'#title' => $title ? $title : t('Countries'),
'#default_value' => $default_value,
'#options' => $options,
'#multiple' => $multiple,
'#size' => $multiple ? min(5, count($options)) : 1,
'#description' => $description,
* returns a form-structure filled with US states, useful in a select.
* @param $title, the title of the form. Defaults to "States" (translated). If provided, it will not be translated
* @param $default_value, the selected state.
* @param $required, whether or not a "none" string should be included in the options.
* @param $description, optionally provide a description. Is not translated.
* @param $multiple, whether or not to allow multiple choices.
* @return form element ready to add to form.
function states_select_for_form($title = '', $default_value = NULL, $required = FALSE, $description = '', $multiple = false) {
if ($required) {
$options = _helpers_data_us_states_array();
else {
$options = add_none_to_options(_helpers_data_us_states_array());
return array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $title ? $title : t('States'),
'#default_value' => $default_value,
'#options' => $options,
'#multiple' => $multiple,
'#size' => $multiple ? min(5, count($options)) : 1,
'#description' => $description,
* Create a form-structure filled with month names, useful in a select.
* @param $title, the title of the form. Defaults to "Month" (translated). If provided, it will not be translated.
* @param $default_value, the selected month. Must be the number of the month.
* @param $required, whether or not a "none" string should be included in the options.
* @param $description, optionally provide a description. Is not translated.
* @param $multiple, whether or not to allow multiple choices.
* @return form element ready to add to form.
function month_select_for_form($title = '', $default_value = NULL, $required = FALSE, $description = '', $multiple = false) {
if ($required) {
$options = _helpers_data_month_names_array();
else {
$options = add_none_to_options(_helpers_data_month_names_array());
return array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $title ? $title : t('Month'),
'#default_value' => $default_value,
'#options' => $options,
'#multiple' => $multiple,
'#size' => min(5, count($options)),
'#description' => $description,
* Create a form-structure filled with year numbers, useful in a select.
* @param $range, The number of years to show from the specified starting year.
* If this value is negative, then only use the number of years before.
* If it is positive, then show the number of years before and after.
* @param $start, The year to start the list with.
* If specified (or defaulted) as "current" then, use the current year.
* @param $title, the title of the form. Defaults to "Year" (translated). If provided, it will not be translated.
* @param $default_value, the selected year.
* @param $required, whether or not a "none" string should be included in the options.
* @param $description, optionally provide a description. Is not translated.
* @param $multiple, whether or not to allow multiple choices.
* @return form element ready to add to form.
function year_select_for_form($range = 10, $start = 'current', $title = '', $default_value = null, $required = false, $description = '', $multiple = false) {
if (is_null($start) || $start == 'current') {
$start = date('Y');
if ($range < 0) {
$begin_yr = $start + $range;
$end_yr = $start;
else {
$begin_yr = $start - $range;
$end_yr = $start + $range;
$options = array();
for ($yr = $begin_yr; $yr <= $end_yr; ++$yr) {
$options[$yr] = $yr;
if (!$required) {
$options = add_none_to_options($options);
return array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $title ? $title : t('Year'),
'#default_value' => $default_value,
'#options' => $options,
'#multiple' => $multiple,
'#size' => min(5, count($options)),
'#description' => $description,
* Global and general functions
* @param $options the options that you want to append "None" to.
* @param $none_string optionally provide a string that will be the "none". If you provide this, it will not be translated and not passed trough the theme layer.
function add_none_to_options($options, $none_string = NULL) {
if ($none_string) {
return array('' => $none_string) + $options;
else {
return array('' => theme('none_option')) + $options;
* Build a time entry form.
* @crap Drupal form stuff.
* @param $default - the default time stamp for the form.
* @param $title - a title for the form section.
* @param $description - the description for the time entry.
* @param $format - 12/24 hour time. Defaults to 24.
* @param $include - string indicating the piece to include:
* h - include hours.
* m - include minutes.
* s - include seconds.
* a - include AM/PM (for 12 hour format only).
* Note that the fields will be included in the order specified. Default 'hms'.
* @param $required - whether or not to make the elements required on the form.
