fid) {
'media' => array(
'selectedMedia' => array($media),
$plugins = array();
else {
// If the media is already selected, we don't need to load plugins.
// This is a god-awful way to do this, but it is there, so just trying
// to support it till it can be replaced.
$plugins = module_invoke_all('media_browser_plugins');
// What can plugins do?
// Plugins can declare a JS class which they use to add stuff.. Okay.
// Plugins can add tabs?
// Alternate model
// There are no plugins, just a big form alter.
// Cons:
// API control is lost. This makes upgrades near impossible, testing too.
// Alternate model
// Hybrid: Plugins can add tabs, and they can add options for those tabs
// Q: Can the tabs submit any forms?
// Q: What do the tabs contain? Either HTML or a URL
// Q: What if a plugin wants to modify an existing tab? (that tab should provide a UI).
$plugins = module_invoke_all('media_browser_plugins');
// What can plugins do?
// Plugins can declare a JS class which they use to add stuff.. Okay.
// Plugins can add tabs?
// Alternate model
// There are no plugins, just a big form alter.
// Cons:
// API control is lost. This makes upgrades near impossible, testing too.
// Alternate model
// Hybrid: Plugins can add tabs, and they can add options for those tabs
// Q: Can the tabs submit any forms?
// Q: What do the tabs contain? Either HTML or a URL
// Q: What if a plugin wants to modify an existing tab? (that tab should provide a UI).
foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) {
// Add their JS and CSS
if ($plugin['#attached']) {
$attached = array_merge_recursive($attached, $plugin['#attached']);
// Allow modules implementing hook_media_browser_callbacks() to add a set
// of callbacks to the settings.
// @TODO: Document the hook...
$callbacks = module_invoke_all('media_browser_callbacks');
drupal_alter('media_browser_callbacks_alter', $callbacks);
// Allow modules implementing hook_media_conditions to add new
// conditions to load the library. For instance, they may only return media
// belonging to the user, with array('uid' => $user->uid);
// @TODO: Not sure if we want this here specifically; we have an alter.
$conditions = module_invoke_all('media_conditions');
// Allow modules implementing hook_media_streams to filter streams
// when loading the library. For instance, they may only return media
// belonging to the flickr:// stream, with array('flickr://');
// @TODO: Not sure if we want this here specifically; we have an alter.
$streams = module_invoke_all('media_streams');
// Pass our settings to the browser.
$settings = array(
'viewType' => media_variable_get('browser_viewtype_default'),
'callbacks' => $callbacks,
'plugins' => $plugins,
'conditions' => $conditions,
'streams' => $streams,
drupal_add_js(array('media' => array('browser' => $settings)), 'setting');
// Here we will return the basic structure of the browser.
$build['media_browser'] = array(
'#prefix' => '
return $build;
* Implement hook_media_browser_plugins
* @return unknown_type
* @see media_add_upload()
* @see media_add_from_url()
function media_media_browser_plugins() {
$plugins = array();
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'media');
include_once($path . '/');
$redirect = array('media/browser', array('query' => array('render' => 'media-popup')));
$upload_form = drupal_get_form('media_add_upload', $redirect);
$from_url_form = drupal_get_form('media_add_from_url', $redirect);
// Add the Upload tab.
$plugins['upload'] = array(
'#attached' => array(
'js' => array($path . '/javascript/plugins/media.upload.js'),
'settings' => array(
'uploadForm' => drupal_render($upload_form),
// Add the 'From URL' tab.
$plugins['fromurl'] = array(
'#attached' => array(
'js' => array($path . '/javascript/plugins/media.fromurl.js'),
'settings' => array(
'fromUrlForm' => drupal_render($from_url_form),
// Add the default 'Library' tab.
