($result)) { $sub = notifications_load_subscription($object); $subscriptions[$sub->sid] = ''; // Naming for this specific subscription, formatted strings $form['type'][$sub->sid] = array('#value' => $sub->get_type('title')); // If full loading, load full subscription and add description if ($full) { //$format = notifications_format_subscription($sub, 'array'); $form['description'][$sub->sid] = array('#value' => $sub->format_name()); } // If not account, this is an admin form for multiple users, print full account and address if (!$account) { if ($sub->uid) { $username = theme('username', $sub); } else { // Anonymous subscription, print destination instead $dest = $sub->get_destination(); $username = $dest->address_name() . ' ' . l($dest->format_address(FALSE), 'notifications/destination/' . $sub->mdid . '/manage') ; } $form['username'][$sub->sid] = array('#value' => $username); } $form['send_method'][$sub->sid] = array('#value' => !empty($send_methods[$sub->send_method]) ? $send_methods[$sub->send_method] : $sub->send_method); $form['send_interval'][$sub->sid] = array('#value' => !empty($send_intervals[$sub->send_interval]) ? $send_intervals[$sub->send_interval] : $sub->send_interval); $form['status'][$sub->sid] = array('#value' => $status[$sub->status]); // These links will be different depending on whether we are under admin or user account if ($account) { $operations = array( l(t('edit'), 'user/'. $account->uid .'/notifications/subscriptions/edit/' . $sub->sid, array('query' => $form_destination)), l(t('drop'), 'user/'. $account->uid .'/notifications/subscriptions/delete/' . $sub->sid, array('query' => $form_destination)), ); } else { $operations = array( l(t('edit'), 'notifications/subscription/' . $sub->sid, array('query' => $form_destination)), l(t('drop'), 'notifications/unsubscribe/sid/' . $sub->sid, array('query' => $form_destination)), ); } $form['operations'][$sub->sid] = array('#value' => implode(', ', $operations)); } $form['subscriptions'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => $subscriptions); $form['pager'] = array('#value' => theme('pager', NULL, 50, 0)); $form['#theme'] = 'notifications_manage_subscriptions'; return $form; } /** * Form options */ function notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_options($account) { $form['options'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Update options'), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); $options = array(); foreach (notifications_subscriptions_operations($account) as $operation => $array) { if (!empty($array['parent'])) { $options[$array['parent']][$operation] = $array['label']; } else { $options[$operation] = $array['label']; } } $form['options']['operation'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => 'approve', ); $form['options']['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Update'), '#validate' => array('notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_validate'), '#submit' => array('notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_submit'), ); return $form; } /** * Validate notifications_admin_subscriptions form submissions. * * Check if any items have been selected to perform the chosen * 'Update option' on. */ function notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { $items = array_filter($form_state['values']['subscriptions']); if (count($items) == 0) { form_set_error('', t('No items selected.')); } else if (!notifications_manage_subscriptions_access(array_keys($items))) { form_set_error('', t('You don\'t have permissions to manage these subscriptions')); } } /** * Handle manage form submissions, run batch operations */ function notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $operations = notifications_subscriptions_operations(); $operation = $operations[$form_state['values']['operation']]; // Filter out unchecked subscriptions $items = array_filter($form_state['values']['subscriptions']); if ($function = $operation['callback']) { // Add in callback arguments if present. if (isset($operation['callback arguments'])) { $args = array_merge(array($items), $operation['callback arguments']); } else { $args = array($items); } call_user_func_array($function, $args); } else { // We need to rebuild the form to go to a second step. For example, to // show the confirmation form for the deletion of subscriptions. $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; } } /** * Manage destination form. Edit subscriptions for a destination */ function notifications_manage_destination_form($form_state, $destination) { module_load_include('inc', 'notifications', 'notifications.pages'); notifications_include(''); if (isset($form_state['values']['operation']) && $form_state['values']['operation'] == 'delete') { $form = notifications_multiple_delete_confirm($form_state, array_filter($form_state['values']['subscriptions'])); return $form; } //$form = notifications_destination_view_subform($destination); $form['description'] = notifications_destination_subform($destination); $form['admin'] = notifications_destination_manage_subform($destination); $form['admin'] += notifications_manage_subscriptions_form_options($destination); $form['extra'] = notifications_manage_destination_extra($destination); return $form; } /** * Manage destination extra options for administrators */ function notifications_manage_destination_extra($destination) { if (user_access('administer notifications') && function_exists('notifications_anonymous_manage_links')) { foreach (_notifications_anonymous_manage_links('destination', $destination) as $link) { $url = url($link['href'], $link['options']); $rows[] = array( $link['title'], l($url, $url), ); } $form['links'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Anonymous links for this destination'), '#value' => theme('table', array(), $rows), ); return $form; } else { return array(); } } /** * Build query for node administration filters based on session. */ function notifications_subscriptions_build_filter_query($account = NULL) { $filters = notifications_subscriptions_filters(); // Build query $where = $args = array(); $join = ''; // If account passed, will be the first condition if ($account) { $where[] = "n.uid = %d"; $args[] = $account->uid; } foreach ($_SESSION['subscriptions_overview_filter'] as $index => $filter) { list($key, $value) = $filter; switch ($key) { case 'status': case 'send_interval': $where[] = "n.