'300px', 'height' => '200px', 'zoom' => 3, 'controltype' => 'Small', 'align' => 'None', 'latlong' => '40,0', 'maptype' => 'Map', 'line_colors' => array('#00cc00', '#ff0000', '#0000ff'), 'behavior' => array( 'locpick' => FALSE, 'nodrag' => FALSE, 'nokeyboard' => TRUE, 'autozoom' => FALSE, 'dynmarkers' => FALSE, // Load the marker system even if no markers are found ), )); } /** * Set up the HTML header for GMap. */ function _gmap_doheader(){ static $gmap_initialized = FALSE; if ($gmap_initialized) { return; } $gmap_path = drupal_get_path('module','gmap'); drupal_add_css($gmap_path .'/gmap.css'); drupal_add_js($gmap_path. '/js/gmap.js'); // @@@ drupal_add_js($gmap_path.'/js/poly.js'); drupal_set_html_head(''); $gmap_initialized = TRUE; } /** * Implementation of hook_perm(). */ function gmap_perm() { return array('create macro'); } /** * * Returns the html required to insert a map from a gmap associative array. * * @param $gmap * An associative array with the following variables set: * * id - the id of the map every map on a page must have a unique id * width - width of the map * height - height of the map * latitude - a string of the latitude f the centre of the map * longitude - a string of the longitude of the centre of the map (the previous string center still works) * zoom - the zoom factor of the google map * align - the alignment of the map 'right', 'left' or 'center' * control - the control shown on the map 'Large', 'Small', or 'None' * tcontrol - whether the type control is on the map or not: 'off' or 'on' * scontrol - whether the scale control is on the map or not: 'off' or 'on' * ocontrol - width and height of the overview control map: 'width,height' * type - 'Map', 'Hybrid' or 'Satellite' * drag - 'yes' or 'no' map is draggable. Default is 'yes' * markers - an array of associative arrays for the markers. * shapes - an array of associative arrays for the overlays. * track - a file containing a series of points in .plt format to be * inserted into the node. * feeds - an associative array of rss feeds * wmss - an associative array of WMS services * * Xmaps must be enabled for circle and polygon to work. * * @param $javascript * Some javascript to insert into function after drawing the map. * note that '{id}' will be replaced with the map id. * * @return * A string with the google map ready to be inserted into a node. * */ function gmap_draw_map($gmap, $javascript='') { echo "GMap Module: DRAW_MAP CALLED -- This function is scheduled for deletion!
"; /* * This function will be removed as soon as I can fix all the instances * where it was used in the past. * The reason for completely removing this function lies in the second parameter: * Allowing arbitrary javascript here is somewhat incompatible with the new way * of doing things and is terribly inefficient. The recommended method now is to * put your code in a js file that extends the javascript GMap API and drupal_add_js * it to the page during theming. * */ return ''; // The rest of this function is legacy code that still needs picked through. global $base_url, $node; _gmap_doheader(); if (file_exists('misc/gxmarker.2.js')) { $gxmarkerjs=1; } else { $gxmarkerjs=0; } $defaults = array( 'autozoom' => FALSE, 'align' => '', 'tcontrol' => 'off', 'scontrol' => 'off', // 'ocontrol' => 'off', 'id' => 'map', 'drag' => 'yes', ); // prefer $gmap, then $defaults, then the global defaults.. $gmap = array_merge(gmap_defaults(),$defaults,$gmap); $clusterset=false; (!isset($gmap['drag'])) ? $gmap['drag']='yes':NULL; if (!isset($gmap['latitude']) && !isset($gmap['center'])&& isset($gmap['latlong'])){ //backwards compatible with macros created by previous version of this program list($gmap['latitude'],$gmap['longitude']) =explode(',',$gmap['latlong']); } elseif (!isset($gmap['latitude']) && isset($gmap['center'])){ list($gmap['latitude'],$gmap['longitude']) =explode(',',$gmap['center']); } // @@@ FIX THIS! /*' var mycontrol=null; var mytypecontrol=null; var '.$gmap['id'].'=null; var gxmarkerjs='.$gxmarkerjs.'; var gmapMarkerLocation="/'.variable_get('gmap_markerfiles',drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap') .'/markers').'"; var markerlink='.variable_get('gmap_on_click',0).'; var bounds = new GLatLngBounds(); '; if (isset($gmap['wmss'])) { $outtext.= ' // WMS layers '; $outtext.= ' '.$gmap['id'].'