// $Id: README.txt,v 2009-06-21 03:43:14 sun Exp $ -- SUMMARY -- jQuery UI (http://ui.jquery.com/) is a set of cool widgets and effects that developers can use to add some pizazz to their modules. This module is more-or-less a utility module that should simply be required by other modules that depend on jQuery UI being available. It doesn't do anything on its own. For a full description of the module, visit the project page: http://drupal.org/project/jquery_ui To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes: http://drupal.org/project/issues/jquery_ui -- REQUIREMENTS -- * The jQuery UI library. -- INSTALLATION -- * Copy the jquery_ui module directory to your sites/all/modules directory. * Download the latest jQuery UI 1.6 development package from: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-ui/downloads/list?can=3&q=1.6 * Extract it as a sub-directory called 'jquery.ui' in the jquery_ui folder: /sites/all/modules/jquery_ui/jquery.ui/ * Enable the module at Administer >> Site building >> Modules. * If desired, configure the module at Administer >> Site configuration >> jQuery UI. Here you may select which level of compression the jQuery library should use. It defaults to 'minified' compression, which strips comments and white space. -- API -- Developers who wish to use jQuery UI effects in their modules need only make the following changes: * In your module's .info file, add the following line: dependencies[] = jquery_ui This will force users to have the jQuery UI module installed before they can enable your module. * In your module, call the following function: jquery_ui_add($files); For example: jquery_ui_add(array('ui.draggable', 'ui.droppable', 'ui.sortable')); jquery_ui_add('ui.sortable'); // For a single file See the contents of the jquery.ui-X.X sub-directory for a list of available files that may be included, and see http://ui.jquery.com/docs for details on how to use them. The required ui.core file is automatically included, as is effects.core if you include any effects files. -- CONTACT -- Current maintainers: * Jeff Robbins (jjeff) * Angela Byron (webchick) * Addison Berry (add1sun) * Daniel F. Kudwien (sun) - http://drupal.org/user/54136