function template_preprocess_media_youtube_html5(&$variables) {
// Merge in our default variables.
$variables = array_merge($variables, $variables['variables']);
$video_id = $variables['video_id'];
$variables['url'] = isset($variables['url']) ? $variables['url'] : "http://www.youtube.com/v/$video_id";
$variables['url'] = check_plain($variables['url']);
$variables['width'] = check_plain($variables['width']);
$variables['height'] = check_plain($variables['height']);
$variables['fullscreen_value'] = check_plain($variables['fullscreen_value']);
$variables['iframe_title'] = isset($variables['iframe_title']) ? check_plain($variables['iframe_title']) : t('@title', array('@title' => media_youtube_variable_get('iframe_title')));
$variables['classes'] = isset($variables['classes']) ? $variables['classes'] : array('media-youtube-html5');
$variables['class'] = check_plain(implode(' ', $variables['classes']));
function template_preprocess_media_youtube_default_external(&$variables) {
// Merge in our default variables.
$variables = array_merge($variables, $variables['variables']);
$variables['flashvars'] = drupal_query_string_encode(array('playerMode' => 'embedded'));
$video_id = $variables['video_id'];
$variables['url'] = isset($variables['url']) ? $variables['url'] : "http://www.youtube.com/v/$video_id";
$variables['url'] = check_plain($variables['url']);
$variables['width'] = check_plain($variables['width']);
$variables['height'] = check_plain($variables['height']);
$variables['fullscreen_value'] = check_plain($variables['fullscreen_value']);
$variables['thumbnail'] = isset($variables['thumbnail']) ? $variables['thumbnail'] : theme('emvideo_video_thumbnail', $variables['field'], array('value' => $video_id, 'provider' => 'youtube'), 'thumbnail', $variables['node'], FALSE, array('width' => $variables['width'], 'height' => $variables['height'], 'link_url' => media_youtube_video_url($video_id)));
* The embedded flash displaying the youtube video.
* @TODO: Break this down; it's too big!!!
function template_preprocess_media_youtube_flash(&$variables) {
static $count;
// Merge in our default variables.
$variables = array_merge($variables, $variables['variables']);
// Set up internal variables.
$output = '';
$video_id = isset($variables['video_id']) ? $variables['video_id'] : $variables['item']['value'];
$width = $variables['width'];
$height = $variables['height'];
$autoplay = $variables['autoplay'];
if ($video_id = check_plain($video_id)) {
// Display a message if a video is unavailable.
if (($variables['item']['status'] == EMFIELD_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE) && !$variables['no_unavailable_message']) {
$status = media_youtube_video_full_status($video_id);
if (media_youtube_variable_get('check_for_duplicates') && ($status_msg = media_youtube_variable_get('status_display_duplicates')) && media_youtube_video_is_duplicate($video_id)) {
$variables['output'] = theme('media_youtube_video_duplicate', $status_msg, $status);
if (media_youtube_variable_get('check_for_rejected') && ($status_msg = media_youtube_variable_get('status_display_rejected')) && media_youtube_video_was_rejected($video_id)) {
$variables['output'] = theme('media_youtube_video_rejected', $status_msg, $status);
if (media_youtube_variable_get('check_for_failed') && ($status_msg = media_youtube_variable_get('status_display_upload_failed')) && media_youtube_video_upload_failed($video_id)) {
$variables['output'] = theme('media_youtube_video_upload_failed', $status_msg, $status);
if ($status_msg = media_youtube_variable_get('status_display_'. EMFIELD_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE)) {
$variables['output'] = theme('media_youtube_video_unavailable', $status_msg, $status);
// Set the height and width.
$width = intval($width);
$height = intval($height);
// Build the Thumbnail image for the player.
// First, grab the URL for the thumbnail link.
$variables['thumbnail_link_url'] = isset($variables['thumbnail_link_url']) ? $variables['thumbnail_link_url'] : media_youtube_video_url($video_id);
// Now set the thumbnail w/h options.
