t('FeedAPI Mapper'),
'description' => t('Test basic FeedAPI Mapper function'),
'group' => t('FeedAPI Mapper'),
* SimpleTest core method: code run before each and every test method.
function setUp() {
// Always call the setUp() function from the parent class.
// Create users.
$this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(
'administer content types',
'administer feedapi',
'administer nodes',
'administer site configuration',
'advanced feedapi options',
'create feed content',
function testCommonSyndicationParserMapping() {
$this->enableParsers(FALSE, TRUE);
function testSimplePieParserMapping() {
$this->enableParsers(TRUE, FALSE);
function testUserInterface() {
$this->enableParsers(TRUE, FALSE);
$options = array(
'typename' => 'story',
'filename' => 'drupal.xml',
'mappers' => array('node', 'feedapi_node'),
'mapping' => array(
serialize(array('options', 'original_url')) => serialize(array('feedapi_node', 'original_url')),
serialize(array('options', 'timestamp')) => serialize(array('node', 'created')),
$feed_url = $this->setupFeed($options);
// Test unique UI.
$this->drupalGet($feed_url . '/map');
$this->assertText('N/A', 'Some of the targets do not support unique bit.');
$this->assertPattern('/no<\/a>/i', 'One of the targets supports unique bit.');
$this->assertNoPattern('/yes<\/a>/i', 'None of the targets marked unique yet.');
// Toggle unique flag.
$this->drupalGet($feed_url . '/map');
$this->assertPattern('/yes<\/a>/i', 'One of the targets marked unique.');
// Check database.
$mapper_rows = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {feedapi_mapper}"));
$unique = unserialize(db_result(db_query("SELECT unique_elements FROM {feedapi_mapper}")));
$this->assertTrue($mapper_rows == 1, 'The mapping table contains one entry');
$this->assertTrue($unique[serialize(array('options', 'original_url'))], 'The mapping table contains that the URL is unique');
// Delete mapping entries.
$mapper_entries = unserialize(db_result(db_query("SELECT mapping FROM {feedapi_mapper}")));
$this->assertTrue(count($mapper_entries == 4), 'Four mapping entries are defined.');
$mapper_entries = unserialize(db_result(db_query("SELECT mapping FROM {feedapi_mapper}")));
$this->assertTrue(count($mapper_entries == 4), 'Three mapping entries are defined after one is deleted.');
// Test per content-type and per node mapping. Test scope handling.
$old_param = db_result(db_query("SELECT param FROM {feedapi_mapper}"));
$this->drupalGet($feed_url . '/map');
$this->assertText('This mapping applies to all content-types.', 'The mapping is per-content-type by default');
$this->drupalPost($feed_url. '/map/restrict', array(), 'Change to per-node');
$this->drupalGet($feed_url . '/map');
$this->assertText('This mapping is specific to this feed node', 'The mapping is now per-node');
$mapper_rows = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {feedapi_mapper}"));
$this->assertTrue($mapper_rows == 2, 'The per-node row appeared in the database table');
$old_mapping_before = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT mapping, unique_elements FROM {feedapi_mapper} WHERE param = '%s'", $old_param));
// Modify per node mapping - should have no effect on per-content-type mapping.
$this->drupalGet($feed_url . '/map');
$old_mapping_after = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT mapping, unique_elements FROM {feedapi_mapper} WHERE param = '%s'", $old_param));
$this->assertTrue($old_mapping_after == $old_mapping_before, 'The per-content-type mapping hasn\'t been modified');
function testUniqueLogic() {
$this->enableParsers(TRUE, FALSE);
$unique_per_field = array(
'guid' => 1,
'original_url' => 25,
foreach ($unique_per_field as $field => $num_of_unique) {
$options = array(
'typename' => 'story',
'filename' => 'unique.xml',
'mappers' => array('node', 'feedapi_node'),
'mapping' => array(
serialize(array('options', $field)) => serialize(array('feedapi_node', $field)),
$feed_url = $this->setupFeed($options);
$this->drupalGet($feed_url . '/map');
// Set URL unique.
// Delete previously refreshed feed items (see setupFeed()).
$this->drupalPost($feed_url . '/purge', array(), 'Yes');
$this->drupalGet($feed_url . '/refresh');
$num_of_items = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {feedapi_node_item}"));
$this->assertEqual($num_of_items, $num_of_unique);
$this->drupalPost($feed_url . '/purge', array(), 'Yes');
db_query("DELETE FROM {feedapi_mapper}");
function _testDefaultMapping() {
$options = array(
'typename' => 'story',
'filename' => 'drupal.xml',
'mappers' => array('node'),
'mapping' => array(
$feed_url = $this->setupFeed($options);
// Check one of the nodes
$this->clickLink('DrupalCon DC Website: A Conference Archive');
$this->assertRaw('DrupalCon DC Website: A Conference Archive
$this->assertText('Fri, 04/17/2009 - 15:21');
$this->assertText('The videos of more than 100 presentations');
// @todo: check lots of edge cases, wierd formats etc
// @todo: check multi-value fields
// @todo: check what happens if multiple fields elements map to the same field