$plugins['library'] = array(
'#attached' => array(
'js' => array(
$path . '/javascript/plugins/media.library.js',
'css' => array(
$path . '/javascript/plugins/media.library.css',
'settings' => array('viewMode' => 'thumbnails'),
return $plugins;
* Implements hook_media_browser_callbacks().
function media_media_browser_callbacks() {
// The callback for the default media library thumbnail list.
return array (
'getMedia' => array(
'url' => url('media/browser/list'),
'token' => drupal_get_token('media/browser/list'),
* AJAX Callback for a list of media with some basic filters.
* @return unknown_type
function media_browser_list() {
if (isset($_GET['conditions'])) {
$conditions = drupal_json_decode($_GET['conditions']);
$conditions = isset($conditions) ? $conditions : array();
// If we have been passed an array of streams, such as 'youtube://',
// then only accept media from those streams. Unfortunately, entity_load
// doesn't accept a filter of LIKE, so we need to preprocess that.
// @TODO: However, if we pass more than one stream, it will do AND rather
// than OR right now (hopefully an easy fix).
if (isset($_GET['streams'])) {
$streams = drupal_json_decode($_GET['streams']);
$streams = isset($streams) ? $streams : array();
// Allow modules implementing hook_media_conditions_alter to alter
// the set of browser library conditions.
drupal_alter('media_conditions', $conditions);
// Allow modules implementing hook_media_streams_alter to alter
// the set of browser stream filters.
drupal_alter('media_streams', $streams);
// @TODO: This will get rather large I suspect, unless we combine
// with pagers, or use a db_transaction maybe, or just write our own query.
// First get the fid's to load. We have to do that first, because
// entity_load doesn't accept a condition of LIKE, which we need for streams.
$select = db_select('file', 'f')//->extend('PagerDefault')
->fields('f', array('fid'));
// Filter on streams.
foreach ($streams as $stream) {
$select->condition('uri', db_like($stream) . '%', 'LIKE');
// Add our conditions.
foreach ($conditions as $field => $condition) {
$select->condition($field, $condition);
// Add our pager limit filter.
// $select->limit(media_variable_get('browser_pager_limit'));
// Grab the fid's.
$fids = $select->execute()
if (!empty($fids)) {
$medias = entity_get_controller('media')->load($fids);
foreach ($medias as &$media) {
$media->override = array('browser' => TRUE);
// Generate a preview of the file
// @todo: Should generate placeholders for audio
// Add yet another wrapper so we can style it as a preview :(
// Otherwise it isn't really possible to know because the user can pick anything for their preview mode.
$preview = field_view_field('media', $media, 'file', 'media_preview');
$preview['#show_names'] = TRUE;
$preview['#theme_wrappers'][] = 'media_thumbnail';
$media->preview = drupal_render($preview);
drupal_json_output(array('media' => $medias/*, 'pager' => theme('pager')*/));
else {
// Print an empty message.
drupal_json_output(array('empty' => t(media_variable_get('browser_library_empty_message')), 'media' => array()));
* Prepares the page to be able to launch the media browser.
* @TODO: This is a WTF at present. Basically, the browser is launched from wysiwyg
* and from fields, so having a common function makes sense. But not like this.
* Defines default variables.
function media_include_browser_js() {
static $included;
if ($included) {
$included = TRUE;
drupal_add_library('media', 'media_browser');
$settings = array(
'browserUrl' => url('media/browser',
array('query' => array('render' => 'media-popup'))),
'styleSelectorUrl' => url('media/-media_id-/format-form',
array('query' => array('render' => 'media-popup'))),
// Adding src to blacklist; fid and view_mode we capture outside attribs so adding
// them too to the blacklist.
'blacklist' => array('src','fid','view_mode'), // Only applies to WYSIWG - should be removed;
drupal_add_js(array('media' => $settings), 'setting');
* Menu callback for testing the media browser
function media_browser_testbed($form) {
$launcher = ' Launch Media Browser';
$form['options'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => 'Options (JSON)',
'#rows' => 10,
$form['launcher'] = array(
'#markup' => $launcher,
$form['result'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => 'Result',
$js = <<').change(function() { jQuery('#edit-options').val(jQuery(this).val())});