# Plugins for Freelining 3 --- Freelinking 3 uses a plugin system to enhance the freelinking syntax and enable different kinds of free linking. Plugins can be simple URL constructors, or can use more sophisticated methods and have complete control over the link and target text. The output of plugins can also be customized through various hooks and theme functions for better integration with other modules and site design. ## How to Create a Plugin Packaging generally useful "easy-linking" syntax plugins is only the first step Freelinking 3 takes to help writers on the web create links. Freelinking 3 was also built to help developers quickly creating "easy-linking" syntax tailored for the needs of a module or website's authors. ### Developing New Freelinking Plugins Plugins can be created in two different ways. The recommended method is to create a new module. #### Freelinking Module By packaging your plugin as a module, you may distribute it through Drupal.Org, make use of other modules with proper tracking of requirements, and make use of any Drupal hook functions without worrying about collissions with Freelinking's own behavior. If you publish a Freelinking module to Drupal.Org, be sure to post a Minor issue in the Freelinking Issue Queue (http://drupal.org/project/issues/freelinking) naming your project so it can be linked off of Freelinking's project page. A module can create a Freelinking plugin by implementing hook_freelinking() to return the definition of your plugin as an element of an array, like so: function my_module_freelinking() { $freelinking['myplugin'] => array( 'indicator' => '/myplugin/', 'translate' => array(' ' => '_'), 'replacement' => 'http://example.com/node/%1', ); return $freelinking; } #### Freelinking "Include File" Plugin **Note: This is not the recommended way to create a new Freelinking Plugin.** To create a simple freelinking plugin, just drop a ".inc" file in the plugins/ directory under Freelinking. By convention, these should be named "freelinking_pluginname.inc", though multiple plugins may be defined per file. (In general, each file should have at least a theme, freelinking_search.inc provides some basic search plugins.) The only difference in structure between a Freelinking include file and a Freeling module is the lack of a hook_freelinking() function wrapper around the freelinking array that defines your plugin. In an include file, the example above would simple be: $freelinking['myplugin'] => array( 'indicator' => '/myplugin/', 'translate' => array(' ' => '_'), 'replacement' => 'http://example.com/node/%1', ); This functionality primarily exists for the ease of packaging default plugins with the Freelinking module. It is documented here to allow developers to quickly test out a new plugin without going to the trouble of wrapping it in a module. ### The $freelinking array Your plugin's element in the $freelinking array is named after your plugin. In the example above of a plugin called "myplugin," the element your plugin would add to the array would be `$freelinking['myplugin']`. Your element defines an array, with the following elements: * 'indicator' [REQUIRED] The indicator is a string that defines a regular expression that will be used to differentiate this freelink from other freelink types. For our example, a good indicator value might be '/myplugin/'. This means that freelinks for this plugin will look like `[[myplugin:something]]`. Freelinking uses the colon (":") as the separator between the indicator and the link text. It should not be part of the indicator string. * 'translate' [OPTIONAL] This is an array of characters that can be used to translate characters in the link text to other characters that will be used in the URL. The primary use case for this is to translate spaces into underscores or dashes as different systems require. In the example of our "mike" plugin, the website uses dashes instead of spaces, so we'll use a value for 'translate' of `array(' ' => '-')`. For reference, this array will be run through the PHP function [strtr()](http://http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.strtr.php). * 'replacement' [REQUIRED (unless 'callback' exists)] For simple URL replacement freelinks, the 'replacement' is a string for the URL, where the special string '%1' gets replaced by the link text in the freelink. For our example, if we're going to http://example.com/mike/something, we'd use the replacement string "http://example.com/mike/%1" and our freelink text would be put in place of the %1. If you are using a URL replacement style of freelink, the 'replacement' string is *required*. * 'callback' [REQUIRED (unless 'replacement' exists)] More complex plugins can use a callback element in their array to define a php function that will be used to come up with the link. This function will be passed the entire match array of the freelink as $target, with the target portion of the freelink in `$target[1]`. This function is expected to return an html fragment (most likely a link, but it wouldn't have to be a link). If your plugin is not using 'replacement,' then the 'callback' element is *required.