'google_appliance', 'callback' => 'google_appliance_search', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access' => true, ); $items[] = array ( 'path' => 'google_appliance_feeder', 'callback' => 'google_apppliance_feeder', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access' => true, ); $items[] = array( 'path' => 'admin/settings/google_appliance', 'title' => t('Google Appliance Settings'), 'description' => t('Configuration for the Google Appliance search'), 'callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'callback arguments' => array('google_appliance_admin_settings'), 'access' => user_access('administer search'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); } else { _google_appliance_add_meta_tags(); } return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_block(). */ function google_appliance_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) { switch ($op) { case 'list': $blocks['recommended_links']['info'] = t("Recommended Links"); $blocks['recommended_links']['title'] = t('Recommended Links'); $blocks['recommended_links']['pages'] = '*search/google_appliance*'; $blocks['recommended_links']['visibility'] = 1; return $blocks; break; case 'view': switch ($delta) { case 'recommended_links': if ($result =& google_appliance_static_response_cache()) { $matches = $result->getKeyMatches(); if (!$matches) { return; } $links = array(); foreach ($matches as $link => $title) { $links[] = l($title,$link); } if (count($links)) { $block['content'] = theme('item_list',$links); } else { return false; } } break; } return $block; break; } } function google_appliance_admin_settings() { $form = array(); // initial required config fields $form["config_init"] = array( "#title" => t("Initial Configuration"), "#type" => "fieldset", ); $form["config_init"]["google_appliance_name"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 30, "#title" => t("Search Name"), "#description" => t('The name of this search, to appear as sub-navigation on the search page.'), "#default_value" => variable_get('google_appliance_name', 'Google Appliance'), "#required" => true, ); $form["config_init"]["google_appliance_host_name"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 50, "#title" => t("Host Name"), "#description" => t('Your Google Search Appliance host name or IP address (with http:// or https://), which were assigned when the appliance was set up.
You do not need to include "/search" at the end, or a trailing slash, but you should include a port number if needed.
Example: http://mygooglebox.com'), "#default_value" => variable_get('google_appliance_host_name', ''), "#required" => true, ); $form["config_init"]["google_appliance_collection"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 20, "#title" => t("Collection"), "#description" => t('The name of the collection of indexed content to search.'), "#default_value" => variable_get('google_appliance_collection', ''), "#required" => true, ); $form["config_init"]["google_appliance_client"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 20, "#title" => t("Client"), "#description" => t('The name of a valid front-end, defined when you set up the appliance.'), "#default_value" => variable_get('google_appliance_client', ''), "#required" => true, ); $form["config_init"]["google_appliance_cache_timeout"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 20, "#title" => t("Cache Timeout"), "#description" => t('If you wish to use caching of results (to reduce load on mini, enter a timeout here'), "#default_value" => variable_get('google_appliance_cache_timeout', ''), ); $form["config_init"]["google_debug"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 20, "#title" => t("Debug Level"), "#description" => t('1 = watchdog, 2 = dpr(needs devel module), 3 = more dpr\'s'), "#default_value" => variable_get('google_debug', ''), ); // error message config $form["config_messages"] = array( "#title" => t("Error Messages"), "#type" => "fieldset", "#collapsible" => true, ); $form["config_messages"]["google_appliance_errorcode_1"] = array( "#title" => t("No results found"), "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 100, "#maxlength" => 255, "#required" => true, "#description" => t('If there are no results for the search criteria.'), "#default_value" => variable_get('google_appliance_errorcode_1', 'No results were found that matched your criteria. Please try broadening your search.'), ); $form["config_messages"]["google_appliance_errorcode_2"] = array( "#title" => t("More than 1,000 results"), "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 100, "#maxlength" => 255, "#required" => true, "#description" => t('If there are more than 1,000 results for the search criteria.'), "#default_value" => variable_get('google_appliance_errorcode_2', 'Sorry, but our search does not return more than 1,000 records, please refine your criteria.'), ); $form["config_messages"]["google_appliance_errorcode_neg_99"] = array( "#title" => t("Cannot perform search"), "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 100, "#maxlength" => 255, "#required" => true, "#description" => t('If the search cannot perform due to a query error.'), "#default_value" => variable_get('google_appliance_errorcode_neg_99', 'We apologize, but your search cannot be completed at this time, please try again later.'), ); $form["config_messages"]["google_appliance_errorcode_neg_100"] = array( "#title" => t("Cannot