parameters as $parameter) { if (strtoupper($parameter->attribute) == 'CHARSET') { $encoding = $parameter->value; } } if ($mime_type == mailhandler_get_mime_type($structure)) { if (!$part_number) { $part_number = '1'; } $text = imap_fetchbody($stream, $msg_number, $part_number, FT_UID); if ($structure->encoding == ENCBASE64) { return drupal_convert_to_utf8(imap_base64($text), $encoding); } else if ($structure->encoding == ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE) { return drupal_convert_to_utf8(quoted_printable_decode($text), $encoding); } else { return drupal_convert_to_utf8($text, $encoding); } } if ($structure->type == TYPEMULTIPART) { /* multipart */ $prefix = ''; while (list($index, $sub_structure) = each ($structure->parts)) { if ($part_number) { $prefix = $part_number .'.'; } $data = mailhandler_get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $sub_structure, $prefix . ($index + 1)); if ($data) { return $data; } } } } return false; } /** * Returns an array of parts as file objects * * @param * @param $structure * A message structure, usually used to recurse into specific parts * @param $max_depth * Maximum Depth to recurse into parts. * @param $depth * The current recursion depth. * @param $part_number * A message part number to track position in a message during recursion. * @return * An array of file objects. */ function mailhandler_get_parts($stream, $msg_number, $max_depth = 10, $depth = 0, $structure = FALSE, $part_number = FALSE) { $parts = array(); // Load Structure. if (!$structure && !$structure = imap_fetchstructure($stream, $msg_number, FT_UID)) { watchdog('mailhandler', 'Could not fetch structure for message number %msg_number', array('%msg_number' => $msg_number), WATCHDOG_NOTICE); return $parts; } // Recurse into multipart messages. if ($structure->type == TYPEMULTIPART) { // Restrict recursion depth. if ($depth >= $max_depth) { watchdog('mailhandler', 'Maximum recursion depths met in mailhander_get_structure_part for message number %msg_number.', array('%msg_number' => $msg_number), WATCHDOG_NOTICE); return $parts; } $prefix = ''; foreach($structure->parts as $index => $sub_structure) { // If a part number was passed in and we are a multitype message, prefix the // the part number for the recursive call to match the imap4 dot seperated part indexing. if ($part_number) { $prefix = $part_number .'.'; } $sub_parts = mailhandler_get_parts($stream, $msg_number, $max_depth, $depth + 1, $sub_structure, $prefix . ($index + 1)); $parts = array_merge($parts, $sub_parts); } return $parts; } // Per Part Parsing. // Initalize file object like part structure. $part = new StdClass(); $part->attributes = array(); $part->filename = 'unnamed_attachment'; if (!$part->filemime = mailhandler_get_mime_type($structure)) { watchdog('mailhandler', 'Could not fetch mime type for message part. Defaulting to application/octet-stream.', array(), WATCHDOG_NOTICE); $part->filemime = 'application/octet-stream'; } if ($structure->ifparameters) { foreach ($structure->parameters as $parameter) { switch (strtoupper($parameter->attribute)) { case 'NAME': case 'FILENAME': $part->filename = $parameter->value; break; default: // put every thing else in the attributes array; $part->attributes[$parameter->attribute] = $parameter->value; } } } // Handle Content-Disposition parameters for non-text types. if ($structure->type != TYPETEXT && $structure->ifdparameters) { foreach ($structure->dparameters as $parameter) { switch (strtoupper($parameter->attribute)) { case 'NAME': case 'FILENAME': $part->filename = $parameter->value; break; // put every thing else in the attributes array; default: $part->attributes[$parameter->attribute] = $parameter->value; } } } // Retrieve part and convert MIME encoding to UTF-8 if(!$part->data = imap_fetchbody($stream, $msg_number, $part_number, FT_UID)) { watchdog('mailhandler', 'No Data!!', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return $parts; } // Decode as necessary. if ($structure->encoding == ENCBASE64) { $part->data = imap_base64($part->data); } elseif ($structure->encoding == ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE) { $part->data = quoted_printable_decode($part->data); } // Convert text attachment to UTF-8. elseif ($structure->type == TYPETEXT) { $part->data = imap_utf8($part->data); } //always return an array to satisfy array_merge in recursion catch, and array return value. $parts[] = $part; return $parts; } /** * Retrieve MIME type of the message structure. */ function mailhandler_get_mime_type(&$structure) { static $primary_mime_type = array('TEXT', 'MULTIPART', 'MESSAGE', 'APPLICATION', 'AUDIO', 'IMAGE', 'VIDEO', 'OTHER'); $type_id = (int)$structure->type; if (isset($primary_mime_type[$type_id]) && !empty($structure->subtype)) { return $primary_mime_type[$type_id] .'