; $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 1.9 2009-10-25 08:21:19 kiam Exp $ ; All the dates reported here are referred to UTC. Nodewords 6.x-1 2009-10-25 -------------------------- #601436 by KiamLaLuno: When the option "Repeat meta tags for lists" is not selected, the canonical URL is not used. Nodewords 6.x-3 2009-10-24 -------------------------- #556014 by KiamLaLuno: Allow third-party modules to help in detecting the type of the page shown. #508496 by KiamLaLuno: Support for tokens. #613350 by KiamLaLuno: Rename the tab "Global and default meta tags". #610458 by hass, KiamLaLuno: Extend default max meta description length to 350 characters. #613410 by KiamLaLuno: Code wrongly uses Drupal variables nodewords_basic_user_teaser_$content_type.