* * 'settings' [OPTIONAL] The specified callback function for Freelinking settings. The settings function should return an array of Form API elements under the index of the plugin name. * 'html' [OPTIONAL] If set explicitly to FALSE, the plugin will not accept HTML as link text. * 'tip' [OPTIONAL] A short (1-2 sentence) description of the plugin. It should be run through t() for localization as demonstrated below. This is used in the extended filter tips, and the default plugin's description is added to the short tips. * 'weight' [OPTIONAL] Specify the weight to determine sort order. Otherwise counts as "0". * 'enabled' [OPTIONAL] If set to FALSE, the indicator for the plugin will be ignored. As such, syntax in the text will not activate the plugin. (Though failover will still be able to.) * 'failover' [OPTIONAL] If this is set to an array, a select form will be built so the site administrator can determine a preferred failover action. This does nothing unless the developer follows up with variable_get('freelinking_pluginname_failover', 'none') in the callback code. If you set it to a single value, that value will be displayed in a disabled textfield in the configuration of the plugin. So, a simple freelinking plugin only needs to include this array. Here's an entire plugin one might see in a .inc file (freelinking_drupalproject.inc, in fact): $freelinking['drupalproject'] => array( 'indicator' => '/d(rupal)?project/', 'translate' => array(' ' => '_'), 'replacement' => 'http://drupal.org/project/%1', ); ### More complex plugins The 'callback' element of your $freelinking['plugin'] array can define a PHP function that will be used to create the link. This function will get the target value for the link, and is expected to return a link. Freelinking will make the substition based on the return value of this function. By default, the target value passed to the callback function looks like so: Array( 'target' => , 'dest' => , ); However, if the text uses pipes ("|"), it will interpret that somewhat further. As of now, this is intended usage: Array( 'target' => , 'dest' => , 'text' => , 'tooltip' => , 'other' => array(), ); The user syntax is thus: [[indicator:target|title|tooltip(arg1|arg2|...)]] Two plugins that ship with freelinking use the callback, which you can use as examples. * freelinking_drupalorgnid.inc This plugin turns freelinks like [[donid:17570]] into "Drupal.org: Branches", which is linked to the node by nid. This plugin uses the callback function to do a `drupal_http_request` to find the title of the page. Therefore, this plugin can be used as an example to manipulate the link text. This plugin also demonstrates a settings callback in which you can toggle whether this http_request is submitted. * freelinking_nodetitle.inc This plugin mimics the behavior of previous versions of freelinking. It attempts to find a node on the system with the same title as the target, and either creates a link to that content, or a link to a node creation form to create that content. This plugin can be used as an example to manipulate the link target. ### Failover Your plugin callbacks may specify a "failover" or fallback action in the event they choke. Quick example: The specified node title cannot be found in the database, so a link to create a node with that title is put in place. Plugins specify failover by returning array('plugin' => 'failover plugin'). The failover plugin is then triggered to take over trying to process the target. You can pass a modified target in this way by just adding 'target' => $target to the return array. You may also specify array('error' => 'error message') to provide an array message. You can use variable_get('freelinking_pluginname_failover', 'none') to get the preferred failover for your plugin. This is based on the failover element in the plugin definition or on creating a form element by that name in your settings. ### Settings If your plugin will require some settings, they can be defined in a "freelinking__settings" function in your include file, or explicitly using the 'settings' element of the plugin's freelinking array (necessary for modules). This function should return a Drupal FormAPI array of the various settings your plugin will need. The freelinking module will add these form controls to the settings page (admin/settings/freelinking). Your plugin can use these settings in the $freelinking array, or the callback function, as necessary. A simple example of using settings is the wikipedia plugin, 'freelinking_wikipedia.inc.' It uses one setting to control the language code that the URL should use. The setting is used in the $freelinking['wikipedia']['replacement'] element, using the language code as part of the URL. The 'freelinking_nodetitle.inc' plugin also uses the settings array, again mimicing the behavior of previous versions of freelinking. This plugin has settings to control what happens when a link cannot be found, and is able to restrict the lookup of content to certain content types. This is an example of using settings within the callback function. ## The Freelinking API, or "How to Customize Freelinking Plugins for Your Site" ### hook_freelink_alter() By implementing this function, you can adjust the elements of the link array before it is rendered into an HTML link. For example: function my_module_freelink_alter(&$link, $target, $plugin_name, $plugin) { static $count; $link[2]['attributes']['name'] = 'freelink-' . $count++; } This function will alter every link created by freelinking to insert the number of links found in the filtered text as an anchor. You might also make a more targeted alteration: function my_module_freelink_alter(&$link, $target, $plugin_name, $plugin) { if ($plugin_name == 'google') { $link[2]['attributes']['title'] .= ' Isn't Google nifty?'; } } For documentation on the structure of the $link array here, read up on on the API entry for the l() function: http://api.drupal.org/api/search/6/l ### Theme Functions #### theme('freelink', $plugin, $link) This is the function that renders the $link array we "altered" above into HTML. You can override this, like any theme function: http://drupal.org/node/55126. (That page refers to earlier versions of Drupal, but it remains essentially the same in D6). #### theme('freelink_error', $plugin, $message); This function renders an error message provided by a plugin for display in the page. --- freelining.module by ea. Farris $Id: PLUGIN.txt,v 2009-12-04 00:41:38 grayside Exp $ vim: tw=72 syn=mkd