$plugin)); if ($log_errors) { watchdog('jq', $error, WATCHDOG_NOTICE); } if ($display_errors) { drupal_set_message($error, 'error'); } $invoked_plugins[$plugin] = FALSE; } else { if (is_array($jq['files']['js'])) { foreach ($jq['files']['js'] as $file) { drupal_add_js($file); } } if (is_array($jq['files']['css'])) { foreach ($jq['files']['css'] as $file) { drupal_add_css($file); } } $invoked_plugins[$plugin] = TRUE; } } else { // log & display an error, but only if we haven't already. don't want to overwhelm with a lot of identical errors per page $error = t('The %plugin jQuery plugin is not defined.', array('%plugin' => $plugin)); if ($log_errors) { watchdog('jq', $error, WATCHDOG_ERROR); } if ($display_errors) { drupal_set_message($error, 'error'); } $invoked_plugins[$plugin] = FALSE; } } if ($invoked_plugins[$plugin]) { if ($jq['module']) { module_load_include('jq.inc', $jq['module']); $args = array('add', $plugin); $args = array_merge($args, (array)$extra); $function = $jq['module'] .'_jq'; call_user_func_array($function, $args); } } return $invoked_plugins[$plugin]; }