$key = %d"; $args[] = $value; break; case 'send_method': case 'type': $where[] = "n.$key = '%s'"; $args[] = $value; break; } $args[] = $value; } $where = count($where) ? 'WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $where) : ''; return array('where' => $where, 'join' => $join, 'args' => $args); } /** * List node administration filters that can be applied. * * @param $admin * Whether this is for the site admin page, will display more options */ function notifications_subscriptions_filters($admin = FALSE) { global $user; $filters['status'] = array( 'title' => t('status'), 'options' => _notifications_subscription_status(), ); $filters['type'] = array( 'title' => t('type'), // If not admin page, check access to each type 'options' => notifications_subscription_types(NULL, 'title', !$admin), ); $filters['send_method'] = array( 'title' => t('method'), // If not admin mode, filter for current user 'options' => _notifications_send_methods($admin ? NULL : $user), ); $filters['send_interval'] = array( 'title' => t('interval'), 'options' => notifications_send_intervals(), ); // Take out the filters when only one option foreach ($filters as $key => $data) { if (empty($data['options']) || count($data['options']) == 1) { unset($filters[$key]); } } return $filters; } /** * Subscription mass operations. * * @param $account * User account if we are administering subscriptions for this user */ function notifications_subscriptions_operations($account = NULL) { $operations = array( 'activate' => array( 'label' => t('Activate'), 'callback' => 'notifications_subscriptions_mass_update', 'callback arguments' => array('updates' => array('status' => NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVE)), ), 'deactivate' => array( 'label' => t('Deactivate'), 'callback' => 'notifications_subscriptions_mass_update', 'callback arguments' => array('updates' => array('status' => NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_INACTIVE)), ), 'delete' => array( 'label' => t('Delete'), 'callback' => NULL, ), ); // Block option only for administrators if (user_access('administer notifications') || user_access('manage all subscriptions')) { $operations['block'] = array( 'label' => t('Block'), 'callback' => 'notifications_subscriptions_mass_update', 'callback arguments' => array('updates' => array('status' => NOTIFICATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION_BLOCKED)), ); } // Sending methods, not for destination if (!empty($account->mdid)) { $parent = t('Change send method to'); foreach (_notifications_send_methods($account) as $key => $name) { $operations['send_method-' . $key] = array( 'label' => $name, 'parent' => $parent, 'callback' => 'notifications_subscriptions_mass_update', 'callback arguments' => array('updates' => array('send_method' => $key)), ); } } $parent = t('Change send interval to'); foreach (notifications_send_intervals() as $key => $name) { $operations['send_method-' . $key] = array( 'label' => $name, 'parent' => $parent, 'callback' => 'notifications_subscriptions_mass_update', 'callback arguments' => array('updates' => array('send_interval' => $key)), ); } // Intervals return $operations; } /** * Make mass update of subscriptions, changing all nodes in the $nodes array * to update them with the field values in $updates. * * IMPORTANT NOTE: This function is intended to work when called * from a form submit handler. Calling it outside of the form submission * process may not work correctly. * * @param array $subscriptions * Array of subscriptions nid to update. * @param array $updates * Array of key/value pairs with node field names and the * value to update that field to. */ function notifications_subscriptions_mass_update($subscriptions, $updates) { foreach ($subscriptions as $id) { _notifications_subscriptions_mass_update_helper($id, $updates); } drupal_set_message(t('The update has been performed.')); } function _notifications_subscriptions_mass_update_helper($sid, $updates) { $subs = notifications_load_subscription($sid); foreach ($updates as $name => $value) { $subs->$name = $value; } notifications_save_subscription($subs); return $subs; } /** * Form for multiple delete. When account passed check that all subscriptions belong to the user account */ function notifications_multiple_delete_confirm(&$form_state, $items, $destination = NULL) { $destination = $destination ? $destination : $_GET['q']; if (notifications_manage_subscriptions_access(array_keys($items))) { $form['items'] = array('#prefix' => '', '#tree' => TRUE); // array_filter returns only elements with TRUE values foreach ($items as $id => $value) { // Load the subscription to display a friendly name $subscription = notifications_load_subscription($id); $title = notifications_format_subscription($subscription, 'long'); $form['items'][$id] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $id, '#prefix' => '
  • ', '#suffix' => $title ."
