'1.14', 'path' => ''); } /** * Alters the default meta tags values. * * @param &$values * The array of default meta tags values. * @param $parameters * An array of parameters. The currently defined are: * * type - the type of object for the page to which the meta * tags are associated. * * id - The ID for the object associated with the page. * * phase - when it's 'pre_load', the hook is called before the meta tags * loaded from the database. */ function hook_nodewords_default_values_alter(&$values, $parameters) { if (!empty($values['abstract']) && $parameters['type'] == NODEWORDS_TYPE_USER) { $values['abstract'] = t('User profile'); } } /** * Notifies modules when meta tags are deleted. * * @param $options. * An array of options that allows to identify the meta tags being deleted. */ function hook_nodewords_delete_tags($options) { if ($options['type'] == NODEWORDS_TYPE_PAGE) { db_query("DELETE FROM {nodewords_custom} WHERE pid = '%s'", $options['id']); } } /** * Changes the permission a user has on the meta tags being edited. * * @param &$permission * TRUE, if the user can edit the current meta tag. * @param $object * An array describing the object to which the meta tag are associated. * @param $tag_name * The name of the meta tag. * @param $tag_info * An array describing the meta tag. */ function hook_nodewords_tags_permission_alter(&$permission, $object, $tag_name, $tag_info) { global $user; if (user_access('administer meta tags')) { $permission = TRUE; return; } if ($object['type'] == 'node' && ($node = node_load($options['id']))) { if ($user->uid == $node->uid && user_access("edit one's own node meta tags")) { $permission = TRUE; return; } if (user_access('edit any node meta tags')) { $permission = TRUE; } else { $permission = FALSE; } } elseif ($object['type'] == 'user' && ($account = user_load($object['id']))) { if ($user->uid == $account->uid && user_access("edit one's own user profile meta tags")) { $permission = TRUE; return; } if (user_access('edit any user profile meta tags')) { $permission = TRUE; } else { $permission = FALSE; } } } /** * Declares the meta tags implemented by the module. * * * @return * An array containing the following values: * * - attributes - the tag attributes used when outputting the tag on HTML HEAD. * - callback - the string used to built the name of the functions called for * any meta tags operations. * - context - the contexts in which the meta tags are allowed (and denied). * - label - the label used as title in the fieldset for the form field * shown in the form to edit the meta tags values. * - templates - the templates used when the meta tag is output. * - weight - the weight used to order the meta tags before to output them; * the lighter meta tag will be output first. * */ function hook_nodewords_tags_info() { $tags = array( 'dc.title' => array( 'callback' => 'nodewords_extra_dc_title', 'context' => array( 'denied' => array( NODEWORDS_TYPE_DEFAULT, ), ), 'label' => t('Dublin Core title'), 'templates' => array( 'head' => array( 'dc.title' => NODEWORDS_META, ), ), ), 'location' => array( 'callback' => 'nodewords_extra_location', 'label' => t('Location'), 'templates' => array( 'head' => array( 'geo.position' => NODEWORDS_META, 'icbm' => NODEWORDS_META, ) ), ), ); return $tags; } /** * Alters the meta tags description passed by other modules. * * @param &$tags_info * The array containing the information about the implemented meta tags. * * @see hook_nodewords_tags_info(). */ function hook_nodewords_tags_info_alter(&$tags_info) { if (isset($tags_info['abstract'])) { $tags_info['abstract']['label'] = t('New label for abstract'); } } /** * Alters the meta tags content. * * @param &$tags * The array of meta tags values. * @param $parameters * An array of parameters. The currently defined are: * * type - the type of object for the page to which the meta * tags are associated. * * ids - the array of IDs for the object associated with the page. * * output - where the meta tags are being output; the parameter value can * 'head' or 'update index'. */ function hook_nodewords_tags_alter(&$tags, $parameters) { if (empty($output['abstract']) && $parameters['type'] == NODEWORDS_TYPE_PAGE) { $output['abstract'] = t('Node content'); } } /** * Alters the meta tags output. * The hook is called when the meta tags are already rendered. * * @param &$output * The string to alter. * @param $parameters * An array of parameters. The currently defined are: * * type - the type of object for the page to which the meta * tags are associated. * * id - the ID for the object associated with the page. * * output - where the meta tags are being output; the parameter value can * 'head' or 'update index'. */ function hook_nodewords_tags_output_alter(&$output, $parameters) { $bool = ( variable_get('nodewords_add_dc_schema', FALSE) && isset($parameters['output']) && $parameters['output'] == 'head' ); if ($bool) { $output = ( '' . "\n" . $output ); } } /** * Determinates the type of the object associated with the viewed page. * * @param &$result * the array used to write the result. * @param $arg * the array as obtained from arg(). */ function hook_nodewords_type_id(&$result, $arg) { if ($arg[0] == 'user') { // User page paths: user/$uid. if (isset($arg[1]) && is_numeric($arg[1])) { $result['type'] = NODEWORDS_TYPE_USER; $result['id'] = $arg[1]; } } }