'Flexifilters', 'description' => 'Create new flexible input filters without writing any code.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'page arguments' => array('flexifilter_filter_list_form'), 'file' => 'flexifilter.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/list'] = array( 'title' => 'List', 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/add'] = array( 'title' => 'Add new flexifilter', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('flexifilter_filter_edit_form'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => 1, 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'file' => 'flexifilter.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/import'] = array( 'title' => 'Import a flexifilter', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('flexifilter_filter_input_form'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => 2, 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'file' => 'flexifilter.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/defaults'] = array( 'title' => 'Load a default flexifilter', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('flexifilter_filter_default_form'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => 3, 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'file' => 'flexifilter.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/%flexifilter'] = array( 'title callback' => 'flexifilter_get_field', 'title arguments' => array(3, 'label'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('flexifilter_filter_edit_form', 3), 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'file' => 'flexifilter.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/%flexifilter/edit'] = array( 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'title' => 'Edit', ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/%flexifilter/export'] = array( 'title' => 'Export', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('flexifilter_filter_export_form', 3), 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'file' => 'flexifilter.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/%flexifilter/preview'] = array( 'title' => 'Preview', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('flexifilter_filter_preview_form', 3), 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'file' => 'flexifilter.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/%flexifilter/delete'] = array( 'title' => 'Delete', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('flexifilter_filter_delete_form', 3), 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'file' => 'flexifilter.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/%flexifilter/enable'] = array( 'title' => 'Enable', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('flexifilter_filter_enable_form', 3), 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'file' => 'flexifilter.admin.inc', ); $items['admin/build/flexifilters/%flexifilter/disable'] = array( 'title' => 'Disable', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('flexifilter_filter_disable_form', 3), 'access arguments' => array('administer flexifilter'), 'file' => 'flexifilter.admin.inc', ); return $items; } function flexifilter_init() { menu_rebuild(); } /** * Implementation of hook_help() */ function flexifilter_help($path, $arg) { switch ($path) { case 'admin/help#flexifilter': $output = '

'. t('Flexifilters are flexible filters that can be used by Input Formats to filter created content.', array('@input_formats' => url('admin/settings/filters'))) .'

'; //$output .= '

'. t('For more information, see the online handbook entry for Flexifilter module.', array('@flexifilter' => 'http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/flexifilter/')) .'

'; return $output; case 'admin/build/flexifilters': return '

'. t('Flexifilters are flexible filters that can be used by Input Formats to filter created content.', array('@input_formats' => url('admin/settings/filters'))) .'

'; case 'admin/build/flexifilters/%/edit': $output = '

'. t('Flexifilters are defined in terms of components. A component can range from something simple like "regex replacement" to "invoke other filter" or "while loop". By combining these components, you can create a filter to do what you want. Use the "Add component" dropdown to add a new component to the end of your filter, and then use the "Re/move" dropdown within the component to remove the component, or to move it up/down within the list of components.') .'