connect to Google Appliance"), "#type" => "textfield", "#size" => 100, "#maxlength" => 255, "#required" => true, "#description" => t('If the search cannot connect to the Google Appliance server.'), "#default_value" => variable_get('google_appliance_errorcode_neg_100','We apologize, but the connection to our search engine appears to be down at the moment, please try again later.'), ); // optional metadata configuration /* $form["config_metadata"] = array( "#title" => t("Metadata Configuration"), "#type" => "fieldset", "#collapsible" => true, ); */ // last but not least, submit $form["submit"] = array( "#type" => "submit", "#value" => t("Save Settings"), ); return $form; } /** * Validation function, though it's actually getting overridden by the #required fields... * */ function google_appliance_admin_settings_validate($form_id, $form) { if (empty($form['google_appliance_host_name'])) { form_set_error('google_appliance_host_name', t('Please enter your host name or IP address.')); } if (empty($form['google_appliance_collection'])) { form_set_error('google_appliance_collection', t('Please enter the name of the collection you want to search.')); } if (empty($form['google_appliance_client'])) { form_set_error('google_appliance_client', t('Please enter name of the client frontend you are searching.')); } if (empty($form['google_appliance_name'])) { form_set_error('google_appliance_name', t('Please enter the name of this search, to appear as sub-navigation on the search page.')); } } /** * Submits the admin settings form and saves all the variables. */ function google_appliance_admin_settings_submit($form_id, $form) { variable_set('google_appliance_host_name', check_plain($form['google_appliance_host_name'])); variable_set('google_appliance_collection', check_plain($form['google_appliance_collection'])); variable_set('google_appliance_client', check_plain($form['google_appliance_client'])); variable_set('google_appliance_name', check_plain($form['google_appliance_name'])); variable_set('google_appliance_cache_timeout', check_plain($form['google_appliance_cache_timeout'])); variable_set('google_debug', check_plain($form['google_debug'])); // don't run check_plain on these because they can have HTML variable_set('google_appliance_errorcode_1', $form['google_appliance_errorcode_1']); variable_set('google_appliance_errorcode_2', $form['google_appliance_errorcode_2']); variable_set('google_appliance_errorcode_neg_99', $form['google_appliance_errorcode_neg_99']); variable_set('google_appliance_errorcode_neg_100', $form['google_appliance_errorcode_neg_100']); drupal_set_message(t('Your settings have been saved.')); } /** * Invokes the google_appliance_appconfig hook to add tags to nodes * for indexing metadata by the google crawler. * */ function _google_appliance_add_meta_tags() { if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) { $node = node_load(arg(1)); theme('add_google_appliance_meta_tags', $node); } } function google_appliance_feeder() { //not sure if this is appropriate as everything should be findable via the main site, but this basically just creates a listing of all nodes. $result = db_query('SELECT * from {node} WHERE status = 1'); print ''; print ''; while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { print l($row->title,'node/' . $row->nid); } print ''; print ''; die(); } /** * Implementation of hook_search() * * @param string $op * Operation - name, reset, search, status * @param string $keys * Keyword string sent to the search * @return * Array of search results (each is an assoc. array) that can be fed to a theme function */ function google_appliance_search($op = 'search', $keys = null) { switch ($op) { case 'name': return t(variable_get('google_appliance_name', "Google Appliance")); break; case 'search': $dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'google_appliance'); include_once $dir . '/DrupalGoogleMini.php'; $google_debug = variable_get('google_debug',0); if ($google_debug >= 2 ){ $gm = new DrupalGoogleMini(true,'dpr'); } elseif ($google_debug == 1) { $gm = new DrupalGoogleMini(true); } else { $gm = new DrupalGoogleMini(false); } if ($cache = variable_get('google_appliance_cache_timeout',0) ) { cache_clear_all(null,'cache_google'); $gm->cache = true; } // initialize search object try { $gm->setOutputEncoding('utf8'); $gm->setInputEncoding('utf8'); $gm->setMetaDataRequested('*'); // get configuration from settings page $_tmp_host = variable_get('google_appliance_host_name', false); if (!$_tmp_host) { drupal_set_message(t('No host name has been configured for the search appliance. Please enter it on the Google Appliance settings page', array("@admin-url" => url("admin/settings/search/google_appliance"))), 'error'); return false; } $gm->baseUrl = $_tmp_host . "/search"; $gm->collection = variable_get('google_appliance_collection', ''); $gm->setQueryPart('client',variable_get('google_appliance_client', '')); // set search parameters $gm->setKeywords($keys); if (module_exists('i18n')) { if ($lang = i18n_get_lang()) { $gm->setLanguageFilter(array($lang)); } } } catch (GoogleMiniCriteriaException $e) { $code = $e->getCode(); if ($message = variable_get('google_appliance_errorcode_' . $code,'')) { $user_message = $message; } else { $user_message = GoogleMiniException::getUserMessage($code); } $error_message = $e->getMessage(); if ($code > 0) { $output .= "

