array( 'title' => 'Media: YouTube', 'description' => 'Administer the Media: YouTube module.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('media_youtube_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'file' => 'includes/', ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_theme(). */ function media_youtube_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) { return array( 'media_youtube_video_rejected' => array( 'file' => '', 'path' => $path .'/themes', 'arguments' => array('message' => NULL, 'status' => array()), ), 'media_youtube_video_upload_failed' => array( 'file' => '', 'path' => $path .'/themes', 'arguments' => array('message' => NULL, 'status' => array()), ), 'media_youtube_video_unavailable' => array( 'file' => '', 'path' => $path .'/themes', 'arguments' => array('message' => NULL, 'status' => array()), ), 'media_youtube_video_duplicate' => array( 'file' => '', 'path' => $path .'/themes', 'arguments' => array('message' => NULL, 'status' => array()), ), 'media_youtube_flash' => array( 'arguments' => array('variables' => array()), 'path' => $path .'/themes', 'file' => '', 'template' => 'media-youtube-flash', ), 'media_youtube_html5' => array( 'arguments' => array('variables' => array()), 'path' => $path .'/themes', 'file' => '', 'template' => 'media-youtube-html5', ), 'media_youtube_default_external' => array( 'arguments' => array('variables' => array()), 'path' => $path .'/themes', 'file' => '', 'template' => 'media-youtube-default-external', ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_flush_caches(). */ function media_youtube_flush_caches() { if (db_table_exists('cache_media_youtube_status')) { return array('cache_media_youtube_status'); } } /** * Implementation of hook_cron(). */ function media_youtube_cron() { // Recheck the status of any unavailable videos. // See if we need to check video status. $status_update_frequency = media_youtube_variable_get('status_update_frequency'); if ($status_update_frequency != MEDIA_YOUTUBE_STATUS_UPDATE_NONE) { // Include the _media_youtube_save_status_data() function. module_load_include('inc', 'media_youtube', 'includes/media_youtube.api'); // Build our SQL for the query of metadata. $sql = "SELECT value, status, last_touched FROM {media_youtube_metadata}"; // Only get items that haven't been updated in awhile. $where = array( "last_touched < %d", ); $arguments = array( time() - (media_youtube_variable_get('cron_time') * 60), ); // If we only care about unavailable videos, then filter out the rest. if ($status_update_frequency == MEDIA_YOUTUBE_STATUS_UPDATE_FROM_UNAVAILABLE) { $where[] = "status = %d"; $arguments[] = EMFIELD_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE; } // We'll either grab a range or all required items. if ($limit = media_youtube_variable_get('cron_limit')) { $results = db_query_range($sql .' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $where) .' ORDER BY last_touched ASC', $arguments, 0, $limit); } else { $results = db_query($sql .' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $where) .' ORDER BY last_touched ASC', $arguments); } while ($media = db_fetch_array($results)) { // See if the status has changed. $status = media_youtube_check_status($media['value']); if ($status != $media['status']) { $media['status'] = $status; // Write the new metadata. drupal_write_record('media_youtube_metadata', $media, 'value'); // Now record each node that uses this video. $data = db_query("SELECT value, vid, field_name, delta FROM {media_youtube_node_data} WHERE value = '%s'", $media['value']); while ($item = db_fetch_array($data)) { $node = node_load(array('vid' => $item['vid'])); $node->{$item['field_name']}[$item['delta']]['status'] = $media['status']; node_save($node); } } } } } /** * Implement hook_emfield_field_extra(). */ function media_youtube_emfield_field_extra($op, &$node, $field, &$items, $teaser, $page, $module) { if (in_array($op, array('insert', 'update'))) { // Store the metadata for any YouTube videos stored in this field. foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { if ($item['provider'] == 'youtube') { $item['status'] = media_youtube_check_status($item['value']); // Store the metadata for the video if we don't already have it. if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT value FROM {media_youtube_metadata} WHERE value = '%s'", $item['value']))) { $item['last_touched'] = time(); drupal_write_record('media_youtube_metadata', $item); } // Delete any existing