/'. $structure->subtype; } return 'TEXT/PLAIN'; } function mailhandler_commands_parse($body, $sep) { $commands = array(); // Collect the commands and locate signature $lines = explode("\n", $body); for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { $line = trim($lines[$i]); $words = explode(' ', $line); // Look for a command line. if not present, note which line number is the boundary if (substr($words[0], -1) == ':' && !isset($endcommands)) { // Looks like a name: value pair $commands[$i] = explode(': ', $line, 2); } else { if (!isset($endcommands)) $endcommands = $i; } // Stop when we encounter the sig. we'll discard all remaining text. $start = substr($lines[$i], 0, strlen($sep)+3); if ($sep && strstr($start, $sep)) { // mail clients sometimes prefix replies with ' >' break; } } return array('commands' => $commands, 'lines' => $lines, 'i' => $i, 'endcommands' => $endcommands); } /** * Defines and executes message authentication methods * * Message authentication methods can be defined using mailhandler_authenticate_info() which can * take one of two $op's: * - info, which is used to define an authentication plugin * - execute, which is used to execute an authentication plugin * * @param $op * String info or execute * @param $name * String identifier for authentication method * @param $args * Array of arguments to pass in to the authentication method callback */ function mailhandler_mailhandler_authenticate($op, $name = NULL, $args = array()) { $methods = array(); switch ($op) { case 'info': foreach (module_list() as $module) { if (module_hook($module, 'mailhandler_authenticate_info')) { $function = $module .'_mailhandler_authenticate_info'; $methods[] = $function(); } } return $methods; case 'execute': foreach (module_list() as $module) { if (module_hook($module, 'mailhandler_authenticate_info')) { $function = $module .'_mailhandler_authenticate_info'; $methods = $function('info'); // TODO - May not be found, like if providing module is disabled. Must fail gracefully foreach ($methods as $key => $method) { if ($name == $key) { if ($method['extension'] && $method['basename']) { module_load_include($method['extension'], $method['module'], $method['basename']); return call_user_func_array($method['callback'], $args); } else { drupal_load('module', $method['module']); return call_user_func_array($method['callback'], $args); } break 2; } } } } // Return FALSE if callback is not found. return FALSE; break; } } /** * Switch from original user to mail submision user and back. * * Note: You first need to run mailhandler_switch_user without * argument to store the current user. Call mailhandler_switch_user * without argument to set the user back to the original user. * * @param $uid The user ID to switch to * */ function mailhandler_switch_user($uid = NULL) { global $user; static $orig_user = array(); if (isset($uid)) { session_save_session(FALSE); $user = user_load(array('uid' => $uid)); } // retrieve the initial user, can be called multiple times else if (count($orig_user)) { $user = array_shift($orig_user); session_save_session(TRUE); array_unshift($orig_user, $user); } // store the initial user else { $orig_user[] = $user; } } function mailhandler_batch_finished($success, $results, $operations) { if ($success) { $message = format_plural(count($results), '1 message retrieved for %mailbox.', '@count messages retrieved for %mailbox.', array('%mailbox' => $results[0]['mailbox']['mail'])); drupal_set_message($message); } if (!empty($results)) { // Return the results to any asking modules foreach (module_list() as $name) { if (module_hook($name, 'mailhandler_batch_results')) { $function = $name .'_mailhandler_batch_results'; if (!