* @return form array for the time. Will be shown inline.
function time_form($crap, $default, $title, $description = NULL, $format = 24, $include = 'hms', $required = TRUE) {
$form = array();
$valid = array('a', 'h', 'm', 's');
$include = drupal_strtolower($include);
$normal = in_array($include, array('hm', 'hma', 'hms', 'hmsa'));
// Now split it up.
$include = drupal_map_assoc(str_split($include));
// Do some basic error checking.
if ($diff = array_diff($include, $valid)) {
drupal_set_message(t('Invalid time element requested (@stuff).', array('@stuff' => implode(', ', $diff))), 'error');
return $form;
if (($include['a'] && $format == 24) || ($include['a'] && !$include['h'])) {
// Am/pm not valid in this context, drop it.
drupal_set_message(t('AM/PM indicator requested but ignored.'), 'warning');
unset ($include['a']);
if (!($format == 24 || $format == 12)) {
drupal_set_message(t('Invalid clock format (@stuff); using "24".', array('@stuff' => $format)), 'warning');
$format = 24;
// Break out the pieces of the time for default values.
list($hour, $min, $sec, $ampm) = explode(':', date(($format == 12 ? 'h' : 'H') . ':i:s:A', $default));
$r59 = range(0, 59);
// Build the form elements.
foreach ($include as $piece) {
switch ($piece) {
case 'h':
$form['h'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => drupal_map_assoc(range(0, $format)),
'#default_value' => $hour,
'#required' => $required,
$form['hs'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#value' => ($normal ? NULL : t('hours')));
case 'm':
$form['m'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => $r59,
'#default_value' => $min,
'#required' => $required,
$form['ms'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#value' => ($normal ? NULL : t('minutes')));
case 's':
$form['s'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => $r59,
'#default_value' => $sec,
'#required' => $required,
$form['ss'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#value' => ($normal ? NULL : t('seconds')));
case 'a':
$form['a'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => array('AM' => 'AM', 'PM' => 'PM'),
'#default_value' => $ampm,
'#required' => $required,
// In order to force inline, we have to know the first and last elements.
$first = array_shift($include);
if ($include) {
$last = array_pop($include);
else {
$last = $first;
$last .= $last == 'a' ? NULL : 's';
// Set the title and force in-line.
$form[$first]['#title'] = t($title);
$form[$first]['#prefix'] = '
$form[$last]['#suffix'] = '
// Now add the description.
$form['desc'] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#value' => ''. t($description) .'
return $form;
* Helper helpers. Private functions that are used internally
* Returns a list of countries.
* TODO make this a proper associative array with the official country code as key.
function _helpers_data_countries_array() {
$countries = array(
'Afghanistan' => t('Afghanistan'),
'Albania' => t('Albania'),
'Algeria' => t('Algeria'),
'American Samoa' => t('American Samoa'),
'Andorra' => t('Andorra'),
'Angola' => t('Angola'),
'Anguilla' => t('Anguilla'),
'Antarctica' => t('Antarctica'),
'Antigua And Barbuda' => t('Antigua And Barbuda'),
'Argentina' => t('Argentina'),