.getMapTypes().length = 0;'; $ic=0; foreach ($gmap['wmss'] as $item) { $map_name = eregi_replace("[^a-z0-9_-]", "_", $item['name']); (!isset($item['minresolution'])) ? $item['minresolution']='1': NULL; (!isset($item['maxresolution'])) ? $item['maxresolution']='17': NULL; (!isset($item['format'])) ? $item['format']='image/gif': NULL; (!isset($item['merczoomlevel'])) ? $item['merczoomlevel']='5': NULL; $outtext.= ' var ccol_'.$map_name.' = new GCopyrightCollection("'.$item['name'].'"); '; if(isset($item['copyrights'])){ foreach ($item['copyrights'] as $copyright) { (!isset($copyright['bounds'])) ? $copyright['bounds']='-190,-90,180,90': NULL; (!isset($copyright['minzoom'])) ? $copyright['minzoom']='1': NULL; (!isset($copyright['text'])) ? $copyright['text']='': NULL; $coords = explode(",", $copyright['bounds']); $outtext.= ' var sw_'.$ic.' = new GLatLng('.$coords[0].','.$coords[1].',false); var ne_'.$ic.' = new GLatLng('.$coords[2].','.$coords[3].',false); var llb_'.$ic.' = new GLatLngBounds(sw_'.$ic.',ne_'.$ic.'); var cr_'.$ic.' = new GCopyright(1,llb_'.$ic.','.$copyright['minzoom'].',"'.$copyright['text'].'"); ccol_'.$map_name.'.addCopyright(cr_'.$ic.'); '; $ic++; } } $outtext.= ' var t_'.$map_name.'= new GTileLayer(ccol_'.$map_name.','.$item['minresolution'].','.$item['maxresolution'].'); t_'.$map_name.'.myMercZoomLevel='.$item['merczoomlevel'].'; t_'.$map_name.'.myBaseURL=\''.$item['url'].'\'; t_'.$map_name.'.myLayers=\''.$item['layers'].'\'; t_'.$map_name.'.myFormat=\''.$item['format'].'\'; t_'.$map_name.'.myMapname=\''.$gmap['id'].'\'; t_'.$map_name.'.getTileUrl=CustomGetTileUrl; '; if(isset($item['opacity'])){ $outtext.= "t_".$map_name.".myOpacity=".$item['opacity'].";\n \n"; $outtext.= "t_".$map_name.".getOpacity=customOpacity;\n \n"; } if(isset($item['overlaywith'])){ switch (strtolower($item['overlaywith'])) { case 'map': $outtext.= "var l_".$map_name."1=[G_NORMAL_MAP.getTileLayers()[0]]; \n "; break; case 'hybrid': //We overlay with roads only, not with the satellite imagery $outtext.= "var l_".$map_name."1=[G_HYBRID_MAP.getTileLayers()[1]]; \n "; break; case 'satellite': $outtext.= "var l_".$map_name."1=[G_SATELLITE_MAP.getTileLayers()[0]]; \n "; break; default: $outtext.= "var l_".$map_name."1=[]; \n "; } } $outtext.= 'var l_'.$map_name.'2=[t_'.$map_name.'];'; switch (strtolower($item['overlaywith'])) { case 'hybrid': $outtext.= ' var l_'.$map_name.'=l_'.$map_name.'2.concat(l_'.$map_name.'1);'; break; default: $outtext.= ' var l_'.$map_name.'=l_'.$map_name.'1.concat(l_'.$map_name.'2);'; } $outtext.= ' var m_'.$map_name.' = new GMapType(l_'.$map_name.', G_SATELLITE_MAP.getProjection(), "'.$item['name'].'", G_SATELLITE_MAP); '.$gmap['id'].'.addMapType(m_'.$map_name.'); '; } } if (strtolower($gmap['tcontrol'])=='on' || strtolower($gmap['tcontrol'])=='yes') { $outtext .= $gmap['id'].'.addControl(mytypecontrol=new GMapTypeControl()); '; } if (strtolower($gmap['scontrol'])=='on' || strtolower($gmap['scontrol'])=='yes') { $outtext .= $gmap['id'].'.addControl(myscalecontrol=new GScaleControl()); '; } if (isset($gmap['ocontrol']) && strlen($gmap['ocontrol']) > 0) { $osize = explode(",", $gmap['ocontrol']); if (intval($osize[0]) > 0 and intval($osize[1]) > 0) { $outtext .= $gmap['id'].'.addControl(myovcontrol=new GOverviewMapControl(new GSize('.$osize[0].','.$osize[1].'))); '; } } if (isset($gmap['tracks'])) { foreach ($gmap['tracks'] as $value) { $tt=$value; $tt['type']='line'; $tt['points']=array(); if($trackFH = fopen($tt['filename'], "r")) { while(!feof($trackFH)) { $line = fgets($trackFH, 4096); $line_exploded = explode(",", $line); if(count($line_exploded) == 7) { $tt['points'][] = array('latitude' => trim($line_exploded[0]), 'longitude' => trim($line_exploded[1])); } } fclose($trackFH); } $gmap['shape'][]=$tt; } } if (isset($gmap['markers'])) { if (GMAP_CLUSTER) { $outtext .="\n var clusterer = new Clusterer(".$gmap['id'].");\n"; $markerfile = $base_url.'/'.variable_get('gmap_markerfiles',drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap') .'/markers').'/'.variable_get('gmap_cluster_marker', 'cluster').'.png'; if (file_exists($markerfile)) { $outtext .=" clusterIcon = createIcon('$markerfile') \n"; $outtext .=" clusterer.SetIcon(clusterIcon);\n"; } $outtext .=" clusterer.SetMaxVisibleMarkers(".variable_get('gmap_cluster_max_markers', 150).");\n"; $outtext .=" clusterer.SetMinMarkersPerCluster(".variable_get('gmap_cluster_min_per_cluster', 5).");\n"; $outtext .