($messages = $function($results))) { // Exit if a module has handled the submitted data. break; } } } } } /** * Obtain the number of unread messages for an imap stream * * @param $result * IMAP stream - as opened by imap_open * @return * Array, values contain message numbers */ function mailhandler_get_unread_messages($result) { $unread_messages = array(); $number_of_messages = imap_num_msg($result); for ($i = 1; $i <= $number_of_messages; $i++) { $header = imap_headerinfo($result, $i); // only process new messages if ($header->Unseen != 'U' && $header->Recent != 'N') { continue; } $unread_messages[] = imap_uid($result, $i); } return $unread_messages; } /** * Retrieve individual messages from an IMAP result * * @param $result * IMAP stream * @param $mailbox * Array of mailbox configuration * @param $i * Int message number * @param $context * Array used by batch API * @return unknown_type */ function mailhandler_retrieve_message($result, $mailbox, $i, &$context) { // Required for batch API. if (!$result) { $result = mailhandler_open_mailbox($mailbox); } $header = imap_headerinfo($result, imap_msgno($result, $i)); // Initialize the subject in case it's missing. if (!isset($header->subject)) { $header->subject = ''; } $mime = explode(',', $mailbox['mime']); // Get the first text part - this will be the node body $origbody = mailhandler_get_part($result, $i, $mime[0]); // If we didn't get a body from our first attempt, try the alternate format (HTML or PLAIN) if (!$origbody) { $origbody = mailhandler_get_part($result, $i, $mime[1]); } // Parse MIME parts, so all mailhandler modules have access to // the full array of mime parts without having to process the email. $mimeparts = mailhandler_get_parts($result, $i); // Is this an empty message with no body and no mimeparts? if (!$origbody && !$mimeparts) { // @TODO: Log that we got an empty email? // TODO: We should not just close here, need to keep open in case of cron/auto imap_close($result); return; } // Don't delete while we're only getting new messages if ($mailbox['delete_after_read']) { imap_delete($result, $i, FT_UID); } $message = array('header' => $header, 'origbody' => $origbody, 'mimeparts' => $mimeparts, 'mailbox' => $mailbox); // If using batch API, must close imap stream. Cron uses single stream. if (!empty($context) && array_key_exists('sandbox', $context)) { $context['results'][] = $message; imap_close($result, CL_EXPUNGE); } else { return $message; } } /** * Connect to mailbox and run message retrieval * * @param $mailbox * Array of mailbox configuration * @param $mode * String, the retrieval mode, via the ui/batch system, or automated/cron/queue * @param $limit * Int - the maximim number of messages to fetch on retrieval, only for 'auto' mode */ function mailhandler_retrieve($mailbox, $mode, $limit = 0) { // This is cast as string in hook_menu, otherwise the url argument would get used. $limit = (int) $limit; if ($result = mailhandler_open_mailbox($mailbox)) { $new = mailhandler_get_unread_messages($result); } switch ($mode) { case 'ui': if ($result) { // Batch does not support using a single stream because it makes multiple page calls. // The stream will be opened within mailhandler_retrieve_message imap_close($result, CL_EXPUNGE); $result = 0; if (!empty($new)) { foreach ($new as $message) { $message_number = !$mailbox['imap'] ? 1 : $message; $operations[] = array('mailhandler_retrieve_message', array($result, $mailbox, $message_number)); } $batch = array( 'title' => 'Mailhandler retrieve', 'operations' => $operations, 'finished' => 'mailhandler_batch_finished', 'init_message' => format_plural(count($new), 'Preparing to retrieve 1 message...', 'Preparing to retrieve @count messages...'), 'progress_message' => t('Retrieving message @current of @total.'), 'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'mailhandler') .'/', ); batch_set($batch); // Make 'progressive' mode work. Hack due to bug $batch =& batch_get(); $batch['progressive'] = FALSE; batch_process('admin/content/mailhandler'); } else { drupal_set_message(t('There are no messages to retrieve for %mail.', array('%mail' => $mailbox['mail']))); } } else { drupal_set_message(t('Unable to connect to %mail.', array('%mail' => $mailbox['mail']))); } drupal_goto('admin/content/mailhandler'); break; case 'auto': if ($result) { if (!empty($new)) { $messages = array(); $retrieved = 0; while ($new && (!$limit || $retrieved < $limit)) { $messages[] = mailhandler_retrieve_message($result, $mailbox, array_shift($new), $context = array()); $retrieved++; } imap_close($result, CL_EXPUNGE); return $messages; } } else { watchdog('mailhandler', 'Unable to connect to %mail', array('%mail' => $mailbox['mail']), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } break; } }