'. t("Searches LDAP to update Drupal user membership and information.") .'

'; break; } return $output; } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function ldapsync_menu() { return array( 'admin/settings/ldap/ldapsync' => array( 'title' => 'Synchronization', 'description' => 'Configure LDAP sync settings.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('ldapsync_admin_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer ldap modules'), 'file' => 'ldapsync.admin.inc', ), ); } /** * Implements hook_cron(). * * Checks ldapsync_time_interval and ldapsync_last_sync_time variables to determine whether to run ldapsync. */ function ldapsync_cron() { $time_interval = variable_get('ldapsync_time_interval', -1); // -1 means "only sync manually" $last_sync_time = variable_get('ldapsync_last_sync_time', 0); if (((time() - $last_sync_time) > $time_interval) && ($time_interval != -1)) { _ldapsync_sync(); } } /** * Main routine. */ function _ldapsync_sync() { global $_ldapsync_ldap; // If ldapgroups is enabled, include it for groups-role sync. if (module_exists('ldapgroups')) { include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'ldapauth') .'/ldapgroups.inc'); } // Find all users in specified OU (using base DN and bind information from ldapauth). $ldap_users = _ldapsync_search(); // Cycle through LDAP users and take appropriate action on the Drupal side. $count_new_users=0; $count_orphaned_users=0; foreach ($ldap_users as $name => $data) { // LDAP object must be a named account if (!$name) continue; // check whether user is in an OU mapped in module settings (need to create admin/settings/ldapsync page) $dn = $data['dn']; // Does user exist in Drupal (find by username)? If not, create it (using process in ldapauth). $account = user_load(array('name' => $name)); if (!$account->uid) { // User does not exist in Drupal. Let's create it. $pass = user_password(20); // Generate a random password (Drupal will auth against ldap anyway). $mail = $data['mail']; $init = $mail = key_exists(($_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('mail_attr') ? $_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('mail_attr') : LDAPAUTH_DEFAULT_MAIL_ATTR), $data) ? $data[$_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('mail_attr')] : $name; $userinfo = array( // new row to table "users": 'name' => $name, 'pass' => $pass, 'mail' => $mail, 'init' => $init, 'status' => 1, 'ldap_authentified' => TRUE, 'ldap_dn' => $dn, 'ldap_config' => $_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('sid'), // new row to table "authmap": module='ldapauth', authname=$name 'authname_ldapauth' => $name, ); // Save user. $account = user_save('', $userinfo); $count_new_users++; } else { // User exists in Drupal -- check a few things, but most users will require no further action. // Check authentication method. $data = unserialize($account->data); if (!$data['ldap_authentified']) { // User exists as a local Drupal account -- name conflict! -- log and stop processing this user. watchdog('ldapsync', 'Could not create ldap-authentified account for user %name because a local user by that name already exists.', array('%name' => $name)); continue; } } // Update user's groups if ldapgroups is enabled. if (function_exists('ldapgroups_user_login')) { ldapgroups_user_login($account); } // Enable any blocked user who is enabled in LDAP. if (!$account->status) { db_query("UPDATE {users} SET status = %d where uid = %", 1, $account->uid); watchdog('ldapsync', 'Enabled LDAP-authentified user %name because the corresponding LDAP account is enabled.', array('%name' => $row['name'])); } } // Do we have any LDAP-authentified Drupal users who don't exist in LDAP? if ($ldap_users) { $result = db_query("SELECT uid, name, data FROM {users} WHERE status = %d", 1); while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) { if (!in_array($row['name'], array_keys($ldap_users))) { $data = unserialize($row['data']); if ($data['ldap_authentified']) { // Block user if appropriate module setting is set. if (variable_get('ldapsync_missing_users_action', 'warn') == 'block') { // Block user. db_query("UPDATE {users} SET status=0 WHERE uid=%d", $row['uid']); // Log out blocked user. $account = user_load(array('uid' => $row['uid'])); $array = array(); user_module_invoke('logout', $array, $account); // Log this. watchdog('ldapsync', 'Disabled LDAP-authentified user %name because the corresponding LDAP account does not exist or is disabled.', array('%name' => $row['name'])); } $count_orphaned_users++; } } } } // Send