comment_target_nid)) { return; } $parent = node_load($node->comment_target_nid); // Only add the checkbox if this is an enabled content type $enabled_types = variable_get('comment_notify_node_types', array($parent->type => TRUE)); if (empty($enabled_types[$parent->type])) { return; } drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'comment_notify') .'/comment_notify.css'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'comment_notify') .'/comment_notify.js'); $available_options = _comment_notify_options(); // Add the checkbox for anonymous users and set the default based on admin settings. if ($user->uid == 0) { // If anonymous users can't enter their e-mail don't tempt them with the checkbox. $anon_meta_info = variable_get('comment_anonymous_'. $target->type, COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MAYNOT_CONTACT); if ($anon_meta_info == COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MAY_NOT_CONTACT) { return; } $preference = variable_get('comment_notify_default_anon_mailalert', COMMENT_NOTIFY_DISABLED); } else { $user_preference = db_result(db_query("SELECT comment_notify FROM {comment_notify_user_settings} WHERE uid = %d", $user->uid)); $preference = !empty($user_preference) ? $user_preference : variable_get('comment_notify_default_registered_mailalert', COMMENT_NOTIFY_DISABLED); } $form['notify_settings'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); // If you want to hide this on your site see $form['notify_settings']['notify'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Notify me when new comments are posted'), '#default_value' => $preference, ); if (count($available_options) > 1) { $form['notify_settings']['notify_type'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#options' => $available_options, ); } else { $form['notify_settings']['notify_type'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', ); } $form['notify_settings']['notify_type']['#default_value'] = $preference; // If this is an existing comment we set the default value based on their selection last time. if (isset($node->nid)) { $notify = db_result(db_query("SELECT notify FROM {nodecomment_notify} WHERE cid = %d", $node->nid)); $form['notify_settings']['notify']['#default_value'] = $notify; $form['notify_settings']['notify_type']['#default_value'] = $notify; } } /** * Implementation of hook_comment(). */ function nodecomment_notify_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $arg = 0, $page = 0) { global $user; // In theory, the update or insert operations are duplicates with publish which // would lead to duplicate messages. _nodecomment_notify_mailalert() protects against that. switch ($op) { case 'validate': // We assume that if they are non-anonymous then they have a valid mail. // For anonymous users, though, we verify that they entered a mail and let comment.module validate it is real. if (!$user->uid && $node->notify && empty($node->mail)) { form_set_error('mail', t('If you want to subscribe you must supply a valid e-mail address.')); } break; case 'update': // In case they have changed their status, save it in the database. $sql = 'UPDATE {nodecomment_notify} SET notify = %d WHERE cid = %d'; if ($node->notify) { db_query($sql, $node->notify_type, $node->nid); } else { db_query($sql, COMMENT_NOTIFY_DISABLED, $node->nid); } // And send notifications - the real purpose of the module. if ($node->status) { _nodecomment_notify_mailalert($node); } break; case 'insert': // For new comments, we first build up a string to be used as the identifier for the alert $mail = empty($node->mail) ? $user->mail : $node->mail; $notify_hash = drupal_get_token($mail . $node->nid); if ($node->notify) { $notify = $node->notify_type; $current = db_result(db_query("SELECT count(1) from {comment_notify_user_settings} WHERE uid = %d", $user->uid)); if ($current == 0) { db_query("INSERT INTO {comment_notify_user_settings} (uid, comment_notify) VALUES (%d, %d)", $user->uid, $node->notify_type); } } else { $notify = $node->notify; } // And then save the data. db_query("INSERT INTO {nodecomment_notify} (cid, notify, notify_hash) values (%d, %d, '%s')", $node->nid, $notify, $notify_hash); // And send notifications - the real purpose of the module. if ($node->status) { _nodecomment_notify_mailalert($node); } break; case 'delete': db_query("DELETE FROM {nodecomment_notify} WHERE cid = %d", $node->nid); break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function nodecomment_notify_menu_alter(&$items) { $items['comment_notify/disable/%']['page callback'] = 'nodecomment_notify_disable_page'; } /** * Override comment_notify's disable to make sure we get disabled too. */ function nodecomment_notify_disable_page($hash) { db_query("UPDATE {nodecomment_notify} SET notify = 0 WHERE notify_hash = '%s'", $hash); return comment_notify_disable_page($hash); } /** * Private function to send the notifications. * * @param $comment * The comment node. */ function _nodecomment_notify_mailalert($comment) { global $language; global $base_url; global $user; $nid = $comment->comment_target_nid; $cid = $comment->nid; // Check to see if a notification has already been sent for this // comment so that edits to a comment don't trigger an additional // notification. if (db_result(db_query('SELECT cid from {nodecomment_notify} WHERE cid = %d AND notified = %d', $cid, 1))) { return; } $initial_language = $language; if (function_exists('locale')) { $languages = locale_language_list(); $languages = $languages['name']; } $node = node_load($nid); if (!isset($comment->mail)) { $comment_account = user_load($comment->uid); $comment_mail = $comment_account->mail; } else { $comment_mail = $comment->mail; } $sent_to = array(); $query = NULL; $pagenum = nodecomment_page_count($comment, $node); if ($pagenum) { $query = array('page' => $pagenum); } $comment_link = url('node/'. $nid, array('absolute' => TRUE, 'query' => $query, 'fragment' => 'comment-' . $cid)); // Send to a subscribed author if they are not the current commenter $author = user_load($node->uid); if (!empty($author->node_notify_mailalert) && $author->node_notify_mailalert == 1 && $user->mail != $author->mail) { // Get the author's language. $language = user_preferred_language($author); $message['subject'] = t('!site :: new comment for your post.', array('!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'drupal'))); $message['body'] = t( variable_get('node_notify_default_mailtext', AUTHOR_MAILTEXT), array( '!commname' => $comment->name, '!commtext' => $comment->body, '!commsubj' => $comment->title, '!comment_url' => $comment_link, '!node_title' => $node->title, '!node_teaser' => $node->teaser, '!mission' => variable_get('site_mission', ''), '!node_body' => $node->body, '!name' => $author->name, '!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'drupal'), '!uri' => $base_url, '!uri_brief' => preg_replace('!^https?://!', '', $base_url), '!date' => format_date(time()), '!login_uri' => url('user', array('absolute' => TRUE)), '!edit_uri' => url('user/'. $alert->uid .'/edit', array('absolute' => TRUE)) ) ); drupal_mail('comment_notify', 'comment_notify_mail', $author->mail, $language, $message); $sent_to[] = $author->mail; } //Get the list of commenters to notify $result = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT c.cid, c.uid,, c.nid, c.mail AS cmail, u.mail AS umail, u.init AS uinit, cn.notify, cn.notify_hash FROM {node_comments} c INNER JOIN {node} n ON c.cid = n.nid INNER JOIN {nodecomment_notify} cn on c.cid = cn.cid LEFT OUTER JOIN {users} u ON c.uid = u.uid WHERE c.nid = %d AND cn.notify > 0 AND n.status <> 0 AND (u.status = 1 OR u.uid = 0)", $nid ); // TODO? the original big query had stuff making sure the mail was populated and contained .+@.+ Perhaps check for that here and set notify = 0 if that is the case for this cid while ($alert = db_fetch_object($result)) { $umail = empty($alert->umail) ? $alert->uinit : $alert->umail; $mail = empty($alert->cmail) ? $umail : $alert->cmail; if ($alert->notify == COMMENT_NOTIFY_COMMENT && $alert->cid != $comment->comment_target_cid) { continue; } if ($mail != $comment_mail && !in_array($mail, $sent_to) && $alert->uid != $comment->uid) { $message = array(); if (!empty($alert->uid)) { $recipient_user = user_load(array('uid' => $alert->uid)); $language = user_preferred_language($recipient_user); } else { $language = language_default(); } $message['subject'] = t('!site :: new comment for your post.', array('!