t('FeedAPI Node basic functions'), 'description' => t('Refresh a feed and find out if it\'s okay. Uses normal node submit form and simplified too. Uses both parsers.'), 'group' => t('FeedAPI'), ); } /** * Add a content-type, create a feed and refresh it. * Check if everything seems ok * Delete the feed * Check if the rubbish is purged as well. * Use simplified form to create a feed */ function testFeedAPI_Node() { $parsers_ok = $this->get_parsers(); $this->assertEqual(count($parsers_ok) > 0, TRUE, 'FeedAPI has at least one parser.'); foreach ($parsers_ok as $parser) { // Create a new content-type for creating the feed node $this->create_type($parser); $settings = feedapi_get_settings($this->info->type); $this->assertEqual($settings['parsers'][$parser]['enabled'], TRUE, $parser .' parser is enabled for the content-type '. $this->info->type); // Login with a user who has FeedAPI rights $this->feedapi_user(); // Create the feed node // Make the URL unique. It's not impossible that someone add this feed URL to the DB prior. $feed_url = $this->testFileURL('test_feed.rss'); $edit = array( 'feedapi[feedapi_url]' => $feed_url, ); $this->drupalPost('node/add/'. $this->info->type, $edit, 'Save'); $this->assertText(t('Link to site'), 'The node is created.'); // Check if the entry is in the DB $nid = db_result(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {feedapi} WHERE url = '%s'", $feed_url)); $vid = db_result(db_query_range("SELECT vid FROM {feedapi} WHERE nid = %d ORDER by vid DESC", $nid, 1, 1)); $this->assertEqual(is_numeric($nid), TRUE, 'The feed node is in the database'); $feed_node = node_load(array('nid' => $nid)); $this->assertEqual(is_object($feed_node->feed), TRUE, 'The feed can be loaded.'); // Admin overview page loads and the feed can be found there with the correct number of items $this->drupalGet('admin/content/feed'); $this->assertText('Radiovaticana.org', 'The admin overview page contains the feed title.'); // Disable feed item expiring $settings = feedapi_get_settings($this->info->type, $nid); $settings['items_delete'] = FEEDAPI_NEVER_DELETE_OLD; _feedapi_store_settings(array('vid' => $vid), $settings); // Refresh the feed $this->drupalGet("node/$nid/refresh"); $notification = t("%new new item(s) were saved. %updated existing item(s) were updated.", array("%new" => 10, "%updated" => 0)); $notification = str_replace('', '', $notification); $notification = str_replace('', '', $notification); $this->assertText($notification, 'The proper number of items were created'); // Refresh fact at the admin page $this->drupalGet('admin/content/feed'); $this->assertText('10'); // Check the feed items $result = db_query("SELECT fi.nid FROM {feedapi_node_item} fi JOIN {feedapi_node_item_feed} ff ON ff.feed_item_nid = fi.nid WHERE ff.feed_nid = %d", $nid); $types = array(); $author_check = TRUE; $item_nids = array(); while ($node = db_fetch_array($result)) { $item_nids[] = $node['nid']; $node = node_load(array('nid' => $node['nid'])); $types[] = $node->type; // Check the length of the nodes $title_size[] = strlen($node->title); $body_size[] = strlen($node->body); // Check the author of the nodes $author_check = ($feed_node->uid == $node->uid) && $author_check; } $types = array_unique($types); $this->assertEqual($types[0], 'story', 'The first news item is a story.'); $this->assertEqual(count($types), 1, 'All news items have the same type.'); sort($title_size); sort($body_size); $this->assertNotEqual($title_size[0], 0, 'All news item titles are longer than 0 character.'); $this->assertNotEqual($body_size[0], 0, 'All news item bodies are longer than 0 character.'); $this->assertTrue($author_check, 'All news items has the proper author.'); $this->drupalPost("node/$nid/purge", array(), "Yes"); // Remove the unwanted rubbish node_delete($nid); // Check if the news items are deleted as well $item_remain = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {feedapi_node_item} fi JOIN {feedapi_node_item_feed} ff ON ff.feed_item_nid = fi.nid WHERE ff.feed_nid = %d", $nid)); $this->assertEqual($item_remain, 0, 'All news item database entries are deleted because of feed deletion.'); // Check if the nodes belong to the news items are really deleted $node_remain = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE nid IN (". db_placeholders($item_nids, 'int') .")", $item_nids)); $this->assertEqual($node_remain, 0, 'All nodes belonging to a news item are deleted.'); // Reset node types so we get all blocks node_get_types('types', NULL, TRUE); // Generate blocks to get a simplified feed adding block for the new