watchdog message with process summary. $summary = t('Completed LDAP sync. New users: %count_new. LDAP-authentified users that do not have an enabled LDAP account: %count_orphaned.', array('%count_new' => $count_new_users, '%count_orphaned' => $count_orphaned_users)); watchdog('ldapsync', $summary); // Update last sync time variable, so that we don't sync again until the specified time period passes again. variable_set('ldapsync_last_sync_time', time()); // Useful if calling manually from settings page. return $summary; } /** * Build array of all LDAP users from servers and OUs specified in ldapauth settings. */ function _ldapsync_search() { global $_ldapsync_ldap; // Cycle through LDAP configurations. $result = db_query("SELECT sid FROM {ldapauth} WHERE status = %d ORDER BY sid", 1); while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { // Initialize LDAP. if (!_ldapsync_init($row->sid)) { watchdog('ldapsync', 'ldapsync init failed for ldap server %sid.', array('%sid' => $row->sid)); continue; } /* // Data mapping. $server_obj = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT ldapdata_mappings FROM {ldapauth} WHERE sid = %d", $row->sid)); $ldapdata_mappings = !empty($server_obj->ldapdata_mappings) ? unserialize($server_obj->ldapdata_mappings) : array(); if (!empty($ldapdata_mappings) && $ldapdata_mappings['access'] >= 4) { unset($ldapdata_mappings['access'], $ldapdata_mappings['ldap_amap-mail'], $ldapdata_mappings['ldap_amap-pass']); print "
Drupal user fields to be synchronized from the LDAP attributes listed below:\n";
      print '
'; # To be continued } */ // If there is no bindn and bindpw - the connect will be an anonymous connect. $_ldapsync_ldap->connect($_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('binddn'), $_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('bindpw')); $users=array(); foreach (explode("\r\n", $_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('basedn')) as $base_dn) { if (empty($base_dn)) { continue; } // Re-initialize database object each time. $ldapresult = array(); // Execute LDAP search. $name_attr = $_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('user_attr') ? $_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('user_attr') : LDAPAUTH_DEFAULT_USER_ATTR; $ldapsync_filter = variable_get('ldapsync_filter', 0); $filter = ($ldapsync_filter == "") ? "$name_attr=*" : $ldapsync_filter; // Find all users if no filter set. if (!($ldapresult = $_ldapsync_ldap->search($base_dn, $filter))) { continue; } $user_attr = drupal_strtolower($_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('user_attr')); $mail_attr = drupal_strtolower($_ldapsync_ldap->getOption('mail_attr')); // Need to set default mail domain for LDAP users without a mail attribute. // Cycle through results to build array of user information. foreach ($ldapresult as $entry) { $name = drupal_strtolower($entry[$user_attr][0]); // Don't include if no name attribute. if (empty($name)) { continue; } // Don't include if LDAP account is disabled. $status = $entry['useraccountcontrol'][0]; if (($status & 2) != 0) { // This only works for Active Directory -- search includes disabled accounts in other directories. continue; } $users[$name] = array( 'dn' => $entry['dn'], 'mail' => $entry[$mail_attr][0], ); } } } return $users; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Auxiliary functions /** * Initiates the LDAPInterfase class. * * @param $sid * An ID of the LDAP server configuration. * * @return */ function _ldapsync_init($sid) { global $_ldapsync_ldap; if ($row = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {ldapauth} WHERE sid = %d", $sid))) { $_ldapsync_ldap = new LDAPInterface(); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('sid', $row->sid); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('name', $row->name); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('server', $row->server); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('port', $row->port); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('tls', $row->tls); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('encrypted', $row->encrypted); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('basedn', $row->basedn); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('user_attr', $row->user_attr); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('mail_attr', $row->mail_attr); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('binddn', $row->binddn); $_ldapsync_ldap->setOption('bindpw', $row->bindpw); return $_ldapsync_ldap; } }