# CHANGELOG.txt for freelinking.module for Drupal 6, version 3.x. ## freelinking-6.x-3.0-alpha3 * #564294: Add link text other than nodetitle with |. Simple syntax (wiki style) to define the link text. * #557740: Allow character formatting in the linking phrase. Defaults to allow HTML in link text. * #448396: FL3 isn't visible? Added Freelinking Administration permission. * #565056: NID/Nodetitle Syntax Collision * #612434: Freelinking 3 Plugins via Hooks. hook_freelinking() * #565046: Metatag Description for Better Tooltips. Use of Nodewords for better internal tooltips. * #577626: drupalnid plugin using drupal_http_request * New Plugins: Search, Google, Createnode * #621180: Building a Robust FL3 API. New API Functions: hook_freelinking(), hook_freelink_alter() * #621586: Theming support. Theme Functions: theme_freelink, theme_freelink_error * Support for alternate syntaxes: Double Bracket, Single Bracket, Markdown-style * Optional Integration with Vertical Tabs for enhanced Freelinking settings page. ## freelinking-6.x-3.0-alpha2 * Followup Changes ## freelinking-6.x-3.0-alpha1 * Initial commit of the freelinking 3 series.