'features_command_list', 'description' => "List all the available features for your site.", ); $items['features export'] = array( 'callback' => 'features_command_export', 'description' => "Export a feature from your site into a module.", 'arguments' => array( 'feature' => 'Feature name to export.', ), ); $items['features update'] = array( 'callback' => 'features_command_update', 'description' => "Update a feature module on your site.", 'arguments' => array( 'feature' => 'Feature name to export.', ), ); $items['features revert'] = array( 'callback' => 'features_command_revert', 'description' => "Revert a feature module on your site.", 'arguments' => array( 'feature' => 'Feature name to revert.', ), ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_drush_help(). */ function features_drush_help($section) { switch ($section) { case 'drush:features': return dt("List all the available features for your site."); case 'drush:features export': return dt("Export a feature from your site into a module."); } } /** * Get a list of all feature modules. */ function features_command_list() { $rows = array(array(dt('Name'), dt('Enabled/Disabled'), dt('From'), dt('Timestamp'))); foreach (features_get_features() as $k => $m) { $rows[] = array( $m->name, $m->status ? dt('Enabled') : dt('Disabled'), $m->info['feature_uri'], format_date($m->info['feature_timestamp']) ); } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE); } /** * Create a feature module based on a list of contexts. */ function features_command_export() { $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) == 1) { // Assume that the user intends to create a module with the same name as the // "value" of the context. $stub = array('context' => $args); $split = explode('-', $args[0]); $name = array_pop($split); _features_command_export($stub, $name); } elseif (count($args) > 1) { // Assume that the user intends to create a new module based on a list of // contexts. First argument is assumed to be the name. $name = array_shift($args); $stub = array('context' => $args); _features_command_export($stub, $name); } else { // By default just show contexts that are available. $rows = array(array(dt('Available contexts'))); foreach (context_enabled_contexts(NULL, TRUE) as $k => $c) { $rows[] = array("{$c->namespace}-{$c->attribute}-{$c->value}"); } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE); } } /** * Create a feature module based on a list of contexts. */ function features_command_update() { $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) == 1) { $module = array_shift($args); if ($feature = feature_load($module, TRUE)) { $stub = $feature->info['features']; // Construct the correct destination path $destination = dirname($feature->filename); $split = explode('/', $destination); if ($feature->name == array_pop($split)) { $destination = implode('/', $split); } _features_command_export($stub, $feature->name, $destination); } else { drush_die('The feature '. $module .' could not be found.'); } } else { // By default just show contexts that are available. $rows = array(array(dt('Available features'))); foreach (features_get_features(NULL, TRUE) as $name => $info) { $rows[] = array($name); } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE); } } /** * Write a module to the site dir. * * @param $requests * An array of the context requested in this export. * @param $module_name * Optional. The name for the exported module, it omitted will be generated * from the first listed context. */ function _features_command_export($stub, $module_name = NULL, $destination = 'sites/all/modules') { drupal_flush_all_caches(); module_load_include('inc', 'features', 'features.export'); $export = features_populate($stub, $module_name); if ($feature = feature_load($module_name)) { $export['name'] = $feature->info['name']; $export['description'] = $feature->info['description']; } else { $export['name'] = $module_name; } $files = features_export_render($export, $module_name, TRUE); if ($root = drush_locate_root()) { $directory = "$destination/{$module_name}"; if (is_dir($directory)) { drush_print(dt('Module appears to already exist in !dir', array('!dir' => $directory))); if (!drush_confirm(dt('Do you really want to continue?'))) { drush_die('Aborting.'); } } else { drush_op('mkdir', $directory); } foreach ($files as $extension => $file_contents) { drush_op('file_put_contents', "{$directory}/{$module_name}.$extension", $file_contents); } drush_print(dt("Created module: !module in !directory", array('!module' => $module_name, '!directory' => $directory))); } else { drush_die(dt('Couldn\'t locate site root')); } } /** * Revert a feature to it's code definition. */ function features_command_revert() { $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) == 1) { $module = array_shift($args); if (!($feature = feature_load($module, TRUE))) { drush_die('The feature '. $module .' could not be found.'); } } else { // By default just show contexts that are available. $rows = array(array(dt('Available features'))); foreach (features_get_features(NULL, TRUE) as $name => $info) { $rows[] = array($name); } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE); return; } // Find all overridden items module_load_include('inc', 'features', 'features.export'); $overrides = features_detect_overrides($feature); if (count(array_keys($overrides)) > 0) { drush_print(dt('Found !number component!plural to revert: !components', array('!number' => count(array_keys($overrides)), '!components' => implode(array_keys($overrides), ', '), '!plural' => count(array_keys($overrides)) > 1 ? 's' : ''))); } else { drush_print(dt('Current state already matches defaults, aborting.')); return; } foreach (array_keys($overrides) as $component) { if (!drush_confirm(dt('Do you really want to revert !component?', array('!component' => $component)))) { drush_print(dt('Skipping !component.', array('!component' => $component))); continue; } module_load_include('inc', 'features', "features.{$component}"); if (!module_hook($component, 'features_revert')) { drush_print(dt('Features does not know how to revert !component', array('!component' => $component))); continue; } $result = module_invoke($component, 'features_revert', $module); if (!$result) { drush_print(dt('Revert !component failed.', array('!component' => $component))); } else { drush_print(dt('Reverted !component.', array('!component' => $component))); } } }