*/ /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function moderation_menu($may_cache) { $items = array(); if ($may_cache) { $items[] = array( 'path' => 'admin/content/node/moderation', 'title' => t('Moderation'), 'callback' => 'moderation_node_queue', 'access' => user_access('administer nodes'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); $items[] = array( 'path' => 'admin/content/comment/list/moderation', 'title' => t('Moderation'), 'callback' => 'moderation_comment_queue', 'access' => user_access('administer comments'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); } else { $access = (arg(1) == 'node' AND user_access('administer nodes')) || (arg(1) == 'comment' AND user_access('administer comments')) ? TRUE : FALSE; $items[] = array( 'path' => 'moderation', 'callback' => 'moderation_callback_switch', 'callback arguments' => array(arg(1), arg(2), arg(3), arg(4)), 'access' => $access, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); } return $items; } /** * */ function moderation_callback_switch($obj_type, $obj_id, $op, $attribute) { $attributes = array('status', 'promote', 'sticky', 'moderate', 'preview'); $types = array('node', 'comment'); if (!is_numeric($obj_id) OR !in_array($obj_type, $types) OR !in_array($attribute, $attributes)) { return drupal_not_found(); } if ($op == 'get') { if ($attribute == 'preview') { moderation_get_preview($obj_id, $obj_type); } else { moderation_get_attribute($obj_id, $obj_type, $attribute); } exit(); } if ($op == 'set') { switch ($attribute) { case 'status': case 'promote': case 'sticky': moderation_switch_attribute($obj_id, $obj_type, $attribute); break; case 'moderate': moderation_switch_moderation($obj_id, $obj_type); break; } } return drupal_not_found(); } /** * Implementation of hook_nodeapi */ function moderation_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'load': return db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT status as moderate FROM {moderation_moderation} zm WHERE zm.obj_type = 'node' AND zm.obj_id = %d", $node->nid)); case 'update' : case 'insert' : db_query("DELETE FROM {moderation_moderation} WHERE obj_id=%d AND obj_type='node'", $node->nid); db_query("INSERT INTO {moderation_moderation} SET obj_id=%d, obj_type='node', status=%d", $node->nid, $node->moderate); break; case 'delete': db_query("DELETE FROM {moderation} WHERE obj_type='node' AND obj_id=%d", $node->nid); db_query("DELETE FROM {moderation_moderation} WHERE obj_type='node' AND obj_id=%d", $node->nid); break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_comment(). */ function moderation_comment(&$a1, $op) { switch ($op) { case 'insert': case 'update': db_query("DELETE FROM {moderation_moderation} WHERE obj_id=%d AND obj_type='comment'", $a1['cid']); db_query("INSERT INTO {moderation_moderation} SET obj_id=%d, obj_type='comment', status=%d", $a1['cid'], $a1['moderate']); break; case 'delete': db_query("DELETE FROM {moderation} WHERE obj_type='comment' AND obj_id=%d", $a1['cid']); db_query("DELETE FROM {moderation_moderation} WHERE obj_type='comment' AND obj_id=%d", $a1['cid']); break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter(). */ function moderation_form_alter($form_id, &$form) { if (isset($form['type']) && $form['type']['#value'] .'_node_form' == $form_id) { if (user_access('administer nodes')) { $form['moderate'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Has been moderated'), '#default_value' => $form['#node']->moderate, '#weight' => -10, '#description' => t('Check to remove from moderation queue, uncheck to add it to the queue.'), ); } } if ($form_id == 'comment_form') { if (user_access('administer nodes')) { $status = db_result(db_query("SELECT status FROM {moderation_moderation} WHERE obj_id=%d AND obj_type='comment'", $form['cid']['#value'])); $form['moderate'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => 'Has been moderated', '#default_value' => $status, '#weight' => -10, '#description' => t('Check to remove from moderation queue, uncheck to add it to the queue.'), ); } } } /** * Menu callback: content administration. */ function moderation_node_queue() { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'moderation') .'/moderation_node.css'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'moderation') .'/moderation_node.js'); $query = "SELECT n.*, u.name, u.uid, zm.status as moderate FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid LEFT JOIN {moderation_moderation} zm ON n.nid = zm.obj_id WHERE zm.obj_type = 'node' AND (zm.status IS NULL OR zm.status=0) AND n.type IN ('letter', 'post', 'poll', 'imagecontestimage') ORDER BY n.created DESC"; $result = pager_query($query, 50); $destination = drupal_get_destination(); while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) { $query = "SELECT z.uid, z.created, u.name FROM {moderation} z LEFT JOIN {users} u ON z.uid = u.uid WHERE obj_id=%d AND obj_type='node' ORDER BY z.created DESC LIMIT 1"; $moderation = db_fetch_object(db_query($query, $node->nid)); $item = '
'; $item .= '
'; $item .= format_date($node->created, 'small') .' '; $item .= l($node->title, 'node/'. $node->nid) .' '; $item .= theme('mark', node_mark($node->nid, $node->changed)); if ($moderation) { $item .= '
'. t('(!user !date)', array('!user' => theme('username', (object) array('uid' => $moderation->uid, 'name' => $moderation->name)), '!date' => format_date($moderation->created, 'small'))) .'
