FLASHNODE MODULE ---------------- To use flashnode you must also download the required ufo javascript package from www.bobbyvandersluis.com/ufo and add ufo.js and ufo.swf to the module's directory. This step is required as ufo.js is a third party script and cannot be packaged directly from the drupal repository. This module will create a new node type, flash, designed to store Flash animation. It relies on ufo (Unobtrusive Flash Object) by Bobby van der Sluis (www.bobbyvandersluis.com/ufo). When the node is rendered it will automatically insert the ufo javascript to enable the Flash content. Browsers that don't have javascript, or the right Flash version, will downgrade nicely, and a message will be displayed indicating some content is missing. If you don't like the message that is being displayed then you will need to edit the module itself at this time. I will probably include the default message as a setting in a later release. ; $Id: README.txt,v 1.3 2007-04-21 22:56:47 stuartgreenfield Exp $