'; $output .= '

'. t('Some components (for example, the if/while loops) can have components and conditions within them. In this case, the if/while has a list of components, just like the filter itself has a list of components. The if/while will also have a condition, which controls when the list of components happen.'); return $output; } } /** * An API function that gets a list of all the flexifilter components present. * * @param $reset Set to TRUE to clear the cache (cache is per-page-request) * * @return An array containing the components. Each component will be a key/value pair in * this array. The key is a unique identifer of the component, also called the component * class. The values are associative arrays containing the following keys: * - label : A human readable name for the component * - description : A human readable description of what the component does * - is_container : TRUE if any of the #contains_ fields are TRUE * - contains_condition : TRUE if the component has a condition associated with it * - contains_components : TRUE if the component has children components * - callback : A callback function which implements the component * - callback_arguments : An array of arguments to pass to the callback function * - group : A human readable name of the group that the component belongs to * - is_advanced : TRUE if the component is only shown in advanced mode */ function flexifilter_get_component_list($include_advanced_items = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) { static $cache = array(); if (!isset($cache[$include_advanced_items]) || $reset) { $components = module_invoke_all('flexifilter_components'); foreach ($components as $key => $component) { if (!isset($component['group'])) { $components[$key]['group'] = t('Other'); } if (!isset($component['description'])) { $components[$key]['description'] = ''; } if (!isset($component['callback_arguments'])) { $components[$key]['callback_arguments'] = array(); } if (!isset($component['contains_condition'])) { $components[$key]['contains_condition'] = FALSE; } if (!isset($component['contains_components'])) { $components[$key]['contains_components'] = FALSE; } if (!isset($component['is_container'])) { $components[$key]['is_container'] = $components[$key]['contains_condition'] || $components[$key]['contains_components']; } if (!isset($component['is_advanced'])) { $components[$key]['is_advanced'] = FALSE; } if (!$include_advanced_items && $components[$key]['is_advanced']) { unset($components[$key]); } } $cache[$include_advanced_items] = $components; } return $cache[$include_advanced_items]; } /** * An API function that gets a list of all the flexifilter components present. */ function flexifilter_get_condition_list($include_advanced_items = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) { static $cache = array(); if (!isset($cache[$include_advanced_items]) || $reset) { $conditions = module_invoke_all('flexifilter_conditions'); foreach ($conditions as $key => $condition) { if (!isset($condition['group'])) { $conditions[$key]['group'] = t('Other'); } if (!isset($condition['description'])) { $conditions[$key]['description'] = ''; } if (!isset($condition['callback_arguments'])) { $conditions[$key]['callback_arguments'] = array(); } if (!isset($condition['contains_conditions'])) { $conditions[$key]['contains_conditions'] = FALSE; } if (!isset($condition['is_container'])) { $conditions[$key]['is_container'] = $conditions[$key]['contains_conditions']; } if (!isset($condition['is_advanced'])) { $conditions[$key]['is_advanced'] = FALSE; } if (!$include_advanced_items && $conditions[$key]['is_advanced']) { unset($conditions[$key]); } } $cache[$include_advanced_items] = $conditions; } return $cache[$include_advanced_items]; } /** * Causes a component to run * * @param $component A component (e.g. from flexifilter_get_component_list()) * @param $op The operation to run on the component. "settings", "prepare" and "process" are valid operations. * @param $settings The values from the component's settings form (can be an empty array for "settings" operation) * @param $text The text to run the component over (ignored for "settings" operation) * * @return "prepare" and "process" operations return the new text, "settings" returns an FAPI table. For any * operations that the component doesn't support, it will return $text. */ function flexifilter_invoke_component($component, $op, $settings = array(), $text = '') { $text = call_user_func_array($component['callback'], array_merge($component['callback_arguments'], array($op, $settings, $text))); $_flexifilter_preview = variable_get('flexifilter_preview', FALSE); if ($_flexifilter_preview) { $_flexifilter_preview_text = variable_get('flexifilter_preview_text', array()); $_flexifilter_preview_text[] = array('value' => $text, 'type' => 'component', 'step' => $op, 'class' => $component['label'], 'settings' => $settings); variable_set('flexifilter_preview_text', $_flexifilter_preview_text); } return $text; } /** * Causes a condition to run * * @param $data Array containing condition data. Should have at least two keys: * - class : The class name of the component * - settings : Array of settings to pass to the component * @param $op The operation to run on the condition. "settings", "prepare" and "process" are valid operations. * @param $text The text to run the condition over (ignored for "settings" operation) * * @return "prepare" and "process" operations return either TRUE or FALSE, "settings" returns an FAPI table */ function flexifilter_invoke_condition($data, $op, $text = '') { // Blank class name is the faux condition "No Condition" if ($data['class'] === '') { if ($op == 'settings') { return array(); } else { return FALSE; } } // Anything else is a proper condition, so dispatch it $conditions = flexifilter_get_condition_list(); $condition = $conditions[$data['class']]; $settings = $data['settings']; $return_value = call_user_func_array($condition['callback'], array_merge($condition['callback_arguments'], array($op, $settings, $text))); switch ($op) { // For settings, return the value as-is case 'settings': return $return_value; // For prepare and process, force the return value to TRUE or FALSE case 'prepare': case 'process': if ($return_value) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } /** * Causes a series of components to run * * @param $components An array containing components. Each value in this array must be an array with the following keys: * - class : The name of a component class (i.e. one of the keys in the flexifilter_get_component_list() array) * - step : If the component can run in either step, should contain "prepare" or "process". Ignored if the component runs in a set step. * - settings : An array of settings for the component, suitable for passing to flexifilter_invoke_component() * @param $op The operation to perform on the components. Should be "prepare" or "process". * @param $text The text to prepare or process * * @return The new text, after preparation / processing */ function flexifilter_invoke_components($components, $op, $text) { $component_list = flexifilter_get_component_list(); foreach ($components as $key => $component) { if ($key !== 'id_prefix' && $key !== 'id_next') { $class = $component_list[$component['class']]; if ($class['step'] == 'both' || $component['settings']['step'] == $op || $class['step'] == $op) { $text = flexifilter_invoke_component($class, $op, $component['settings'], $text); } } } return $text; } /** * API function that returns TRUE if the components are involved in the step. * * @param $components * An array of components to check for involvement. * @param $step * The step to check for involvement, either 'process' or 'prepare'. */ function flexifilter_components_involve_step($components, $step) { $component_list = flexifilter_get_component_list(); foreach ($components as $key => $component) { if ($key !== 'id_prefix' && $key !== 'id_next') { $class = $component_list[$component['class']]; // If step is explicity set to the one being tested, then it is involved if ((isset($component['step']) && $component['step'] == $step) || $class['step'] == $step) { return TRUE; } // If step is set to both, then it is involved (unless it is a container) if ($class['is_container'] !== TRUE && $class['step'] == 'both') { return TRUE; } // Finally, if one of its children is involed, then it is if (isset($component['components']) && flexifilter_components_involve_step($component['components'], $step)) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /** * Turns an array of elements into an array of groups containing element labels * * @param $elements An array of elements. Each key/value pair is an element, with the * value being an associative array containing at least label and group. * * @return An array of groups, such that: $returned['element_group']['element_key'] = 'element_label'. */ function flexifilter_get_grouped_labels($elements) { $grouped = array(); foreach ($elements as $name => $element) { $grouped[$element['group']][$name] = $element['label']; } array_map('asort', $grouped); ksort($grouped); return $grouped; } /** * Implementation of hook_filter * * Maps flexifilters into the existing filters system. Currently maps $delta to the * flexifilter ID. This will have to change, as the filter system stores delta as a * tinyint, and flexifilter IDs might exceed 127. Possible solutions: * - Limit the number of enabled flexifilters to 128 at any one