connection = NULL; // $this->server = NULL; $this->port = "389"; $this->secretKey = NULL; $this->tls = FALSE; $this->attr_filter = array('LDAPInterface', '__empty_attr_filter'); } var $connection; var $server; var $port; var $tls; var $attr_filter; var $sid; // This should be static, but that's not supported in PHP4 function __empty_attr_filter($sid, $x) { return $x; } function setOption($option, $value) { switch ($option) { case 'sid' : $this->sid = $value; break; case 'name': $this->name = $value; break; case 'server': $this->server = $value; break; case 'port': $this->port = $value; break; case 'tls': $this->tls = $value; break; case 'encrypted': $this->encrypted = $value; break; case 'user_attr': $this->user_attr = $value; break; case 'attr_filter': $this->attr_filter = $value; break; case 'basedn': $this->basedn = $value; break; case 'mail_attr': $this->mail_attr = $value; break; case 'binddn': $this->binddn = $value; break; case 'bindpw': $this->bindpw = $value; break; } } function getOption($option) { $ret = ''; switch ($option) { case 'sid': $ret = $this->sid; break; case 'version': $ret = -1; ldap_get_option($this->connection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $ret); break; case 'name': $ret = $this->name; break; case 'port': $ret = $this->port; break; case 'tls': $ret = $this->tls; break; case 'encrypted': $ret = $this->encrypted; break; case 'user_attr': $ret = isset($this->user_attr) ? $this->user_attr : NULL; break; case 'attr_filter': $ret = isset($this->attr_filter) ? $this->attr_filter : NULL; break; case 'basedn': $ret = isset($this->basedn) ? $this->basedn : NULL; break; case 'mail_attr': $ret = isset($this->mail_attr) ? $this->mail_attr : NULL; break; case 'binddn': $ret = isset($this->binddn) ? $this->binddn : NULL; break; case 'bindpw': $ret = isset($this->bindpw) ? $this->bindpw : NULL; break; } return $ret; } function connect($dn = '', $pass = '') { $ret = FALSE; // // If a connection already exists, it should be terminated $this->disconnect(); if ($this->connectAndBind($dn, $pass)) { $ret = TRUE; } return $ret; } function initConnection() { if (!$con = ldap_connect($this->server, $this->port)) { watchdog('ldap', 'LDAP Connect failure to @server:@port', array('@server' => $this->server, '@port' => $this->port), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return; } ldap_set_option($con, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($con, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); // TLS encryption contributed by if ($this->tls) { ldap_get_option($con, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $vers); if ($vers == -1) { watchdog('ldap', 'Could not get LDAP protocol version.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return; } if ($vers != 3) { watchdog('ldap', 'Could not start TLS, only supported by LDAP v3.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return; } else if (!function_exists('ldap_start_tls')) { watchdog('ldap', 'Could not start TLS. It does not seem to be supported by this PHP setup.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return; } else if (!ldap_start_tls($con)) { watchdog('ldap', 'Could not start TLS. (Error %errno: %error).', array('%errno' => ldap_errno($con), '%error' => ldap_error($con)), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return; } } $this->connection = $con; } function connectAndBind($dn = '', $pass = '') { $this->initConnection(); $con = $this->connection; if (!$this->bind($dn, $pass)) { watchdog('ldap', 'LDAP Bind failure for user %user. Error %errno: %error', array('%user' => $dn, '%errno' => ldap_errno($con), '%error' => ldap_error($con))); return NULL; } return $con; } function bind($dn, $pass) { ob_start(); set_error_handler(array('LDAPInterface', 'void_error_handler')); $ret = ldap_bind($this->connection, $dn, $pass); restore_error_handler(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; } function disconnect() { if ($this->connection) { ldap_unbind($this->connection); $this->connection = NULL; } } function search($base_dn, $filter, $attributes = array()) { $ret = array(); // For the AD the '\,' should be replaced by the '\\,' in the search filter. $filter = preg_replace('/\\\,/', '\\\\\,', $filter); set_error_handler(array('LDAPInterface', 'void_error_handler')); $x = @ldap_search($this->connection, $base_dn, $filter, $attributes); restore_error_handler(); if ($x && ldap_count_entries($this->connection, $x)) { $ret = ldap_get_entries($this->connection, $x); } return $ret; } // WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! // This function returns its entries with lowercase attribute names. // Don't blame me, blame PHP's own ldap_get_entries() function retrieveAttributes($dn) { set_error_handler(array('LDAPInterface', 'void_error_handler')); $result = ldap_read($this->connection, $dn, 'objectClass=*'); $entries = ldap_get_entries($this->connection, $result); restore_error_handler(); return call_user_func($this->attr_filter, $this->sid, $entries[0]); } function retrieveAttribute($dn, $attrname) { $entries = $this->retrieveAttributes($dn); return isset($entries[strtolower($attrname)]) ? $entries[strtolower($attrname)][0] : NULL; } function retrieveMultiAttribute($dn, $attrname) { $entries = $this->retrieveAttributes($dn); $result = array(); $retrieved = $entries[strtolower($attrname)]; $retrieved = $retrieved ? $retrieved : array(); foreach ($retrieved as $key => $value) { if ($key !== 'count') { $result[] = $value; } } return $result; } function writeAttributes($dn, $attributes) { foreach ($attributes as $key => $cur_val) { if ($cur_val == '') { unset($attributes[$key]); $old_value = $this->retrieveAttribute($dn, $key); if (isset($old_value)) { ldap_mod_del($this->connection, $dn, array($key => $old_value)); } } if (is_array ($cur_val)) { foreach ($cur_val as $mv_key => $mv_cur_val) { if ($mv_cur_val == '') { unset($attributes[$key][$mv_key]); } else { $attributes[$key][$mv_key] = $mv_cur_val; } } } } return ldap_modify($this->connection, $dn, $attributes); } function create_entry($dn, $attributes) { set_error_handler(array('LDAPInterface', 'void_error_handler')); $ret = ldap_add($this->connection, $dn, $attributes); restore_error_handler(); return $ret; } function rename_entry($dn, $newrdn, $newparent, $deleteoldrdn) { set_error_handler(array('LDAPInterface', 'void_error_handler')); $ret = ldap_rename($this->connection, $dn, $newrdn, $newparent, $deleteoldrdn); restore_error_handler(); return $ret; } function delete_entry($dn) { set_error_handler(array('LDAPInterface', 'void_error_handler')); $ret = ldap_delete($this->connection, $dn); restore_error_handler(); return $ret; } // This function is used by other modules to delete attributes once they are // moved to profiles cause ldap_mod_del does not delete facsimileTelephoneNumber if // attribute value to delete is passed to the function. // OpenLDAP as per RFC 2252 doesn't have equality matching for facsimileTelephoneNumber // function deleteAttribute($dn, $attribute) { ldap_mod_del($this->connection, $dn, array($attribute => array())); } // This should be static, but that's not supported in PHP4 // Made it static and introduced a requirenment of php version 5.0. static function void_error_handler($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5) { // Do nothing } }