=" clusterer.SetMaxLinesPerInfoBox(".variable_get('gmap_cluster_max_lines', 10).");\n\n"; $clusterset=true; } $lastmarker=''; foreach ($gmap['markers'] as $item) { $mymarker=''; $mytext=''; if (isset($item['markername'])){ if ($item['markername']==$lastmarker) { $i++; } else { $lastmarker=$item['markername']; $i=1; } if (file_exists(variable_get('gmap_markerfiles',drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap') .'/markers').'/'.$item['markername'].$i.'.png')) { $mymarker=$base_url.'/'.variable_get('gmap_markerfiles',drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap') .'/markers').'/'.$item['markername'].$i.'.png'; } elseif (file_exists(variable_get('gmap_markerfiles',drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap') .'/markers').'/'.$item['markername'].'.png')) { $mymarker=$base_url.'/'.variable_get('gmap_markerfiles',drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap') .'/markers').'/'.$item['markername'].'.png'; } } if (isset($item['text']) && strlen(trim($item['text']))>0) { $mytext=$item['text']; } elseif (isset($item['label']) && strlen(trim($item['label']))>0) { $mytext=$item['label']; } $divstyle=''; if (isset($item['winwidth']) && trim($item['winwidth']) != '') { $divstyle='width: '.$item['winwidth'].'; '; } if (strlen($divstyle) >0 && strlen(trim($mytext))>0) { $mytext = '
'; } elseif (strlen(trim($mytext))>0){ //special line to insert nodeid into text. //$mytext=str_replace('##NODE##', $node->nid, $mytext); $mytext = '
'; } else { $mytext=''; } if (isset($item['tooltip'])) { $tooltip=check_plain($item['tooltip']); } else { $tooltip=''; } if (isset($item['link'])) { $link=$item['link']; } else { $link=''; } if (GMAP_CLUSTER) { $outtext .='clusterer.AddMarker(createGMarker(new GLatLng('.$item['latitude'].','.$item['longitude'].'),\''.$mytext.'\',\''.$mymarker."','$tooltip','$link'),'".l($tooltip,$base_url.$link)."');\n"; $clusterset=true; } else { $outtext .=$gmap['id'].'.addOverlay(createGMarker(new GLatLng('.$item['latitude'].','.$item['longitude'].'),\''.$mytext.'\',\''.$mymarker."','$tooltip','$link'));\n"; if($gmap['autozoom']){ $outtext .='bounds.extend(new GLatLng('.$item['latitude'].','.$item['longitude'].'));'."\n"; } } } } if ($gmap['autozoom']){ $outtext .= 'var center_lat = (bounds.getNorthEast().lat() + bounds.getSouthWest().lat()) / 2.0; var center_lng = (bounds.getNorthEast().lng() + bounds.getSouthWest().lng()) / 2.0; var center = new GLatLng(center_lat,center_lng); var zoom = '.$gmap['id'].'.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds); '.$gmap['id'].'.setCenter(center,zoom);'; } if (isset($gmap['shape']) && !variable_get('gmap_xmaps',0)) { //if xmaps is not enabled then just show the lines using straight google maps. foreach ($gmap['shape'] as $value) { $style =''; if (trim($value['type'])=='line') { if (isset($value['color'])) { $style .=",'".$value['color']."'"; if (isset($value['width'])) { $style .=','.$value['width']; if (isset($value['opacity'])) { $style .=','.$value['opacity']; } } } // $linetxt ='new GLatLng('.implode('), new GLatLng(',$value['latitude'].','.$value['longitude']).')'; $linetxt=''; foreach ($value['points'] as $lvalue) { if (strlen($linetxt)>0) { $linetxt .= ', '; } $linetxt .="new GLatLng(".$lvalue['latitude'].','.$lvalue['longitude'].")"; } $outtext .="\n".$gmap['id'].".addOverlay(new GPolyline([$linetxt] $style));"; } } } if (isset($gmap['feeds'])) { // if (GMAP_CLUSTER && !$clusterset) { // $outtext .="\n var clusterer = new Clusterer(".$gmap['id'].");\n"; // } foreach ($gmap['feeds'] as $item) { $mymarker=''; if (isset($item['markername'])){ if (file_exists(variable_get('gmap_markerfiles',drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap') .'/markers').'/'.$item['markername'].'.png')) { $mymarker=$base_url.'/'.variable_get('gmap_markerfiles',drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap') .'/markers').'/'.$item['markername'].'.png'; } } if (isset($item['url'])) { $outtext.= "parseGeoRSS(".$gmap['id'].",'".$item['url']."','$mymarker');\n"; } } } if (strlen($javascript)>0) { $javascript=str_replace('{id}',$gmap['id'],$javascript); $outtext .=$javascript; } $outtext .