content-type $this->drupalGet("admin/build/block"); _block_rehash(); // Disable all blocks, but remember enabled ones $result = db_query("SELECT module, delta FROM {blocks} WHERE status = 1"); $to_disable_blocks = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) { $to_disable_blocks[] = $row; } // Enable simplified form block db_query("UPDATE {blocks} SET status = 0 WHERE status = 1"); $region = array_pop(array_keys(system_region_list(variable_get('theme_default', FALSE)))); // First region which is ok for the current theme db_query("UPDATE {blocks} SET status = 1, region='%s' WHERE module = 'feedapi' AND delta = '%s'", $region, $this->info->type); // Check for existing block showing up $this->drupalGet('node'); $this->assertText(t('Feed URL'), 'The block is showing up'); // Submit feed via simplified block $edit = array( 'url' => $feed_url, ); $this->drupalPost('node', $edit, 'Add'); $this->assertText(t('Link to site'), 'The node is created via the simplified form block.'); // Check if the entry is in the DB $nid = db_result(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {feedapi} WHERE url = '%s'", $feed_url)); $this->assertEqual(is_numeric($nid), TRUE, 'The feed node is in the database'); if (is_numeric($nid)) { $values = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT settings, feed_type, next_refresh_time, half_done FROM {feedapi} WHERE nid = %d", $nid)); $sane_default = TRUE; $sane_default = $sane_default || (is_array($values['settings']) && count($values['settings']) > 1); $sane_default = $sane_default || ($values['feed_type'] == 'XML feed'); $sane_default = $sane_default || ($values['next_refresh_time'] == 0); $sane_default = $sane_default || ($values['half_done'] == 0); $this->assertIdentical($sane_default, TRUE, "The feed has sane default values in the database table"); node_delete($nid); } // Restore blocks to the user's previous settings db_query("UPDATE {blocks} SET status = 0 WHERE module = 'feedapi' AND delta = '%s'", $this->info->type); foreach ($to_disable_blocks as $to_enable_block) { db_query("UPDATE {blocks} SET status = 1 WHERE module = '%s' AND delta ='%s'", $to_enable_block['module'], $to_enable_block['delta']); } // Test refresh on feed creation $edit = array( 'feedapi[feedapi_url]' => $feed_url, 'feedapi[refresh_on_create]' => TRUE, ); $this->drupalPost('node/add/'. $this->info->type, $edit, 'Save'); // Check if the entry is in the DB $nid = db_result(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {feedapi} WHERE url = '%s'", $feed_url)); $this->assertEqual(is_numeric($nid), TRUE, 'The feed node is in the database'); $this->drupalPost("node/$nid/purge", array(), "Yes"); // Remove the unwanted rubbish node_delete($nid); $this->drupalGet('admin/build/block'); } menu_rebuild(); } /** * Checks if the node updates by feedapi_node do not alter basic node options */ function testKeepNodeSettingsAtUpdate() { $this->create_type(array_pop($this->get_parsers())); $settings = feedapi_get_settings($this->info->type); $this->feedapi_user(); $feed_url = $this->testFileURL('test_feed.rss'); $edit = array( 'feedapi[feedapi_url]' => $feed_url, ); $this->drupalPost('node/add/'. $this->info->type, $edit, 'Save'); $node = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {feedapi} WHERE url = '%s'", $feed_url)); $this->drupalGet("node/{$node->nid}/refresh"); $notification = t("%new new item(s) were saved. %updated existing item(s) were updated.", array("%new" => 10, "%updated" => 0)); $notification = str_replace('', '', $notification); $notification = str_replace('', '', $notification); $this->assertText($notification, 'The proper number of items were created'); $title = 'xFgfsfdfsRDFGFes'; $feed_url_new = $this->testFileURL('test_feed_mod_title.rss'); $sticky = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE sticky = 1")); $this->assertTrue($sticky == 0, 'The sticky bit is off by default.'); // Set the sticky to 1 on all the nodes item db_query("UPDATE {node} SET sticky = 1"); // Invalidate current data and change the url db_query("UPDATE {feedapi} SET hash = '%s', url='%s' WHERE nid = %d", $this->randomName(5), $feed_url_new, $node->nid); $this->drupalGet("node/{$node->nid}/refresh"); $not_sticky = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE sticky = 0")); $this->assertTrue($not_sticky == 0, 'The sticky bit remained the same just as before the update'); $this->drupalGet('admin/content/node'); $this->assertText($title, 'The item node update was successful'); $this->drupalGet('/'); $this->assertText($title, 'The item node really appears on the first page.'); } }