//$Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 2009-09-02 18:43:19 mikeryan Exp $ Migrate 1.0 Beta 2 =========== - #566562 - Objects not being passed by reference to prepare and complete hooks - #566588 - Provide public API functions for map and message table names. _migrate_map_table_name() and _migrate_message_table_name() are now deprecated. Migrate 1.0 Beta 1 =========== IMPORTANT! If you have been using a development version of the migrate module, please note that shortly before the release of beta 1 some refactoring was done that requires manual attention. Updating from a version before 2009/08/23: All hook names containing "destination" no longer contain "destination". The update function will attempt to identify hook implementations you will need to rename, but please go through your code carefully to make sure there's nothing else that needs to change. Also, the content set pages are now under admin/content/migrate/content_sets (rather than admin/content/migrate/destinations). The map and message table names have been renamed. If you have constructed any views specifically accessing these tables, the views will be to be reconstructed. Updating from a version before 2009/08/18: The way content_profile mappings are stored has changed - if you are migrating users using content_profile, you must edit your user content sets and reestablish your mappings to any content_profile fields.