="\n } \n //]]> "; return $outtext; */ } /** * * Cleans the gmap variables to prevent javascript interjection * * @param $gmap * A Gmap variable * * @return * A GMap variable with any dangerous text removed. * * This does not really do much of anything right now. */ function gmap_sanitize(&$gmap){ //sanitizes the gmap variables to reduce the possibility of javascript inserts foreach ($gmap as $key=>$value) { if ($key=='id') { $out = array(); preg_match('([a-zA-Z1-9_-]*)', $value, $out); if (strlen($out[0])==0) { $out[0]='map'; } $gmap[$key]=$out[0]; } else { $gmap[$key]=str_replace(';','',$value); } } } /** * * Returns a variable based on . * * @param $instring * A string with the settings of gmap insertion in the format var=setting|var2=setting2 * The possible variables are * id - the id of the map every map on a page must have a unique id * width - width of the map * height - height of the map * center - a string of the longitude and latitude of the centre of the map * zoom - the zoom factor of the google map * align - the alignment of the map 'right', 'left' or 'center' * control - the control shown on the map 'Large', 'Small', or 'None' * type - 'Map', 'Hybrid' or 'Satellite' * points/markers - a string of points to mark on the map with + between * each point * line - the line is defined by a set of points separated by a + * track - Draws a line based on the points in the .plt file * The following shape types require XMaps: * circle - a circle based on a center point and a radius in km separated * by a + and optionally can include the number of sizes. * rpolygon - a regular polygon is defined by the center point and a point * on the permiter separated by a + * polygon - a polygon is defined by a set of points * * Each of the shapes types can optionally have charecteristics of colour, * width, opacity, pattern, text, fill colour, fill opacity. Pattern, text * and fill are all only used by xmaps. * color - hexadecimal for the colour include the '#' * * * @return * A string with the google map ready to be inserted into a node. * */ function gmap_parse_macro($instring,$ver=2) { // Remove leading and trailing tags if (substr(trim($instring),-1)==']') { $instring=substr(trim($instring), 0, -1); } if (substr($instring, 0,5)=='[gmap') { $instring=substr($instring, 6); } // Chop the macro into an array $temp = explode('|',$instring); $m = array(); foreach ($temp as $row) { if (strlen(trim($row)) > 0) { $r = explode('=',$row); // Things that can appear multiple times if (in_array(trim($r[0]),array('points','markers'))) { $m[trim($r[0])][] = trim($r[1]); } else { $m[trim($r[0])] = trim($r[1]); } } } // Synonyms if ($m['type']) { $m['maptype'] = $m['type']; unset($m['type']); } $m['lines'] = array(); $m['delme'] = array(); // List of keys to delete. // Look for keys needing handling reset($m); while (list($k,$v) = each($m)) { // Put all lines in the line array. if((strpos($k,'line')===0) && $k!='lines') { $m['lines'][intval(substr($k,4))-1] = _gmap_str2points($v); $m['delme'][] = $k; } } // Clean up unneeded elements. foreach($m['delme'] as $k => $v) { unset($m[$v]); } unset($m['delme']); // Merge points and markers if(!is_array($m['points'])) $m['points'] = array(); if(!is_array($m['markers'])) $m['markers'] = array(); $m['markers-temp'] = array_merge($m['points'],$m['markers']); unset($m['points']); unset($m['markers']); // Version 1 -> 2 conversion if ($ver==1) { // Zoom is flipped if ($m['zoom']) { $m['zoom'] = 18 - $m['zoom']; if ($m['zoom'] < 1) { $m['zoom'] = 1; } } } // Center -> latitude and longitude if ($m['center']) { list($m['latitude'],$m['longitude']) = explode(',',$m['center']); unset($m['center']); } // Markers fixup foreach ($m['markers-temp'] as $t) { unset($markername); // Named? if(strpos($t,'::')) { // Single : gets handled below. list($markername,$t) = explode('::',$t,2); } // Break down into points $points = explode('+',$t); $offset = 0; foreach ($points as $point) { $marker = array(); $offset++; // Labelled? // @@@ Gmap allows both a tooltip and a popup, how to represent? if (strpos($point,':')) { list($point,$marker['text']) = explode(':',$point,2); $marker['text'] = theme('gmap_marker_popup',$marker['text']); } list($marker['latitude'],$marker['longitude']) = explode(',',$point,2); // Named markers get an offset too. if (isset($markername)) { $marker['markername'] = $markername; $marker['offset'] = $offset; } $m['markers'][] = $marker; } } unset($m['markers-temp']); /* case 'track': $tt['color']=GMAP_LINECOLOR1; if (strpos($t[1],':')) { // note: we don't care about case starting with ':' list($configs,$t[1])=explode(':',$t[1],2); list($tt['color'],$tt['width'],$tt['opacity'],$tt['pattern'],$tt['text'])=explode('/',$configs); } $tt['filename'] =$t[1]; $gmap['tracks'][] = $tt; break; case 'feed': if (strpos($t[1],'::')) { // note: we don't care about case starting with ':' list($markername,$t[1])=explode('::',$t[1],2); } $tt['url'] =$t[1]; if (isset($markername)){ $tt['markername']=$markername; } $gmap['feeds'][] = $tt; break; case 'wmss': unset($ttt); $ttt = explode('+',$t[1]); for ($i =0; $i$value) { $tt['points'][$key]=gmap_dopoint($value,$ver); } $tt['type'] = 'line'; $gmap['shape'][] = $tt; break; case 'circle': if (strpos($t[1],':')) { // note: we don't care about case starting with ':' list($configs,$t[1])=explode(':',$t[1],2); list($tt['color'],$tt['width'],$tt['opacity'],$tt['pattern'],$tt['text'],$tt['fillcolor'],$tt['fillopacity'])=explode('/',$configs); } list($tt['center'],$tt['radius'],$tt['sides'])= explode('+',$t[1]); $tt['type']='circle'; $gmap['shape'][] = $tt; break; case 'rpolygon': if (strpos($t[1],':')) { // note: we don't care about case starting with ':' list($configs,$t[1])=explode(':',$t[1],2); list($tt['color'],$tt['width'],$tt['opacity'],$tt['pattern'],$tt['text'],$tt['fillcolor'],$tt['fillopacity'])=explode('/',$configs); } list($tt['center'],$tt['point'],$tt['sides']) = explode('+',$t[1]); $tt['type']='rpolygon'; $gmap['shape'][] = $tt; break; case 'circle': if (strpos($t[1],':')) { // note: we don't care about case starting with ':' list($configs,$t[1])=explode(':',$t[1],2); list($tt['color'],$tt['width'],$tt['opacity'],$tt['pattern'],$tt['text'],$tt['fillcolor'],$tt['fillopacity'])=explode('/',$configs); } list($tt['center'],$tt['radius'],$tt['sides'])= explode('+',$t[1]); $tt['type']='circle'; $gmap['shape'][] = $tt; break; case 'polygon': $tt['color']=GMAP_LINECOLOR1; if (strpos(':',$t[1])) { // note: we don't care about case starting with ':' list($configs,$t[1])=explode(':',$t[1],2); list($tt['color'],$tt['width'],$tt['opacity'],$tt['pattern'],$tt['text'],$tt['fillcolor'],$tt['fillopacity'])=explode('/',$configs); } $tt['points'] = explode('+',$t[1]); $tt['type']='polygon'; $gmap['shape'][] = $tt; break; case 'control': $gmap['controltype'] = trim($t[1]); break; case 'type': $gmap['maptype'] = trim($t[1]); break; default: $gmap[trim($t[0])] = trim($t[1]); } $j++; } gmap_sanitize($gmap); return $gmap; */ return $m; } /** * Parse a set of points in string format */ function _gmap_str2points($str) { // Explode along + axis $arr = explode(' + ',$str); // Explode along , axis $points = array(); foreach($arr as $pt) { list($lat,$lon) = explode(',',$pt); $points[] = array( 'latitude' => trim($lat), 'longitude' => trim($lon), ); } return $points; } /** * Theme a marker popup. * This will get called for markers embedded in macros. */ function theme_gmap_marker_popup($label) { return $label; } /** * * Creates a map that can be interactively used to fill a form with a * location (latitude, longitude and zoom level) * * @param $map * Either a macro to use as the base map for setting a location, or an already set map associative array. * @param $form * A formset associative array. Cannot be more than one deep. * @param $fields * An associative array for the field names. 'latitude', 'longitude'=>name of respective array, 'address' is optional. * @return * A string with the google map code to be inserted onto the page. * */ function gmap_set_location($map,&$form,$fields) { static $ctr = 0; $ctr++; if (!is_array($map)){ $map=gmap_parse_macro($map); } $id = 'loc'.$ctr; $map['id'] = $id; // Use the latitude and longitude from the fields. $map['latitude'] = $form[$fields['latitude']]['#default_value']; $map['longitude'] = $form[$fields['longitude']]['#default_value']; if (isset($form[$fields['latitude']]['#value'])) { $map['latitude'] = $form[$fields['latitude']]['#value']; } if (isset($form[$fields['longitude']]['#value'])) { $map['longitude'] = $form[$fields['longitude']]['#value']; } // This is a locpick map. $map['behavior']['locpick'] = TRUE; $element = array( '#type' => 'gmap', '#settings' => $map, ); $form[$fields['latitude']]['#map']=$id; gmap_widget_setup($form[$fields['latitude']], 'locpick_latitude'); $form[$fields['longitude']]['#map']=$id; gmap_widget_setup($form[$fields['longitude']], 'locpick_longitude'); if (isset($fields['address'])) { $form[$fields['address']]['#map'] = $id; gmap_widget_setup($form[$fields['address']], 'locpick_address'); } return theme('gmap',$element); } function _gmap_prepare($intext) { $out = FALSE; $matches = array(); preg_match_all('/\[gmap([^\[\]]+ )* \] /x', $intext, $matches); $i = 0; while (isset($matches[1][$i])) { $out[0][$i] = $matches[0][$i]; if ($matches[1][$i][0]=='1'){ $ver=1; $matches[1][$i]=substr($matches[0][$i],1); } else { $ver=2; } $map = array('#settings'=>gmap_parse_macro($matches[1][$i],$ver)); $out[1][$i] = theme('gmap',$map); $i++; } // endwhile process macro return $out; } function gmap_todim($instring) { if (strpos($instring,'%')) { return intval($instring).'