  • \n", ); } $form['operation'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => 'delete'); $form['#submit'][] = 'notifications_multiple_delete_confirm_submit'; $form['#validate'][] = 'notifications_multiple_delete_confirm_validate'; $form['#redirect'] = $destination; return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you want to delete these items?'), $destination, t('This action cannot be undone.'), t('Delete all'), t('Cancel')); } else { drupal_set_message(t('Validation error. You don\'t have permission to delete some of these subscriptions'), 'error'); drupal_access_denied(); } } /** * Validate permissions to delete all the subscriptions */ function notifications_multiple_delete_confirm_validate($form, &$form_state) { if (!notifications_manage_subscriptions_access(array_keys($form_state['values']['items']))) { form_set_error('', t('You don\'t have permission to manage all these subscriptions')); } } /** * Submit multiple delete from */ function notifications_multiple_delete_confirm_submit($form, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['values']['confirm']) { foreach ($form_state['values']['items'] as $id => $value) { notifications_delete_subscription($id); } drupal_set_message(t('The subscriptions have been deleted.')); } return; } /** * Return form for node administration filters. * * @param $admin * Whether this is for the site admin page, will display more options */ function notifications_subscriptions_filter_form($admin = FALSE) { $session = &$_SESSION['subscriptions_overview_filter']; $session = is_array($session) ? $session : array(); $filters = notifications_subscriptions_filters($admin); $i = 0; $form['filters'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Show only items where'), '#theme' => 'node_filters', // We reuse this theme from node admin pages ); $form['#submit'][] = 'notifications_subscriptions_filter_form_submit'; foreach ($session as $filter) { list($type, $value) = $filter; $value = $filters[$type]['options'][$value]; $form['filters']['current'][] = array('#value' => t('%a is %b', array('%a' => $filters[$type]['title'], '%b' => $value))); } foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) { $names[$key] = $filter['title']; $form['filters']['status'][$key] = array('#type' => 'select', '#options' => $filter['options']); } $form['filters']['filter'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#options' => $names, '#default_value' => 'status'); $form['filters']['buttons']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => (count($session) ? t('Refine') : t('Filter'))); if (count($session)) { $form['filters']['buttons']['undo'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Undo')); $form['filters']['buttons']['reset'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Reset')); } drupal_add_js('misc/form.js', 'core'); return $form; } /** * Process result from node administration filter form. */ function notifications_subscriptions_filter_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $filters = notifications_subscriptions_filters(); switch ($form_state['values']['op']) { case t('Filter'): case t('Refine'): if (isset($form_state['values']['filter'])) { $filter = $form_state['values']['filter']; // Flatten the options array to accommodate hierarchical/nested options. $flat_options = form_options_flatten($filters[$filter]['options']); if (isset($flat_options[$form_state['values'][$filter]])) { $_SESSION['subscriptions_overview_filter'][] = array($filter, $form_state['values'][$filter]); } } break; case t('Undo'): array_pop($_SESSION['subscriptions_overview_filter']); break; case t('Reset'): $_SESSION['subscriptions_overview_filter'] = array(); break; } } /** * Theme subscriptions management form * * @ingroup themeable */ function theme_notifications_manage_subscriptions($form) { // If there are rows in this form, then $form['title'] contains a list of // the title form elements. $has_posts = isset($form['type']) && is_array($form['type']); $select_header = $has_posts ? theme('table_select_header_cell') : ''; $header = array($select_header); $header[] = t('Type'); if (!empty($form['description'])) { $header[] = t('Description'); } if (!empty($form['username'])) { $header[] = t('User'); } if (!empty($form['send_method'])) { $header[] = t('Send method'); } if (!empty($form['send_interval'])) { $header[] = t('Send interval'); } $header[] = t('Status'); $header[] = t('Operations'); $output = ''; $output .= drupal_render($form['options']); if ($has_posts) { foreach (element_children($form['type']) as $key) { $row = array(); $row[] = drupal_render($form['subscriptions'][$key]); $row[] = drupal_render($form['type'][$key]); if (isset($form['description'])) { $row[] = drupal_render($form['description'][$key]); } if (isset($form['username'])) { $row[] = drupal_render($form['username'][$key]); } if (isset($form['send_method'])) { $row[] = drupal_render($form['send_method'][$key]); } if (isset($form['send_interval'])) { $row[] = drupal_render($form['send_interval'][$key]); } $row[] = drupal_render($form['status'][$key]); $row[] = drupal_render($form['operations'][$key]); $rows[] = $row; } } else { $rows[] = array(array('data' => t('No subscriptions available.'), 'colspan' => '6')); } $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows); if ($form['pager']['#value']) { $output .= drupal_render($form['pager']); } $output .= drupal_render($form); return $output; } /** * Theme node administration filter form. * * @ingroup themeable */ function theme_notifications_subscriptions_filter_form($form) { $output = ''; $output .= '
    '; $output .= drupal_render($form['filters']); $output .= '
    '; $output .= drupal_render($form); return $output; }