time (and unlimited disabled ones) * - Expose a single "Flexifilter" filter, and allow it to be configured, setting which flexifilters to use */ function flexifilter_filter($op, $delta = 0, $format = -1, $text = '') { switch ($op) { case 'list': $filters = array(); foreach (flexifilter_get_filters(FALSE) as $fid => $filter) { if ($filter['enabled']) { $filters[$filter['delta']] = $filter['label']; } } return $filters; case 'description': $filter = flexifilter_get_filter_by_delta($delta); return $filter['description']; case 'prepare': case 'process': $filter = flexifilter_get_filter_by_delta($delta); return flexifilter_invoke_components($filter['components'], $op, $text); case 'no cache': $filter = flexifilter_get_filter_by_delta($delta); return !($filter['cache']); default: return $text; } } /** * Implementation of hook_filter_tips. */ function flexifilter_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = FALSE) { $flexifilter = flexifilter_get_filter_by_delta($delta); if ($long) { return str_replace('<--break-->', '', $flexifilter['description']); } else { $pos = strpos($flexifilter['description'], ''); if ($pos === FALSE) { return substr($flexifilter['description'], 0); } return substr($flexifilter['description'], 0, $pos); } } /** * Menu callback; loads a flexifilter object. * * @param $fid * The uniqe flexifilter id of the flexifilter to load. * @return * The flexifilter upon success; FALSE upon failure. */ function flexifilter_load($fid) { if (!is_numeric($fid)) { return FALSE; } $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {flexifilters} WHERE fid = %d', $fid); if ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { return _flexifilter_filter_from_db_row($row, TRUE); } return FALSE; } function flexifilter_get_field($flexifilter, $field) { return $flexifilter[$field]; } /** * Returns all flexifilters * * @param $include_components If TRUE, then the filter's components are not retrieved. This saves on alot of work, so set it to FALSE if you only require the flexifilter names and other simple details. * @param $reset May be set to true to clear the cache. * * @return An array of flexifilters. For each key/value pair, the key is the flexifilter ID and the value * is an array containing the following fields: * - label : A human readable name for the flexifilter * - description : The description given to the flexifilter * - id : The flexifilter ID number * - enabled : TRUE if the flexifilter is enabled, FALSE otherwise * - advanced * - delta : If enabled, then a value between 0 and 127 which is unique in the enabled flexifilters * - components : An array containing the components of the flexifilter */ function flexifilter_get_filters($include_components = TRUE, $reset = FALSE) { static $cache = array(); if (!isset($cache[$include_components]) || $reset) { $filters = array(); $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {flexifilters}'); while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { $filters[$row->fid] = _flexifilter_filter_from_db_row($row, $include_components); } $cache[$include_components] = $filters; } return $cache[$include_components]; } /** * Saves a flexifilter to the database. * * @param $filter A flexifilter to save. Should be of same form as the flexifilters returned from flexifilter_get_filters * (e.g. an array containing the label,description,id,enabled,advanced,delta and components fields), although id can be * set to 'new' to create a new flexifilter rather than update an existing one (in which case, delta is ignored). Do * not use * * @return The fid. */ function flexifilter_save_filter($filter) { $fid = $filter['fid']; $label = $filter['label']; $description = $filter['description']; $advanced = $filter['advanced']; $cache = isset($filter['cache']) ? $filter['cache'] : 1; if ($fid === 'new') { db_query("INSERT INTO {flexifilters} (label, description, enabled, delta, pid_root, advanced, cache) VALUES ('%s', '%s', 0, 0, 0, %d)", $label, $description, $advanced, $cache); $fid = db_last_insert_id('flexifilters', 'fid'); $pids_to_reuse = array(); $pid_root = _flexifilter_save_filter_components($filter['components'], $fid, $pids_to_reuse); db_query('UPDATE {flexifilters} SET pid_root = %d WHERE fid = %d', $pid_root, $fid); } else { $pids_to_reuse = array(); $result = db_query('SELECT pid FROM {flexifilters_parts} WHERE fid = %d', $fid); while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { $pids_to_reuse[] = $row->pid; } sort($pids_to_reuse, SORT_NUMERIC); $pid_root = _flexifilter_save_filter_components($filter['components'], $fid, $pids_to_reuse); if (count($pids_to_reuse) > 0) { db_query('DELETE FROM {flexifilters_parts} WHERE pid = '. implode($pids_to_reuse, ' OR pid = '), $fid); } db_query("UPDATE {flexifilters} SET label = '%s', description = '%s', pid_root = %d, advanced = %d, cache = %d WHERE fid = %d", $label, $description, $pid_root, $advanced, $cache, $fid); } $existing_filters = flexifilter_get_filters(FALSE, TRUE); if (isset($existing_filters[$fid]['enabled']) && isset($filter['enabled'])) { if ($existing_filters[$fid]['enabled'] != $filter['enabled']) { if ($filter['enabled']) { if (flexifilter_get_number_enabled_filters() < FLEXIFILTER_MAX_FILTERS) { $delta = flexifilter_get_unused_delta(); if ($delta !