$info) { $code = ''; if (!function_exists("{$info['module']}_features_api")) { $code .= 'function '. $info['module'] .'_features_api() { return ctools_component_features_api("'. $info['module'] .'"); }'; } if (!function_exists("{$component}_features_export")) { $code .= 'function '. $component .'_features_export($data, &$export, $module_name = "") { return ctools_component_features_export("'. $component .'", $data, $export, $module_name); }'; } if (!function_exists("{$component}_features_export_options")) { $code .= 'function '. $component .'_features_export_options() { return ctools_component_features_export_options("'. $component .'"); }'; } if (!function_exists("{$component}_features_export_render")) { $code .= 'function '. $component .'_features_export_render($module = "foo", $data) { return ctools_component_features_export_render("'. $component .'", $module, $data); }'; } if (!function_exists("{$component}_features_revert")) { $code .= 'function '. $component .'_features_revert($module = "foo") { return ctools_component_features_revert("'. $component .'", $module); }'; } eval($code); } /** * Implementation of hook_features_api(). */ function ctools_features_api() { return array( 'ctools' => array( 'name' => 'CTools export API', 'default_hook' => 'ctools_plugin_api', 'feature_source' => TRUE, 'duplicates' => FEATURES_DUPLICATES_ALLOWED, ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_features_export(). * Adds references to the ctools mothership hook, ctools_plugin_api(). */ function ctools_features_export($data, &$export, $module_name = '') { // Add ctools dependency $export['dependencies']['ctools'] = 'ctools'; // Add the actual ctools components which will // need to be accounted for in hook_ctools_plugin_api(). foreach ($data as $component) { $export['features']['ctools'][$component] = $component; } return array(); } /** * Implementation of hook_features_export_render(). * Adds the ctools mothership hook, ctools_plugin_api(). */ function ctools_features_export_render($module = 'foo', $data) { $info = _ctools_features_get_info(); $code = array(); $code[] = ' $args = func_get_args();'; $code[] = ' $module = array_shift($args);'; $code[] = ' $api = array_shift($args);'; $first = TRUE; foreach ($data as $component) { $module = $info[$component]['module']; $api = $info[$component]['api']; $version = $info[$component]['current_version']; $if = $first ? 'if' : 'else if'; $code[] = ' '. $if .' ($module == "'. $module .'" && $api == "'. $api .'") {'; $code[] = ' return array("version" => '. $version .');'; $code[] = ' }'; $first = FALSE; } return array('ctools_plugin_api' => implode("\n", $code)); } /** * Master implementation of hook_features_api() for all ctools components. * * Note that this master hook does not use $component like the others, but uses the * component module's namespace instead. */ function ctools_component_features_api($module_name) { $api = array(); foreach (_ctools_features_get_info() as $component => $info) { if ($info['module'] === $module_name) { $api[$component] = $info; } } return $api; } /** * Master implementation of hook_features_export_options() for all ctools components. */ function ctools_component_features_export_options($component) { $options = array(); ctools_include('export'); $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($component); if ($schema && $schema['export']['bulk export']) { $export_key = $schema['export']['key']; // If a list callback is available use it, otherwise fallback to generating // options from ctools_export_load_object(). if (function_exists($schema['export']['list callback'])) { $objects = $schema['export']['list callback'](); $options = drupal_map_assoc(array_keys($objects)); } else if ($objects = ctools_export_load_object($component, 'all')) { $options = drupal_map_assoc(array_keys($objects)); } } ksort($options); return $options; } /** * Master implementation of hook_features_export() for all ctools components. */ function ctools_component_features_export($component, $data, &$export, $module_name = '') { // Add the actual implementing module as a dependency $info = _ctools_features_get_info(); $export['dependencies'][$module] = $info[$component]['module']; // Add the components foreach ($data as $object_name) { if (ctools_export_load_object($component, 'names', array($object_name))) { $export['features'][$component][$object_name] = $object_name; } } // Let CTools handle API integration for this component. return array('ctools' => array($component)); } /** * Master implementation of hook_features_export_render() for all ctools components. */ function ctools_component_features_export_render($component, $module = 'foo', $data) { ctools_include('export'); $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($component); if (function_exists('page_manager_page_manager_handlers_list')) { page_manager_page_manager_handlers_list(); } if (function_exists($schema['export']['to hook code callback'])) { $list = $schema['export']['list callback'](); $export = $schema['export']['to hook code callback']($data, $module); $code = explode("{\n", $export); array_shift($code); $code = explode('}', implode($code, "{\n")); array_pop($code); $code = implode('}', $code); } else { $code = ' $export = array();'."\n"; foreach ($data as $object) { $identifier = $schema['export']['identifier']; $objects = ctools_export_load_object($component, 'names', array($object)); if (!empty($objects[$object])) { // Support objects that have a defined export callback, but fall back to. // ctools_export_object(). if (function_exists($schema['export']['export callback'])) { $code .= $schema['export']['export callback']($objects[$object], ' '); } else { $code .= ctools_export_object($component, $objects[$object], ' ', $identifier); } $code .= "\n"; $code .= ' $export[\''. $object .'\'] = $'. $identifier .';'."\n"; } } $code .= ' return $export;'; } return array($schema['export']['default hook'] => $code); } /** * Master implementation of hook_features_revert() for all ctools components. */ function ctools_component_features_revert($component, $module = 'foo') { $info = _ctools_features_get_info(); $objects = module_invoke($module, $info[$component]['default_hook']); if (!empty($objects)) { $schema = ctools_export_get_schema($component); $export = $schema['export']; $names = db_placeholders(array_keys($objects), $schema['fields'][$export['key']]['type']); db_query("DELETE FROM {{$component}} WHERE {$export['key']} IN ({$names})", array_keys($objects)); } } /** * Helper function to return various ctools information for components. */ function _ctools_features_get_info($reset = FALSE) { static $components; if (!isset($components) || $reset) { $components = array(); $modules = features_get_info(); ctools_include('export'); foreach (ctools_export_get_schemas_by_module() as $module => $schemas) { foreach ($schemas as $table => $schema) { if ($schema['export']['bulk export']) { // Let the API owner take precedence as the owning module. $api_module = isset($schema['export']['api']['owner']) ? $schema['export']['api']['owner'] : $module; $components[$table] = array( 'name' => isset($modules[$api_module]->info['name']) ? $modules[$api_module]->info['name'] : $api_module, 'api' => $schema['export']['api']['api'], 'default_hook' => $schema['export']['default hook'], 'current_version' => $schema['export']['api']['current_version'], 'module' => $api_module, 'feature_source' => TRUE, ); } } } } return $components; }