associations for this field delta. db_query("DELETE FROM {media_youtube_node_data} WHERE value = '%s' AND vid = %d AND field_name = '%s' AND delta = %d", $item['value'], $node->vid, $field['field_name'], $delta); // Associate this field delta to the specific metadata. $item['vid'] = $node->vid; $item['field_name'] = $field['field_name']; $item['delta'] = $delta; drupal_write_record('media_youtube_node_data', $item); } } } } /** * Implementation of hook_emfield_status(). */ function media_youtube_emfield_status($item, $field = NULL, $module = 'emvideo') { // Return the availability of the video. $status = media_youtube_check_status($item['value']); return $status; } /** * Implementation of hook_emfield_providers(). */ function media_youtube_emfield_providers($module, $provider = NULL) { // We know this module only includes the main provider file, avoid needless // PHP warnings. if ($module == 'emvideo' && (!isset($provider) || ($provider == 'youtube'))) { static $path; // Cache the result for later. if (!isset($path)) { $found = drupal_system_listing("$provider\.inc$", drupal_get_path('module', 'media_youtube') ."/providers/$module", 'name', 0); if (is_array($found) && !empty($found)) { $path = $found; } } return $path; } } /** * Implementation of media_mover hook * @param $op is the operator to return * @param $action is which action is being called * @param $verb is the verb being run * @param $configuration is the specific configuration saved for the action for this configuration * @param $file is the file in use * @param $job is the full configuration data currently running */ function media_youtube_media_mover($op = NULL, $action = NULL, $configuration = NULL, &$file=array(), $job = NULL, $nid = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'name': return t('Media: YouTube'); break; case 'actions': return array( 'process' => array( 1 => t('Upload video to YouTube.'), ), 'storage' => array( 2 => t('Upload video to YouTube.'), ), ); break; case 'process': case 'storage': module_load_include('inc', 'media_youtube', 'includes/media_youtube.media_mover'); return media_youtube_upload_video($file, $configuration); break; case 'config': switch ($action) { case '1': case '2': module_load_include('inc', 'media_youtube', 'includes/media_youtube.media_mover'); return media_youtube_config($configuration); } break; } } /** * Return the direct URL to this video. * * @param string $id * The YouTube video id. * * @return string * The direct URL to the video in question. */ function media_youtube_video_url($id) { if (strpos($id, 'PLAYLIST_') === 0) { // This is a youtube playlist. return ''. substr($id, 9); } return url('', array('query' => 'v='. $id)); } /** * Validation function for Media: YouTube's Media Mover configuration form. * * @see media_youtube_config(). */ function media_youtube_validate_configuration($element, &$form_state) { if ($values = media_mover_api_extract_form_data($element, $form_state)) { foreach (array('media_youtube_default_title' => t('Default title'), 'media_youtube_default_description' => t('Default description')) as $field => $field_name) { if (empty($values[$field])) { // @TODO: Need to use 1 or 2 as specified by the configuration. form_set_error('storage--media_youtube--1--'. $field, t('%field field is required.', array('%field' => $field_name))); } } } // if (strlen($values['media_youtube_default_description']) > media_youtube_variable_get('description_length')) { // form_set_error('storage--media_youtube--1--media_youtube_default_description', t('The default description must be @length characters or less.', array('@length' => media_youtube_variable_get('description_length')))); // } } /** * Implementation of hook_init(). */ function media_youtube_init() { // Autoload the Zend_Loader class when needed. spl_autoload_register('media_youtube_autoload'); } /** * Autoload the Zend_Loader class when needed. */ function media_youtube_autoload($class_name) { if ($class_name == 'Zend_Loader') { include_once(media_youtube_zend_path() .'/Zend/Loader.php'); } } /** * Return the path to the Zend library. * * If media_youtube_variable_get('zend_path') has not yet been set, then * this will attempt to autodiscover the path if the Gdata.php file exists * within sites/all/libraries/* or sites/*. It will also * set the path to media_youtube_variable_get('zend_path'). * * The library is available from * * @param boolean $reset * (Optional) If TRUE, then reset the variable and attempt a new autodiscovery. * @return string * The path to the Zend Gdata.php and related files. */ function media_youtube_zend_path($reset = FALSE) { static $path; if (!isset($path) || $reset) { if (!