'Armenia' => t('Armenia'),
'Aruba' => t('Aruba'),
'Australia' => t('Australia'),
'Austria' => t('Austria'),
'Azerbaijan' => t('Azerbaijan'),
'Bahamas' => t('Bahamas'),
'Bahrain' => t('Bahrain'),
'Bangladesh' => t('Bangladesh'),
'Barbados' => t('Barbados'),
'Belarus' => t('Belarus'),
'Belgium' => t('Belgium'),
'Belize' => t('Belize'),
'Benin' => t('Benin'),
'Bermuda' => t('Bermuda'),
'Bhutan' => t('Bhutan'),
'Bolivia' => t('Bolivia'),
'Bosnia and Herzegowina' => t('Bosnia and Herzegowina'),
'Botswana' => t('Botswana'),
'Bouvet Island' => t('Bouvet Island'),
'Brazil' => t('Brazil'),
'British Indian Ocean Territory' => t('British Indian Ocean Territory'),
'Brunei Darussalam' => t('Brunei Darussalam'),
'Bulgaria' => t('Bulgaria'),
'Burkina Faso' => t('Burkina Faso'),
'Burma' => t('Burma'),
'Burundi' => t('Burundi'),
'Cambodia' => t('Cambodia'),
'Cameroon' => t('Cameroon'),
'Canada' => t('Canada'),
'Cape Verde' => t('Cape Verde'),
'Cayman Islands' => t('Cayman Islands'),
'Central African Republic' => t('Central African Republic'),
'Chad' => t('Chad'),
'Chile' => t('Chile'),
'China' => t('China'),
'Christmas Island' => t('Christmas Island'),
'Cocos (Keeling) Islands' => t('Cocos (Keeling) Islands'),
'Colombia' => t('Colombia'),
'Comoros' => t('Comoros'),
'Congo' => t('Congo'),
'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the' => t('Congo, the Democratic Republic of the'),
'Cook Islands' => t('Cook Islands'),
'Costa Rica' => t('Costa Rica'),
'Cote d\'Ivoire' => t('Cote d\'Ivoire'),
'Croatia' => t('Croatia'),
'Cuba' => t('Cuba'),
'Cyprus' => t('Cyprus'),
'Czech Republic' => t('Czech Republic'),
'Denmark' => t('Denmark'),
'Djibouti' => t('Djibouti'),
'Dominica' => t('Dominica'),
'Dominican Republic' => t('Dominican Republic'),
'East Timor' => t('East Timor'),
'Ecuador' => t('Ecuador'),
'Egypt' => t('Egypt'),
'El Salvador' => t('El Salvador'),
'England' => t('England'),
'Equatorial Guinea' => t('Equatorial Guinea'),
'Eritrea' => t('Eritrea'),
'Espana' => t('Espana'),
'Estonia' => t('Estonia'),
'Ethiopia' => t('Ethiopia'),
'Falkland Islands' => t('Falkland Islands'),
'Faroe Islands' => t('Faroe Islands'),
'Fiji' => t('Fiji'),
'Finland' => t('Finland'),
'France' => t('France'),
'French Guiana' => t('French Guiana'),
'French Polynesia' => t('French Polynesia'),
'French Southern Territories' => t('French Southern Territories'),
'Gabon' => t('Gabon'),
'Gambia' => t('Gambia'),
'Georgia' => t('Georgia'),
'Germany' => t('Germany'),
'Ghana' => t('Ghana'),
'Gibraltar' => t('Gibraltar'),
'Great Britain' => t('Great Britain'),
'Greece' => t('Greece'),
'Greenland' => t('Greenland'),
'Grenada' => t('Grenada'),
'Guadeloupe' => t('Guadeloupe'),
'Guam' => t('Guam'),
'Guatemala' => t('Guatemala'),
'Guinea' => t('Guinea'),
'Guinea-Bissau' => t('Guinea-Bissau'),
'Guyana' => t('Guyana'),
'Haiti' => t('Haiti'),
'Heard and Mc Donald Islands' => t('Heard and Mc Donald Islands'),
'Honduras' => t('Honduras'),
'Hong Kong' => t('Hong Kong'),
'Hungary' => t('Hungary'),
'Iceland' => t('Iceland'),
'India' => t('India'),
'Indonesia' => t('Indonesia'),
'Ireland' => t('Ireland'),
'Israel' => t('Israel'),
'Italy' => t('Italy'),
'Iran' => t('Iran'),
'Iraq' => t('Iraq'),
'Jamaica' => t('Jamaica'),