" . $user_message . "

"; return $output; } else { watchdog('google_appliance', $error_message); drupal_set_message($error_message, 'error'); } } // perform the search $results = array(); try { $resultIterator = $gm->query(); google_appliance_static_response_cache($resultIterator); foreach ($resultIterator as $key => $result) { /*$results[] = array('link' => url('node/'. $doc->nid, NULL, NULL, TRUE), 'type' => node_get_types('name', $doc), 'title' => $doc->title, 'user' => theme('username', $doc), 'date' => $doc->changed, 'node' => $doc, 'extra' => $extra, 'score' => $doc->score, 'snippet' => $snippet); */ $results[] = theme('google_appliance_search_result_array', $result); } } catch(Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() > 0) { google_appliance_static_response_cache($resultIterator); } drupal_set_message($e->getMessage()); return false; } return $results; break; case 'reset': case 'status': // do nothing break; } } function theme_add_google_appliance_meta_tags($node) { // create list of tags to add $results = array(); /** * Adding taxonomy tags */ $vocabs = taxonomy_get_vocabularies(); if (module_exists('nat') && $node->nat) { $node->taxonomy = array_merge($node->nat,$node->taxonomy); //$node->taoxnomy[] = $ } foreach ($node->taxonomy as $term ) { $tagname = 'category-' . strtolower($vocabs[$term->vid]->name); $results[] = array($tagname, $term->name); } /** * Adding sort date IMPORTANT: for sorting, mini must be configured to use htis tag */ $results[] = array('date', date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $node->changed)); $results[] = array('created', date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $node->created)); /** * Normally this doesn't matter, * but if you want to allow the gsa to * access unpublished pages and later filter * on this you will need it. */ $results[] = array('status', $node->status); /** * i18n configuration */ if ($node->language) { $results[] = array('content-language', $node->language); } /** * node type */ $results[] = array('type', $node->type); /** * Author */ $node->uid = empty($node->uid) ? 0: $node->uid; $user = user_load(array('uid' => 0)); $user->name = empty($user->name) ? 'anonymous' : $user->name; $results[] = array('author' => $user->name); // add meta tags foreach ($results as $res) { list($name, $content) = $res; $content = strip_tags($content); drupal_set_html_head(''); } } function theme_google_appliance_search_result_array($result) { return array( 'link' => $result->U, 'user' => $result->getMetaData('user'), 'type' => $result->getMetaData('type'), 'title' => strip_tags($result->T), 'date' => strtotime($result->getMetaData('date')), 'snippet' => decode_entities((string)$result->S), ); } function google_appliance_form_alter($form_id,&$form) { if ($form_id == 'block_admin_configure'){ $module = $form['module']['#value']; $delta = $form['delta']['#value']; $var_name = $module . '-' .$delta; $ga_blocksettings = google_appliance_blocksettings_get(); $form['block_settings']['google_appliance'] = array ( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t("Google Appliance Settings"), '#description' => t(''), '#collapsed' => true, '#collapsible' => true, '#tree' => true, '#weight' => -1, ); $form['block_settings']['google_appliance']['hide'] = array ( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t("Do you want to hide this block from the GSA crawler?"), '#description' => t('Select No if you want this block content to be crawled with the page content.'), '#options' => array(1 => t('Yes'), 0 => t('No')), '#default_value' => isset($ga_blocksettings[$var_name]) ? $ga_blocksettings[$var_name] : 1, '#collapsed' => true, '#collapsible' => true, '#tree' => true, ); $form['#submit']['google_appliance_block_save'] = array(); return $form; } } function google_appliance_block_save($form_id,$form_values) { $var_name = $form_values['module'] . '-' . $form_values['delta']; $block_settings = google_appliance_blocksettings_get(); if (!isset($form_values['google_appliance']['hide'])) { unset($block_settings[$var_name]); } else { $block_settings[$var_name] = $form_values['google_appliance']['hide']; } google_appliance_blocksettings_set($block_settings); } function google_appliance_blocksettings_set($new_val) { variable_set('google_appliance_block_settings',$new_val); } function google_appliance_blocksettings_get() { static $google_appliance; if (empty($google_appliance)) { $google_appliance = variable_get('google_appliance_block_settings',array()); } return $google_appliance; } function google_appliance_block_nogoogle($block) { $gsa_block_settings = google_appliance_blocksettings_get(); $var_name = $block->module . '-' . $block->delta; if (!isset($gsa_block_settings[$var_name]) || $gsa_block_settings[$var_name]) { return true; } } /** * It is important to hold on to the Google Appliance response object for the duration of the * page request so that we can use it for things like the keymatch block * * Stolen from apachesolr module * * */ function &google_appliance_static_response_cache($response = NULL) { static $_response; if (!empty($response)) { $_response = drupal_clone($response); } return $_response; } function google_appliance_simpletest() { $dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'google_appliance'). '/tests'; $tests = file_scan_directory($dir, '\.test$'); return array_keys($tests); } ?>