...$" where "$" refers to end of string, not end of
// line (because PCRE_MULTILINE (modifier 'm') is not enabled), so matching
// still works when teaser view trims inside the source code.
// Replace the code container tag brackets
// and prepare the container content (newline and angle bracket protection).
// @todo: make sure that these replacements can be done in series.
$tag_styles = array_filter(_geshifilter_tag_styles($format));
if (in_array(GESHIFILTER_BRACKETS_ANGLE, $tag_styles)) {
// Prepare .. blocks.
$pattern = '#(<)('. $tags_string .')((\s+[^>]*)*)(>)(.*?)(\2\s*>|$)#s';
$text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, create_function('$match', "return _geshifilter_prepare_callback(\$match, '$format');"), $text);
if (in_array(GESHIFILTER_BRACKETS_SQUARE, $tag_styles)) {
// Prepare [foo]..[/foo] blocks.
$pattern = '#((? blocks.
$pattern = '#[\[<](\?php|\?PHP|%)(.+?)((\?|%)[\]>]|$)#s';
$text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, '_geshifilter_prepare_php_callback', $text);
return $text;
* _geshifilter_prepare callback for preparing input text.
* Replaces the code tags brackets with geshifilter specific ones to prevent
* possible messing up by other filters, e.g.
* '[python]foo[/python]' to '[geshifilter-python]foo[/geshifilter-python]'.
* Replaces newlines with "
" to prevent issues with the line break filter
* Escapes the tricky characters like angle brackets with check_plain() to
* prevent messing up by other filters like the HTML filter.
function _geshifilter_prepare_callback($match, $format) {
// $match[0]: complete matched string
// $match[1]: opening bracket ('<' or '[')
// $match[2]: tag
// $match[3] and $match[4]: attributes
// $match[5]: closing bracket
// $match[6]: source code
// $match[7]: closing tag
$tag_name = $match[2];
$tag_attributes = $match[3];
$content = $match[6];
// get the default highlighting mode
$lang = variable_get('geshifilter_default_highlighting', GESHIFILTER_DEFAULT_PLAINTEXT);
// If the default highlighting mode is GESHIFILTER_DEFAULT_DONOTHING
// and there is no language set (with language tag or language attribute),
// we should not do any escaping in this prepare phase,
// so that other filters can do their thing.
$enabled_languages = _geshifilter_get_enabled_languages();
// Usage of language tag?
list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = _geshifilter_get_tags($format);
if (isset($tag_to_lang[$tag_name]) && isset($enabled_languages[$tag_to_lang[$tag_name]])) {
$lang = $tag_to_lang[$tag_name];
// Usage of language attribute?
else {
// Get additional settings from the tag attributes.
$settings = _geshifilter_parse_attributes($tag_attributes, $format);
if ($settings['language'] && isset($enabled_languages[$settings['language']])) {
$lang = $settings['language'];
// If no language was set: prevent escaping and return original string
return $match[0];
// return escaped code block
return '[geshifilter-'. $tag_name . $tag_attributes .']'
. str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', '
'), check_plain($content))
.'[/geshifilter-'. $tag_name .']';
* _geshifilter_prepare callback for < ?php ... ? > blocks
function _geshifilter_prepare_php_callback($match) {
return '[geshifilter-questionmarkphp]'
. str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', '
'), check_plain($match[2]))
* geshifilter_filter callback for processing input text.
function _geshifilter_process($format, $text) {
// load GeSHi library (if not already)
$geshi_library = _geshifilter_check_geshi_library();
if (!$geshi_library['success']) {
drupal_set_message($geshi_library['message'], 'error');
return $text;
// get the available tags
list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = _geshifilter_get_tags($format);
if (in_array(GESHIFILTER_BRACKETS_PHPBLOCK, array_filter(_geshifilter_tag_styles($format)))) {
$language_tags[] = 'questionmarkphp';
$tag_to_lang['questionmarkphp'] = 'php';
$tags = array_merge($generic_code_tags, $language_tags);
// escape special (regular expression) characters in tags (for tags like 'c++' and 'c#')
$tags = preg_replace('#(\\+|\\#)#', '\\\\$1', $tags);
$tags_string = implode('|', $tags);
// Pattern for matching the prepared "...
" stuff
$pattern = '#\\[geshifilter-('. $tags_string .')([^\\]]*)\\](.*?)(\\[/geshifilter-\1\\])#s';
$text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, create_function('$match', "return _geshifilter_replace_callback(\$match, '$format');"), $text);
return $text;
* preg_replace_callback callback
function _geshifilter_replace_callback($match, $format) {
// $match[0]: complete matched string
// $match[1]: tag name
// $match[2]: tag attributes
// $match[3]: tag content
$complete_match = $match[0];
$tag_name = $match[1];
$tag_attributes = $match[2];
$source_code = $match[3];
// Undo linebreak and escaping from preparation phase.
$source_code = decode_entities($source_code);
// Initialize to default settings.
