// $Id: changelog.txt,v 2009-03-04 00:12:17 aaron Exp $ Changelog for the Resource module. March 2009 ---------- * ResourceReadOnlyStreamWrapper implements ResourceStreamWrapperInterface (aaron). * Move hook_boot includes to hook_init: cached pages are cached; unnecessary overhead (aaron). February 2009 ------------- * #375876/kwinters D6 Permissions Fix for Resource Module (kwinters). January 2009 ------------ * Store paths as /v/[video-code]/t/[tags+more] for ResourceReadOnlyStreamWrapper.inc (aaron). * Create ResourceReadOnlyStreamWrapper.inc (aaron). * Port ResourceStreamWrapper.inc and ResourceStreamWrapperManager.inc from HEAD (aaron). * Change require to include (aaron). * Look in hook_exit to see if path has changed (aaron). * Save module path to variable, as no access to drupal_get_path (aaron). * Initial backport to d6 (aaron). * Initial development (dopry).