$tn_options = array(
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'absolute' => $variables['absolute'],
'link_url' => $variables['thumbnail_link_url'],
// Grab the thumbnail, complete with link.
$variables['thumbnail'] = isset($variables['thumbnail']) ? $variables['thumbnail'] : theme('emvideo_video_thumbnail', NULL, $variables['item'], 'emvideo_thumbnail', $variables['node'], FALSE, $tn_options);
// Now just grab the thumnbail path, if needed (for Longtail).
$tn_options['return_url'] = TRUE;
$variables['thumbnail_path'] = isset($variables['thumbnail_path']) ? $variables['thumbnail_path'] : theme('emvideo_video_thumbnail', NULL, array('value' => $video_id, 'provider' => 'youtube'), 'emvideo_thumbnail', $variables['node'], TRUE, $tn_options);
// Set the Full Screen option; if TRUE, then allow it.
$fullscreen = isset($variables['fullscreen']) ? $variables['fullscreen'] : media_youtube_variable_get('full_screen');
$fullscreen_value = $fullscreen ? "true" : "false";
$fs = $fullscreen ? "&fs=$fullscreen" : "";
// Set the 'related videos' youtube option.
$related = isset($variables['related']) ? $variables['related'] : media_youtube_variable_get('show_related_videos');
$related = "rel=$related";
// Set the Autoplay option.
$autoplay_value = $autoplay ? '&autoplay=1' : '';
// Set the custom colors.
$show_colors = isset($variables['show_colors']) ? $variables['show_colors'] : media_youtube_variable_get('show_colors');
$colors = '';
if ($show_colors) {
$color1 = isset($variables['color1']) ? $variables['color1'] : media_youtube_variable_get('colors_color1');
$color2 = isset($variables['color2']) ? $variables['color2'] : media_youtube_variable_get('colors_color2');
$colors='&color1=0x'. emvideo_youtube_convert_color($color1) .'&color2=0x'. emvideo_youtube_convert_color($color2);
// Set the custom border; if TRUE, then display a big border.
$border = isset($variables['border']) ? $variables['border'] : media_youtube_variable_get('show_border');
$border = $border ? '&border=1' : '';
// Enable JS for playback control.
$enablejsapi = isset($variables['enablejsapi']) ? $variables['enablejsapi'] : media_youtube_variable_get('enablejsapi');
$enablejsapi = $enablejsapi ? '&enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=ytplayer' : '';
// Set the div ID for CSS.
$id = check_plain(isset($variables['id']) ? $variables['id'] : 'emvideo-youtube-flash-'. (++$count));
$div_id = check_plain(isset($variables['div_id']) ? $variables['div_id'] : 'emvideo-youtube-flash-wrapper-'. $count);
// Whether to allow high quality videos or not.
$high_quality = isset($variables['high_quality']) ? $variables['high_quality'] : media_youtube_variable_get('high_quality');
$high_quality = $high_quality ? '&hd=1' : '';
// Whether to display the video's info from YouTube in the player.
$display_info = isset($variables['display_info']) ? $variables['display_info'] : media_youtube_variable_get('display_info');
$display_info = $display_info ? '&showinfo=0' : '';
// Create a URL from our options.
if ($variables['item']['data']['playlist']) {
$video_id = substr($video_id, 9);
$url = check_plain("http://www.youtube.com/p/$video_id&$related$autoplay_value$colors$border$high_quality$display_info$enablejsapi$fs");
// FLV Player doesn't support playlists, so we need to fall back.
$variables['use_flv'] = FALSE;
else {
$url = check_plain("http://www.youtube.com/v/$video_id&$related$autoplay_value$colors$border$high_quality$display_info$enablejsapi$fs");
// Find the path to the JW FLV Media Player.
$path = emfield_flvmediaplayer_url();
// If the JW FLV Player has been installed, the yt.swf file is in the same
// folder, and the server has been configured to use it for YouTube videos,
// then we'll do so now.