'; } $item .= '
'; $item .= '
'; $item .= '
'; $item .= ' '. l(t('edit'), 'node/'. $node->nid .'/edit', array('target' => '_blank'), $destination) .''; $item .= ' '. t('By !user', array('!user' => theme('username', $node))) .''; $item .= ' '. check_plain(node_get_types('name', $node)) .''; $item .= ' '. ($node->status ? t('published') : t('not published')) .''; $item .= ' '. ($node->promote ? t('promoted') : t('not promoted')) .''; $item .= ' '. ($node->sticky ? t('sticky') : t('not sticky')) .''; $item .= ' '. ($node->moderate ? t('moderated') : t('not moderated')) .''; $item .= '
'; $rows[] = array('data' => array( array( 'data' => $item, ), ) ); } if (!db_num_rows($result)) { $output = t('No posts available.'); } $output .= theme('table', array(), $rows); $output .= theme('pager', NULL, 50); return $output; } /** * Menu callback; present an administrative comment listing. */ function moderation_comment_queue() { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'moderation') .'/moderation_comment.css'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'moderation') .'/moderation_comment.js'); $result = pager_query("SELECT c.*, zm.status as moderate FROM {comments} c LEFT JOIN {moderation_moderation} zm ON c.cid = zm.obj_id WHERE zm.obj_type = 'comment' AND (zm.status IS NULL OR zm.status=0) ORDER BY c.timestamp DESC", 50); $destination = drupal_get_destination(); while ($comment = db_fetch_object($result)) { $query = "SELECT z.uid, z.created, u.name FROM {moderation} z LEFT JOIN {users} u ON z.uid = u.uid WHERE z.obj_id=%d AND z.obj_type='comment' ORDER BY z.created DESC LIMIT 1"; $moderation = db_fetch_object(db_query($query, $comment->cid)); $item = '
'; $item .= '
'; $item .= format_date($comment->timestamp, 'small') .' '; $item .= l($comment->subject, 'node/'. $comment->nid, array(), NULL, 'comment-'. $comment->cid) .' '; $item .= theme('mark', node_mark($comment->cid, $comment->changed)); if ($moderation) { $item .= '
'. t('(!user !date)', array('!user' => theme('username', (object) array('uid' => $moderation->uid, 'name' => $moderation->name)), '!date' => format_date($moderation->created, 'small'))) .'