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'drupal'))); $message['body'] = t( variable_get('comment_notify_default_mailtext', DEFAULT_MAILTEXT), array( '!commname' => $comment->name, '!commtext' => $comment->body, '!commsubj' => $comment->title, '!comment_url' => $comment_link, '!node_title' => $node->title, '!node_teaser' => $node->teaser, '!mission' => variable_get('site_mission', ''), '!node_body' => $node->body, '!name' => $alert->name, '!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'drupal'), '!uri' => $base_url, '!uri_brief' => preg_replace('!^https?://!', '', $base_url), '!date' => format_date(time()), '!login_uri' => url('user', array('absolute' => TRUE)), '!edit_uri' => url('user/'. $alert->uid .'/edit', array('absolute' => TRUE)), '!link1' => url('comment_notify/disable/'. $alert->notify_hash, array('absolute' => TRUE)) ) ); drupal_mail('comment_notify', 'comment_notify_mail', $mail, $language, $message); $sent_to[] = $mail; $link = l(t('source comment'), 'node/'. $nid, array('fragment' => 'comment-'. $alert->cid)); // Make the mail link to user's /edit, unless it's an anonymous user. if ($alert->uid != 0) { $link .= ', ' . l(t('recipient'), 'user/'. $alert->uid .'/edit'); } // Add an entry to the watchdog log. watchdog( 'comment_notify', 'Notified: @user_mail', array('@user_mail' => $mail), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link ); // revert to previous (site default) locale $language = $initial_language; } } // Record that a notification was sent for this comment so that // notifications aren't sent again if the comment is later edited. db_query('UPDATE {nodecomment_notify} SET notified = 1 WHERE cid = %d', $cid); } /** * Take over the submission of the unsubscribe form. */ function nodecomment_notify_form_comment_notify_unsubscribe_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { $form['comment_notify_unsubscribe']['submit']['#submit'] = 'nodecomment_notify_unsubscribe_submit'; } /** * Based on admin submit, do the actual unsubscribe from notifications. */ function nodecomment_notify_unsubscribe_submit($form, &$form_state) { $email = trim($form_state['values']['email_to_unsubscribe']); // If they have a uid, use that, otherwise update comments directly $result = db_result(db_query_range("SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE mail = '%s'", $email, 0, 1)); if ($result > 0) { $comments = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {comments} c INNER JOIN {comment_notify} cn ON c.cid = cn.cid WHERE c.uid = %d AND cn.notify > 0", $result)); db_query("UPDATE {comment_notify} SET notify = 0 WHERE cid IN (SELECT cid FROM {comments} WHERE uid = %d)", $result); $comments += db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {node_comments} c INNER JOIN {nodecomment_notify} cn ON c.cid = cn.cid WHERE c.uid = %d AND cn.notify > 0", $result)); db_query("UPDATE {nodecomment_notify} SET notify = 0 WHERE cid IN (SELECT cid FROM {node_comments} WHERE uid = %d)", $result); } else { $comments = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {comments} c INNER JOIN {comment_notify} cn ON c.cid = cn.cid WHERE c.mail = '%s' AND cn.notify > 0", $email)); db_query("UPDATE {comment_notify} SET notify = 0 WHERE cid IN (SELECT cid FROM {comments} WHERE mail = '%s')", $email); $comments += db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {node_comments} c INNER JOIN {nodecomment_notify} cn ON c.cid = cn.cid WHERE c.mail = '%s' AND cn.notify > 0", $email)); db_query("UPDATE {nodecomment_notify} SET notify = 0 WHERE cid IN (SELECT cid FROM {node_comments} WHERE mail = '%s')", $email); } // Update the admin about the state of this comment notification subscription. if ($comments == 0) { drupal_set_message(t("There were no active comment notifications for that email.")); } else { drupal_set_message(format_plural($comments, "Email unsubscribed from 1 comment notification.", "Email unsubscribed from @count comment notifications.")); } }