$use_flv = isset($variables['use_flv']) ? $variables['use_flv'] : media_youtube_variable_get('use_jw_flv');
// Set up the FLV Media Player options, assuming we're supposed to,
// and the player is actually installed on the system.
if ($use_flv && ($flv_path = emfield_flvmediaplayer_url()) && _media_youtube_check_flv_player_setup()) {
global $base_path;
$flashvars = array();
// Grab the thumbnail for this video and tell JW FLV Player about it.
$flashvars['image'] = $variables['thumbnail_path'];
// Tell the FLV Player we're sending a YouTube video.
$flashvars['type'] = 'youtube';
// We need to set the file to the original YouTube video.
$flashvars['file'] = $url;
// The JW FLV Player uses its own autoplay flashvar.
$flashvars['autostart'] = $autoplay ? 'true' : 'false';
// The URL will now be the JW FLV Player.
$url = $base_path . $flv_path;
else {
// We don't have access to FLV Media Player, so reset the option.
$use_flv = FALSE;
if ($use_flv && module_exists('flvmediaplayer') && !$variables['no_swf']) {
// If we are using the JW FLV Player, defer to the flvmediaplayer module
// for display.
$params['width'] = $width;
$params['height'] = $height;
$params['div_id'] = $id;
$params['allowFullScreen'] = $fullscreen_value;
// If we have been told to use a specific FLV Player Option from
// that module, then use it here.
$flv_profile = isset($variables['flv_profile']) ? $variables['flv_profile'] : variable_get('emfield_flv_profile', '');
if ($flv_profile) {
// Get the configuration data for this profile.
$data = flvmediaplayer_build_player_data($variables['node'], $flv_profile, array('file' => $flashvars['file']));
$data['params']['width'] = $width;
$data['params']['height'] = $height;
$data['flashvars']['autostart'] = $flashvars['autostart'];
$data['params']['allowFullScreen'] = $fullscreen_value;
$data['params']['wmode'] = 'transparent';
$data['flashvars']['image'] = $flashvars['image'];
$output = theme('flvmediaplayer_render_player', $url, $data['params'], $data['flashvars']);
else {
// Just display the default jw flv media player.
$output = theme('flvmediaplayer_render_player', $url, $params, $flashvars);
else if (variable_get('emfield_swfobject', FALSE) && (module_exists('swfobject_api') || variable_get('emfield_swfobject_location', '')) && !$variables['no_swf']) {
// Use SWFObject API module if it's installed.
// Note that we're going to try to send the Flv Media player as well,
// assuming it's been set up and the flvmediaplayer module has not.
$params['width'] = $width;
$params['height'] = $height;
$params['div_id'] = $id;
$params['allowFullScreen'] = $fullscreen_value;
$params['wmode'] = 'transparent';
$output = theme('emfield_swfobject', $url, $params, $flashvars, $id);
else if ($use_flv) {
// We need to grab the thumbnail again for the NOEMBED option,
// for accessibility compliance.
// See http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10-HTML-TECHS/#text-equivs-multimedia.
$noembed = theme('emvideo_video_thumbnail', NULL, array('value' => $video_id, 'provider' => 'youtube'), 'emvideo_thumbnail', $variables['node'], TRUE, $tn_options);
$flv_path = url($flv_path, array('absolute' => $variables['absolute']));
$flashvars = check_plain(drupal_query_string_encode($flashvars));
// Use object tags rather than embed.
// See http://www.alistapart.com/articles/flashsatay
$output = <<
else {
// The fallback is to display plain old vanilla youtube.
$output = theme('media_youtube_default_external', array('field' => $variables['field'], 'node' => $variables['node'], 'video_id' => $video_id, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'url' => $url, 'fullscreen_value' => $fullscreen_value, 'thumbnail' => $variables['thumbnail']));
$variables['class'] = isset($variables['class']) ? $variables['class'] : array('media-youtube');
$variables['classes'] = implode(' ', $variables['class']);
$variables['output'] = $output;