%'; } else { return intval($instring).'px'; } } function gmap_dopoint($point,$ver) { if ($ver==1) { $lonlat=explode(',',$point,2); return array('latitude'=>$lonlat[1],'longitude'=>$lonlat[0]); } else { $lonlat=explode(',',$point,2); return array('latitude'=>$lonlat[0],'longitude'=>$lonlat[1]); } } function gmap_filter($op, $delta = 0, $format = -1, $text = '') { switch ($op) { case 'list': return (array(0 => t('GMap filter'))); case 'name': return t('Google map filter'); case 'description': return t('converts a google map macro into the html required for inserting a google map.'); case 'process': $gmaps=_gmap_prepare($text); //returns an array of $tables[0] = table macro $table[1]= table html if ($gmaps) { // there are table macros in this node return str_replace($gmaps[0], $gmaps[1], $text); } else { return $text; } case 'prepare': return $text; case 'no cache': return TRUE; return (variable_get('gmap_method', 'Static')=='Dynamic'); } } function gmap_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = false) { if(user_access('create macro')) { // only display macro if user can create one return t('Insert Google Map macro.').''.t('Create a macro').''; } else { return t('Insert Google Map macro.'); } } function gmap_menu($may_cache) { $items=array(); if ($may_cache) { /* $items[] = array( 'path' => 'map', 'type' => MENU_ITEM_GROUPING, 'title' => t('google maps'), 'access' => user_access('create macro')||user_access('show user map')||user_access('show node map'), ); */ $items[] = array( 'path' => 'admin/settings/gmap', 'title' => t('GMap'), 'description' => t('Configure GMap settings'), 'callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'callback arguments' => 'gmap_admin_settings', 'access' => user_access('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); $items[] = array( 'path' => 'map/query', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access' => TRUE, //@@@ 'callback' => 'gmap_json_query', ); } /* if (!$may_cache && (strlen(variable_get('googlemap_api_key', '')) > 0)) { if (variable_get('gmap_method', 'Static')=='Static') { _gmap_doheader(); } }*/ return $items; } /** * JSON request interface. */ function gmap_json_query() { // Marker sequence if (arg(2)=='markerseq') { $markerdir = drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap').'/markers'; $marker_images = file_scan_directory($markerdir, '.*\.png$',array('shadow.png','.','..'),0,true, 'filename'); foreach($marker_images as $k => $v) { $marker_images[$k]->filename = base_path() . $marker_images[$k]->filename; } echo drupal_to_js($marker_images); exit(); } if (arg(2)=='markers') { echo drupal_to_js(array( 'path' => base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap').'/markers', 'markers' => gmap_get_icondata(TRUE), )); exit(); } if (arg(2)=='marker') { $name = arg(3); } } function gmap_admin_settings() { require_once(drupal_get_path('module','gmap') .'/gmap_settings_ui.inc'); return _gmap_admin_settings(); } /** * Implementation of hook_elements(). */ function gmap_elements() { return array( 'gmap' => array( '#input' => FALSE, // This isn't a *form* input!! '#settings' => array_merge(gmap_defaults(),array( 'points' => array(), 'pointsOverlays' => array(), 'lines' => array(), )), '#process' => array('expand_gmap' => array()), ), 'gmap_macrotext' => array( '#input' => TRUE, '#cols' => 60, '#rows' => 5, '#process' => array( 'process_gmap_control' => array('textarea','macrotext') ), ), 'gmap_overlay_edit' => array('#input' => FALSE, '#process' => array('process_gmap_overlay_edit' => array())), 'gmap_address' => array('#input' => FALSE, '#process' => array('process_gmap_address' => array())), 'gmap_align' => array('#input' => TRUE, '#process' => array('process_gmap_align' => array())), 'gmap_latitude' => array('#input' => TRUE, '#process' => array('process_gmap_control' => array('textfield','latitude','gmap_coord'))), 'gmap_longitude' => array('#input' => TRUE, '#process' => array('process_gmap_control' => array('textfield','longitude','gmap_coord'))), 'gmap_latlon' => array('#input' => TRUE, '#process' => array('process_gmap_control' => array('textfield','latlon','gmap_coord'))), 'gmap_markerchooser' => array('#input' => TRUE, '#process' => array('process_gmap_markerchooser' => array())), ); } /** * Gmap element process hook */ function expand_gmap($element) { $mapid = 'map'; if ($element['#map']) { $mapid = $element['#map']; } else { $element['#map'] = $mapid; } if (!