'; } $item .= '
'; $item .= '
'; $item .= '
'; $item .= ' '. l(t('edit'), 'comment/edit/'. $comment->cid, array('target' => '_blank'), $destination) .''; $item .= ' '. t('By !user', array('!user' => theme('username', $comment))) .''; $item .= ' '. ($comment->moderate ? t('moderated') : t('not moderated')) .''; $item .= ' '. ($comment->status ? t('not published') : t('published')) .''; $item .= '
'; $rows[] = array('data' => array( array( 'data' => $item, ), ) ); } if (!db_num_rows($result)) { $output = t('No comments available.'); } $output .= theme('table', array(), $rows); $output .= theme('pager', NULL, 50); return $output; } /** * Switch moderation flag * * @param string $obj_type one of 'node', 'comment' * @param integer $obj_id */ function moderation_switch_moderation($obj_id, $obj_type) { global $user; $status = db_result(db_query("SELECT status FROM {moderation_moderation} WHERE obj_id=%d AND obj_type='%s'", $obj_id, $obj_type)); db_query("INSERT INTO {moderation} SET obj_id=%d, obj_type='%s', uid=%d, attribute='%s', status=%d, created=%d", $obj_id, $obj_type, $user->uid, 'moderate', !$status, time()); db_query("DELETE FROM {moderation_moderation} WHERE obj_id=%d AND obj_type='%s'", $obj_id, $obj_type); print drupal_to_js(array(db_query("INSERT INTO {moderation_moderation} SET obj_id=%d, obj_type='%s', status=%d", $obj_id, $obj_type, !$status), !$status, 'moderate')); exit(); } /** * Switch an attribute * * @param integer $obj_id * @param string $obj_type one of 'node', 'comment' * @param string $attribute one of 'status', 'promote', 'sticky' */ function moderation_switch_attribute($obj_id, $obj_type, $attribute) { global $user; if ($obj_type == 'node') { $status_new = !db_result(db_query("SELECT %s FROM {node} WHERE nid=%d", $attribute, $obj_id)); $success = db_query("UPDATE {node} SET %s=%d WHERE nid=%d", $attribute, $status_new, $obj_id); } else if ($obj_type == 'comment') { $status_new = !db_result(db_query("SELECT %s FROM {comments} WHERE cid=%d", $attribute, $obj_id)); $success = db_query("UPDATE {comments} SET %s=%d WHERE cid=%d", $attribute, $status_new, $obj_id); } db_query("INSERT INTO {moderation} SET obj_id=%d, obj_type='%s', uid=%d, attribute='%s', status=%d, created=%d", $obj_id, $obj_type, $user->uid, $attribute, $status_new, time()); print drupal_to_js(array($success, $status_new, $attribute)); exit(); } /** * Get the preview markup for a node or a comment * * @param integer $obj_id * @param string $obj_type */ function moderation_get_preview($obj_id, $obj_type) { if ($obj_type == 'node') { if ($node = node_load($obj_id)) { $data = theme('moderation_node_preview', $node); } } else if ($obj_type == 'comment') { if ($comment = _comment_load($obj_id)) { $_GET['q'] = 'node/'. $comment->nid; $data = theme('comment_preview', $comment); } } print drupal_to_js($data); exit(); } /** * Get an objects attribute * * @param integer $obj_id * @param string $obj_type * @param string $attribute one of 'status', 'promote', 'sticky', 'moderate' */ function moderation_get_attribute($obj_id, $obj_type, $attribute) { $table = ($obj_type == 'comment') ? 'comments' : 'node'; $id = ($obj_type == 'comment') ? 'cid' : 'nid'; if ($attribute == 'moderate') { print drupal_to_js(array(db_result(db_query("SELECT status FROM {moderation_moderation} WHERE obj_id=%d AND obj_type='%s'", $obj_id, $obj_type)))); } else { print drupal_to_js(array(db_result(db_query("SELECT %s FROM {%s} WHERE %s=%d", $attribute , $table, $id, $obj_id)))); } exit(); } /** * Display a node preview for display during node creation and editing. * * @param $node * The node object which is being previewed. */ function theme_moderation_node_preview($node) { $output = '
'; if ($node->teaser && $node->teaser != $node->body) { $output .= '

'. t('Preview trimmed version') .'

'; $output .= node_view(drupal_clone($node), 1, FALSE, 0); $output .= '

'. t('Preview full version') .'

'; $output .= node_view($node, 0, FALSE, 0); } else { $output .= node_view($node, 0, FALSE, 0); } $output .= "
\n"; return $output; }