'Japan' => t('Japan'),
'Jordan' => t('Jordan'),
'Kazakhstan' => t('Kazakhstan'),
'Kenya' => t('Kenya'),
'Kiribati' => t('Kiribati'),
'Korea, Republic of' => t('Korea, Republic of'),
'Korea (South)' => t('Korea (South)'),
'Kuwait' => t('Kuwait'),
'Kyrgyzstan' => t('Kyrgyzstan'),
'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic' => t('Lao People\'s Democratic Republic'),
'Latvia' => t('Latvia'),
'Lebanon' => t('Lebanon'),
'Lesotho' => t('Lesotho'),
'Liberia' => t('Liberia'),
'Liechtenstein' => t('Liechtenstein'),
'Lithuania' => t('Lithuania'),
'Luxembourg' => t('Luxembourg'),
'Macau' => t('Macau'),
'Macedonia' => t('Macedonia'),
'Madagascar' => t('Madagascar'),
'Malawi' => t('Malawi'),
'Malaysia' => t('Malaysia'),
'Maldives' => t('Maldives'),
'Mali' => t('Mali'),
'Malta' => t('Malta'),
'Marshall Islands' => t('Marshall Islands'),
'Martinique' => t('Martinique'),
'Mauritania' => t('Mauritania'),
'Mauritius' => t('Mauritius'),
'Mayotte' => t('Mayotte'),
'Mexico' => t('Mexico'),
'Micronesia, Federated States of' => t('Micronesia, Federated States of'),
'Moldova, Republic of' => t('Moldova, Republic of'),
'Monaco' => t('Monaco'),
'Mongolia' => t('Mongolia'),
'Montserrat' => t('Montserrat'),
'Morocco' => t('Morocco'),
'Mozambique' => t('Mozambique'),
'Myanmar' => t('Myanmar'),
'Namibia' => t('Namibia'),
'Nauru' => t('Nauru'),
'Nepal' => t('Nepal'),
'Netherlands' => t('Netherlands'),
'Netherlands Antilles' => t('Netherlands Antilles'),
'New Caledonia' => t('New Caledonia'),
'New Zealand' => t('New Zealand'),
'Nicaragua' => t('Nicaragua'),
'Niger' => t('Niger'),
'Nigeria' => t('Nigeria'),
'Niue' => t('Niue'),
'Norfolk Island' => t('Norfolk Island'),
'Northern Ireland' => t('Northern Ireland'),
'Northern Mariana Islands' => t('Northern Mariana Islands'),
'Norway' => t('Norway'),
'Oman' => t('Oman'),
'Pakistan' => t('Pakistan'),
'Palau' => t('Palau'),
'Panama' => t('Panama'),
'Papua New Guinea' => t('Papua New Guinea'),
'Paraguay' => t('Paraguay'),
'Peru' => t('Peru'),
'Philippines' => t('Philippines'),
'Pitcairn' => t('Pitcairn'),
'Poland' => t('Poland'),
'Portugal' => t('Portugal'),
'Puerto Rico' => t('Puerto Rico'),
'Qatar' => t('Qatar'),
'Reunion' => t('Reunion'),
'Romania' => t('Romania'),
'Russia' => t('Russia'),
'Rwanda' => t('Rwanda'),
'Saint Kitts and Nevis' => t('Saint Kitts and Nevis'),
'Saint Lucia' => t('Saint Lucia'),
'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' => t('Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'),
'Samoa (Independent)' => t('Samoa (Independent)'),
'San Marino' => t('San Marino'),
'Sao Tome and Principe' => t('Sao Tome and Principe'),
'Saudi Arabia' => t('Saudi Arabia'),
'Scotland' => t('Scotland'),
'Senegal' => t('Senegal'),
'Serbia and Montenegro' => t('Serbia and Montenegro'),
'Seychelles' => t('Seychelles'),
'Sierra Leone' => t('Sierra Leone'),
'Singapore' => t('Singapore'),
'Slovakia' => t('Slovakia'),
'Slovenia' => t('Slovenia'),
'Solomon Islands' => t('Solomon Islands'),
'Somalia' => t('Somalia'),
'South Africa' => t('South Africa'),
'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands' => t('South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands'),
'South Korea' => t('South Korea'),
