getEntity(); if ($entity->entityType == 'GalleryAlbumItem') { gallery_menu_build_links(); } return array(null, null); } } /** * Implementation of hook_gallery_init_alter(). */ function gallery_menu_gallery_init_alter($params, $context) { if (!$context['fullInit'] || !$context['ready']['half']) { // We want to update the menu links everytime a G2 album changes $params['eventListeners'][] = array( 'class' => 'G2DrupalMenuEventListener', 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery_menu') .'/gallery_menu.module', 'events' => array('GalleryEntity::save', 'GalleryEntity::delete') ); } } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function gallery_menu_menu() { $items = array(); $useralbum_exists = (gallery_single_plugin_status('useralbum') == GALLERY_PLUGIN_ENABLED); if (variable_get('gallery_valid', 0) && $useralbum_exists) { $items['useralbum'] = array( 'title' => 'My Album', 'description' => 'Go to your Gallery2 useralbum.', 'access callback' => 'gallery_menu_useralbum_access', 'page callback' => 'gallery_menu_useralbum', 'type' => MENU_SUGGESTED_ITEM ); } return $items; } /** * Function gallery_menu_useralbum_access(). */ function gallery_menu_useralbum_access() { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/'); return (user_access('access gallery') && gallery_user_useralbum()); } /** * Function gallery_menu_useralbum(). */ function gallery_menu_useralbum() { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/'); $url = gallery_user_useralbum(); drupal_goto($url); } /** * Implementation of hook_menu_alter(). */ function gallery_menu_menu_alter(&$callbacks) { // If url rewrite is disabled the Drupal path for albums does not match // the true G2 url, so we point to a special page callback to handle this if (_gallery_init(TRUE)) { $url_generator =& $GLOBALS['gallery']->getUrlGenerator(); if (!isset($url_generator->_shortUrls)) { for ($i=1; $i<=MENU_MAX_PARTS; $i++) { $path = variable_get('gallery_base', 'gallery') .'/'. implode('/', array_fill(0, $i, '%gallery')); if (isset($callbacks[$path])) { $callbacks[$path]['page callback'] = 'gallery_menu_album'; $callbacks[$path]['page arguments'] = array($i); } } } } } /** * Function gallery_menu_album(). */ function gallery_menu_album($id) { // Redirect to true album url (from the Drupal menu path) $url = gallery_generate_url(array('itemId' => $id), FALSE); drupal_goto($url); } /** * Implementation of hook_gallery_page_alter(). */ function gallery_menu_gallery_page_alter(&$result) { // Generate the path to set the active menu item if (isset($result['themeData']['item'])) { $gallery_base = variable_get('gallery_base', 'gallery'); switch ($result['themeData']['item']['entityType']) { case 'GalleryAlbumItem': $id = $result['themeData']['item']['id']; break; case 'GalleryDynamicAlbum': $id = $result['themeData']['pageUrl']['albumId']; break; default: $id = $result['themeData']['item']['parentId']; } if (!empty($id)) { $url_generator =& $GLOBALS['gallery']->getUrlGenerator(); if (isset($url_generator->_shortUrls)) { $path = _gallery_menu_album_path($id); } else { list($ret, $parents) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchParentSequence($id); if ($ret) { gallery_error(t('Error fetching item parents'), $ret); } else { array_shift($parents); $path = $gallery_base .'/'. (count($parents) ? implode('/', $parents) .'/' : '') . $id; } } } list($ret, $root) = GalleryCoreApi::getDefaultAlbumId(); if ($ret) { gallery_error(t('Error calling getDefaultAlbumId()'), $ret); } menu_set_active_item(($id == $root) ? $gallery_base : $path); } } /** * Function gallery_menu_build_links(). * (check for existing items and insert/update/delete as suitable) */ function gallery_menu_build_links($rebuild = FALSE) { // Derive array of link items from G2 album tree $items = array(); $depth = variable_get('gallery_menu_depth', 3); $default_mlid = db_result(db_query('SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = \'gallery\'')); $menu_parent = variable_get('gallery_menu_parent', 'navigation:'. $default_mlid); $tree = gallery_album_tree(NULL, $depth ? $depth : NULL); _gallery_menu_traverse($tree, $items); // Fetch all menu links currently present in Drupal $olditems = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT link_path FROM {menu_links} WHERE module = '%s' AND link_path LIKE '%s'", 'gallery_menu', variable_get('gallery_base', 'gallery') .'