array()); // 3.x if (context_features_get_version() === 3) { $api['context'] = array( 'api' => 'context', 'current_version' => 3, 'module' => 'context', 'default_file' => FEATURES_DEFAULTS_CUSTOM, 'default_filename' => 'context', ); } // 2.x $api['context'] += array( 'name' => 'Contexts', 'feature_source' => TRUE, 'default_hook' => 'context_default_contexts' ); return $api; } /** * Implementation of hook_features_export_options(); */ function context_features_export_options() { // 3.x if (context_features_get_version() === 3) { return ctools_component_features_export_options('context'); } // 2.x $contexts = context_enabled_contexts(); $options = array(); foreach ($contexts as $identifier => $context) { $options[$identifier] = "{$context->namespace} > {$context->attribute} > {$context->value}"; } return $options; } /** * Implementation of hook_features_export(). */ function context_features_export($data, &$export, $module_name = '') { // 3.x if (context_features_get_version() === 3) { $pipe = ctools_component_features_export('context', $data, $export, $module_name); $contexts = context_load(); foreach ($data as $identifier) { if (isset($contexts[$identifier])) { $context = $contexts[$identifier]; // Conditions. // Currently only node and views conditions are supported. // @TODO: Should this be delegated to a method on the plugin? foreach (array('node', 'views') as $key) { if (!empty($context->conditions{$key}['values'])) { foreach ($context->conditions{$key}['values'] as $item) { // Special pipe for views if ($key === 'views') { $split = explode(':', $item); $view_name = array_shift($split); $pipe[$key][$view_name] = $view_name; } else { $pipe[$key][$item] = $item; } } } } // Reactions. if (!empty($context->reactions['block']['blocks'])) { foreach ($context->reactions['block']['blocks'] as $block) { $block = (array) $block; $bid = "{$block['module']}-{$block['delta']}"; $pipe['block'][$bid] = $bid; } } } } return $pipe; } // 2.x $export['dependencies']['context'] = 'context'; // Collect a context to module map $map = features_get_default_map('context', NULL, 'context_features_identifier_2'); $pipe = array(); $contexts = context_enabled_contexts(); foreach ($data as $identifier) { // If this context is already provided by another module, add it // as a dependency and prevent it from becoming a duplicate export. if (isset($map[$identifier]) && $map[$identifier] != $module_name) { if (isset($export['features']['context'][$identifier])) { unset($export['features']['context'][$identifier]); } $module = $map[$identifier]; $export['dependencies'][$module] = $module; } // Otherwise, export it. else if (!empty($contexts[$identifier])) { $export['features']['context'][$identifier] = $identifier; $context = $contexts[$identifier]; foreach (array('node', 'menu') as $key) { if (!empty($context->{$key})) { if (is_array($context->{$key})) { foreach ($context->{$key} as $item) { $pipe[$key][$item] = $item; } } else { $item = $context->{$key}; $pipe[$key][$item] = $item; } } } // Special pipe for views if (!empty($context->views) && is_array($context->views)) { foreach ($context->views as $view_name) { $split = explode(':', $view_name); $view_name = array_shift($split); $pipe['views'][$view_name] = $view_name; } } // Special pipe for blocks if (!empty($context->block)) { foreach ($context->block as $block) { $block = (array) $block; $bid = "{$block['module']}-{$block['delta']}"; $pipe['block'][$bid] = $bid; } } } } return $pipe; } /** * Implementation of hook_features_export_render(). */ function context_features_export_render($module, $data) { // 3.x if (context_features_get_version() === 3) { return ctools_component_features_export_render('context', $module, $data); } // 2.x $code = array(); $code[] = ' $items = array();'; $code[] = ''; foreach ($data as $identifier) { $contexts = context_enabled_contexts(); $context = $contexts[$identifier]; // prune system specific information and cast for Drupal's AOP (array oriented programming) $prune = array('cid', 'status', 'system', 'type'); foreach ($prune as $key) { if (isset($context->{$key})) { unset($context->{$key}); } } $context = (array) $context; // clean up blocks if (!empty($context['block'])) { foreach ($context['block'] as $bid => $block) { unset($block->bid); $context['block'][$bid] = (array) $block; } } $context_identifier = context_var_export($identifier); $context_export = context_var_export($context, ' '); $code[] = " \$items[{$context_identifier}] = {$context_export};"; } $code[] = ' return $items;'; $code = implode("\n", $code); return array('context_default_contexts' => $code); } /** * Implementation of hook_features_revert(). * * @param $module * name of module to revert content for */ function context_features_revert($module = NULL) { // 3.x if (context_features_get_version() === 3) { $return = ctools_component_features_revert('context', $module); context_invalidate_cache(); return $return; } // 2.x if ($default_contexts = features_get_default('context', $module)) { foreach($default_contexts as $default_context) { $current_context = new StdClass(); $current_context->namespace = $default_context['namespace']; $current_context->attribute = $default_context['attribute']; $current_context->value = $default_context['value']; $context_to_delete = context_load_context($current_context); context_delete_context($context_to_delete); } } } /** * 2.x: Callback for generating the context exportable identifier. */ function context_features_identifier_2($object) { return isset($object->namespace, $object->attribute, $object->value) ? "{$object->namespace}-{$object->attribute}-{$object->value}" : FALSE; }