'Spain' => t('Spain'),
'Sri Lanka' => t('Sri Lanka'),
'St. Helena' => t('St. Helena'),
'St. Pierre and Miquelon' => t('St. Pierre and Miquelon'),
'Suriname' => t('Suriname'),
'Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands' => t('Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands'),
'Swaziland' => t('Swaziland'),
'Sweden' => t('Sweden'),
'Switzerland' => t('Switzerland'),
'Taiwan' => t('Taiwan'),
'Tajikistan' => t('Tajikistan'),
'Tanzania' => t('Tanzania'),
'Thailand' => t('Thailand'),
'Togo' => t('Togo'),
'Tokelau' => t('Tokelau'),
'Tonga' => t('Tonga'),
'Trinidad' => t('Trinidad'),
'Trinidad and Tobago' => t('Trinidad and Tobago'),
'Tunisia' => t('Tunisia'),
'Turkey' => t('Turkey'),
'Turkmenistan' => t('Turkmenistan'),
'Turks and Caicos Islands' => t('Turks and Caicos Islands'),
'Tuvalu' => t('Tuvalu'),
'Uganda' => t('Uganda'),
'Ukraine' => t('Ukraine'),
'United Arab Emirates' => t('United Arab Emirates'),
'United Kingdom' => t('United Kingdom'),
'United States' => t('United States'),
'United States Minor Outlying Islands' => t('United States Minor Outlying Islands'),
'Uruguay' => t('Uruguay'),
'Uzbekistan' => t('Uzbekistan'),
'Vanuatu' => t('Vanuatu'),
'Vatican City State (Holy See)' => t('Vatican City State (Holy See)'),
'Venezuela' => t('Venezuela'),
'Viet Nam' => t('Viet Nam'),
'Virgin Islands (British)' => t('Virgin Islands (British)'),
'Virgin Islands (U.S.)' => t('Virgin Islands (U.S.)'),
'Wales' => t('Wales'),
'Wallis and Futuna Islands' => t('Wallis and Futuna Islands'),
'Western Sahara' => t('Western Sahara'),
'Yemen' => t('Yemen'),
'Zambia' => t('Zambia'),
'Zimbabwe' => t('Zimbabwe'),
return $countries;
function _helpers_data_us_states_array() {
$states = array(
'AL' => t('Alabama'),
'AK' => t('Alaska'),
'AZ' => t('Arizona'),
'AR' => t('Arkansas'),
'CA' => t('California'),
'CO' => t('Colorado'),
'CT' => t('Connecticut'),
'DC' => t('D.C.'),
'DE' => t('Delaware'),
'FL' => t('Florida'),
'GA' => t('Georgia'),
'HI' => t('Hawaii'),
'ID' => t('Idaho'),
'IL' => t('Illinois'),
'IN' => t('Indiana'),
'IA' => t('Iowa'),
'KS' => t('Kansas'),
'KY' => t('Kentucky'),
'LA' => t('Louisiana'),
'ME' => t('Maine'),
'MD' => t('Maryland'),
'MA' => t('Massachusetts'),
'MI' => t('Michigan'),
'MN' => t('Minnesota'),
'MS' => t('Mississippi'),
'MO' => t('Missouri'),
'MT' => t('Montana'),
'NE' => t('Nebraska'),
'NV' => t('Nevada'),
'NH' => t('New Hampshire'),
'NJ' => t('New Jersey'),
'NM' => t('New Mexico'),
'NY' => t('New York'),
'NC' => t('North Carolina'),
'ND' => t('North Dakota'),
'OH' => t('Ohio'),
'OK' => t('Oklahoma'),
'OR' => t('Oregon'),
'PA' => t('Pennsylvania'),
'RI' => t('Rhode Island'),
'SC' => t('South Carolina'),
'SD' => t('South Dakota'),
'TN' => t('Tennessee'),
'TX' => t('Texas'),
'UT' => t('Utah'),
'VT' => t('Vermont'),
'VA' => t('Virginia'),
'WA' => t('Washington'),
'WV' => t('West Virginia'),
'WI' => t('Wisconsin'),
'WY' => t('Wyoming'),
return $states;
function _helpers_data_month_names_array() {
$names = array(
1 => t('January'), 2 => t('February'), 3 => t('March'),
4 => t('April'), 5 => t('May'), 6 => t('June'),
7 => t('July'), 8 => t('August'), 9 => t('September'),
10 => t('October'), 11 => t('November'), 12 => t('December'),
return $names;