/%'); while ($item = db_fetch_object($result)) { if ($rebuild) { menu_link_delete(NULL, $item->link_path); } else { $olditems[$item->link_path] = $item->link_path; } } // Insert/update/delete link items foreach ($items as $item) { if (in_array($item['link_path'], $olditems)) { // Update existing item menu_link_maintain('gallery_menu', 'update', $item['link_path'], $item['link_title']); unset($olditems[$item['link_path']]); } else { // Add new item list($item['menu_name'], $item['plid']) = explode(':', $menu_parent); if (count(explode('/', $item['link_path'])) > 2) { unset($item['plid']); } menu_link_save($item); } } // Remove obsolete items foreach ($olditems as $link_path) { menu_link_delete(NULL, $link_path); } } /** * Function _gallery_menu_traverse(). */ function _gallery_menu_traverse($tree, &$items) { static $parents = array(); foreach (array_keys($tree) as $id) { if (variable_get('gallery_menu_show_'. $id, 1)) { // Check for URL Rewrite being enabled $url_generator =& $GLOBALS['gallery']->getUrlGenerator(); if (isset($url_generator->_shortUrls)) { $path = _gallery_menu_album_path($id); } else { $path = variable_get('gallery_base', 'gallery') .'/'. (count($parents) ? implode('/', $parents) .'/' : '') . $id; } $album = gallery_item_details($id); $item = array( 'link_title' => empty($album['title']) ? t('Album @id', array('@id' => $id)) : $album['title'], 'link_path' => $path, 'module' => 'gallery_menu' ); $items[] = $item; if (count($tree[$id])) { array_push($parents, $id); _gallery_menu_traverse($tree[$id], $items); array_pop($parents); } } } } /** * Function _gallery_menu_album_path(). */ function _gallery_menu_album_path($id) { global $language; $path = urldecode(gallery_generate_url(array('itemId' => $id), FALSE, FALSE)); // Strip off the base path ... and additional parameters (e.g. session id, etc.) $path = substr($path, strlen(base_path())); if (($pos = strrpos($path, '/')) !== FALSE) { $path = substr($path, 0, $pos + 1); } // Remove the language-prefix if (function_exists('language_url_rewrite') && variable_get('language_count', 1) > 1) { $args = explode('/', $path); $prefix = array_shift($args); if (!empty($language->prefix) && $language->prefix == $prefix) { $path = implode('/', $args); } } return rtrim($path, '/'); } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter(). */ function gallery_menu_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { if ($form_id == '_gallery_settings_general' && _gallery_init(TRUE)) { // Add menu settings to the general settings form array_splice($form, 3, 0, _gallery_menu_settings()); $form['#submit'][] = '_gallery_menu_settings_submit'; } } /** * Function _gallery_menu_settings(). */ function _gallery_menu_settings() { require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'gallery') .'/'); // Gallery menu settings $form['menu'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Gallery menu settings'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE ); // Get a menu tree and remove all gallery items $options = menu_parent_options(menu_get_menus(), array('mlid' => 0)); $result = db_query('SELECT menu_name, mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path LIKE \'gallery/%\''); while ($item = db_fetch_object($result)) { unset($options[$item->menu_name .':'. $item->mlid]); } // $default_mlid = db_result(db_query('SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = \'gallery\'')); $form['menu']['gallery_menu_parent'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Parent item'), '#default_value' => variable_get('gallery_menu_parent', 'navigation:'. $default_mlid), '#options' => $options, '#description' => t('The maximum depth for an item and all its children is fixed at !maxdepth. Some menu items may not be available as parents if selecting them would exceed this limit.', array('!maxdepth' => MENU_MAX_DEPTH)), '#attributes' => array('class' => 'menu-title-select'), ); $form['menu']['gallery_menu_depth'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Depth of Gallery albums'), '#default_value' => variable_get('gallery_menu_depth', 3), '#options' => _gallery_range_array(1, MENU_MAX_PARTS), '#description' => 'Depth of album hierarchy to include.' ); $form['menu']['rebuild_btn'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Rebuild menu'), '#rebuild_menu' => TRUE ); return $form; } /** * Function _gallery_menu_settings_submit(). */ function _gallery_menu_settings_submit($form, &$form_state) { // Rebuild album links (router items first, then the actual menu links) menu_rebuild(); $rebuild = isset($form_state['clicked_button']['#rebuild_menu']); gallery_menu_build_links($rebuild); if ($rebuild) { drupal_set_message(t('Gallery link items have been rebuild.')); } }