$lang = variable_get('geshifilter_default_highlighting', GESHIFILTER_DEFAULT_PLAINTEXT);
$line_numbering = variable_get('geshifilter_default_line_numbering', GESHIFILTER_LINE_NUMBERS_DEFAULT_NONE);
$linenumbers_start = 1;
$title = NULL;
// Determine language based on tag name if possible.
list($generic_code_tags, $language_tags, $tag_to_lang) = _geshifilter_get_tags($format);
if (in_array(GESHIFILTER_BRACKETS_PHPBLOCK, array_filter(_geshifilter_tag_styles($format)))) {
$language_tags[] = 'questionmarkphp';
$tag_to_lang['questionmarkphp'] = 'php';
if (isset($tag_to_lang[$tag_name])) {
$lang = $tag_to_lang[$tag_name];
// Get additional settings from the tag attributes.
$settings = _geshifilter_parse_attributes($tag_attributes, $format);
if (isset($settings['language'])) {
$lang = $settings['language'];
if (isset($settings['line_numbering'])) {
$line_numbering = $settings['line_numbering'];
if (isset($settings['linenumbers_start'])) {
$linenumbers_start = $settings['linenumbers_start'];
if (isset($settings['title'])) {
$title = $settings['title'];
// Do nothing, and return the original.
return $complete_match;
// Use plain text 'highlighting'
$lang = 'text';
$inline_mode = (strpos($source_code, "\n") === FALSE);
// process and return
return geshifilter_process_sourcecode($source_code, $lang, $line_numbering, $linenumbers_start, $inline_mode, $title);
* Helper function for overriding some GeSHi defaults
function _geshifilter_override_geshi_defaults(&$geshi, $langcode) {
// override the some default GeSHi styles (e.g. GeSHi uses Courier by default, which is ugly)
$geshi->set_line_style('font-family: monospace; font-weight: normal;', 'font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;');
$geshi->set_code_style('font-family: monospace; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal');
// overall class needed for CSS
$geshi->set_overall_class('geshifilter-'. $langcode);
// set keyword linking
$geshi->enable_keyword_links(variable_get('geshifilter_enable_keyword_urls', TRUE));
* General geshifilter processing function for a chunk of source code.
function geshifilter_process_sourcecode($source_code, $lang, $line_numbering=0, $linenumbers_start=1, $inline_mode=FALSE, $title = NULL) {
// process
if ($lang == 'php' && variable_get('geshifilter_use_highlight_string_for_php', FALSE)) {
return geshifilter_highlight_string_process($source_code, $inline_mode);
else {
// process with GeSHi
return geshifilter_geshi_process($source_code, $lang, $line_numbering, $linenumbers_start, $inline_mode, $title);
* geshifilter wrapper for GeSHi processing.
function geshifilter_geshi_process($source_code, $lang, $line_numbering=0, $linenumbers_start=1, $inline_mode=FALSE, $title = NULL) {
// load GeSHi library (if not already)
$geshi_library = _geshifilter_check_geshi_library();
if (!$geshi_library['loaded']) {
drupal_set_message($geshi_library['message'], 'error');
return $source_code;
// Check for a cached version of this source code and return it if available.
// @todo: Use a dedicated table instead of using cache_filter? If so,
// also take care of the flushing in _geshifilter_clear_filter_cache().
$cache_id = "geshifilter:$lang:$line_numbering:$line_numbering:$inline_mode" . md5($title . $source_code);
if ($cached = cache_get($cache_id, 'cache_filter')) {
return $cached->data;
// remove leading/trailing newlines
$source_code = trim($source_code, "\n\r");
// create GeSHi object
$geshi = _geshifilter_geshi_factory($source_code, $lang);
// CSS mode
$ccs_mode = variable_get('geshifilter_css_mode', GESHIFILTER_CSS_INLINE);
_geshifilter_override_geshi_defaults($geshi, $lang);
// some more GeSHi settings and parsing
if ($inline_mode) {
// inline source code mode
// To make highlighting work we have to manually set a class on the code
// element we will wrap the code in.
// To counter a change between GeSHi version and 1.0.8 (svn
// commit 1610), we use both the language and overall_class for the class,
// to mimic the 1.0.8 behavior, which is backward compatible.
$code_class = "{$geshi->language} {$geshi->overall_class}";
$source_code = ''. $geshi->parse_code() .'
else {
// block source code mode
$geshi->set_header_type((int)variable_get('geshifilter_code_container', GESHI_HEADER_PRE));
if ($line_numbering == 1) {
elseif ($line_numbering >= 2) {
$geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS, $line_numbering);
if (isset($title)) {
$source_code = ''. check_plain($title) .'
else {
$source_code = '';
$source_code .= ''. $geshi->parse_code() .'
// Store in cache with a minimum expiration time of 1 day.
cache_set($cache_id, $source_code, 'cache_filter', time() + (60 * 60 * 24));
return $source_code;
* geshifilter wrapper for highlight_string() processing of PHP
function geshifilter_highlight_string_process($source_code, $inline_mode) {
// Make sure that the source code starts with < ?php and ends with ? >
$text = trim($source_code);
if (substr($text, 0, 5) != '') {
$source_code = $source_code .'?>';
// Use the right container
$container = $inline_mode ? 'span' : 'div';
// Process with highlight_string()
$text = '<'. $container .' class="codeblock geshifilter">'. highlight_string($source_code, TRUE) .''. $container .'>';
// Remove newlines (added by highlight_string()) to avoid issues with the linebreak filter
$text = str_replace("\n", '', $text);
return $text;