$element['#settings']) { $element['#settings'] = array(); } $element['#settings'] = array_merge(gmap_defaults(),array( 'id' => $mapid, 'points' => array(), 'pointsOverlays' => array(), 'lines' => array(), ),$element['#settings']); gmap_widget_setup($element, 'gmap'); return $element; } /** * Generic gmap control processor */ function process_gmap_control($element,$edit,$fieldtype,$control,$theme='') { $element['#type'] = $fieldtype; gmap_widget_setup($element, $control); if (!empty($theme)) { $element['#theme'] = $theme; } else { $element['#theme'] = 'gmap_'.$control; } return $element; } function process_gmap_overlay_edit($element) { // Conver the root element into a fieldset. $element['#type'] = 'fieldset'; if (!$element['#title']) { $element['#title'] = t('Overlay editor'); } $element['#tree'] = TRUE; $element['mapclicktype'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Click map'), '#map' => $element['#map'], '#options' => array( 'Points' => t('Points'), 'Lines' => t('Lines'), 'Circles' => t('Circles'), ), ); gmap_widget_setup($element['mapclicktype'],'overlayedit_mapclicktype'); $element['markerclicktype'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Click marker'), '#map' => $element['#map'], '#options' => array( 'Remove' => t('Remove'), 'Edit Info' => t('Edit Info'), ), ); gmap_widget_setup($element['markerclicktype'],'overlayedit_markerclicktype'); $element['marker'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#map' => $element['#map'], '#options' => gmap_get_marker_titles(), '#title' => t('Marker'), '#theme' => 'gmap_overlay_edit', ); gmap_widget_setup($element['marker'], 'overlayedit'); $element['linesettings'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Line/Polygon settings'), '#tree' => TRUE, ); $element['linesettings']['scol'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#map' => $element['#map'], '#size' => 6, '#maxlength' => 6, '#field_prefix' => '#', '#title' => t('Stroke color'), '#default_value' => '000000', ); gmap_widget_setup($element['linesettings']['scol'], 'overlayedit_scol'); $element['linesettings']['sweight'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#map' => $element['#map'], '#size' => 3, '#maxlength' => 3, '#field_suffix' => t('px'), '#title' => t('Stroke weight'), '#default_value' => 1, ); gmap_widget_setup($element['linesettings']['sweight'], 'overlayedit_sweight'); $element['linesettings']['sopac'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#map' => $element['#map'], '#size' => 3, '#maxlength' => 3, '#field_suffix' => '%', '#title' => t('Stroke opacity'), '#default_value' => '100', ); gmap_widget_setup($element['linesettings']['sopac'], 'overlayedit_sopac'); $element['linesettings']['fcolor'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#map' => $element['#map'], '#size' => 6, '#maxlength' => 6, '#field_prefix' => '#', '#title' => t('Fill color'), '#default_value' => '00FF00', ); gmap_widget_setup($element['linesettings']['fcolor'], 'overlayedit_fcolor'); $element['linesettings']['fopac'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#map' => $element['#map'], '#size' => 3, '#maxlength' => 3, '#field_suffix' => '%', '#title' => t('Fill opacity'), '#default_value' => '60', ); gmap_widget_setup($element['linesettings']['fopac'], 'overlayedit_fopac'); return $element; } function process_gmap_align($element) { $element['#type'] = 'select'; gmap_widget_setup($element, 'align'); $element['#options'] = drupal_map_assoc(array('None', 'Right', 'Left', 'Center')); $element['#theme'] = 'gmap_align'; return $element; } function process_gmap_address($element) { $element['#type'] = 'textfield'; gmap_widget_setup($element, 'address'); $element['#theme'] = 'gmap_address'; return $element; } function process_gmap_markerchooser($element) { $element['#type'] = 'select'; $element['#options'] = gmap_get_marker_titles(); return $element; } function theme_gmap_overlay_edit($element) { drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module','gmap') .'/js/overlay_edit.js'); return theme('select',$element); // var_dump($element); /* $o = drupal_render($element['marker']); $o .= '
