$Id: README.txt,v 1.15 2006-09-18 11:46:58 jasonm3m Exp $ Introduction: This module is for people who want a custom front page to their Drupal sites. The key functionality of this module is outlined below. If you are comfortable with theming using a mix of php/html, I recommend you check out the handbook pages I have added to Drupal.org which explains how a more advanced method of theming your front page. http://drupal.org/node/46017 This module is intended for Drupal Version 5.0 It will not work with earlier versions. Key Functionality: 1. Allows you to specify a custom front page based on role type. e.g. For a musicians website, you could have a different front page for Drummers, Guitarists, Singers, Bass Players etc. 3. Allows you to have a FULL front page or SPLASH page - a completely different layout to your main drupal site - or alternatively as a THEMED full page, i.e. it loads with your default drupal site theme & layout. 4. Automatically REDIRECT users to a specific page or path. 5. Disable your site for everyone but Administrators and display a custom "under maintenance" message. 6. Display a custom "mission" style message for authenticated users who have not visited the site for a set period. e.g. If you have had a significant update to the site, you might want to have a special notice for users who haven't visited for 1 month, or 1 week etc. 7. Override your HOME and Breadcrumb links on your site. e.g. you might have a splash front page that you don't want visitors already on your site returning to when they click on HOME. 8. You can include PHP/HTML or both in your frontpage Installation: --------------- 1. Upload front_page.module to your MODULES folder. 2. Go to the ADMINISTER section of your drupal site. 3. Click on MODULES 4. Enable the front_page.module 5. Go to ADMINISTER - SETTINGS - FRONT_PAGE 6. Paste in the TEXT/HTML/PHP contents of your front pages. 7. Once you are happy with your front_pages, set the DEFAULT FRONT PAGE setting to be front_page. You can do this at the bottom of the front_page configuration page (ADMINISTER -> SETTINGS -> FRONT_PAGE) or under ADMINISTER -> SETTINGS. ############################################ IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THOSE USING PATH.MODULE (URL ALIAS): Please ensure you have no other pages setup with the URL ALIAS 'front_page' when installing the front_page.module which uses the 'front_page' URL Alias by default. ############################################## Uninstall: ------------- 1. Go to ADMINISTER -> SETTINGS and change the default front page to something other than 'front_page' (e.g. 'node'). 2. Go to ADMINISTER -> MODULES and de-select the front_page.module from your list of modules. 3. Using FTP or other file manager, remove the front_page.module file. Hope you find it useful. This module has been developed by a few members of the drupal community and we're always looking for ideas for improving it. Email me or post a message on the drupal.org site if you have any ideas on how we can improve the module. Dublin Drupaller gus@modernmediamuse.com