'textfield', '#title' => t('Options'), '#description' => t('Optional parameters to pass to the flash content, as a string, using flash node input filter syntax.'), '#default_value' => $this->options['options'], ); } // Define the render function for flash node content function render($values) { // If options passed then turn options string in to an array $options = array(); if ($this->options['options']) { $options = array_map('trim', explode('|', $this->options['options'])); } // Initialise data array with the nid $data = array('nid' => $values->nid); // Add on any options foreach($options as $option) { $pos = strpos($option, '='); $data_name = substr($option, 0, $pos); $data_value = substr($option, $pos + 1); $data[$data_name] = $data_value; } // Return content return flashnode_content($data); } }