'; $extra = ''; return $o . $extra ;// theme('select',$element);*/ } function gmap_map_cleanup(&$map) { // Google is picky about this one. $map['zoom'] = (int)$map['zoom']; // JSON query handler $map['querypath'] = url('map/query',NULL,NULL,TRUE); // Normalize latitude / longitude if ($map['latlong']) { $map['latlon'] = $map['latlong']; unset($map['latlong']); } if (isset($map['latlon']) && (!isset($map['latitude']) || !isset($map['longitude']))) { list($map['latitude'],$map['longitude']) = explode(',',$map['latlon']); } unset($map['latlon']); } function theme_gmap_coord($element) { //drupal_add_js return theme('textfield',$element); } function theme_gmap_macrotext($element) { drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module','gmap') .'/js/macro.js'); return theme('textarea',$element); } function theme_gmap_address($element) { drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module','gmap') .'/js/address.js'); return theme('textfield',$element); } function theme_gmap_align($element) { drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module','gmap') .'/js/align.js'); return theme('select',$element); } /** * Gmap element theme hook */ function theme_gmap($element) { _gmap_doheader(); $path = drupal_get_path('module','gmap') .'/js/'; // If the theme function is called directly, the map is not properly set up yet. if(!$element['#id']) { gmap_widget_setup($element, 'gmap'); } // Possible if this gmap was created manually. if (!$element['#settings']) { $element['#settings'] = array(); } $map = array_merge(gmap_defaults(),$element['#settings']); gmap_map_cleanup($map); switch (strtolower($map['align'])) { case 'left': $element['#attributes']['class'] += ' gmap-left'; break; case 'right': $element['#attributes']['class'] += ' gmap-right'; break; case 'center': case 'centre': $element['#attributes']['class'] += ' gmap-center'; } $style = array(); $style[] = 'width: '.$map['width']; $style[] = 'height: '.$map['height']; $element['#attributes']['class'] = trim($element['#attributes']['class'] .'gmap gmap-map gmap-'.$map['id'].'-gmap'); $o = '
'; // Activate markers if needed if ($map['behavior']['dynmarkers'] || !empty($map['markers'])) { drupal_add_js($path .'icon.js'); drupal_add_js($path .variable_get('gmap_mm_type','gmap_marker.js')); } if ($map['behavior']['locpick']) { drupal_add_js($path . 'locpick.js'); } // Inline settings extend. $o .= '\n"; return $o; } /** * Set up widget */ function gmap_widget_setup(&$element, $type) { static $serial = array(); if (!isset($element['#map'])) { // Hmm, missing #map. Try to figure it out. if (isset($element['#settings']['id'])) { $element['#map'] = $element['#settings']['id']; } } if (!isset($serial[$element['#map']])) { $serial[$element['#map']] = array(); } if (!isset($serial[$element['#map']][$type])) { $serial[$element['#map']][$type] = 0; } $element['#attributes']['class'] = trim(implode(' ',array( $element['#attributes']['class'], 'gmap-control', 'gmap-'.$type, ))); $element['#id'] = 'gmap-'.$element['#map'].'-'.$type.$serial[$element['#map']][$type]; $serial[$element['#map']][$type]++; } function gmap_get_marker_titles($reset=FALSE){ static $titles; if (is_array($titles) && !$reset) { return $titles; } $titles = cache_get('gmap_marker_titles'); if ($titles) { $titles = unserialize($titles->data); } if ($reset || !$titles) { require_once(drupal_get_path('module','gmap') .'/gmap_markerinfo.inc'); $titles = _gmap_get_marker_titles(); } cache_set('gmap_marker_titles','cache',serialize($titles)); return $titles; } /** * Get the JSON icon data for all the default markers. */ function gmap_get_icondata($reset=FALSE){ static $icons; if (is_array($icons) && !$reset) { return $icons; } $icons = cache_get('gmap_icondata'); if ($icons) { $icons = unserialize($icons->data); } if ($reset || !$icons) { require_once(drupal_get_path('module','gmap') .'/gmap_markerinfo.inc'); $icons = _gmap_get_icondata(); } cache_set('gmap_icondata','cache',serialize($icons)); return $icons; } /** * Utility function to allow high-precision decimals to work with the SQL layer. * Use as an unquoted %s parameter. */ function gmap_decimal($num) { // Paraphrased from postgresql documentation: // // Numbers in SQL can be in one of these forms: // digits // digits.[digits][e[+-]digits] // [digits].digits[e[+-]digits] // digitse[+-]digits // where "digits" is one or more decimal digits. // Trim extra whitespace $num = trim($num); // Check if we're in an acceptable form. if (preg_match('/^[+\-]?((\d+)|(\d+\.\d*)|(\d*\.\d+))(e[+\-]?\d+)?$/',$num)===1) { // Good, we can pass that right along. return $num; } // Otherwise, cast to float, possibly losing precision. return (float) $num; }