($path = media_youtube_variable_get('zend_path')) || $reset) { $files = drupal_system_listing('^Gdata\.php$', 'libraries', 'basename', 0); if (isset($files['Gdata.php'])) { $path = dirname($files['Gdata.php']->filename); $path = substr($path,0,-strlen(strrchr($path,"/"))); media_youtube_variable_set('zend_path', $path); } else { $path = ''; } } if ($path) { _media_youtube_set_include_path($path); } } return $path; } /** * Add the Zend path to PHP class includes. */ function _media_youtube_set_include_path($path = NULL) { static $path_set; if (!isset($path_set)) { if (!isset($path)) { $path = media_youtube_zend_path(); } $path_set = set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path); } } /** * Ensure we're able to run YouTube videos from the JW FLV Media Player. * This requires that we both have the player installed, and the included * yt.swf file is located in the same folder. * @return boolean * Returns TRUE if both checks are TRUE. */ function _media_youtube_check_flv_player_setup() { static $check; if (is_null($check)) { // We set up a static cache. // First check that the JW FLV Player is installed. $flv_path = emfield_flvmediaplayer_url(); if (!$flv_path || !file_exists($flv_path)) { // There's no player installed, so yt.swf is moot. $check = FALSE; } else { // Now check that the yt.swf file is also present in the same folder. $path = dirname($flv_path); $check = file_exists($path . '/yt.swf'); } } return $check; } /** * Check the availability of a video. */ function media_youtube_check_status($video_id, $reset = FALSE) { static $status; if ($reset || !isset($status)) { $status = array(); } if (!isset($status[$video_id])) { if (($cache = cache_get('media_youtube:status:'. $video_id, 'cache_media_youtube_status')) && !$reset) { $status[$video_id] = $cache->data; } else { if ($path = media_youtube_zend_path()) { Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_YouTube', $path); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException', $path); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_AuthSub', $path); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin', $path); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Uri_Http', $path); $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube(); try { $videoEntry = $yt->getVideoEntry($video_id); $status[$video_id] = EMFIELD_STATUS_AVAILABLE; } catch (Exception $e) { $status[$video_id] = EMFIELD_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE; $message = 'Video unavailable at !link: @error.'; $variables = array('@error' => $e->getMessage(), '!link' => l(media_youtube_video_url($video_id), media_youtube_video_url($video_id))); watchdog('media_youtube', $message, $variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } else { // We don't have the Zend library, so there's no way to know for certain. $status[$video_id] = EMFIELD_STATUS_AVAILABLE; } cache_set('media_youtube:status:'. $video_id, $status[$video_id], 'cache_media_youtube_status', CACHE_TEMPORARY); } } return $status[$video_id]; } function media_youtube_video_full_status($video_id, $youtube_username = NULL, $youtube_password = NULL) { static $status; if ($reset || !isset($status)) { $status = array(); } if (!isset($status[$video_id])) { if (($cache = cache_get('media_youtube:full-status:'. $video_id, 'cache_media_youtube_status')) && !$reset) { $status[$video_id] = $cache->data; } else { if (media_youtube_check_status($video_id) == EMFIELD_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE) { $status[$video_id] = media_youtube_check_upload($video_id, $youtube_username, $youtube_password); } else { $status[$video_id] = array('status' => 'ok', 'message' => 'Video is available.'); } cache_set('media_youtube:full-status:'. $video_id, $status[$video_id], 'cache_media_youtube_status', CACHE_TEMPORARY); } } return $status[$video_id]; } function media_youtube_video_is_duplicate($video_id) { $status = media_youtube_video_full_status($video_id); return (($status['status'] == t('rejected')) && ($status['message'] == t('Duplicate video'))); } function media_youtube_video_was_rejected($video_id) { $status = media_youtube_video_full_status($video_id); return ($status['status'] == t('rejected')); } function media_youtube_video_upload_failed($video_id) { $status = media_youtube_video_full_status($video_id); return ($status['status'] == t('failed')); } /** * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function media_youtube_form_emfield_module_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { if ($form['#parameters'][2] == 'emvideo') { array_unshift($form['#submit'], 'media_youtube_settings_submit'); } } /** * Preserve the YouTube password if previously set and now blank. */ function media_youtube_settings_submit($form, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['values'][media_youtube_variable_name('youtube_password')] === '') { $form_state['values'][media_youtube_variable_name('youtube_password')] = media_youtube_variable_get('youtube_password'); } } /** * Check the upload status of a video * * @param string $video_id * The video to check. * @param string $youtube_username * The youtube username owning the video to check. * @param string $youtube_password * The password of the youtube user. * @return array * An associative array, keyed as follows: * 'status' => The status returned from YouTube. * 'message' => A message describing the video's status. */ function media_youtube_check_upload($video_id, $youtube_username = NULL, $youtube_password = NULL) { module_load_include('inc', 'media_youtube', 'includes/media_youtube.api'); return _media_youtube_check_upload($video_id, $youtube_username, $youtube_password); } function media_youtube_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) { if ($type == 'media_youtube_status') { $status = $object; $tokens['status'] = check_plain($status['status']); $tokens['status-raw'] = $status['status']; $tokens['message'] = check_plain($status['message']); $tokens['message-raw'] = $status['message']; return $tokens; } } function media_youtube_token_list($type = 'media_youtube_status') { if ($type == 'media_youtube_status' || $type == 'all') { $tokens['media_youtube_status']['status'] = t("The YouTube video status."); $tokens['media_youtube_status']['status-raw'] = t("The YouTube video status. Warning: raw data."); $tokens['media_youtube_status']['message'] = t("The YouTube video status message."); $tokens['media_youtube_status']['message-raw'] = t("The YouTube video status message. Warning: raw data."); return $tokens; } } /** * this is a wrapper for emvideo_request_xml that includes youtube's api key */ function media_youtube_request_metadata($video_id, $cached = TRUE) { $args['dev_id'] = trim(media_youtube_variable_get('api_key')); $args['method'] = $method; $request = emfield_request_xml('youtube', MEDIA_YOUTUBE_REST_ENDPOINT .'/'. $video_id, array('video' => $video_id, 'v' => '2'), $cached); return $request; } function media_youtube_emfield_data($video_id) { $data = array(); // Create some 'field' version control. $data['emvideo_youtube_version'] = $data['emvideo_data_version'] = MEDIA_YOUTUBE_DATA_VERSION; // Store the raw data from YouTube's API. $raw = media_youtube_request_metadata($video_id); if (media_youtube_variable_get('store_raw_metadata')) { $data['raw'] = $raw; } // Store the video's duration. $data['duration'] = intval($raw['MEDIA:GROUP']['YT:DURATION'][1]['SECONDS']); // Gather info about the item's raw flash video. // RSS / MRSS feeds with the item would have enough info. // Alternatively try getting the minimum from an HTTP get. // Get info from a youtube playlist. if (strpos($video_id, 'PLAYLIST_') === 0) { $playlist_id = substr($video_id, 9); $url = ''. $playlist_id; $data['playlist'] = 1; // Get the large thumbnail of the first video. // Use the Youtube Google API to get this data. $api_url = '' . $playlist_id; $result = drupal_http_request($api_url); if ($result->code == 200) { $parser = drupal_xml_parser_create($result->data); $vals = array(); $index = array(); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $result->data, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($parser); if (count($vals)) { foreach ($vals as $val) { if ($val['tag'] == 'MEDIA:THUMBNAIL' && $val['attributes']['HEIGHT'] >= 240) { $data['thumbnail']['url'] = $val['attributes']['URL']; break; } } } } } // Get info from a single video. else { $url = ''. $video_id; $data['playlist'] = 0; // Get the large thumbnail. $data['thumbnail']['url'] = ''. $video_id .'/0.jpg'; } $response = emfield_request_header('youtube', $url); if ($response->code == 200) { // Don't give the 303 path. $data['flash']['url'] = $url; $data['flash']['size'] = $response->headers['Content-Length']; $data['flash']['mime'] = $response->headers['Content-Type']; } return $data; }