// $Id: README.txt,v 2010-11-16 21:12:23 aaron Exp $ Readme for Media: Flicker The Media: Flickr project currently offers Flickr Photoset capabilities to the Embedded Media Field module, available at http://drupal.org/project/emfield. To use it, enable the Embedded Video Field module, and add a Third Party Video field to a content type. For Thumbnails, you'll also need to apply for a Flickr API key, from http://www.flickr.com/services/api/keys. After that, editors will be able to paste a URL or the embed code for a Flickr Photoset or Slideshow into the field, and it will be displayed automatically. Additionally, that URL will be parsed automatically, so the module will know the difference between a Flickr Photoset URL and another supported provider, such as a YouTube video. Configuration: -------------------- (1) After you install the Embedded Media Field and Media: Flickr modules, go to your admin configuration (http://[www.yoursite.com]/admin/content/emfield) and set the "Flickr API" values under Images or Videos tab > "Flickr configuration". Note: You need to create your Flickr API key and secret from your account on Flickr. (2) Now when you create your Content Type and add the "Embedded Image" and/or "Embedded Video" field(s), you will need to fill out additional settings. In the "Providers Supported" fieldset area, check the "Custom URL" and "Flickr". Save the field settings. Content Creation: ---------------- (3) If you want a single image from Flickr, then use the "Embedded Image" CCK field. Example Flickr URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thusthought/5156938698/in/set-72157625220814125/ (4) If you want to use a set from Flickr, then use the "Embedded Video" CCK field. Example Flickr URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thusthought/sets/72157625220814125/show/