== FALSE) { db_query('UPDATE {flexifilters} SET enabled = 1, delta = %d WHERE fid = %d', $delta, $fid); } } } else { db_query('UPDATE {flexifilters} SET enabled = 0 WHERE fid = %d', $fid); } } } return $fid; } function _flexifilter_save_filter_components($components, $fid, &$pids_to_reuse, $parent = FALSE) { if ($parent === FALSE) { if ($reuse_pid = array_shift($pids_to_reuse)) { db_query("UPDATE {flexifilters_parts} SET fid = %d, parent_pid = 0, type = %d, class_name = '', settings = '' WHERE pid = %d", $fid, FLEXIFILTER_PART_TYPE_ROOT, $reuse_pid); $parent = $reuse_pid; } else { db_query("INSERT INTO {flexifilters_parts} (fid, parent_pid, type, class_name, settings) VALUES (%d, 0, %d, '', '')", $fid, FLEXIFILTER_PART_TYPE_ROOT); $parent = db_last_insert_id('flexifilters_parts', 'pid'); } } foreach ($components as $key => $child) { if (is_numeric($key)) { if (isset($child['settings']['components'])) { $child_components = $child['settings']['components']; unset($child['settings']['components']); } if (isset($child['settings']['condition'])) { $child_condition = $child['settings']['condition']; unset($child['settings']['condition']); } if ($child_cid = array_shift($pids_to_reuse)) { db_query("UPDATE {flexifilters_parts} SET fid = %d, parent_pid = %d, type = %d, class_name = '%s', settings = '%s' WHERE pid = %d", $fid, $parent, FLEXIFILTER_PART_TYPE_COMPONENT, $child['class'], serialize($child['settings']), $child_cid); } else { db_query("INSERT INTO {flexifilters_parts} (fid, parent_pid, type, class_name, settings) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s')", $fid, $parent, FLEXIFILTER_PART_TYPE_COMPONENT, $child['class'], serialize($child['settings'])); $child_cid = db_last_insert_id('flexifilters_parts', 'pid'); } if (isset($child_components)) { _flexifilter_save_filter_components($child_components, $fid, $pids_to_reuse, $child_cid); } if (isset($child_condition)) { _flexifilter_save_filter_condition($child_condition, $fid, $pids_to_reuse, $child_cid); } } } return $parent; } function _flexifilter_save_filter_condition($condition, $fid, &$pids_to_reuse, $parent) { if (isset($condition['settings']['conditions'])) { $condition_conditions = $condition['settings']['conditions']; unset($condition['settings']['conditions']); } if ($our_pid = array_shift($pids_to_reuse)) { db_query("UPDATE {flexifilters_parts} SET fid = %d, parent_pid = %d, type = %d, class_name = '%s', settings = '%s' WHERE pid = %d", $fid, $parent, FLEXIFILTER_PART_TYPE_CONDITION, $condition['class'], serialize($condition['settings']), $our_pid); } else { db_query("INSERT INTO {flexifilters_parts} (fid, parent_pid, type, class_name, settings) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s')", $fid, $parent, FLEXIFILTER_PART_TYPE_CONDITION, $condition['class'], serialize($condition['settings'])); $our_pid = db_last_insert_id('flexifilters_parts', 'pid'); } if (isset($condition_conditions)) { foreach ($condition_conditions as $sub_condition) { _flexifilter_save_filter_condition($sub_condition, $fid, $pids_to_reuse, $our_pid); } } } /** * Fetches flexifilters by delta. */ function flexifilter_get_filter_by_delta($delta, $reset = FALSE) { static $cache; if (!isset($cache)) { $cache = array(); } if (!isset($cache[$delta]) || $reset) { $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {flexifilters} WHERE enabled = 1 AND delta = %d', $delta); if ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { $cache[$delta] = _flexifilter_filter_from_db_row($row, TRUE); } else { $cache[$delta] = FALSE; } } return $cache[$delta]; } /** * Helper function for flexifilter_get_filters; converts a row from the flexifilters table * into a full flexifilter. */ function _flexifilter_filter_from_db_row($row, $include_components) { $filter = array( 'label' => $row->label, 'description' => $row->description, 'id' => $row->fid, 'enabled' => ($row->enabled == 1), 'advanced' => ($row->advanced == 1), 'delta' => $row->delta, 'cache' => $row->cache, ); $pid_root = $row->pid_root; if ($include_components) { // Fetch all the parts of the filter and store them in a flat array $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {flexifilters_parts} WHERE fid = %d', $row->fid); $components_flat = array(); $component_children = array(); $id_next = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { $components_flat[$row->pid] = array( 'class' => $row->class_name, 'settings' => $row->settings, 'type' => $row->type, 'pid' => $row->pid, ); $id_next = max($id_next, $row->pid + 1); if (!isset($component_children[$row->parent_pid])) { $component_children[$row->parent_pid] = array($row->pid); } else { $component_children[$row->parent_pid][] = $row->pid; } } $filter['components'] = _flexifilter_reconstruct_components($pid_root, $components_flat, $component_children); $filter['components']['id_next'] = $id_next; $filter['components']['id_prefix'] = 'flexifilter_component_'; } return $filter; } /** * Helper function for _flexifilter_filter_from_db_row; recursively collects the component * children of a flexifilter part. */ function _flexifilter_reconstruct_components($root, &$components_flat, &$component_children) { $component_list = flexifilter_get_component_list(); $components = array(); if (isset($component_children[$root])) { foreach ($component_children[$root] as $child_pid) { $child = $components_flat[$child_pid]; if ($child['type'] == FLEXIFILTER_PART_TYPE_COMPONENT) { $class = $component_list[$child['class']]; $child_reconstructed = array( 'class' => $child['class'], 'settings' => unserialize($child['settings']), 'id' => $child['pid'], ); if ($class['contains_components']) { $child_reconstructed['settings']['components'] = _flexifilter_reconstruct_components($child_pid, $components_flat, $component_children); } if ($class['contains_condition']) { $conditions = _flexifilter_reconstruct_conditions($child_pid, $components_flat, $component_children); $child_reconstructed['settings']['condition'] = $conditions[0]; } $components[] = $child_reconstructed; } } } return $components; } /** * Helper function for _flexifilter_filter_from_db_row; recursively collects the condition * children of a flexifilter part. */ function _flexifilter_reconstruct_conditions($root, &$conditions_flat, &$condition_children) { $condition_list = flexifilter_get_condition_list(); $conditions = array(); if (isset($condition_children[$root])) { foreach ($condition_children[$root] as $child_pid) { $child = $conditions_flat[$child_pid]; if ($child['type'] == FLEXIFILTER_PART_TYPE_CONDITION) { if ($child['class'] == '') { $child_reconstructed = array( 'class' => '', 'settings' => array(), ); } else { $class = $condition_list[$child['class']]; $child_reconstructed = array( 'class' => $child['class'], 'settings' => unserialize($child['settings']), ); if ($class['contains_conditions']) { $child_reconstructed['settings']['conditions'] = _flexifilter_reconstruct_conditions($child_pid, $conditions_flat, $condition_children); } } $conditions[] = $child_reconstructed; } } } return $conditions; } /** * Returns the number of enabled flexifilters. This is useful because only 128 are allowed to be enabled at one time. */ function flexifilter_get_number_enabled_filters($reset = FALSE) { static $count; if (!isset($count) || $reset) { $count = 0; $filters = flexifilter_get_filters($reset); foreach ($filters as $filter) { if ($filter['enabled']) { $count++; } } } return $count; } /** * API function: installs flexifilters. * * @param $module - The name of the module whose flexifilters should be installed. * @param $flexifilters - Optional. An array of flexifilters to be installed. If passed in, $module is irrelevant. * @return * An array of fids of the filters saved. */ function flexifilter_install_flexifilters($module, $flexifilters = NULL) { if (is_null($flexifilters)) { $flexifilters = module_invoke($module, 'flexifilters'); } $fids = array(); foreach ($flexifilters as $flexifilter) { $fid = flexifilter_save_filter($flexifilter); drupal_set_message(t('The !url flexifilter has been saved.', array('!url' => l($flexifilter['label'], "admin/build/flexifilters/$fid")))); watchdog('flexifilter', 'The !url flexifilter has been saved.', array('!url' => l($flexifilter['label'], "admin/build/flexifilters/$fid"))); $fids[] = $fid; } return $fids; } function flexifilter_get_unused_delta() { $deltas = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < FLEXIFILTER_MAX_FILTERS; $i++) { $deltas[$i] = TRUE; } foreach (flexifilter_get_filters(FALSE) as $flexifilter) { if ($flexifilter['enabled']) { $deltas[$flexifilter['delta']] = FALSE; } } for ($i = 0; $i < FLEXIFILTER_MAX_FILTERS; $i++) { if ($deltas[$i] == TRUE) { return $i; } } return FALSE; } /** * Implementation of hook_enable. */ function flexifilter_enable() { // We install flexifilter's flexifilters here so the tables, etc., will already have been set up. // Other modules can put this in hook_install. flexifilter_install_flexifilters('flexifilter'); }